Professional Card pR. JOEL WHITAKEU Practice limited to diseases of Kyc, Ljr Nose and'l'lirout. InjLouisburg first Monday in eucli ii:onth| 1811.Mil IIA V18 I ARCHITECT I Luuisburg, N. Suburban properties lal<l out for development. leveling ami drainage ,work, General Survey in ?jR. ARTHUR HYNES FLEMING,; Surgeon Dentist* Office in Ford Building, Main and Nash street, Louisburg, N. C. Hours: 9 to 4:30. Phone No.UO. JJU. H. A. NEW km, | PHYfclClAlfc Loulsburg. N: f. \ ' Phone No. I5fl "jp It AN KLIN TON HOTCLI I niuklintonlN C. H. A Speed, Prqp ietor Good Liverv in c<mi iwtiftn j^K. C. H. BANKS I DENTAL 8UK(# JON I''/ui*burg, N. 0. OtH?* in liictcn Building. I?>in Street. p H. COOKE ATTORN EY-AT-UA W Louisborg, N. D. Over I'ooper k Pleasant* $iofe. Prompt attention given all legal buslketH entrusted to mo . |I DR. J. E. MALONK, ijlipt. Health Louisburg, Ml C. Office in Aycock Drug Sure, Market Street. Office practical Surgery and consultatipji. jjlt. d. 1> BIJKT 11 PUVS1CUN uod SujauEOX Louisburg, X. C'| Office mvr P. S. A K. K. Allan's Store h l\R. It, K. YAKBOROUUKl I'llY.SI* IAN aq?1 SLitfKON Louisburir. M.l'. I t'jflce in Varbirough Jt Dm:kitt Niirbt calls answered W Ktckettc resilience. phone 74. . I . g U. MASSES BUlttt ATTORNEY AT (*A ?T Louisburg. N. jL*. * Wili pr i in all ;heeour*? otithe State Mtirp in Kgartou Building WM. H IY Wool) UL'r'FIN F~~ AT TO DS BY AT-LAW Lonisburir. N.-C. ? Will practice Id all court* of Franklin and adjoining comities. also in the Supreme t'ourt and in the United Stakes Di trict and Circuit Court. Office over "Firi?t National Dank. I . rjl 11. WILDER ATTORNEY ;ATi|LAW I Louinburg. X. 1C. . Ollw ou .Main rtreet iu Cooper building. . \ S PRL'I LI. A HOLDEN 1 . 1 ,\Tri)ltNKIf4 AT Law Lnuisburg. *N.?C. Will attend the court sol , {nnklin. Vance, Granville. Warreu and ..icounti s. alan the Supreme Coutt orth C roliun. Prompt attention given to collection i tH. in Spt nil) building. ? } . T. W. Bickvtt. fe. D. W Lite L'juirtbur^, S.L. Fro nklintorj. X. 0 glCKETT .V WHITE LAWYERS Loul?burg:, Is". The settlement o> estates tor >XMtil'.oi -Ad rninint rafors arid (luardi iris i diuiIh i , sppc iaifcy. an-' ''P bonds required by law ?n b< secured in ne otttce. Office in Yarboroiifch & H rketi In ilditijj Maiii street M. PERSON ATTORNEY AT ,AA Louisburit. N. I " Ss Practice in all courts Offic< on MoinlStreet W" II. YARBOROIJOH, ir. ATTORNEY AT LAW Lonislmnr NO All l?>x il lni?in?M iVm*r*d mi ra? "i opiv? proinut attention, tiffioi in E [crtoi Building. M p- K f CO.NTKACTUK and WILDES l.ouisburiz. N C7 Trading agent for all kinds buddi or fcup plies, artistic Mantles and j riles. A-chibc fcural deaimx suunoitted. DR FC RID A DENTISl Franklinton, |. C., E. A. RO iERS Tinworh er. Louisburg, I . C. Will make eetimates oil a: y )ol Work Guaranteed. C II or writi wl on in noed of anyt ling in line ? . . *. ! W ;. - i' - ^41 ?i&' ^ "MY BLOOD IN FINE CONDITION" ' Every sufferer from Blood Poison should read what Mm. G. p. Medllu, of Weldon, | N. C.. says />f her experience: *'1 was a terrible sufferer from Blood Poison. If the skin would be broken, the flesh would be- I 1 come Inflamed, Itch and burn, and develop I Into sores. Before the birth of one of my children, my whole body became fearfully swollen, and I was In a serious condition ' generally. I used Mrs. Joe Person's Bern- , edy and it cured me. My blood is In fine condition. 1 believe If It had not been for | Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy I would have < died. Its value Is priceless/' | Away back In the days of Moses It was , said, ,4In the blood thereof Is the life," ' and never were truer words spoken. This vital fluid Is the essence of life and health, aud when it becomes! impure, Impover-1 lshed or poisoned the (result is debility, I weakness, Iom of vitality, energy and Jlfe Itself, without good blfod, good health to! Impossible. , - 1 / 1 MRS. JOE PERSON'S REMEDY Is a anre specific for a 1 troubles due to 1 impure. Impoverished at 1 polsqped blood, such as Eczema, Old 8< res, Sofofula, and the loog train of atten ant Ailments, Including Indigestion, D; ipepsla, Stomach Troubles, Nervousness, Rhiromatlsm, Catarrh. Female Troubles, indr general "rundown conditions In bott men and women. It feeds the blood, dri eft out every vestige of poison, tones up Ahe neryous system, induces sound and refreshing sleep, and brings the entire ) ody beck to Its natural healthy conditio! , Mrs. Joe Person's He nedy is scientifically prepared from fu ely vegetable ingredients. It positively- contains no opiate or narcotic of any kinq, Ao Iodide of Potassium or other minerali-mst a compound of helpful herbs, nature's, own remedy for human ltfs. V As a Tonic, Alterative. Blood purifier or Nervine, it has no equal. It gulckly conqners Nervous Prostration and Insomnia. We don't care how many doctors have said you couldn't be cured?Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy will cure you If you will only rive it a chance, write us for testimonials from people who expected long ago to be dead, but are living today and glad to tell how this Remedy cured them. lit cases of externa! trouble, inflammation. ulceration or itching linmor, our Wash should be used with the Remedy. For sale by druggists, or supplied direct on receipt of price. $1.00 per bottle; 0 bottles for $5.00; 1 dozen by express prepaid for $10.00, by " 0 mm. jw Ftrnri mma bum. a. c. I Repeating7e J I^^^P^^^This is built' settled districts, , where good range/end killir-; 1 power are desircdJ with safe;/ I to the neighborhood. The -20 is a light, quickhandling, finclV-balanced repeater, with the solid t\ry closed-in breech and side ejection failures which make , ZTZarfin guns scfiAand agreeable use and certain in action. I .1 . i It is m?de to uie thftnowerful r.ewhlr!i velocity smokeless loaYls with jacketed ) bullets as well As the Well-known black I 1 powder and low preosur^ smokeless cort- ? . ridges, and Is the ideal r:Hc for tarr.ft wcrk, i 1 'or wopdchucks, reese, hnwks. foxes, etc., up to 300 yarc.s. ^IBIbJI This rifle and ammurition, and all other /TZarUn repeaters, are fully described in our 136-pngc catalog. Free for 3 stamr-3 postage7Xe 772ar/in /2s ixirs/LS G>.y 42 Willow Street. NTW rlfiVEN. CGWK. Joseph Yarborough TA# I Tr, A W TVT??1 I Xli JL.4../ jL . XI Cell TV i'lA BuiMmg^ I am prepared Ao do your pressing, cleaning ancVtailoring at verv reason" abte rates. IM\ work guaranteen. Give ? mo a trial ahd 1' will please you. ' Phone No. 159 Rempval Notice After August 1st I will move my stock of FurniturVlo the?Wj- I*. Neal i & Co's. building oVMainstrect and will enlarge mv stockSlnd carry an upt to-date line of all kln/\ of furniture. . Call and see me both iefdye and after moving for bargains/ \ /Jjto. S. llOWEI-I. For Rcrtt Cheap 11 I Have Four Brick Stores For ikent One on Nash Street next to Beasley-Alston )rug Company and three belo v the Racket store, also on N ish Street. The above can be rei ted by the first of August. I c ccupy the one next to Nthe Beasley-Alston Drug Co., bb^B ill give possession at once. ^ I am Also Goii g to Close Out all my Men's a d Womqns slippers w ly down s. UNDER - COSTV 500 Shirts at 31 1-3 per cent urK der cost. 1 ain closing out ev-\ erything under cost. Come on \ and get a a tire building, buy \ me out if yom want to at a dis> count. Thepe stores will be , rented chaaf>. r J. P I Winston. : -v ' . SUNDAY SCHOOL Lesson J/.?Thir:1 Cuarier, Foi July 30. 1911. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES Text of the Lesson. II Chron. xxxiv, 14 33?Memory Verse, 21?Golden Tex1 Ps. cxix, 11?Commentary Prepare* by Rev. D. M. Stearns. We are still Jn the reign of goo< King Josiah. and the benrt of this lea son is a book, tlie book of tbe law o the Lord by Moses, a book concernlnj which we reud In Josh. I. 8, "Thl book of tbe law sbali not depart ou of tby mouth, but thou aba it medltat therein day and night, thai thou may est observe to do according to all tha Is written therein, for then tbou shal make thy way prosperous, and thei thou shalt have good success." It 1 also written of tbe blessed man ii Ps. i, 2, "His delight Is in the la^ of the Lord, and in Ills law doth h meditate day and bight." No one rejoiced more than Jeremial over the fluding of this book, for h said. "Thy words were fouud. and did eat them, and Thy word was unb me the joy and rejoicing of min heart, for 1 am called by Tby name Lord God of hosts." David could say "1 rejoice at Thy word as one tha flnityth great spoil" (Ps. cxix. 162). 1 bur henrts are right with God nothlnj in all the world will be so precious b us us tbe word of God. Not only wll our hearts burn within us when th Spirit opens to us the Scriptures, bu there will be a boiling or bubbllni up as we hear of things touching th King (Luke xxlv, 32; Ps. xlv, 1). There is but one principal person L all the book from Genesis to Revela tlon, even the one who said: "Lo, come?in the volume of the book it 1 written of me. 1 delight to do th; will. O my God! Yea. thy law 1 within my heart" (Ps. xl, 7. 8). I was for Him that Josiah was king sitting upon His throne as His repr sentative (1 Chron. xxlx. 23; II Chrov ix. 8). and tbe finding of this bool must have been to Josiah like a spe cial message from Jehovah. It wa in connection with the repairing o the house of the Lord thnt the bool was found, and we are reminded o Hosea vi. 3. "Then shall we know i we follow on to know the Lord." Jo siah was earnestly doing the best h> knew when by this book the Lord re vealed Himself more fully. It is b; His word that the Lord always re veals Himself (I Sam. ill. *21). He i ! the Living Word, and He reveals Him | self to us by nis written word, ii | which we see Him and know Him. When the king heard the words o ' the book as they were rend to him b: Shaphnn. the scribe! he rent his clothes for he saw therein his sin and th sin of his people and that great wratl from the Lord was*?upon them be cause they had not kept .the word o the Lord to do after all that wai written in the book trerse 21). Then I was a prophetess in Jerusalem name< Huldah. and to her they went to in quire of the Lord concerning thesi matters. Let all believing women t? encouraged by this and by the remem brance of Priscilla instructing Apol los and by the fact that the first res urrection message was given by thi Lord Jesus to a woman and that tin j first proclamation of the gospel it Europe was at a woman's praye meeting and al9o by the story o Philip's daughters and by Ps. lxviii 11. Itev. Ver.. to let the Lord use then I as nis witnesses as He may lead. Thi seeming prohibitions in several place! j refer to order Instead of confusion i and to this day in some of the easten i churches the women babble in tinn [ of service and even call their hus bands by name and ask questioni which ought to b<? asked at home in I stead of disturbing the congregation Let all who are taught of the Lor< hold themselves ready to teach othert at every opportunity, for if ever then was a time when true witnesses wen needed it is now. when women as wel as men are being bo used by the devi against the truth. now grand to hear this woman oi uoa nay. "mus snltti tne Lord God 01 Inrael. tell ye the man that sent yoi to me" (verse 23i. To a true serv ant of the Lord lie Is nil. and t< please Him Is everything; men ar< nothing except they glorify God. Sei the Lord's commendation of Joslah It verse 27, and note his tender heart his humility nnd true penitence, ant note In Ibs. Ivll, 15. that He wh< dwells In tbo high and holy place als< dwells with him who 7s of a bumbli and contrite spirit. Joslah promptly gathered priesti and Levltes and all the people, greal and small, and rend In their ears al the words of the book of the covenant and there they made a covenant be fore the Lord to serve Him as He re quired with all their heart and soul and all the days of Joslah they de J parted not from following the Lord the God of their fathers. In such men ns Jeroboam and Ahat and Manasseh we see how much evt ofte man can do and how farreachlng tpe results, but In such men as Here klah, JehoehaphaL and Joslah we set what God can do through even suet Imperfect mjn If only sincerely obedl ent to Him. As this Is our last stud] of Joslah. we mnst not fall to notlci his groat pasaover. the like of whlcl had not been seen In Israel since th< days of Samuel (chapter xxxv, 18) .That leads on to the pessover whlcl ur Lord Jesus so greatly desired tc keep with His disciples and to Its fu tore fulfillment In His kingdom (Luk< nil. IB, ML . , > , .. ' "\ . . \ H3W TO CURE RHEUMATISM - It Im An Internal Disease And Re1 quires An Internal lie me d jr. The causo of rheumatism and kindred diseases Is an excess of uric acid h*-+ho [* blood. To cure this terrible disease this acid must be expelled and the system so regulated that no more acid will be formed In excessivo quantities. Rheumatism Is an Internal dlseaso and /equlres an internal remedy. RUBBIhfo with * Oils and Unlm^nts WILL NOJ CURE, affords only temporary reliejr at best, causes you to delay the p^per treatment, and allows^ the malady to get a firmer hold on yoa. Linlmyms may "ease j the pain, but thav willyfto more cure Rheumatism than balntywlll change the fiber of rotten wood. / j Science has at lajt discovered a perfect and complete dUfe, which is called " Rheumaclde. Tested m hundreds of cases, f It has effected the mOpt marvelous cures; , we believe It will cum you. Rheumaclde 6 gets at the Joints fron^ the Inside, sweeps 8 the poisons out of thes system, tones up t the stomach, regulates the livfcr and ' Q kidneys and makes you well all over. Rheumaclde strikes the root of the dis" ease and removes Its cause. This splen* did remedy Is sold by druggists and t dealers generally at 50c. and $l a bottle, 1 In Tablet form at 25c. and 50c. a package. B Wrlto to Bobbin Chemical Co.. Baltimore. Md. Booklet free. Tablets sent 1 by mail. Pointed Paragraphs. 9 It's hard work for some people to get * sufficient rest. a It's poor policy to turn a deaf ear to e the telephone. * One way to make money fast is to * nail it to the floor. ; Everybody offers explanations, but 5 few people believe them. 0 If vou want to make good there is no 1 time like the present. t It sometimes happens that long serg mons mean a short pastorate, e If a man happens to be good looking he thinks that will carry him through. You can't tell what is going to come j out until the investigating committee b gets through. y The honeymoon is on tHe whne when 9 the bride stoos tellinc thin.. ..<1 s. * gins to ask questions.' ^ CHICHESTER SPILLS s DIAMOND BRAND I ^ ^ i- LADIES | _ A?k romr Dr?.rr??t for/CHI CHE3-TERS A P DIAMOND bKANDxfXLLS ia Rr.o and/A i. Gold metallic b >*clL seeled vrith Blue(0) Ribbon. Takc ?*o Ausr.. Borof tobp\V V DrvcneUt and ask fJA< ni.CUUA-TClt S V U DIAMOND nil AND IM 1,1.6, for twrntT-fir3 y:ara regarded oa Eefct.Sdtet, Always Reliable. 9 10LD BY ALL DRUGGISTS > EVERYWHERE SB? j f ' _ =| ' The North Carolina e College of Agriculture and I Mechanic / Arts a The State'i IiyGustriai College j Four-year c\urstiB~iin Agriculture; j in civil, electrioalAind mechanical engineering: in inWstrial Chemistry; in B cotton manufacturing and dyeing. Two ? year course in /nechanic arts and in - textile art. One-year course in agri culture. These courses are both praci tical and .scientific. Examinations fori 0 admission are held at all county seats e on July 1:1. For catalog address. 1 TDK REiiWTRAR, W. Raleigh. N. C. ; r AMERICAN BEAUTY j CORSETS ^g| 5 Are the culmination y 3 ot corset excellence?^J the product of iTfbWl j Intelligent and ap 3 puea reasoning^-/ VYVA I /# \ i honest and V WW J I directed effqrta-vthe (uilV\ I results could1, not be I'M \ \ different than they UjS|\\ y are?corsets <M fctylfgh IftU I lines and Mshloriable llffiltr'd proportions./ \ \ Jl UJ |I Not a better corset can be made for the 'ft, money. We carry In stocK. all of the latest, stunning, modish effects. I American Beauty corsets ONE DOLLAR UP MRlC A. M. HALL. Louisburg, N. C. 1 Spring Bedding Plants for BeautifVing the Yard. Alio Pecqratrre ! Plants foR/the House ; CHOXCpajUT ; -.FLOWERS.1 For weddingi/and all social events 1 Floral offerings arranged in the ' most artistisstyle at short notice Mail, telephone and telegraph I f orders promptly executed by ! J. L. O'QDENN & CO. I ; RALCKjM, N. C. 1 Buildings covered lover twenty ycats ago are as good as new and have never needed repairs. Fireproof ? Stormproof?Handsome? Inexpensive. If or further detailed information apply to M. f. HOUCK, Louisburg, N.C. 1911 July ,1st, 1911 rrr? * * ^ Our savings department inaugurates a new interest period in this department, and all deposits made during the fiitst/five days bear interest at the rate of 4 per ceni compound semi-annually, Qertificat of deposit bearing interest from date of issUe are furnished by this t^n\, which provides a {convenient form of investment for those who want a syrong successful bank tn cam fnr their J-V :v* THE CITIZENS BANK HENOERSON \*. C. THjE VIRGIN]/A I iAY : (XaiANl WEW, ya " The most popular]Summer Hotel in t\)A Virginia Coast will be open for guests On June/15th, 1911 Its fifth season under the same manbjrement. Operated by a Franklin County boy. The Virginia Bay is hf&aAuarters for Franklin County people. Arrange'to Speildjr^ur Vacation With Us And we assurejyou that everything possible will be done for the comfort and pleasure of you?elf and family during your stay. For Rates aqfd Other information Write JNO'. A. TUCKER, Mgr. Eastern Carolina Teachers Training School A State School to Train T(ichers for the Public Schools of Noj4h Carolina. -T?[ Every energy is directed to tnis one purpose Tuition free to all who agree to teach. Fall term begins September 2?th, 1911. For catalogue and other information, address '-^3, \ Robert H. Wrjght, President. GreenvilVe, N. C.. -i? - ? GOOD NEWS FOR EVERYBODY , , i? . I have just received 50 dozen Jpairs of the tbin Lisle Hose and half H?se, the kind you have been paying 25c for/. My prieeTftc. Another gro'ce of the dime Safty Razors 10. Embroidery and Insertion reduced to 5c and $50 worth sample line of Jewelry, some artietes worth going at 10c. Lantern and Lamp Chimneys the 10c kind at 5c and hundreds <(f other articles at half the regular price. Come and see and you will be sure to buy. J. H. JOHNSON Proprietor of the 5 and 10 Cents Store. I Sickness Is I Unnecessary 11 >MW8i to demonstrate the / j( I value of the telephone / n J |J in the farm home. In , any emergency the telephone performs a func- \\ tion which no other agency \ can equal. The doctor can pe I called quicker than t^e ho^se can be hitched up. Neighbors can be summoned instantly. It is invaluafo/e for the convenience and protection of the housewife. I <J BbA information about our l jplanwrite to nearest manager Farmers' Line Department Home\Teleplt?ne I & Telegraph Co. I

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