<" ^*<1 f>t<1 -> <"? fM<1 Tt B&ys and Who are , t k J^do their share of the work in the wo in conserving their income, and t while growing a bank account, will pfo^ positions of influence and responsibility '1 THE FIRST r LOUISBU UNDER SUPERVISION i FRANKLIN TIMES T. h JOHNSON. Editor and Manager Friday. June 30. 1911. A Prayer. Across the miles to you, dear heart, Comes love and faith each day Irom me, And though we must now be apart I guard you by my earnest plea; I always pray this little prayer, f-All Ironn ?AI1 o?* #**! ? ,uvu nvoj/ 7 vu oaiC>jr C|tl J rniVlCi Today I may not touch your hand, Nor look upon your dear, strong face, But Ah, you know and understand The words that fly across the space, And there' is ever just this prayer, God keep you safely everywhere? The thought of you makes time seem bright, It helps me through the long, long day, And in the quiet hours of night I think of you, so far away; Then e'er T sleep I pray this prayer, God keep you safely everywhere. With arms outstretched I turn my eyes Out to the world wlierB still you roam, Kach day I wait the glad surprise That brings you back to me and home; While always for you is this prayer, God keep you safely, every Where. ?LilLA Biplf.t Babsweil. Hendersonville, N. C. June, 1911. ' TAR PRQP& ?ShalT we. have-, the market liou*/r. - /-?What about the '.hospital fat // Louisburg?". " ?Push your town and your towii will push you. ?Shall we revive the old Cham-1 ber of\lonimerce? ?Kead the advertisement of Supt. W. R/Mills in this issue. ?Do something to boost your i town. Don't be a pull back. ?The heavy wind on Tuesday night blow down the town bell. ?Read the advertisement about the baseball games to be here next week. ?The street committee would do well to liavq the weeds out down on the streets. ?Quite a large number of our people took in the exoiirsfoff to Oxford Saturday. ?No doubt some fast ball will be played at Williamson's park next week. Go out. ?If you are in earnest about your love for baseball go out to witness the games next week. ?We hope the spirit of improvement will sttr the people of Louis^ burg again this, season. ?Anybody ought to be willing to take either of the past few days in payment for hot weather. ?If you waiit your boy or girl to attend the graded echoed here next term you had better have them vaccinated. ?Don't forget that on Monday, # Tuesday and Wednesday ot next week we will have baseball at Williamson's park. ?Quite a large number "of our people went to Peaohtree yesterday to attend the public Installation of the officers of%3entral cross lodge. ?Read all the changes of advertisements in this iague. There is a great "deal you can learn from them, even thougll ybu are not in the market for anything. , " , r, -S I - r. 1 . ]\ / - . A- ^ Y . ' ' - ^ "7 ^^ > CWW? ->^0 f>M1 HE \ ----Young Men AMBITIOUS l\ : rid llnd the^t irdy habits which they he valuable a, quaintances they make /e a material relp in placing them in late r in lite. JATIONAL \ANK RG, N. C. UF U."?TfeoVEKNMENT ?ft. W. Ford lost his. saw iniii that was located near W. G. Bafl's I one nighiTtbis week by fire. The I damage was right muab_ and the j cause of the fire is unknown. ?Nearly all ot the back streets | are badly in need of the attention ot | the street committee and no doubt it would be wise to put them jg. good I shape before they get too bad off. ?We learn that Dr. Burt is p'reparing to have the sidewalk around his building on the. corner of Main and Court streets, paved. This will be a great improvement to this corner. y/C ?We are requested to slate that Rev. J. W. Sledge will rpreach at Oak Grove church, three miles east of Wi?ke Forest, on the second Sunday in Jhly at 11 a. in., and on Saturday afternoon before at 3 o'olock. ?We are requested by Secretary T. H. Sledge to state that all the lady members of tbe^Fariners Union in Franklin county are invited to attend the county meeting at Maple vilie on July Gth. ?Cards have been received announcing the marriage of Mies Claude Aycocke to Mr. James M. [ Adams, on Wednesday June 28lh, Florence, S. C. Her many friends | here extend congratulations and best j wishes. ?We desire to call attention to the advertisement of the State Nor\ mill and industrial College which appears, in this issue. Every year shows a steady growth in this institution devoted to the higher education of the women of North Carolina. The College last year had a total enrollment of 909 students. Eighty-seven of the ninety-eight counties of the State had repr- sentativea in the studeat-body. Nine tenths of all the graduates of thif institution have taught or are now rescuing m me schools ut JNorttK Carolina. The dormitories are far. nisbed byxthe State and board is provided at actual cost. Two hundred appointments with free tuition, apportioned among the several counties according to school- population; will be awarded to applicants about the middle of July. /Students who wish to attend this institution next y^ar should make application as early as possible, as the capacity of the dormitories is limited. V STOCKHOltlERS MEfcjING. * The regular emi-annstfl meeting of stockholder of Jme Louisburg Wagon Co., wil be^feld at tho office of the company o^Wednesday, July 6th, 1911, at 3 fclock p. m. Geo! H. Cooper, Pres. Through Road Items As I haven't soeu any items from here lately will seud in a few to let you' knoyv we are slill in the land of the living. The crops of this section are grow-"' ing rapidly, since the rain and "Mr. Greens" progress is just fine. Frank Hicks and George Hunt Visited IMouttoij last Sunday and re ports a grand '.itue. A crowd from here attended the children's day exeroises nt.Serepta Sunday. The exercises were dine as was also Mr. Thompson's sermon in *V . s. ? . V * a-, "f. J '* *" S ' ,* ' ? , ' ' - 1 ' ; I ;\' * ' the afternoon. J. H. Hunt, who has been in lb* hospital ui Baltimore the past week, Underwent an operation for appen. dicilis all right, and from last reports he is getting on nicely. Sam Foster and Joseph Hunt were visitor* near Moulton Sunday. With best wishes for the Times. Brown Kykm. ?' ' You WilUake Notice. I Strict observance of the following t | named ordinances of thVTown of Lou1 isburg will be insisted upon, viz: Ordiuance 14, Sec. 1. Any person * ; who shall throw or cause-to be thrown ' any trash or wood or othe* "obstruction < ijjto the gutters of the streets of the < town shall be liable ttrHa fine of five t dollars for each offense. Sec. 2. No person shall sweep, throw or deposit any garbage or burn, except ' with the pet-mission of the Mayo.*, any < trash in the streets of the town under I i a penalty of fivo dollars for each offense. < Sec. 3. The occupant of any lot or store-house in town who Bhall allow j any garbage or trash to be swept,!' thrown or deposited on the streets, or i < in the ditches, shall be subject to a fine | < of .five dollars for each offense. . j < Sec. 4. The owners or occupants of' ^ any~fetore, restaurant, office or other business house within the Town of Lop- ' I isburg sdiall bo and are hereby required : < to have conveniently on the premises ! < a box, barrel or other receptacle into ! 4 which shall be thrown, swept or depos-1 ited all of the trash or garbage accum^4 ulating within their respective ulatfes, < ot business; and said boxes, barfels or rectotacles, shall at leosj^as often as * once>ii week be emptieeTand hauled off < < at tlieNoxpense of^tfie town. All per- i sons failingjo^conjply with this ordinance slian be lined two dollars for |. each offense. Ben T. Ho l den, . "' // Mayor.' j < Removal Notice After August let I will move my stock of Furniture 10 tlje W. P. Neal < & Co's. building or*. Main street and , will enlarge mv stoc&find carry an upto-date line of all kijrc^s of furniture. 1 < v,hii una see me Dottf before and after i moving for bargain. \ / Jxo\S. Howei.l < Vaccination!' Vacillation! ' At a recent nieetinfc of tj^Hoard of Graded School Trusfces^Xa resolution < was adopted, requiringXll pupils to be < vaccinated successfuuf before b-ing allowed to attend thflGraded School. < It is highly hnportamtlthat parentis at- , tend to this matteXoeiore school opens This regulation ml be enforced and we < trust no one vjl\ be I e*.clumises to be fine sport.' ?he visiting team i is unde r Rufe Pool, Cap- i tain, ai d among its play- j i ?ers is :he McKeithans. i , Louisbi irg will have to ( play w th her on these ( days, Jim and Sam I Turnar and Smith from j Wake forest. Let ev- ( erybod; r go out and wit- ( ness ti ese games "and j tell yot r friends about it ( that tl ey may go out t and enjoy them also. j '. .. ( ~V b l.y ~ ^ I Specials... I Just^l A new lot of all kinds of turnip Seeds, ' special prices < t TO COUNTRY M We will say, we can sell youyGroves C i Medicine Co's* goods at wholesale prict of Cardui, Black Draught/Buinine, 5 Cure and many other articles cheaj wholesale houses. Send us your ordei | Beaslcy-Alston Y Irtstrilfi Vnnr T " " ^ x/uv/tuwLu L/cavc i our f and they will be filled as written, N( TDTED, If we haven't what is prescri I) 51i33Kffi i m ' imd^w i S 6-Sfl| v ' - : f Wl?" r?- - : * I pl^Jp 1 L- P. H % I , -~== / , Just.. i "5L, U I One/?ar Choike Pea k ' The Best Hay ;\ DonX Forget Cereailite, it; McKinne Bros. SATISFACTION olp YOI .t=T V ' ' i \ .. " : ' r. - deceived j all the best and freshest seed, X [ERCHANTS t v hill Tonic and all tlje Paris ; aqd save the freight. Wine Sulphur, Gowans Pneumonia >er than you can biry from i Drue Co. 'rescriptidns Here to be Filled )THING WILL BE SUBSTI T bed we wont fill. J ' You Know pPf Our Lard | -^a^?moked | T' Meat I The best at J 7? the Right : > . i|| Pricee?Kept X and Sold >]j Under Condi- J rffl tions of n % .' ji Scrupulous 1 ?Cleanliness G 3 A. ICKS, | ^WwWwwwVMfP'Uvw^wWw^P 3 g 9 it/nrl r y cu ? | Green Alfalfa. Grown . X 5 Time to Use it Now # Company | JR MONEY BACK X ' mmmmmmmmmmmm J HMMMIIMHHM "