i. r ? f . FRANKLINTON Our Regular Cc Items of Interest G and Near Our Sister CLOSES ON V There*Were Seven Men. There were seven men, and one I s was a fool, 6 And one was the boss of a eoun- 1 try school: < 1 The third was a ?>->n with a won- h droits brain. \ The fourth was a crook, the tifih o insane. The sixth was a preacher, the sev- (. entb a knave, And they all were bound for the p selfsame grave. , Hl The fool, as Time wltirled( its ^ weary way, w lie came professor, honored aud n K">: tt The kchoolmasier worked from bis low position p And became a national politician; The brainy chap lost his ntind, the ^ crook Became a priest, with his scowi and Book-? And the crazy man recovered his mind While the knave took to saving hie fellow-kind; w And only one stuck to his trade of the seven? S| The preaoher kept preaching of w Hell and Heaven. There were seven men, there were seven minds, M There were seven humans of seven kinds; vi And none who had known in their 01 early days These men who traveled their l9 seven ways, v Cl Would have thought that the crook would a parson be. p Or the knave would take up hu- BO inanity But you never can tell?and the moral is here; * ^ Don't accept things always as they "PPe", For tinder rhe gris le and skin and bone Is something that works in a way of lis own? ho And you may never know the vi saint from the knave This side of the edge of the com- Fi mon grave. yj ? ?Henry Edward Warner.' ! y ?It takes more than a dailv bath _ T to keep some men's record clean. ?A close student of human nature seldom lends money to his friends. * ?The S. A. L. sold 125 tickets ID foi the Oxford excursion Saturday. ?W. A. Whitfield informs us that ^ he will soon go to a new field of ^ -work. yj ?Walter Cooke has accepted a position with the Sterling Cotton y Mill* store. ^ ?The splendid rain on Monday y afternoon was worth a great deal to j the farmers. ?Some peoples connternances are grave enough to break an under- ^ takers heart.?From the way some of them were tj digging bait Tuesday we think they ^ -contemplate "going" fishing. ?Unless a man gets married he gl will probably go to his grave, be- c 'lieving that be knew it all.?Ex. _ g ?J. C. Wormouth, who has been 1 'very sick for several weeks, we are b glad to say, is much bettei at this t writing. ?Durwood Kearney, eon of I. H. I Kearney, has taken charge of the blacksmith department of Kearney's repair shops. > j '?Miss Katie Worthara, who has J been very sick for several weeks, at ] Mr. F. J. Whitfield's, is rapidly re- , ssrWiM. The.trained none, Miss | v ' Settle CI egg, retetued home Bea, i ?We are glad to inform her many 1 little frtsnda that little Janie Peerea, 1 / who has been confined to her bed eeveral_ weeks with fever, is new ' deer of fever and improving rapair. at > ^ II NEWS ITEMS irrespondent athered From in Town Each Week % WEDNESDAY ^ / ?The first cotton blooms of the eason were brought in on Monday iy John Harris, who bves on Mrs. Jettie Winston's lutni and Jo'?ll i iodic who lives on Charlie While's oid. Reuben Wilder and Isaac Vilder also had blooms on exhibition n Tuesday. ?Miss Ordrey Fuller, daughter of ieorge Fuller, of Granville county, rfts taken to St. Luke's Hospital, ffclimond, last Thursday, where a aocessful operation was performed n Saturday. Reports up to this riting were that she waa doing ioely and will return home in.about ro Weeks. ersonals C. J. Ward left for Hamlet Mod?7 Mrs. Bessie McGhee went to Uichond^fonday. J. J. Thomas, of Raleigb, is visitg at J. L. Green's. Di. WW. Suley, of Suffolk, Va.,. as on otar streets Mouday. MifiJua K" Ittin TT. II?.!? j. - -u.tfo a voiwt nuu naij^ic wed are visiting in Louisburg this eek. Mrs. Stainback and sors, of lienjrsun, are visiting al Joseph T. oss\ Miss Lilly W inston, of Youngalle, is visiting at Dr. S. C. Ford's I Main street. Mrs. Barnes, of Taledsgo, Ala., visiting Mies Kate Whittield 011 egg Heights. Mrs. W. W. Alcocke left last rulay for several days visit to her n in Kooky Mount. Miss Cora Garner, of Granville unty, is visiting her sister, Mrs. H. Fuller, on Clegg Heights. Mrs. Ernest Suher and Miss Grace hitlej, *jt Senna, are visiting Miss llian Blackley, on Greene street. Miss Josephine Henley returned Qie Monday, after several weeks i siting friends m Scotland Neck. Misses Pearl Reavis and Gussie inch, of Henderson, are visiting iss OiA Cooke, oti Clegg Heights. Miss Eula Fur wan, who has tieen siting her slater in Portsmouth, a., lot ecveral hays, returned home nesday. Mrs. Bessie Owen and children ith Miss E. C. Norman, of Yaukin ollegc, are visiting Mrs. G. P. Noran. on M&unn str?nf Mrs. Kerr, daughter of W. W.| .Icocke, returned to her home in | linton Friday, after several weeks ' isit to her parents here. J. M. Gupton, of the firm of J. i. Rose & Co., of Henderson, and irmerly with Franklinton -Bottling forks, was a .visitor to our city uesciay. f To Members Company F. Capt. Kearney wishes as to state > the members of Company F. that rere has been some confusion as to ha dates for encampment due to an rror in publication of the dates in atne of the Mate papers. The enarapment will be held the week btinning with July lbth and not July 7th or 19th. The members will >ear this in mind and make prepara ions accordingly. n Honor of Misses Stovall and May. Last Thursday evening Misses tiutb, Lallie and Lucy Bell Blackley charmingly entertained a number of their friends in hon yt of their ;ueats Miss LocV Stoyall, of Stovall, and Miaa Mattie May, jf Durham. The following young people were in attendance: Misses Bailie White, Lena Ethridga, May Cooper, Maybell MoGhee, Rebecca Wester, Ada May, Messrs. Shem Oooke, Claiboum Bbekley, Robert Speed, Faml Ethridge, William Bom, kid win Rom, Scott Norman, Fred L jr-'jfirfW" a J f'r _ "* * . fr.tfVj ' j ... . * ' * ' VTJ . ^ . ' t Morris. Hugh McGinn-. The t_ueets .were from the \iiUD8cr people of the t.mu and the affair * <? innon - the linnet delightful of the summer mouths, and greatly en w < d by ihd little guests, who at a late hour de- " p'uled fur their homes, all declaring the Misses Blackleg charming hostesses, ?' Miss Frances Mitchell Dead-. Mies Frauces A. Mitchell died at the home of Iter brother. J. I.. Mitchell, near town, Sunday morning at 5 o'clock. She wss b;l years old and w as horn in Granville county.She leaves two brothers, .1. I., Mitchell. and \\ iley Mitchell, of Middleburg. The burial services were I held front the house at 11 o'clock and was conducted by Kev. VV. W. Rose ot the Methodist church. The nallbearera were C. J. Ward, H. E. Pearce, B, W. Ballard, S C. Vann, A. B. Wester^ R. U. Hicks, A. S. Joyner, W. Al. MsGbes. Frye-EtherldgeAt 0 o'clock Saturday afternoon ' at the home of ber mother,on Clegg Heights, in the presence of a few friends only Mias Ruth, the beautiful and accomplished daughter ot Mrs. Lena Ethridge became the bride of Mr. John R. Fry's the popular night Superintendent of the Sterling Cotton Mills here, Rev, W. i W . Rose of the Methodist church performing the ceremony. Mr. and1 i Mrs-. Frye will at present board' with i Mrs. Fryea mother. The entire Com- * rifunity extend congratulations. ALL WRONG The Mistake Is Made by Many Loulsbar? Citizens. Don't mistake the cause of backache. To(be cured you must know the cause. \ It is wrong to \ imagine relief' iscore. Backache is bsdMy ache. You roust outetM kidneys. A resident of thia vicinity shows you bow. Eugene Thorase,! Adams Ave., Henderson, X. X, \says: *1 J8e<i __ Doan's Kidney Pills land jmust sat that they benefitted tne more ^than any other remedn 1 eteV tried. For' V years I bad kidnWv trouble and I sufferrd almost Vudstantly from 1 backache and distm- ing pains in 1 my loins. Some day A 1 was hardly ' able to stMid for mer- than twenty _ minutes at iytirue and I rarely got a ~ full night's rfctt. 1 \took several kinds of mediomhi, i id also wore I I plasters, but I lb ad no relief. I Doan's Kidney Pills wiere finally I recommended to-me i nd halting a box, I began tlioi* u*>. They re _ moved my aohes-and pains and rostojred tne to better health than I had a enjoyed for years. Some years ago I publicly endossed Doen's Kidney I Pills and at this time ; I am glad to speak in thein- praise again. The _ benefit I received has been lasting." ~ For M?l? Vtv all flualxxr-41 T>a>(ava RH cents. Koeter-Milburn Co.,. New I York, sole agents for the United * States. *1 .. aT Remember the name?Doan's-? and take uo other. Attention Farmers- X The next convention of the Franklin county Farmers Onion wilt he held at Mapleville on the first Thursday in Jnly. Public address at 10 o'clock A. M. After the address, the Union will go into exeetative aeasion for the transaction of husineas. All Locals in the county are urged to report to the county secre tary before the abovq date. _ Committee. % Reflections of a Bacholor. A girl seems to be crazy to have I red hair, unless she has it. I Theory can start a man, but he'd | better finish on horse sense. A man doesn't ball it deceiving his wife if his excuse worker _ There's not enough money to A make ell people millionaires, so moat of litem have none at all. k A> man wants to spend big money ; 1 on having a good time off somewhere, especially it be oca Id have 1 i better at borne for nothing.?Wlfw I York Press. _ ' : "T ' ' 'dZ' j BttaBMHBftBMfo :>,<!. .vacvrmMBiBBM 77" ' IVi R. FA I Have Jus1 One Car Load ( M ' V I ?- v \ I , One Car Load of Mc< Car i^oad of Coli I sell everything that iVmed by the Inter ry s stock of buggies, sutries carriages am .^harness flitting, robes, whips horse medic: Don't come io Louisbi a lo(Js at the <k>mple Machinery Improved machinery saves lapor andJuake time if you don't farm with improved nuc with a light crop to harvest. Which mean* fellows'will call no "near" orl"farmerie?" \ i \ 1 YOUR TRUI K. P. HAVE ( Fhose Sewi TH/ fOU HAVE BBEW Wtor. 4-V SI ?- * " ?ucu jruu aw uicui juu Willi uc tunviiiceti I ithout one. They are needed in ever r housi id she will never get through thfiriVin r y0u 1 'he Price is so Small Ev >ryb CALL IN Al l _ ' > 1 .. .. #f. \ [y entire line of Furniture is always k rpt in 3t find a better selection to choose from, evei We Are Detirmi JNDERTAKINB , Shall be oeco aid although we hope you may not need our member we are always ready tc ' ' f ' ZSS^SSESBSSSESEESBSSZ^SSSS^SSSESSEEESEZ IS. E. WDite Fl ,.'i * 1 . /i \ V- /, Jiifi-tfr ,v 'Ltkv ' -*?* wsk V ' ' . 1 rmerI ; Received I )f McCormick I /ers I formic Rakes, One ilmbus Wagons national Harvesting Co. I also car1 a full and complete stock of Harness Ine. irg unless you take . te stock of Farm I 1 carry. ' I s money for you, In this day and hinery you will find yourself next fall miie money to you, ana tne otner ' \^sell ou (rood easy time. \\ I FRIEND I HILL J iOT THEM! ing Tables I I LOOKING FUR I tat no woman can successfully keep house ihold. Make your wife a present of one I 'or it. ody Can Afford to Buy One. I 10 SEE IT I firsvfrass shape and we are sure you will i in a thwn three times large as Louisburg I ined That Our I DEPARTMENT | nd to None I services, still if you are so unfortunate, re? do all in our power for you'. I ltflitae Conjpaoy 1

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