I! * I /' t / / '1 HAD NERVOUS DSYPEPSIA8 YEARS" llr. & M. MadUs, (4 6wdmore. N. C., thus relates up experience: "1 vbi down with nervous dyspepsl* for eight year*. 1 weighed IBS pound* aqd It reduced me to 11& Tcbnld wot t?uctffsolid food. 1 believe It would neve felled me. 1 had to lire on sweets and the lightest diet. Had serve nervous spells td Surly erry day. Doctors could not even rdlleve me. 1 was so weak that for three nfmths I was not able to walk acrosa the rofm. I was persuaded to try Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy and It i cured me. Can eat anything, and as much j as 1 want." feeling of heaviness In the stomach ftar eating, lagglni appetite, nausea or alcfenesa or stomach, frequent vomiting, acute pains, IrrltablJ temper, nervousness, twitching of muscled, sense of danger auil j great .restlessness fare nature's danger | signals\point?ng to/impaired digestion. If you have, any of abdve symptoms, you need ,MRS.\J0E PEON'S REMEDY* It will restore natural digestion by stimulating an lucre* sod flow of gastric Juice, | induce sound. sleep, refreshing rest, and make you Boapd mid well. No matter of 1 how long manning your trouble; Mrs. Joe | I'erson's Remey prill positively cure you. i It will give you hack the snap and rigor and ginger of other days?mate you reel fine?give you htanltlpn?make you "tit" in every way. V For tw*uty-three\Teafs this great remedy has been curing thousands of people ar- j fllcted with chronic Indigestion, Dyspep- | sla, Sour Stomach, Nervousness. Kheumutism, -..Catarrh. Female Troubles, Blood Poison, and all ailments resulting from Impure, Impoverished or Poisoned Blood. As a Tonic. Alterative. Blood Purifier i and Nervine It never falls to give satis- . faction, and It Is especially valuable In ; cases of Nervous Prostration and In- j somnla. It Is without an equal for "run- : down" conditions in both men and women. | Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy is sclent I fl-. j eally compounded from -purely vegetable ingredients of great medicinal properties. . It positively contains no opiate or nar ( 1 cotlc. nb Iodide of Potasslnm or other tnln- i ernl?nothing that Is in the least harmful. V Let us send yon grateful letters from Mr- , Ing witnesses who hare been cured. In cases of external trouble, Inflammn- i tion. ulceration or Itching humor, onr [ Wash should be used with the Remedy. 1 i For sale by druggists, or supplied direct 1 on receipt of price. 11.00 per bottle; 6 bottles for 96.00; 1 do ten by express prepaid : for 910.00. by * * I tnu. m nnmn kmept rittwn.?. a f , is rifle is built s< ttled districts, '. where good n nge and killing power are\desi ed, with safety 1 to the neignfcoi hood. 1 The J7lar/dk.2\ -20 is a light, quick- J handling, alanced repeater, | with the solid \o k closed-in breech 1 and, side ejectiorW atures which make | flZcxr&n guns saW and agreeable to I! . use and certain in iction. 1 It is made to use t\e powerful new high ' I velocity smokeless iVsds with Jacketed I bullets as well as thA wfcll-lrnown black powder and low presslkc smokeless cart- | ridfes. and is the ideal aHe lor target work, t ?fbr vnodchecks, geese. | hawMs Cozes, etc., up l to :oo j?rds. ; ' This rifle snd ammu- ^ nition. and all other BlarUM repeaters, are fully described in'our , 0 136-page catalog. Free ! for 3 stamp* postage. ! g 77Zar///t /Irwzrms Gx, It 42 Willow Street NEW HAVEM. CONN. Joseph Yarborough tailor ^? \f In Neal1 Building I am prepared to do your pressing," leaning and tailoring at vtrv reason- i able rates. All work guaraAteen. Give ( me a trial and 1 will please yyu. VPhone No. 159 Removal Notice After AuguittOst\ 1 will move mv stock of Furniture?ajtke W. P. Neal & Co's. building on Wjin street and will enlarge my stock an upto-date line Of all kindj ofsfurniture. Call and aee me both before and after , moving for bargains. \ Jxo\S. Howeib-. For Refjt Cheap Pour. Briqk Stores For lient One on Vash greet next to Beasley-AJaton Drag Company and three (Mowitne Racket store, alsoonMW Street. The above can be renHd by the first of August. I ooms the one next to the f&MmJhAlstoii Drug Co., but willgtve porae- , sion at once. t| I am Also Going jto Close Otlb all my Men's and Womens tlip, P?* way 4owy / i UNDER - jCSST COO Sbirta at 88 1-sScee-ceol! undar cost. 1 am eUii| oat evJ.~lC Winston. fcffc ~X . t - - * . t ' f ' v , s r > Suggestive Questiens On the Sunday School Ltssonlby Rev. Dr. Linscott For the International Press Bible Question Club Copyright 19fl by Rer T S Lincvtt. D. p. July 16th, 1911. & Manasseh'a Wickedness and Penitence. 2 Chron. xxxiii:l.20. Golden Text?Cease to do evil; learn to do well. lsa. 1:16-IT. (1.) Verses 1-12?Whose son was Manasseh and wliat was the character of his father? (2.) When the son of a good father becomes a had man how do you account for it? (8.) To what extent may good paients be assured that their children will also be good? (4.) What scriptural or philosophical ground is there for the belief, that children may be so trained that they will certainly be christians? (5.) Upon which depends most the character of children, tho father or the mother? (6) Verses 3 5?In what particular respect did ^lanasseh sin against God? (7.) That land was rife with idolatry, and God made strict laws against it; why did he do so? (8.) What were in thoae days the grave evils of idolatry? ; (9.1 What habits today, smong Christian people, are equivalent to idolatry? (10.) What are the results of present day,idola?rous habits? (11.) Verses 6-7?What is meant t>v "enchantments, familiar spirits and wizards?" (12.) Why does the Bible forbid use of all snch occult things as mention in verse six? (13.) How do you class palmistry, ooking into the tea-cup for signs, thirteen sitting at the table, unlucky Friday and similar "signs?" (14.) How do you estimate a witch, ir a wizard, that is a bad person supjosed to have the power of exercisng, mentally, an evil influence upon mother? (15.) What is your estimate of those - that have 'familiar spirits," ttersons who claim te communicate vith .he spirits of the dead? (16.) Verse 8 ? How long did God ay that the Israelites should posess the land of Canaan, and on vhat conditions? (17.) Which of God's promises if my, are absolute or unconditioned? (18.) Verses 9 10?When good jeople become degenerate, are they >r not generally worse than those who have always been bad? (19.) How did God probably speak !c Manasseh and bis people, and liow does God ^speak to sinners tolay? (20.) Verse 11?God is here said to have brought the army of tne kuiffTjf-Assyria, to war with Israel, and tn falro Mannaoali ? - .? - JflWUUCl U8 a result of his sin. Does God in these lava punish sin in any each material way? (21.) Verses 12-20?What is the general effect of punishment upon tinners? (22.) Why did not Manasseh know that the I.ord was God before his punishment and repentance? (23.) God freely forgave Manasseh the moment he repented; does He always act the same way with sinners? ? (24.) Were all the effects of Manasseh's sins blotted oat, as well as the sins themselves? (This is one of the questions that may be answered in writing by members of the clab.) Lesson for Sunday, July 23rd, 1911, Josiah's Devotion to God. 'J Chron. xxx:I:e3. Ca t Ost asdkad Is this OfTke. INTERNATIONAL PRESS - BIBLE QUESTION I CLUB v I have sead the Suggestive . %L|optioiu on the Sunday School Ljaon published in (Name of Pa >er) aiao the Lesson itself for 8unday ,..19 , and Intend to (Date) read theseriss'of 62. Name Address ...,.".rrL , 1 11 >' . 5 \ ' ~ i '. j ' . S& . . . * ' '2i .' . ACKNOWLEDGE IT. Loutsburiir Has to Bow to the j MWlnevltable?Scores "fH ^^Endorsements. 'f S3 L Prove It. After reading the public state\ menl of this fellow.sutTfrer given! below, you must come to I this con- j i elusion: A remedy which cured | , i years ago, which hue kept the kid*! neys in good health since, can be lel-lied upon 'o perform tbd same work j in other cases. Read tlis: j Mrs. \V. C. Jones, lit N. Blood- I worth St., Raleigh, N. (I., save: "My j ! back ached constaut'y nn.l often, I had pains across my leans. Seine- | j times I was in such bail shape that 11 I could hardly get\up afjer sitting for| awhile. I did hat gdt njv proper! .rest at uiglrf anthT\sufiasrad intensely | j front headiyclies. TEntJtUclor's rned ! j icme brought me ih\i4l/ef ami when | I heard of the goadtl srork Doan'si Kidney Rills were inft in cases like | mine, I got a box. Uf This remedy I drove away my aclieUnnU pains and restored me to betten health than I had enjoyed for yeatt." (Statement | given January 30, 1B08.) \i KKENDORMMKST. \ On December 2, lSKO, Mrs. Jottes added to the above "I have not been troubled to ai y extent hv my back or kidneys sit ce I used Doan's Kidney Pills some years ago. I still take pleasure in re lommendiQg. this preparation." For sale by all lealers. Prioe 50 cents. Foster-Mi burn Co., NewYork, sole agentt for the United States. Remember the (name?Doan's? and take no other. 1 A Welcome Chance to Those Coming to Louisburg cn Saturday July 29th, to stav at Hotel Lancaster Dr. Francia S. Packard of (ireenahoro. N. C. . Consultation and Examination Confi- i dential. invited arm Free. i \ One Day Oiiy . i < - 111?! H ^ ;J gjr*;/ fraai a l?f Sit/iiif To see all of hir regul ir Patients and such new Cases, as may w sh to consult him. I Dr. Packard enjoys as ate wide reputation, | among the professioi ana the Public oi I North Carolina, whet ; for more than 25 years he has devoted us entire time to the I Study, Treatment at a Curt of Chronic I Disease*. The Docto ' has had wonderful ( success in his chosen work, that of curing I chronic sufferers, Mi n, Womth and Children. The Patients he has Restored to i Health after thev hsjd given n all hope of being Cured ane numbered by the Thousands, t He ia a kind, generous, democratic gentlemhn to meetlof high scholarly attainments, and dignift ed personality. Coupled With a Brother^ interin all U 1-1- - J-J *- J not take a PatientTfpr Treatmeut\nnles9 he can foresee a Cms of the CaseA- The most conuncodabll feature of his Work, and one that appeals to the ordinary sick person, is the fact bf his charges baikg so reasonable and moderate as to make it within the reach if even the very peor. At no time do tne charges amonntX to more than $7.00 4 month or about $li5 a week. He gives his own medicinw, and there are no/extra Charges. It takb him never mora than from four to six Months to Cure k Case under Treatments All Cases, eve* those who have been' given up as Insurable or Hopeloss, hare boos Cured and restored to perfect heahh by this Brilfi?nt Physician and the wonderful methods he employs. If you want/to meet him and have him exsmine-you, In the Sup'r CoArl Franklin County ) 1*he First National 1 Notice to BtockBank of Louisburg [ holders, creditors in its own behalf \ and dealers with and on behalf of all ) Tar River Mtg. Co creditors of Tar :- of appointment ol River Mfg.. Co., ) a receiver. V8 Tar River Manufacturing Company. The stockholders and creditors of and all dealers with Tar River Manufacturing Company will take notice that an action has been commenced in the Superior Court of Franklin County for the appointment of a receiver of said defenaanc corporation upon the ground that it is insolvent; and that pending the determination of such receivership a temporary receiver has been appointed] for said defendant corporation, and that said defendant corporation is reduin6d to appear before Hon. C. M. Cdolce, Judge of the Superior Court cv North Carolina, residing in the Fourth Judicial District, to appear before him at Chambers in Louisburg. onJunelKth. 1911. tnehAm paurd if any it can, why said receivership shall not be made permanent; and the stockholders and creditors of and the dealers with said defendant corporation will take further notice that they are required to appear at the term of the Superior Court of said county of Franklin to be held on the second Monday before the first Monday of September, 1911 and intervene in said proceedings snd become parties thereto tor themselves or others in like interest under such rules as the court for the purpose rf justice shall prescribe This June )th, 1911. J. J. Barrow, Clerk Superior Court. Wm H. Rufiin. Att'v. for Plaintiff. New ..Goods.. Just Received At Racket - Store Now is Your Chance ToJGet Than \ At 7 li You are Cfcrdially Invited to I Call and \ Inspect These , \ Great Bargains While IThey Last Very Truly Mrs. L M. Hall ' -i Out of five cars cc npeting fof the Cup in the ENDlfRANCE RlJK which passed through L uisburg last Thursday, the only 2 \ OVERLAND CARS in the race weirt through with a perfect score. BUY AN O V E R( L A N D ^AND GET THE BEST Louisburg Auto & Machine Co. % LOUISBURG, N. C. The Best Made Only machine made with eitlu i beltNjr chainMrtve. Exclusive engine fea' turen contained in no other machi: i!. Automatic lubrication instead of having to be pumped in by hand. Cradlt spring Iprk instead of coil. Free engine clutch, which allows machine to st<: - without stopping engine and two speed gear Direct sight opening oil gnage. 11 ices from *200 to $3.10. ^ee me and machine ' before buying, will guarantee satisfaction. \ ' . . THURSTON K. ALLEN, AGT. LOUJsburg. N. C. Patronize Yoar Tonje Ipdastries To every man who uses\b iggy. It will be greatly to your interest to see me before you buy a buggy. \ am prepared to make any kind of a buggy you want GIVN/E YOUR ORDER and if when the buggy Is h: iishe11 and get my prices. The best buggy reCairing, repainting and ruober tire work a specialty. 24 years experience in uggy building and repairing. Buggy material fog Bale. H.\ 0. TAYLOR First in Benefits I Maximum Dividends To Policyholders / "Minimum Net Cost The Oldest American Life Insurance Company The Mutual /Life Insurance Company \ NEW - YORK m Paid policyholders in. 1910 - - 56,751,062.28 ^ Apportioned for dividends in 1911 - 13,539,333.07 Assets over - I \ - - 522,859,063.00 F)br full information aHHreca R. P. TAYLOR/ "iSS? Louisburg, N. C. ' RELIABLE AGENTS WANTED LOUISBURG COLLEGE NORTH CAROLINA The One Hundred Ninth Session of this School will Begji/ September 13th, 1911 Here girls and young ladiA can secure, at moderate cost, pleasant, hornlike surroundings, Healtbfuyconditions, through intellectual training, liberal culture under true Christian injluencW all the requirements for a well-equipped .life. For Full Information Address Mrs. Mary Davis Allen, President LOUISBURG, North Carolina DIM^ LI A BUI Aaheville, N. Ot>J? s prepared BOYS for Oolleff* and for ChrlalIMPn} tlan CitlitnahipKr IIS years, and ALONK in the U. S.. offers a PUKE ROUND TRIP TICKET from any* ft^re within I BOO miles to any parent who, -on inspection. is not convinced that its pairs of O llVrORY brick rooms, separated by a parapet FIRE WALL, are the BEST for Health. San ntloaSVantilation and safety against FIRE* ? 1793 Send for Catalogue or come and s e. C0\~ R. BINGHAM. Sapt.. B. F. D. Ma. 72 I Weeding | j I Presents j x If you ar? thinking oj giving a bridal X x present you should come to Johnsons Jewelry Store; fi have Just received a X shipment of ri