July! M Will Special Bargain Month \ At The ek Little Store ?* Big reductio 1 made on ^ Ladies and* Childrens OXFORDS Slipjier s Jand JiPumps. Leonid, Spaw and Dean pe Slippers for Men Boysj. Slippers and all tunimer Shoes must govtolmake room for fall cUipes, which are now brangreceived Extra /Specials 200 Bjair \Pure > m nose andJ Half Hbse Theyliave Linenltops heels,'and toesj tame as] sold heretofore at 50 Cpts. 800 yirds (new Roods,) good qualify fast colors, sh rting caiicOs all you want 4 l-2c. 100 verdB short length of pant goods, worth 15 to 20a now 12 1.2c. Persian Lawn v orth 15c, 45 inches, now 12c. Persian Lawn worth 25c, now 18c. Persian Pawn worth 85c now 22 cents. Linen Tor :hort lace up to 4 1-2 inches wi< e 5c an cheap as cotton tor hon and prettier patterns n sver before sold at this price I have jvst received a new li t of figured lawn bought cheap and priced low. _ WARNER'S - RU8T PROOF NON-1 BREAKABLE I CORSETS are proving tnair popularity. I have in my third order in less than two months R. Z. EGERT0N ?. ' i' 4 * * ' ... V. v : ; i . l~- ? " THE HOME CI Pleasant Evening Revi cated to Tired Mo the Home Circle CRUDE THOUGHTS FROl Never inspect a friend oi doing you wrong until the proof of it is as plain and aWilear as the sun at noon on a cloudless day, and then,?yes, even then do not accuse or censure until ycu have heard from his own lips his version of the supposed wrong. If you were ever a friend to him he is certainly entitled to that much forbearance and consideration. If this rule wae practiced, .many a misunderstanding would be averted, and many a heartache spare/A.', " " ' Boys, you have but onfTTrretiasr; care for and spare her. She is not a beast of burden to drive along the highway of life. There is no love like your mother's love; you m?y not know it now, but you will some i d?y- \ ? | The need of some place to drc^i down for a moment and forge! things is a crying one in most homes. There ought to be enough sofas around to accommodate all the family, five minutes rest will prevent many a family row, and how can you get rest it you have to pull shams off the tx^l and roll up the overlid. A shabby old lounge, where you can get at it is worth its weight in gold; and you won't want to die half so many times if you make use of it * * * Teach children to be polite. Teach them there is nothing but goodnest of heart of so mtioh durability as a pleasing deportment They will lost the idea after a while that it i: smart to be pert and boisterous, and take pride in being little ladies and gentlemen. ' Teach them to say "How do you do?" or "Good morn ing" to everybody with whom yoi are acquainted; never to contradict whisper, hum, beat a tattoo with tb< fingers on the ftirbnure or lol around in lounging attitudes in com panv; to say "Yes, ma'am," and "N< sir," "What ma'am?" "If you please,' and "Excuse me," if it is necessary to pass before any one, or to leave the table before the rest, and nevei to (Jo any of the things for which 11 is necessary to ask to be excused unless it is absolutely unavoidable not to tons things instead of hand ing them; not to listen to anything not intended for their ears; not t( refuse to give the whole to a visitoi when half will not do. A polite child is the best of companions, bui a rude one is a troublesome nuiaanc< and will find himself learning a1 eighteen or twenty, things whicl should have been taught when i child. * m Girls of a marriageable age do nol like to tell how old they are, bul you can find out by following th< subjoined instructions, the yount lady doing the figuring: Tell hei to pnt down the number of the month in which Bhe was born thee to multiply it by 2, then to add 5, then to multiply it by 50, then tc add her age, then to subtract 365 then to add 115, then tell her to tell you the amount she has left. Tht two figures to the right will tell you her age and the remainder the month of her birth. For example, if th< amount is 822, then she is twenty, two years old and was born in the eighth month (August). Try it. * A happy home, whether it con. sista of two or twelve members it one where love nrestdes at the board and watches over the couches where each person loves himsell last and considers the other first where the irritable word is restrained and the affectionate thought givet utterance, and where eaoh is glad ir laboring for the other's oomfort and relieving the other s oaree., ? If there is one thing above an. other a young man should be asham. jed of doing, H is loafing withou ' _ I <* RCLE COLUMN. srissR Column Dedithers as They Join at Evening Tide M THE EDITORIAL PEN | aim or purpose or profit, on the streets or id stores day after day, all week. If you have nothing to do, stay at home ?a part of the time at any rate. No young man with any self respect will content himself with aspiring to no higher reputai tion than that of la chronic loafer and store box magnate, Nothing will so blunt the higher faculties of the mind as inactivity; and no inactivity is so buneful and malevolent in its effect as that voluntary idleness termed loafing. * " " Troubles come to all of us. Th" i past is strewn with broken'expectai tions and inconsolable grists. Death has left its shadows across almost i every heartstone and its constant ravages ever approaching near to us fill the bravest spirits with ter1 ror. -But to us the rainbow of hope has been ever present. We have never believed that existence was 1 purposely. The same all-prevailing 1 Power, whose handiwork, jeweled he heavens with stars, who leveled the Dlains who lifted nn the tains and taught the rivers to run ' down to the sea, designed our being 1 and contemplated our destiny. mm' ' It you can have help enough to ' keep your household machinery in perfect running order without making a machine of yourself, do so by all means. White floors are lovely, shining tinware is very fine, spotless windows and highly polished silver are a delight; the mending basket, I emptied every we'ek is much to be I desired, but there are things of more importance and if it all depends on ' one pair ot hands, one back, and one l set of nerves, for ^leaven's sake, for your own sake, for your chil' dren's sake, don't. 1 * * * A girl that is hot neatly dressed , is called a sloven, and no one liket > to look at,her and her eyes bright, but , if there is a spot of dirt on her cheek j and her fingers' ends are black with . ink, and her shoes are not laced 01 t buttoned up, and her apron is dirty, 1 and her.collar not buttoned and het . skirt is torn, she caunot be liked, > . Learn to be neat and when you have , learned it, it will almost take care , of itself. Pocomoke Items! A large crowd attended th_ serk vice at Wiley's Sunday, and the pas' tor, Rev. W. W. Rose preached an ' excellent sermon. He explained to 1 us, in a most forcible manner, how 1 we o.ight to appreciate the blessings xi?x n_j i - bum vruu oeeiowB upon us. A union meeting will be helil at t Pope's the week following the fifth t Sunday in July. Rev. J. W. Patton, i pastor of Pope's, and Rev. W. W. . Rose, pastor of Wiley's, vyill conr duct the meeting. I Miss Lillian Davis gave an ic$ ' cream sapper Saturday night, and i people of our community were pleaa> antly entertained at her hospitable ? home. ? ' J. W. Jones and Miss Emma Jones ' spent Saturday night at W- S. 1 Ray's, near Roger's store. ' ' Miss Nola Woodlief has returned ' from a visit to friends near Ilender' son. ? ' Drl'se Harris. i . Worth Its Weight in Gold' Abingdon, Va.?Mrs. Jennig McCall, of this place, says, "I bad been troubled with female complaints, for ' over ten years, y could not walk t or stand on mV feet, and bad been J almost confinem/o the bouse, for a long time. I Wegan to take Cardui, J the woman's /onffe, and now I oan walk cnywhfere l\want to go. Oar' dui is worth its weight in gold. This ' is a high estimate on a plain herb - medicine, yet there are thousands of women who would gladly pay thia prioe for a remedy to relieve their * suffering. Cardui has helpe-1 others, ' Why not you ? Try it. Your ' druggist sella it, in $1. bottles. WW/!*? f y *** PROTECT. THE HEALTH OF YOURSELF AND FAMILY. Pope's Herb is prepared to provide a dependable household remedy, based upon the principle of purity of blood insuring freedom from disease. It is a medicine for maladies such a?. Rheumatism, Liver Complaints. Constipation, Fever and Ague, Female Disorders, Indigestion, Lumbago, Kidney Derangements, Catarrh. Sick and Nervous Headaches, loss of Apetite and all ailments arising from inactivity of. the Liver and Kidneys. It is a purelv Herbs, Barks and Roots Cosipouud. It is put up in chocolate a coated tablets pleasing and easy to / take, (or can be dissolved in water.) y Mrs. J. C. Meade of Hayattsvxlbt, Md. says: / J "For years suffered/with 1 Backache. HeadftCneK Neuralguf, and Nervousness and extreme facigue, I trijed many remedies\ without relief ! Four months ago a grateful irriend induced me to write to P< pe >fedicine Co. Washington! P' Cufes a Ifgv nf Pope's Herb Compound Tablet ythe very first dose of two tablets gin k me relief. I | used not .quite a $1.0015 -x and I am enI tirely cured of the ugir in my back and j ; have no more headachi j Dr. J. V. Hermesei, a prominent I I Physician and Wrgeon of Albany, N. . , Y. in part *au/: "As a Blooar Purifier, Liver, Kidney ? j and System regulator Ivprescribe Pope | Medicine Core of Washington, D. C. I Herb Compound as I haae done for the J 1 past JO ydars, and I havd found it to be a great remedy, whidi seldom if ever fafs. There are thousands of letters fusm users of Pope's l Herbs, that have/>een benefitted and I cured bv its propter use. Pope's Herb ComDound Tajflets are put up 200 in 1 box, "six m/nth's treatment," and will be Bent ra*t-p?id on receipt of Sl.ko. Each box /on tains a printed truaratuee binding nis to refund the purchase price if the 1 remedy fails to benefit, alsd full directions. 5 ; \ Gua.rdnteed.by the Pope Mmlicine Co., Inc.,binder tb Pure Food and Drugs Ac~- dunv-SO, J906 No. Si95^ ? FOR TERMS TO AGENTS IN UNOCCUPIED TERRITORY hADDRESS POPE MEDICNE CO. INC Pope Building. Washington, D. C. State of North Carolina, I department of State S CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION To All to Whom These Presents^ May Come?Greeting : Whereas, It appears to my satisfaction, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dis? solution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, deposited in my office, that The Louis- I Durg Guaranty, Loan and Realty Com- I pany, a corporation of this State, whose / principal office is situated at No. X | Street, in tov.'n of Louisburg, County I of Franklin, State of North Carolina _ i (S. P. Burt being the agent therein and j i in charge there* if, upon whom proeess ! ! may he served) has complied with the j I requirements of Chapter 21, Reviaal of' 1905, entitled "Corporations." prelim-1 _ inary to the issuing of this Certificate 1 of Dissolution : Now, Therefore, I, .1. Bryan Grimes. Secretary of /State of the State i of North Carolina, do^Tiereby certify that th? said corporation did, j n > on the 12th/dav^f>f June, 1911, file i in my office i^fly executed and at-1 . tested conseMnn writing to the disso- j lution of said corporation executed by! , all the stockholders thereof, which said i1 . consent and the record of the proceeds ] ngs aforesaid are n??w on tile in my aid office as provided by law. In Testimony Whereof, I havp hereto ! * ' set mv hand and affixed mv official seal I \ at Raleigh, this 12th dav of June, A. ' .D. 1911. X , J.Bryan Grimes, Secretary <>f State j AMERICAN BEAUTY " CORSETS ^ 1 , Are the culmlhotion \ of corset excellence? 3 the product : of j intelligent and Up-Ara|j^0SP' / ! honest and JCnto. ^^||l J directed ^Corts - - the RullX l : results oould hot be |K1\\ V different than \ they MU 1 1 are-^orsets of stylish ffftl | Unas and fashionable PfKlVjl | proportions. ^ I Not a better - corset can be made for the ^ 'J < money. We carry to stock, all of the latest, stunning, modish effects. AMERICAN BIAUTY CORSETS j' ONE DOLLAR UP T J MRS. A. M. HALL. Louisburjc, N. C. r " ? "\ j Spring Bedding Plants 1 for Beautifying the Yartf. Also Decrnityft/ 2 Plants % the House 1 CftofOE CUT ..FLOWERS.. For weddmlre arxmll social events Flora I qnerings aaanpred in the Pi moet artistic style mt short notice a; Mail, ' telephone aid telegraph orders prbraptly executed by j7 l. q'QuinW & co. MLCMN.M.V V ' -* Pl ' ^ . [VJE? tt|O^^^BRED 3m A quarter podpd' pKlgyOf sure enough good Rh. yB chewing for 10 cents. )yot 'em all beat easy. k^B No excessive swofctenm&to hide the real toB^ B^B bacco taste. Nrf sojee t<\ malec your tongue ^Rv sore. Just gocx* qid timeVlug tobacco, with all the improyejnenty up-to-date. CHEW R IT AND PROVE IT, at oVr expense, the U I ^^BB treat's on us. ACut out this ad. and mail to ym^K us with your .name and addresk for attractive If FREE offer tO/Ohewers onljr. \ "YJowTm" mpFE^T SCALES^CO., ' PHONE 100 ^ yv Anything You Want/For Breakfast dinner \ or Supper BRANTLEY HICKS tfij; /"A VIRGINIA^ E*AY , OCJEA.ISr VIEW, YA. 'lie most popular Summer Hotel on thg V rginia Coast will be open for guests On Jun^lSth, 1911 ts fifth season under the same ofanagummit. Operated by a Franklin County boy. The Virginia Bay is headqua ters for Franklin County people. Arrange to Spend Yoi r Vacation With Us Lnd we assure you that everything possi lie will be done-for the comfort and pleasure at yourself and 1 amily during your stay. For Rates and Other Information Write JNO. A. TUCKER, Mgr. ^ CONSOLIDATED SALE - RAMO-S TYPEWRITER. CO., INC. _ C. D. WEEKjS. TRU-STEp *, AND /'/ 'HE JOHN S. RAMOJ.rTYPE^^MWt AGENCY'^ >tock of -Typewriters,Supplies and Office Furniture 'he following are specials, if interested write us at once as these pricos only last unti the stock is disposed of WUUanuf type writer"* " $lo 00 1 3 Underwood, long carriage .53 75 No 2 Remington typewriter 10 00 } ?j? ? Remington, rebuilt 47 50 Wellington typewriter 25 00 } ' v 'T^ ^nV.f It ^ p.. ( vrtcwritir 32 5(1 1 No 1 V lctor. (elite) 62 50 Densmore typewriter, rebuilt, 37 50 ? jX? o^^tors (elite' ~n no New Century, typewriters, each 35 00 11? ? No 10 Smith Premier 50 00 J go 2 Vlctor (pica) 75 00 No 5 Underwood 49J50 3 No 2 V "torsi (pica) 84 50 set of Edisons business phonographs, consisting of dictating, transcribing, and laving machines, also 1 dozen, cylinders. Regular price $210, our price $162.50 set Dictaphones, same outfit, regular price $210, our price $190. $1 and 75c bbons for all makes 60c. $3 carbon paper (a box 100 sheets; $2.10 a box. rices on office furniture quoted upon repuest. Terms?Etpress C O D on iproved bankable paper. Order at once from ~ JOHN S. RAMOS rincest Building . WILMINGTON, N. C. Box 54