. FRANKL1NT0N Our Regular C : ? Items of Interest ( and Near Our Sistei CLOSES ON I Song Forsaken. When I went forth singing. Then all things made me glad, Flower, star, and songbird. Such joy I had. Ah, the dreams I cherished. The songs I fashioned then, You shall find tbem treasured up In quiet homes of men. The wise man canie and counseled me <e Opposite side of the street, who | o romptly gave the alarm. A. large ! * rowd soon gathered but too late to t tve the building. The tire also onsamed tile old Bullock building j n the corner juat to the South of it, i t rbicli burned verv fast and was soon ' * in ami of ruins. It wos indeed for- '* i-a* (him iw wiou ai an wae oiow-i ^ ig and this and the heroic effort off j he bucket brigade which waa-orga-1 s ized saved the residence of Mr. B. i I . Blackley only a few feet to the! 1 rest of tire burned buildings,, the-j 1 lome of Miss Josephine Henley the-' , lasoniu Looge and the stores- j,us? cross the street occupied by Messrs. [\ C. Joyner, Poetoffioe, Whedbee Jfc lorris, Citizens Bank. Mrs. S-. &. ' iritt, Franklin Grocery Co, aid -j ,'rscent Drug Co. A strong wind rould have been very disastrous, i jlowing from either directo?. The reavieet loes not including the build. 1 ' nga was sustained by The Frank- ( tin Grocery Co., which amounted to ] ibout^SOO with $200 insurance. The orgin of 'he fire in unknown, i It cangbt in the top of the building 1 and might be attributed to spootan- 1 sous combustion, or rats. This should swsken our cittsens to the great need of some meansol fighting fire. Lists get together sod find some wsy. Only by the merest ' ohsnce the whole business part of the town was not burned. Right m your Mdeet season when yea Save the least time to spare yon ere most Hhely to Have diarrhoea and lose several ddHL titoe, nnlees you have Chamberlain's 0ajk, ( holrem and Diarrhoea Bamady ad^hsnd and takes dose on the first sppeerihe# of the (heseas. For Mle by all dealer*. A . BATTLE ROYAL loot* Fight For tho 'Championship" tho Wilderness. An hour, it sccmcil, the two moose had battled, neither appearing to gain a point of advantage. Their sides showed red gashes from the savage ripping of horn points. Their eyes were nyiueiied,?and there was crimson in the flecks of froth that flew from their nostrils. The bog was churned into a black slough of muck beneath them. The first streaks of dawn were showing when?was it fate, luck or the better strategy of the newcomer?? the advantage of position was taken from Bilhorn's stag. Now the newcomer could stand off a locomotive. He could even recover a measure of his wind, while his opponent must continue lo weaken. And the effect soon lold. Suddenly be seemed to gather himself together and bring all his jreut force of bone and muscle into me grand, herculean effort, and Bilhorn's bull slipped backward. Sis adversary was actually forcing hog and all back with him, the ipongy mass soughing np behind lis helpless haunches. This was a langerous turn in the fray. - He realized it and struggled to gain i stay somewhere, anywhere, but Ibere was nothing to hold to. Back, jack, be settled on his haunchee intil he" was- driven squarely over >n his broad side, hopelessly out of iction, terribly at the mercy of his foe. who horned him brutally again ind again until sheer lack of >reath forced him to draw back for m instant. Up from the reddened slough he vanquished beast staggered, a earful spectacle. Not an instant lid he falter, but, with his dark lifeilood pouring from his sides, drove traigbt at his eDemy again. The est is sooe told- As the dying stag ame o^. blindly be stumbled and ell squarely on the lowered ahtlers f his conqueror. Viciously the tending hull strove to eitricate r us horns from beneath the heavy ody of his victim, bat be was inned fast. Then came tike- spectacular finish ( this battle, worthy of the most xacting Roman arena. Slowly but a rely the victor began to lift the j uge form of the- fallen stag until ith one mighty upward sweep he urled it fairly over his back, where j : struek on the rock with a sicken- I ig tbad and felt at its base, a i uivering, shapeless mass of manted flesb and bone. The victor] Keeled and gazed for a moment j t the qniet form. To- the trembling, panting figure , f the man on the rock he paid no i \ eed. Satisfied that his adversary j onld trouble him no more, he' urned and with heavy swinging! trides went back into' the swamp' roiw which he had come. Thus ell the king of the Allagash, not rom any cunning or draft of puny J lan. but in a battle royal, worthy f the Spartan kings, waged with a oe deserving of his blade, in de- : ense oi his crown and realm.? 1 Kiting kfagazine. Peace on Eartte Have you ever thought seriously ] f the meaning of that blessing giv-1 n to the peacemakers? People are I ^ lways expecting to get peace iD eaverr. Bnt you know whatever leaee they get there- will be ready nade. Whatever making of peace hey can be blessed for must be on he earth here, nob the taking of v..A Ul- L13- ? lura a^aiUAL, UUb CUB CKDlUlllg OI iests amid its "sea oi troubles," ike tbe halcyons. Difficult enough, i on think. Perhaps so, bat 1 do not ee that any of as try. We com- ] iloin of the want of many things? re want votes, we want liberty, we rant amusement^ we want money. Vhith of us feete-or knows that he ' rants peace??John Ruskin. The W my. at the WieS The velocity of the winds is as bllows: Gentle wind! (a breeze) traverses !0 feet a second. Moderate (an easy gale), 16 feet a >eeond. . .. ___ ] Violent (a. squall), 35 feet a secmd. 1 Storm, slight, 43 feet a second; mnsidorable, 48 feet a second; vio- ; ent, 54 feet a second. Hurricane, of the temperate rones, *0 feet a second; of the towid zones, 120 feet to 350 feet a lecond. ?_ The Strength of Shellfish. A limpet may appear a poor dabby creature and yet he can pnll 1,984 times his own weight in the air and nearly double tort in water. The Mediterranean cockle can exert a poll equivalent to 2,07 i times his weight. The force required to open an oyster shell is 1,319 times tbe weight of the oyster without his shell. Were aa average man at strong in proportion to his weight be would ee able to lift 2,000,000 or 8,000.000 pounds!?London Answers. Ife, -.v. - Vf- ? * " " MR- FA I ^Ha/ve Just One Car Load c Mow s' Ope Car Lopid of Mc( \ \Car Lood of Coli t sell everything that is made by the Inten ry a stock of Buggies, si rries, carriages and harness flitting,irobes, i hips, horse medici Don't comWio Louisbu a look at f le coraple TV aohinery Improved machinery sav is labor and makes time if you don't farm a ith improved macl with a light crop to harv sat, whichNneans fellows will call no "nea " or "farmeries". YOUR RUE K. P. WE HAVE ( Those Sewi T HA YOU HAVE BEEN ? ? =f -When you see them you will be convinced h without one. They are needed in every hou e ind sht will nevecget through thanking you f< * rhe Price is so Small Everypc CALL INxflF Mfy entire lina of Furniture is always kemNn f not find a better selection to choose from 1 even We Are Detfermi] UNDERTAKING Shall be Secoi And although we hope you may not deed our s member we are alwayi ready to W. E. Whiter Fa - ? "f* ' \ ... : . ? RMER ; Received >f McCormick ers * Jormic Rakes, One imbus Wagons I lational Harvesting Co. I also car> , a full and complete stock of Harness ess you take te stock: of Farm I carry. 'six l money for vou. In this dav and linery yoo will find yourself next fall little money to you, and the other I sell on good easy time. I FRIEND I HILL J OT THEM] ng Tables I 1 LOOKING FOR I at no woman can successfully keep house hold. Make your wife a present of one ' >r it.. tdy Can Afford to Buy One. I ID SEE IT I irst class shape and we are sure you will I in a town three times large as Louisburg I tied That Our I DEPARTMENT! ervices, still if you are so unfortunate, re- I do all in our power for you. rtiiittre Company I 4 '^1