WHtkr?-^ I June! Will Be Special Bargain Month f i At The Bi/C LM? Little Store Big reduction made on Ladies and* Chilarens OXFORDS I \ Slippers andj|! Piunpsi Leonard, Shaw and\ Dean fine Slippers for \ Men Boys. Slippers \ and all Summer Shoes must go to make room for fell Shoes, which are now being received Extra Specials 200 Pair Pure SMose and Half Hose 25 Cls > They have Linen tops heels and toes, same as] sold heretofore at 50 Cents. 800 yards (new (foods,) good quality fast colors, shirting **? *? ? caiicos all you want 4 l-2c. 100 yards short length of pant goods, worth 15 to 20a now 12 l-2c. Persian Lawn worth 15c, 45 inches, now 12c- Persian Lawn worth 25c, now 18c. Persian Dawn worth 35c now 22 cents. Lintn Torchon lace up to 4 1-2 inches wide 5c as cheap as cotton torchon and prettier patterns never before sold at this price. I have jvst received a new lot of figured lawn bought cheap and priced low. WARNER'S RUST PROOF NONBREAKABLE CORSETS are proving tnsir popularity.I have in my third order in less -?than two months R. TLEGERTON r i . v.. . ;v> . ' w:. - ~ ..-*-r* Suggestive Questioijs On the Sunday School Lraon by Rev. Dr. linscott fo^the International Press tortile Question Club ^ Copyripkt 1911 by fttv'.T S July 9tu, 1911. Tlie Suffering Servant of Jehovah. Isa. lii:13?liii: 112Uolden Text?The Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of all. laa liii:t>. (1.)Verse 13?Who was the "serv ant" of whon^ Isaiah speaks ? (2.) What ib it to be a servant of God, and how does Jesus fulfil such a position ? (3.) In how many respects is Jesus "exalted, extolled," ami "very high?" (4.) Verses 14-15?Notw ithstaudI iug the Old Testament prophecies concerning the suffering Messiah was there a single person who was not "astonished" at Ins crucifixion? (5.) Why were all the people- of God including his apostles "astonished," and disappointed, at the crucifixion of Jesus? (6.) What has Jesus "sprinkled" the nations with ? (7.) What proportion of the kings 'of the presidents of the nations look to and honor Jesus as the Saviour ot the world ? (8.) Verse liii:l?llow rnary today believe this "report" of the suffering son of God?>* (9.) Why have ko many Afused to believe this report?" (10) What relation do those whom God has delivered from their sins and their sorrowful fears, bear to this "report?" (11.) Verses 2-3?What would I have been the Tesult ot God's cause, if the world's redeemer had belonged to a kingly home instead of a carj penter's? (12.) What would have been the | difference in the results if Jesus had been a great general, a legisla- \ J tor, or merchant prjoce? (13.J What class of men have! despised and rejected Jesus? (14.) Did God want Jesus to be "a man of sorrows?" (15.) Verses 4-9?How has Jesus ( borne our griefs and sorrows? (IS.) Did God plan to have the j Jews reject Jesus and to crucify him? j Give your reasons. (17.) Could Jesus have borne ouri griefs and saved our souls if the Jews had accepted him? (,18) When the prophet says "We I did esteem him stricken, smitten of \God*and afflicted," were the Jews or j nthers right or wrong in so think. i' "8 * ()9.) Was God at any time angry with Jesus, or did he ever punish bim? \ (20.) In what way did Jesus bear all the cruel insults and the physical suffering inflicted on him by the Jew-s, for our sakes? (21.) Suppose the Jews had yield ed their hearts to the living invitation of Jesus, and bad espoused His cause as His Apoetles did, what would have been the probable resalt -upon?the salvation of the world? (This is one of the questions that may be answered in writing by members of the dab.) (22.) Wby did the Jews bring about the crucifixion of Jesas? (23.) Verses 10-12?What are some of the personal blessings which ' dome to us through the death of Jesus? f (24.) What are some ( of the national blessings which we enjpy through the death of Jesus? lesson for Sunday, July 16th, 1911. Manasseh's Wickedness and Penitence. 2 Chron. xxxiii:120. - Cat Ost u&W is this MTkt. INTERNATIONAL PRESS BIBI to adorn true womanhood. She was posesaed of sound judgment, a taste accurate and delicate. Her manners were refined aud dignified, whioh showed the purity of her mind, and the kindness of ber disposition. With these endowments it is easy to be seen that she was loved and respected by < all with whom she came iri contact. Numerous are the words of praise to the christian life she lived. < Through sunshine and Shadow she was never known to speak a harsh | or unkind word, or to waver from the straight and narrow path. We have every reason to believe that she has landed on the lands of a shore where the tender hand of Jesus has wiped away all her tears and healed her paiD; and that now our sister and aunt has >reached the Golden City. Life's long journey now is over aDd with loved ones there united, Binge rejoicing evermore.' She leaves one sister, Mrs. J. H. Sledge, of Mapjeville, three niices and four nephews to r^ourn their loss. She was tenderly laid to rest in the cemetery at Maple Springs church. Her pastor, Kev. G. M.Duke preached her funeral. The pallbearera Wtre W. I. Stallings, C. M. Gattis, John Perry, Hugh Petry, Robert Perrv. Rnfua Pnvihr??? JL . ., > "X and Dennis Clark. Let us not shed tears of sorrow, but rather rejoice with her on being in that home wfth loved ones gone before. E. W- G. There is one me licine that every family should be pro ided with and especially during tne\ summer months: vis, Chamberlain's ( ?lic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. tNs almost certain to be needed. I~t coi ts Vut a quarter, can you afford to b< without it? sFor sale by all dealers. Efteet of One Bottle. II Crandall, Tex.?"After my * ImJ spell of sickness," writes Mrs. Bella Teal, of this city, "I remained verm ill, and stayed in bed for eigl^ | weeks. I coulan't get up all this | time.and thoughVnv doctor came to I see me every dayTli8~"dtd?v't- do me I any good. I had mken but one bottle of Cardui, when\l was op, going everywhere, and socta I was doiog all my housework."^ Cardui helps when other medicines have failed, because it contains ingredients not found in any other medicine. Pore, safe, reliable, gentle-acting?Cardui is tbs ideal medic inal tonic for weak, aiok women. Try it. Whooping !sons out of the system, tones up the gtomach. regulates the bowels and kidneys. Bold by druggists at 60c. and *1; In -the tablet form at 26c. and 60c.. by mall. Booklet free. Bobbltt Chemical Co.. Baltimore. Md. Geta At The Joints From The Inside. Rfamflcife North Carolina ) > In'the Sop'r QAirt Franklin County ) The First National ^ Notice to stoCkBank of Louisburg holders, creditors in Rs own behalf) and dealers with and on behalf of all) Tar River Mlg. Co creditors of Tur - of appointment of River Mfg. Co., ) a receiver, vs . Tar River Manufacturing Company. The stockholders and creditors of and all dealers with Tar* River Manufacturing Company will take notice that an action has been commenced in the Superior Court of Franklin Couhty for the appointment of a receiver of said defendant corporation upon the ground that it is insolvent; and that pendingthe determination of such receivership a temporary receiver has D?en appointed tor said defendant corporation, and that gaid defendant cor?oration is required to appear before Ion. C. M. Cooke, Judge of the Superior Court of North Carolina, residing in the Foilrtp, Judicial District, to appear before Inm at Chambers in Louisburg, on June 15th, 1911, to show cause, if any it can, why said receivership shall not be made permanent; and the stockholders and creditors of and the dealers with said defendant corporation will take further notice that they are required to appear at the term of the Superior Court of said county of Franklin to be held on the second Monday before the first Monday of September, 1911 and intervene in said proceedings and become parties thereto tor themselves or others in like interest under such rules as the court for the purpose of justice shall prescribe This June Oth, 1911. J. J. Barrow, Clerk Superior Court. Wm H. Ruffin, Att'y. for Plaintiff. New I ..(ioods.. Just Received it Racket - Store Now is Your Chance To Get The|n At Low Prices V"vw You are Cordially In-1 ? ; vited to Call and Inspect These Great Bargains. While They Last _ I -? V' " ' Very Truly ] Mrs. A. M. Hall 'V mm|: 1i 1 w11 s .3' .-^r.. 7 T ~ ,~ Out of five ca -s competing for the Cup in the' INDURANCE RUN which passed throu jh Louisburg last Thursday, the only 2 ove:rland CABS in the race w;nt through with a perfect score. BUY AN OVERLAND AND GET THE BEST Louisburg Auto^ Machine Co. LOUISBURG, XX.C. Only machine elusive engine, features contained in no other fnachine. ^Automatic lubrication instead of having to be pumped in by hand. ICradle sprine. fork instead of coil. Free engine clutch, which allows rnachiite to stop witlibpt stopping engine and twa speed gear Direct sight opening oil gimge. Prices from $200 to $350. !>ee me and machine before buying, will gu&r&riee satisfaction. THURSTON K. ALLEN, AGT. LOUISBURG, N. C. Patrofiize . / Yoar . HonW Industries To every man who usee a buggy. It w/ll be greatly to your interest to see me before you buy a buggy. I arn prepared to make any kind of a buggy you want GIVE WE VoUR ORDER and if When the buggy is hnishtd you are not pleased, you do not have to (take it. Buggies ara fully guaranteed. Xall and get my prices. The best buggy repairing, repainting and runber tire ivotdc a specialty. -4 years experience in buggy building and repairing. Buggy materiat"for sale. . * , H. oTTAYLOR First in Benefits . Maximum Dividends To Policyholders Minimum Net Cost The Oldest American Life Insurance Company The Mutual ^ife ^Insurance Company 1 W <0Y NEW f- -YORK # Paid policyholders in'1910 V/'- ' - 56,751,062.28 Apportioned for dividends in 1911 - 13,539,333.07 Assets over - -J - - 522,859,063.00 For full information address R P. TAYLOR Louisburg, N. C. RELIABLE AGENTS WANTED LOUISBURG COLLEGE NORTH CAROLINA The One Hundred and Ninth Session of this School will Begin September 13th, 1911 Here girls and young ladies can secure, at moderate cost, pleasant, homelike surroundings. Healthful conditions, through intellectual training, liberal culture uode^true Christian influences, all the requirements for a well-equippfid life. For Full Information Address Mrs. Mary D^vis Allen, President LOUISBURG, North Carolina Riwr*rjr A/3 Ashovllle, A.VsJ has prepared COYS lor CoHero <""* f?r Chrietian Citlaekohfc lor HO years, ar.cl ALONE in the U. S.. offers ft FREE ROUND TRIP TIC KlTVom dtfVvrhere within 1600 miles to any parent who. on inspection. is not copvinced that its irairs cfl*?JE STORY brick rooms, separated by o parapet F1RF. WALL, are the BEST for Health. Sanitation. Ventilation ahd safety against FIRE. 1703 Send for Catalogue or comtantyfee. COL R. BINGHAM. Sept.. R. F. D. No. 72 1912 j ITS UP TO YOU ..TO SAVE.. 1 \ Now that the^ime for purchasing summer clothing is passing I am sellihg^ svery thing in my store, in the summer line, at greatly r fciuced prices. It will bp to your interest to see me before buyh^g what you want. You may think you are gettii g a bargain somewhere else, but you will never realize whi t you are missing until you see me Call In And Examine My Stoc^. Make your purchases arid a.?ve the other half of your money to tske home yrith you. DEITZ BROTHERS, Louisburg, If. C. 1 ^ - * * y '*? . *' * V