- FR^NKLIN-7 TIMES ? i " ? A. F. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager , =4 n* y kak, - - - *1.00 { iix months, - - - u6 I HlltiK IIONTUB, - . .'?6|' * ? - - ' - - - I Friday, June 30, 1011. 1 . The editors met nt Lenoir tlie past il week. ??? m See the games of baseball here i between Raeford and Louisburg | next week. ,e ? ? j J The investigation of the sugar] ^trust is attracting right much ntten- J tion just now. k The heavy winds on Tuesday j .j flight did much damage to both crops and property. . ?_ a 'Are you doing anything to help! upbuild your town? If. not don'tr* you.think you ought to? _ !a Iv insto.V gets the school for the I f feeble min led to be' erected and j maintained- by the State. C ai Hox. A. S. Dor kery, died at his home in Rockingham. X. C\, dnij, ? Tuesday of thjs week of pneumonia. _ " : ai . The officers should keep strict vatch over places like pool rooms j and see that the Jaw concerning Q minors entering is strictly complied with. Thomas Stoxk, who was sentenced I to the roads for eight months for lar- I ceny at the January term of court! n had Iiis sentence commuted by Gov.; b Kitchin, the past week, to four: months. | u Id A Pooni.Y managed pool room is | ^ one of the worst enterprises a town I. can have. I* is not only a source of trouble to the officials, but is continually leading the younger ^ bovs astrav. " T Ox Saturday morning tire destroy-1 ed two dwelling houses, a Methbdist a' church and two stores near the Cot-, u ton Mill section in Henderson. A ] t* young lady 1' years of age lost her f life in the fire. The daroaee was j great, but partly insured. j ]j Iv there is uo law to prevent', minors from frequenting pool rooms iJ* and otlier places of snch nature,' there should be and the town fatk-! ers wouid do the younger generation of Louisburg a great service by j n making such a law, and having it ^ enforced, at once. j " " Pocomoke Items. Quite a number of our people *- went to Oxford St. John's Day. W. il. Jones and Miss Lucie i Jones visited friends 'near Creed-1U more last Sunday. We are expecting to hare a new I cotton gin at Pocomoke. Mise Annie Pool is in Richmond j > with her mother, Mrs. Pooh who was a taken there last Wednesday tor an < ( operation. i p Mrs. Audrey Bailey had a sac-1 * cessful operation for appendicitis in; F Richmond, last Satnrday. | o W. M. Jones, Misses Ethel j h Holmes, Clyde, Katie and Ethel o Mitchell and little Auburn Mitchell j li spent Sunday afternoon at Pocomoke. 11 The crops tn this section are [ nearly all clean, and our people will j ? soon be ready for "laying by." We are sorry to learn that B. W. j & May is right sick. I ^ , Rev. J. W. Patton spent Satur- ? day night at G. R. Fuller's. Mis. Martha G'atlett has been' much better for the past few days Kenneth Morris and Miss Oza Mangnm were married last week and took a bridal trip to Washington ' c??yWe extend our best wishes to the h editor and readers of the Tims. _ DtftlSE H ARBIS. f John?"Bill whet is this stuff they call Ocryalite made of T" " Bill?"I don't know what it la made of bat it makes cotton grow t like h fry?..,' > '** -v " -- L Hickory Rock Items. Rev. D. T. Bumi tilled his regular ippointment at Hickory last Sunlay. He preaehed a very interestng sermon. Mies Lula Hedgepetli~ur~visitin'g Hiss Mary IIolliiigBworth, of Castaia, this week. Topi and Harry Lanier, of War enton, were pleasant Visitors at W. r. Wilder s last Saturday and Sunlay. "Ernest Sledge spent last Sundty u Cedar Hock "on business of tourse." Tlie ladies will give an ice cream lupper at Hickory "Hock Academy luty 8th at night for the purpose of jetting lamps for Mt. Uilead church, -oine boys and,bring your best girls ind pocket book with you. -All tiuds of refreshments will be served. L'he public is cordially invited. Quite a number of our people round here attended the Children's ay ' at Piney Grove the last third 'Uiiday. All report a nice time. Mr- W. P. Tharrington and wife ttended the quarterly conference at 'iney Grove last Saturday. We are proud to note that Mrs. '. T. Uzzle is Improving very fast nd hope she will soon be out again. Miss Irene Sledge is visiting at littletou this week. The scholars were somewhat disppointed as the SuperintendenT -asn't at Mt. Gilead last Sunday, .et eyerybody go next Sunday at 3 'clock p. m. MIN--VOW 1X1) TI-rtlk. Ingleslde Items We are having some fine weather ow, and the crops are a good deal etter. The.Children's Day exercises will i ike place at Trinity church Satur- ! ay, July 1st The public is cor-j ially invited. Let all come and ring a basket full. \V. T. Person and B. F. Keavis j ent over to Oxford on motorcycles I aturdayto attend St. John's Day. j hey report a fine time. < The quarterly conference was held I 1 Piney Grove church on last Sat-1 rday and there was a large crowd > hear Mr Hall's splendid sermon.' Greenwood Hill made a Hying ] ip io Kearneys etore Thursday, le says he went on business, but^j There was a match game of ball i laved at Ingleside Saturday be-! ween Ingleside and Epsom the i tore being 17 and 1 in our favor J Kev. G. VV. Starling filled his reg- ; jar appointment at Trinity Sunday, i 'here was a large crowd out to hear im. Kev. E. D. Poe will preach at 'oriuth church the second Sunday i -July.** Let's everybody go to hear |ra. WiitKinrr tKo Twpu ami iiu nrlitnv i luch success. - Jolly Bibds j Resolutions of Respect At a meeting of Centreville Local | To. 672 of the Farmers Educational j nd Cooperative Uuion of America,] be following resolutions were assed: 1st?That whereas our Supreme tuler has seen fit to remove from)] ur local, brother A. D. Williams^ y Uis great wisdom, we have lost I ne'of our best and most Iconscienious members. ? 2nd?That the members of this' meal extend to hi9 bereaved family ieir deepest sympathy in their hour f deep distress. 3rd?That a copy ot this be pread upon our minute book, a copy ? sent to The Franklin Tutus for lubiication, also a copy to the beeaved family. S. G. Bookie, G. M. Ratnob, G. K. Stbkklano, . Committee. Pointed Paragraphs. Faint praise ne'er flattered fair ady. Jolliers don't always get the most un out of it Never judge a man by hie clothes iotee? he is a tailor. In a free and easy community here is always something doing. Half a dozen' drinks a day will s/ - 'Hi , y fj:-4 >' 'r'rlg:<' f. ' iJyT \ f Wiiiii lll ItMlmir .fe>*4U? ? ' hurt no man?if lie stick* to water.' Spinsters and widows never envy a woman who baa a busbard to support. The more a young man admires a 1 girl, the surer she is not to t>e his sister. Ho*' small a 40-horsepowei automobile must feel w en it is being hauled home by a oouple of homely mu'ea! It is easier tor a cornel to go through the eye of a needle than it is for some men to induces thread to accomplish the same teat?Chicago News. I =? ' ? For Rent Cheap -I Hale 1 Four Bricl; Stores \ For R :nt One on Xaah St -eot next to Ueasley-Alftton D: ug Company and three dWow tlie Racket store, also on \Jai 1 Street. The above can be re\t d by the lirst . J o?Augn?t. I oo apy the one j next to the I fcasley-Alston Drug Co., but wii give posses- | Nion at once. * ; I am Also Going toNClose Out all my Men's and Wom&ns slip2" l>ers way down A ? UNDER C0S\ 500 Shirts at 3:1 1 3 per cent\ul uer co?. a am ?losing out ev ^rvthing under tost. Come on ?- and get a storerbuilding, bu)\ me out if you wnnt t6 at a dis-\ count. These stores will be \ rented cheap. \ J.. P. Winston. ...ICE;:.. ICE! ICE! / ICE! This is to notify you that I will see you in/ person or send you a statement of the amount of ytwr/ account up j to July 1st., aim same must) be paid prompflVAccounts Wot Paid by 5th, Will be Cut Off Until Paid. . _ So help us out by coining to ?he ice /house and paying your account. Pay us promptly and we will deliver your ice promptly. J. W. King I - I excussioh; \ To flsti&ville, N. C. j The Aaj id of The Sky V Via SodttjrD flailolay 1 On Tuesda p, July 11th Spec al Trail} , Schedule lnd Round Trip Farei las Follows:' j Leave Goldsbc o\ 7.00 a. m. <5.00 J I Selma V 7.58 a. m. . 5.00 j I *' Raleigh \ 9.00 a. m. , 4.75 j " Durhan 10.10 a.m. 4.75 j Rates in Saane Proportion From Dthar Stations Dont Miss This Ob porttmity Tickets will te good returning to leave AahevlUe enkny returning tra'n leaving Aaheville onto and including Friday, July 14th, lall. Separate cant for colored people J For full infofriat^ou tee your agent or write ) J. 0. JOKES, T. Pi A. I Raleigh, N. C. { !_ * y - ' - # v-' Jv } , / '. t pmn * iitesHsi^ mm [Farmers and M ??"f pSlfMNi VI LI T WCON After you marry th? girl of your choice a b sides the man who savea his money is thought r. position of responsibility/ over the man who spei <7 * Make Our Hank Your Bank. We pay liberal interest cortsis THE FARMERS AND LOUISBUPG, I OFFICERS C. B. Cheatham, Pres. P. X. Egerton, Via M. S. Clifton, Assists UNDER SUPERVISION OF THE S | ATTEN | When You Buy I Vf A You will want to buy the best and freshesrco be llui, X ^ Mr. G. L.,Aycock has been bliyioc and sellink youlseed f ? new seed and what to buy and how to assort IfceuJ for yo X Remember our Drugs and Medicine! are W~~ ? Highest Standi ^ Remember also that your old .friends and professionals, A dispense these and till your prescriptions whitai is a pos X served if you will give us your patronage in oir line. W toilet articles. There is no cold drinks made lo equal in bcautififsoda fountain. Our store is the prettiest in to dial and hearty welcome. / I THE AYCdCK ' I $ ml v NOAH REM MAMUFi I Ml NOAH'S Yn. ' ^^sl- ,AND/VETE5| 610 LAST C/^Y?TIT^EtV / A Mr. A. F. Johnson, \ / V The Franklin Times1/ /\ Louisburg, Nortn C&rcrlin V* Dear Sir: #1 / \ A p t _ , r j ? j ' w unclose i ina remi juamce t OA A vertising service to/d Ite, Kin* We hav^ now been Mvertis^ng # past thre<? years,' ar*/ will stat best mediums we areKn. We key haps'you know and syl can get at ^ Liniment and our <ytfiei preparat your field, the lAslilt of publi FV are positive. \w ycu/ can use t w. age among your j/resVi/t> or pros vertisers,?yoyai e at Liberty 1 for all favor/ we beg to remair ?aithfull ? . NOAH Louis 1 ?"v' ' J ' ' \ \ _ - ,r. ai.. i s- - ' erchants Bank unq Man: A c Account L GIVE YOU FIMNCLs 3N VOWS" fO>P5MG ' ART NOW" WMhf=' " r ank account will come in handy. Benore of by his employer and is given the' ids all he makes. J itent with safety 4 per cent, compounded quarterly MERCHANTS BANK N. C. ' I'rps? It. Y. McAden, Cashier. ut Cashier. tate of nootu r- a r>?. .... , W1, , , , wnnULiPIH TION | H t Turnip Seed f t hen buy them of the Aycock Drug Co. Our W or 18 years. He knows when to buy to get ^ u to give you the best results. ^ ^ New and Fresh and are of the X _ 1 of Purity. W. L. Aycock and Sam Boddie are with us to W im-e guarantee that your interest will be best A e are headquarters for sundries and high class ^ / ileliqiousness those made by Clayton at our / xvn, a^which there always awaits Jou a cor- ^ DRUG CO. | ' .... j EDY COMPANY T .OBPon/rtD A (\CT^JRERS OF I X UNIMENT INARY REMEDIES TELEPHONE MONROE 2736 J lflOND,""VA. "" * 1 ft4 0 in cot?i _-v..icment for ad- 9 fiw ledge. ur paper for the ink i t one o f the ,v rertising as per- 9 d esults , and Noah's '>T ire a big sale in. "The Times" we 9 ter to any advant, customers and ad- 9? nd thanking y0u A yours, V-v- ' / 9 REMEDY CO., Inc.. ^ , 5/' Martin, Treasurer. _ T v . ' ."s , . * 4 . ' \ . i > . ^ - .&.-**?*\ v ' ' - \ ; ..

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