* . Professional Card T^B. JOEL WHITaI Kit Practice limited to dis' ases of Eye, Kar Le Nose and Throat. In Louiaburg first Monday in each oiontl. STL'AltT DAVIS TH AHCHiTl CT Louisburg, N. O. T* Suburban properties laid out for development. Leveling! and drainage 1 work, Oeneral Surveying. f J}R. ARTHUR HYNE 3 FLEMING, ^ burgeon Den tint, tht Office in Fori Building. Mali and Nash street. Ml Louisburg, n, c. . Hours: 9 to 4:30. Phone No. 0. Da DR. H. A. NEWELL, ?< pll PHY8IC1AJ coi Louisburg, N. P. Phone Nb. 156 tht , : 7^ RANK LINTON BQIEI tht El ! Krankllntoo. I.C. ^ K..A Speed, Pre > net or. ^ Gupd Liverv In c unset ion 1 : ~ ga ?JK. C. H. BANKS be * \ RENTAL sukieo.N J* . Lc*i"bar?. I. 0. hn _ _ Office m JiiokB Baildinf . Mf.ln Street. ^li ~ 7 ? hli P H. (XipKE ? lat ATTOBNEY-A '-LAW ! ' ao ^ Louisburg. L.C.; Over Cooper ? Pleasant i Store. Prompt ha attention fljven all legal usineee entrusted j.. to me ; ?d th( DR. J. B. MALONI , Supt. Health gn Louiabura, N. C. ly S Office in Aycock Drug Store, Market 1 Streat. Office practice. Surgery nit , and consultation. "S ?JK. 8. > BURT do PHYSICIAN an I SURGEON of Loutabar N..C. na Office over P. S. & I . K. Allen'a Store wc I v an ?ju. r. 'f* yakbl bodgh PffYSi't AN a d SURGEON, ph a i Louisba K, N. V. *?' Ottic* in \Arboroagb A Bickett building. Night rails answered ;om T. W. Bickett> residence. phone 74. id< X Lo g B. MA&SENBUIQ fa ATTORNEY AT LAW \ no ^ Lbuisbur . N. C. da Will pn<-ti<-? in\ll the :ourts ot the State of Office in\ Eger on Building Hi WM- HAYWtXu I UFFIN th! * * \? ' tlr ATTOftNEY AT LAW J " V I 8e Louisban . N.t,C. ch Will prnctice In all cat rts of Franklin and 11 adjoining counties. Wlao in the Supreme he -Court and in the Oniop States District and Circuit Court. Office lover First National ca Bank. I pr Y B. WILDER f\ ~~ he I \ hl1 attorn e r A t| law do Louiebu k N. C. ,vl do Office ou Main stre< t it Cooper building. ^r< gPffrlLL A HOI 3E> ^ ATTORNI Y3 . T LAW ?h Loalab int. I. C. ^ WilLatteod the cou t? of . ranklin, Vance, \y OrafTville. Warren a id ^ counties, also the Supreme Cdui . orth Carolina. P Prompt attention g ven t collections ??fHc Qc an Sprnill building. gh an T. w/Bickett, R. B. White ca Louielurg, N.aC. ^ranklinton. N. 0. sa Bickett a wh te ar hi LA WYE IS Louisb irg, ! L rc Tho settlement ot esi *tes I ir etacuLMrn. I Ad mlnistratort and Oukrdiahs is made a spec- ev >ialtv\ nnJ sebond*|requfred by law can be th secured in ne otflcel 1 re Office in Yarborovh 41 Hirkeit biillding f Main dtroet J I M PEKSONj j no ATTORNEY AD' M* ^ Loulsblrg. V. C ^ (Practice in all courts I Offlce on Main Street to II. YARB.OROljnfl Jr. JJJ ATTORNEr Ay LAW Louisbiilc. fl. C p. Allied business intrlsr to mi "r ceive promot attention.' in Egerton . Bui Id i nc. 11 a H<>t" k n OONTKAUTOIl ol.l ?!II.t)KK Loutsburgi N. IC. w Tradinc agent for all kinds A building sup- lOi plies, artisrin .Mantles aid |"liles. Architcc- ot 4roral designs snbmittodI I ^ 1 1 at DR F~ plR D ot DENT?! I ^ Franklintonj S| C. ~ E. A. ROGERS ? TinworkcK I Louisburg, IS. t. th Will make aatimatei onl any* Job m Work Guaranteed. Call V>r write to wl Dn in no ad of enTthin* in Mr tr Una \ \ 1> n UNO AY SCHOOL. sson III.?Third Quarter, For ' July 16, 1911. j IE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. ? xt of the Lesson, II Chron. xxxlll, -13?Memory Vereee, 12, 13?Golden , 1 Text, lea. I, 16, 17?Commentary Preared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. | Chat Hezeklah, who was each a good ' lg, should hare had such a bad fa- 1 sr as Ahaz and such a bad son as . tnasseh Is one of tbe^-to us?seem- , fly strange things. In the case of , ivld's sons and EU'a sons the trouble c >ms to have been lack of home discine, for It Is written of the former 1 scenting one of his sons that ills fa- i ir never displeased him and never Id to him as much as "Why hast >n done this?" (1 Kings L 6.) Of I 1 It la written that "his sons made i imselvea vile and he restrained I tm not" (I gam. Ill, 13). As Manas- I l was twelve years old when he^he- < n to reign In the stead of his father must have been born three years I ler his father's recovery from his 1 teas of which he would have died ' d not the Lord added fifteen years to I life. < 1 31s words were very bumble after ' I recovery from that sickness, but { er there was much pride and self asrtlon. especially when the ambassars came with gifts from Babylon . ' a. xxxvlll and xrxlx). Would It ' ve been better for Hexokiah to have ' >d at what seemed to be his appolntttme rather than to become the fa;r of such a son? Let those tell who ow. but let us In all things be wholsubject to Ood. 'ernes 9 and 10 of our lesson sumirlxe his Iniquity In these words: I o Manasseh made Judah and the In- 1 bitants of Jerusalem to err and to worse than the heathen, whom the rd had destroyed before the children Israel. And the Lord spake to Masseh and to his people, hnt they raid not hearken." Note the love d compassion of Jehovah In His caking to him to warn him and turn n from bis evil ways; note the worst ase of his sin In his refusing to 11si to God. The special phases of bis > are mentioned in the previous rses as manifold Idolatry, bnlldlng >1 altars even in the house of the 1 ird. using witchcraft, dealing with miliar spirits, etc. It was a foreadowiiig of the still greater wlckedss which led to the captivity of Juh when they mocked the messengers God, despised His words and misused s prophets till there was no remedy. Although God Is so long suffering, ere Is sometimes a limit. #and the ne come when God allowed Manasb to be taken prisoner, bound In alns and carried to Babylon (verse 1. It was a grand thing for blm to thus afflicted, for In prison he heme truly penitent and humble and ayed earnestly to God. and the Lord ard him and saved him and brought m again to Jerusalem Into bis klngm (verses 1?, 13). The Lord Is.not llllng that any should perish, and He es everything to prevent people cm going down to the pit (Job xxxill. , 30). Even the Judgments of the eat tribulation period, after the urch shall have been removed, will ive as their object the repentance of e ungodly (Rev. lx, 20. 21: xvl, 9). ho can tell how much bis mother's ayers had to do with his turning to >d? Her name was Hephzlbab. and e seems to have been a godly womi. If she was on earth when be was ?1-J */. Dn 1 1-? - W _ ?l-l-X I incu iv uaujivu sue luigm LI it V tJ id. as Jacob did. "All these things e against me." but In her case, as In j. Rom. vlll, 28, was true. After be turned to the Lord and was stored to his kingdom be seems to lvb done what he could to undo the 11 be had done before by removing e altars and the strange gods, by pairing the altar of the Lord and ofring sacrifice thereon and by contending Judah to serve the Lord God Israel (verses 14-16). bnt there was i lasting result In the kingdom from s reformation, and his son Amon alked In the wicked ways of his faer (verses 21-28). It seems more easy lead people away from God than to ad them to Him. to do evil than to ido It, but there Is nothing too hard wonderful for the Lord. The salvation of the thief on the oss, Saul of Tarsus and the Jailer at llllppl are notable Bible Illustrations the grace of God. Our lesson cbapr refers to the prayer of Manasseh id the words of the Lord's servants blm, but we have no record of them, i the Apocrypha Just preceding the st book of Maccabees there Is a porm entitled "The prayer of Manasseh hen he was holden captive In Babyn," In which he confesses, among her things, that be bad sinned above e number of the sands of the sea. >d he says that If God will save htm i will praise Him forever all the days his life. But even if this be a corct record, which Is doubted. It Is neler his prayer nor his promises that e should consider, bnt the great mer; of God toward one who had been rfcftat a sinner. All mercy to all sinners can only Tie cause of the great suffering* of Hln whom we read In last week's lesson ho was set apart before the founds>n of the world, the Lamb slain from J e foundation of the world (I Pet. t, , I; Bev. Hit 8). His was the only , crlftcc that could take away sin, , rasbadowed In Geo. Ill, 21, and In all . a sacrifices ordained of God and fnl- . led on Golgotha (Acta It, 12). ' 4 /. 'sVft Talht a SINGING ON FOURTH OF JULY. A'omin Advocates Movement to Da Away With Fireworks. Deploring the injuries and deaths hat 0?cur each year ou July 4. Mrs. -uther D. W1 shard, who Is prominent n New York and Montclalr (N. J.) oclety, recently advocated the inauguration of a movement for the celer irntlon^fif lndei?endeuce day with long Instead of fireworks. < "Each year sees a moro vigorous )rotest against the harmful noise and lungers of powder explosives." she laid, "which really is a form of lea then worship adopted In a Chrlslan laud to commemorate the birth >f n nation. To change this way of lesecracing the day will be difficult >ecause the commercial spirit figures jo largely In it, but with the growing jontiment of our better citizens this an. like other evils, be done away with. The substitute must be something Intense. emotional, inspiring and at the isme time wearing a holiday garb. "That tbeso requirements were not indolently met In .the old celebrations made up of speeches, music nnd picnics and dinners is evidenced by the fact that they have fallen so widely Into disuse. 80 let the substitute bo >ne In which all those varlou3 types (shield walk Gwr streets could participate?song. voicing patriotism. To ling Into the hearts of Latino. Slavs. >rlentals, Africans and Anglo-Saxons the birth of freedom. Its meaning auJ aim, would amalgamate and Americanize our population as no charitable privileges or legislation would do. What a mlllonnlum-like change 1; would seem If, instead of being awakened at midnight by powder explosions In the hands of small boys and rioters, we should hear the strains of "The 8tar Spangled Banner' In strong, clear voices or at dawn should look out on an impromptu procession of citizens, Increasing as It marched, singing 'My Country, 'Tls of Thee.'" Mrs. Wishnnl wants Montclalr tc take the Initiative in the movement next year. PAINT TO PREVENT RUST. Roman Process, Lost For Many Yearsi Will Preserve Iron Ship Plates. According to the English newspapers, Inspector Simpson of the Blackburn fire brigade In Lancashire has discovered a liquid which will prevent the deterioration of iron and all other ma terial liable to rust. The new preservative Is a paint, the principle ol which Is believed by experts to be an old Romnn secret which has been lost to the world for 700 years. The liquid, it is declared, will- be ot great value to shipping, as It will not only prevent the "weeping" or do terlorntlon of inner skins of Iron ships which causes so much damage to car goes, and ppplled to the l>ottom plates It not only prevents oxidation, but ul lows no marine growths or parasites to attach themselves*, while producing and maintaining a glasslike, surface which the discover asserts will adc several knots to the speed of Atlantic biers and warshipy. NEW FLYING MACHINE PLAN Landor of London Has,Ruddorless One That Will Rise Without a Run. A. H. S. Landor of Loudon, England who has been studying aviation for flf teen years. Is building a machine which, he believes, will be n notable improvement on all other flying devices One of Its main features, according t< Mr. Landor, Is that it will rise wltbou a preliminary run. It has two Independent motors ant no rudder. The llTles rtf the nrnnnllnn are placed at an angle to each other The whole machine Is much smallei than others. Mr. Lnndor has been told that it re sembles the Wright machine in som< of its features. He says that If whai he has heard of-the Wright brothers machine is true, they are nearer sue cess than anybody else has yet been. New Problem of Watchmakers. n. C. Carpenter, a representative oi a watch company of South Bend, Ind. held up a sample watch as he stood li his room at the Hotel Baltimore, ii Kansas City, the other day. "And now the Jewelers have a net) Job?that of Inventing something thai will m^ke watches used In skyscrapers keep correct time." he said. "Don'1 suppose you know it, but the perpeu dlcular steel construction of tjiesc higt buildings forms a magnet that acts 01 the wheels of the watches, accelerating or retarding the balance wheel That's why so many watches In sky scrapers won't keep the correct time Now the manufacturers must remedy that defect?If It's possible." Vacation For Government Hones. Thirty days' vacation will hereaftei be allowed *to every horse owned by the postoftlce department In Washing ton. Chief Clerk Conrad has signed an order granting to Charley, a hl| black horse, thirty days In which tc cavort In a pnsture in Montgomery county, Md. "Every employee of the government." says Mr. Conrad, "receives t;hirty days' annual vacation and. If necessary*, thirty days* sick leave. I seo no reason why the horses we use In the depalftment should not have a rest "or a vacation, and hereafter I am going to send each of the horses away for thirty days fo feat* Offer For Denver'? Kg 8igm Former Senator James-Smith of New feraey ha 4 offered $200 for the star lecoratlve feature of Denver, a' Wire icreen fpty feet high' With- J ITllSli H BonoIijrMuaol/Achea I l/allp andPUki. Taogenuine I lfnntl H baa Niill's Art on every SB I Ik centsAand sold bv all ) mm warn do a 1 e r s\ln medicine. . m ~Ta? Guaranteed or money reBfMWi funded by Noah Remedy Co., Inc., Richmond, Va. I ? The North Carolina r STATE NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL/COLLEGE 1 ! Maintained by the/%ate for the Wot men of North Carnlin?. Fiv Greensboro, N. C. r ??????? You Will Take Noticet Strict observance of the following " named ordinances of tlie Town of Lou1 isburg will be insisted Aipon, viz: 1 Ordinance 14, Sec./ -1. Any person who shall throw or eAuse to be thrown . any trash or wood or/other obstruction into the gutters of/the streets of the > town shall be liable to a tine of live dollars for each offense. Sec. 2. ^o person shall sweep, throw r>r deposit any garbage or burn, escept with the permission of the Mavo.', any trash in the attests of the town under a penalty of fivapollara for each offense. | S^c. 3. The (fccupant of any lot or i store-house in/town who shall allow any^ garbage br trash" to be swept, ' thrown or depeaitedVon the streets, or ' Inlthe ditchesJshall bb subject to a fine of five dollars/for eacmoffenac. Sec. 4. THh owners yr occupants of any store, aestaurant, Nofflce or other business hotse within thwTown of Louisburg shalljbe and are hereby required to have conveniently on tfye premises a box, barrpl or other receptacle into which Bhal be thrown, swept\pr depos- : ited all of he trash or garbage nccum- j ulating w bin their respective places of businee ; and aaid boifes, hewels or receptacle - shall at least asr often as once a we k be emptied and hauled off at the exi kin of the town. All persons fail! ?r to comply with this Ordinance sh II be fined two dollars for each often ie. BibrT. Holds*, Mhjor. ; I . V ' M. F. HOUCK, 1 1911 July Our savings department inaugurates a ne\ and all deposits made during the first five per cent compound semi-annually. Certif date of issue are furnished by this bank, i investment for those who want a strong *> THE CITIZE HENDERSI TRINITY J 1859 1892 Three memorable dates: The granting c removal of the college to the growing and ing of the New and Greater Trinitj?l_ equipment and enlarged facilitlgsr' Cpmfc tiful pleasant surroundingSj^Five De parti and Electrical Engineerings Law,Edu atio information address / R. L. FLOWERS, tfeCy . TRINITY PA] Establishe Location ideal, equipment unsurpassed, gymnasium and athletic fields of Trinity health. A teacher in each dormitory look: under his care. Faculty of College (iradu struction. Fall term opens Sept T3. For W. W. PEELEr HeadmasI ICE I I ULi ICE! ICE! ICE! This is to i ottfy you that I will see yoii/in person or send you a s< itement of the ( amount o?/yx ur account -up * to July *st., ind same must be paijTprom >tly. ^ Accounts! Not Paid " by 5th, l^ill be Cut Off Until Paid. s So help us out by coming to the ice house and paying l your account. Pay us promptly and we will deliver your ice promptly. J. W. King t To \ The Public l have purchased the interest of J. D. Hill in the firm of Garrett & Hill and will continue the business at the, same stand, where / I will carry ^ full and^omplete ? line of trrocerws all ? the \\vjrfle t I HAVE AtJO PITTED o UP AN/UP4TO-DATE i? / 7 Fresh Meat Market c T And will be preparer at all times to Icolc after the trade ir Lonisbure. Phone your orders to No, 137 and tney will jr revive prompt att mtion. Nothing but the best meats w 11 |be handled, I Jr. will alao pay the highest market price T/ for good beef cattle. Come to see me. tc F S. Garrett! i v I niMrnJiL ' 'Hi?' C. . J r |g |MMuUftX9H NfcJJ^MijPiI I iJJwJPj 1st, 1911 r in/erest period in this department, ans bear interest at the rate of 4 iaiKof deposit bearing interest from fhicm provides a convenient form of rccesslul bank to care for their funds :n5 bank 5N N. C. COLLEGE /~\ 1910-1911 if the cWarter fat Trinity college; the prosperous cityl of Durham; the build[agnifilent new ^buildings with new iltabla hygientpdlormitor ies and beau intetss Academic, Mechanical, Civil n. pramiatey For catalogue and other / - pyrham, N. C RKf SCHOOL sd1898. jstudenta have useVvtton manufacturing andMyeing. Two ssr course in mechanic arts and in ixtile art. One-year courts in agriilture. These courses are Doth prac- . col and scientific. Examinations for lmission art held at all county seats i July IS. / For catalog address. HE REGISTRAR, W. Raleigh, N. C. . . \ jb&rMti&KSM