* . ' ? T Boys and WHO ARE do their share of the work In the v form in conserving their income, and while growing a banlj account, will pr positions of influence and responsibilit THE FIRST LOUISBI UNDER SUPERVISIOh < V A 0 -v* > % * FRANKLIN TIMES A. F. JOHNSON. Editor and Mana$i Friday, July 7, 1911. The House By The Side OT Th Road. There are hermit souls that live witl drawn In the peace of their self-content. There are souls like stars that dwe afar In a fellowless firmament There are pioneer souls that blase the paths Where highways never ran. Let me live in my house by the side i the road * And be a friend to man. Let me live in my house by the side i the road Where the races of men go by, The men who are good; the men wl are bad; As good and as bad as I And I would not sit in the scorner seat Or hurl the cynic's ban. Let me live in my house by the side i the road And be a friend to man. I know there are brook-gladdenc meadows ahead And mountains of wearisome heigh Where the road passes on through tl long afternoon And stretches away to the night But still I rejoice when the travelers r -jsiM ._ And weep with the strangers tfii moan Nor live in my house by the side of tl road Like a man who dwells alone. Let me live in my house by the side i the road Where.the races of men go by They are good; they are bad; they a; weak; they are strong; wise, foolish?so am 1; Then I would not sit in the scorner seat Or hurl the cynic's ban. Let me live in my house by the side < the road And be a friend to man. ?By Samuel Walter Fos TAR DROPS." ?IC. P. IIill has just had his sti hies on Sash street-repainted. ?Our people should talk the sul ject of a market house to oaoh Con missioner. ?Lonisburg liitles presented i self in fine shape Tuesday ?havin about fifty in line of march. ?Dollars to doughnuts the pei jile in Louisburg know how to a| predate electric lights no'w. ?Many a woman has driven hi husband to diink, and he didn't stc at the watering"trough, either. ?During the absence of K. A feeasley, carrier on R. F. D. 6, ! '* C. Foster is carrying the mail. iulily friends were glad I see 5fr. J. A. Turner sufficient! improved in health to be out on ot streets this week. ?When you buy of your hom merchants you are helping the tow and thereby sharing in the profits < ypnr own purchase. ?The attention of our readers called to the advertisement of D Francis S. Packard in this issue. H - will be in Louisburg on Jvuly 29t ?A freak of nature in the shap of a chicken with one head, tw bodies and four legs whs reported i ~ ' ' \ .*< n. 1..; ?+ f?l?8 The good judgment of the commute can easily be seen in the selection c such tine stock. ?There are some people who ar migiuy careiess aoout turowing ol 3. truck into the alleyways. Sue ? people should be taught a little civi pride by a modest line. It is irn "" possible for the authorities to kee places clean if people wiy persist i such practices. 1,. ?We all know the man, the mer j. grip of whose hand puts new lif and strength into us, and tb woman whose brave, cheery smile? ^ makes us ashamed to despair an give up. And why should we no resemble them? It is surely liette to be like a bright, cheerful tire, a which our friends can warm and re vive theii drooping hearts, than lik the provetbhn wet blanket, whici 'P can effectually put out the flame o love and hopes ? How ouickl\ cm you tell a liv 5. town froin a dead one by simpl looking over itn newspaper. A poo to fiL'itll nilllr {. ,**rT? lit' ft nnuranneine y | a small advertisements and ihos lr looking as though they were run a half price, betokens a dead tow tB just as sure as a corpse indicates n funeral, itliile a good, lively, well piloted newspaper, tilled witli gooc fresli ads, and displayed locals, show is that the town is prospering am r. thriving. It never tails, ie ?Running a newspaper is jus h like running a hotel;.janly diffuren ie When a man goej into athotel an. c finds something on the table whic jo does not ?oit him. He does no S ; "V , ~v? 7 I raise hades with the landlord and 4 , tell him to atop hie old hotel. He A sets that dish to one side and wades A into tile many dishes that suit him. ^ It is different with gome newspaper ^ readers. Th'y find an article occa J sionally that does not suit them ex- ^ Iactlv and without stopping to think a it may please hundreds of other J readers, make a grand stand play ^ and tell the editor how a paper should ^ be run and what should be put into ^ it. Hut such people are becoming ^ fewer ever every year. A ?At tne Methodist parsonage ^ ' Wedneaday morning about 10 o'clock ^ * Mr. Melyin D. Strolher and Mise 4 ? Aleihea 1'. Monger, both of Raleigb, ^ n were united ill marriage by Rev. R. W. Hailey, pastor of the Methodist 4 church here. M iss Monger had been d - visiting at Mapleville, a small coun- 4 try hamlet near here, and Mr. ^ ^ Strother arrived last night. Wednet- ^ \ day morning they met in Louiaburg ^ ,and proceeded to the parsonage,where ^ the oeremony was performed. 1 hey 4 - are now staying with frieods here. ^ > ===== < m Meetinsr Closes i I The series of meeting held at the 4 I _i 1. ?-> ---J??* - J J i luovuuutnu UUUMiii, nuti uunuuciou uy ^ n Rev. Raymond Browning came to | r a close on last Monday night. Mr. | r Browning's sermons here have been ! tine and full of interest for many of I our people and he has made many | ^ friends since his stay here. The j , meeting was a good one and will no e doubt prove a lasting good to thy people of Louisburg and community ? Marriage Licenses. it Register of Deeds Yarborough is, sued marriage licenses to the follow, ing couples during the month of June: Wiiitr?Thomas J. Holmes ar.d - Annie R. Cooke, Bonnie Buruette and Agnes Medlin. R. L. Bernhardt and Helen S. Crenshaw, Eli E. Dotter and Anna S. Hight, John O'Donald and Martha Lewis Hestei, H. Ricks Edwards and Bessie Del. bridge, Delphus Clyde Fisher and Mary E. Hollingsworth, J no. R. 6 Frye and Ruth H. Ethridge, Jno. S. a Conway and Mi rtha E. Mann, J. K. e Dorsett and Florence 5C. Terrell, R. a F. Green andjAnnie Stallings, W. F. ir" Hunt and Lizzie Ball. Colored?Dennis Williamson and 8 Alma Young, Ballard Hayes and 6 | Tildv Moore, John Mayo and Gussie 8 | Blacknall. o - ? ie Baseball! BaseballWhy don't we have it? This is 8< the question that is asked on all sides. Why don't you get some | pmjero.- v?uv aon t you. Dave a a j game with this town or that one? 4 0 The people aro simply wild for ball. 4 | Other towns are playing, why don't 4 i we have some games? Well, htre is 4 .! the answer to all these questions. 4 litre is what it cost to play three I good games with Raeford and here ? ' is what we got for playing: a j To 5 players, d games. $47.10 a j To Hotel bill 12.00 ! 01 To Halls G.25 ( x" To Expense Haeford 75.00 p ' I n Total ; . . $140.35 | Total receipts for 3 games $79.75 I e j Total lo a on three games GO.(50 ' e ] This is simply because the people e didn't come out to see the panne. - j They were good games and all who d went enjoyed them, but there wore it \ just not enough people interested in ' c j ball to make it worth whilo to try ' tjand have any games. The next i-1 time any one says anything to you e I about ball ask him if he w^nt and if l.-.ita..'. ?t. i -'-- i - ? u nn nidi l ?^u, a?K iiiui u ne^ Helped to ^ it j pay any part of the 'iefieit from the 1 ; previous sanies and if he says no, 1 | tell him to shut up and go to J yjaee the next games. . K. r For summer diarrhoea in children al- I h | ways give ChambeNsfin's Colic, Cholera ; and Diarrhoea RenXdy and castor oil. 6 ; and a speedy cure/s\ertain. For sale ; I t | by all dealers^/^^v^^ I " I Importan^to OlV Soldiers- 1 n j The Confederate soldiers of ' H Franklin county are requested to I ''i meet in the court house in the town 1 of Louiaburg at !2 o'clock on Mon- 1 I day on July. 10th, 1911 to make ar- ' rangement for attending the He- ' 'I union to be held at Wilmington on ' ' August 2nd and 3rd. This is very I ^ important and all members are es- ( h peoially urged to be present. 1 t A. S. Strother, Sec. If A ? - r I | Specials. Just A new lot of all kinds of turnip special ] ; TO COUITTR We will say, we can sell you G Medicine Co's. goods at wholes* of Cardui, Black Draught, Qui Cure and many other article | wholesale houses. Send us yoi \ Beasley-AIsi Instruct Your Doctor to Leave P and they will be filled as writl TUTED, If we haven't what is L WWWWwWWWWWWWWWWWWWV \ [ W I Most of us cannoygo t( f the winter, but we can - /< ? p tne summer, / iresn ] 1 canning them. E L. P. eeeeew#e?eeGe me< : JllSL. i WHaBB ^maaaaEnj i ; ac.i.-v.: * II rvp, | One Car Qtfqrcte i Xile %e\i \ Don't Forget p^realil I mmm 5 SATISFACTION OR > ? i - % " ' " f ** I ^ v Received | See(W all the best and freshest seed, X jriceshon lots. ^ Y MERCHANTS t rovei ChillVonic and all the Paris de price andXsave the freight. Wine mine, Sulphur, Gowans Pneumonia s ciieaper than you can buy from it orders. \ i-kn ht^iflr rA i ^ LV" t-'i W. ?T - I Your Prescriptions Here to be Filled :dn, NOTHING WILL BE SUBSTI Y prescribed we wont fill. rWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW l^lli } Glasses | > California or Florida in X eijoy the best things of T fruits and vegetables, by X HICKS, 1 TVYVVf^VWTVVVVffft IHff?fCffiHf j ^ eived.. 1 ?s Pea Green Alfalfa, t Hay Grown Z ^e, its Time to Use it How # 'os. Company | :\your money back 2 * " r , \ ' . " ..." " -A ; *