, FRANKLINTON Our Regular Co Items of Interest G and Near Our Sister CLOSES ON V J ? As They Used to Appear J? Backward, turn backward, oh Time'itft"? your flight, , - ] ? And give ub a maiden dressed' proper j _ and right. | ^ We are so weary of switches and rats, j Billy Burke clusters and peach-basket hats, . t Wads of jute hair ina horrible pile, si Stacked on their heads to the height of i, a mile. Something is wrong with the maidens, we fear; Give us the girls as they used to ap- 0 pear. I 7 Give us the the girlies we once knew o] yore, Whoee curls didn't come from a hairdressing store. Maidens who dressed with a sensible <1 view. And just as Dame nature intended them to, , " Give a girl with a figure her own. And fashioned divinely by tNsf?ure (j alone. teminine style's getting fiercer each? . year? * Oh, give us the girls as they used to A appear. ?Sterling (Kan.) Journal. . t> ?Keep your premises clean. ^ ?lis a une utile girl at Mr. M. E. Retiree's. ?The farmers have all about laid K by their crops. ^ ?An ounce of preventive will t( save a big doctor's bill. ?An advertisement in this department will bring you business. ?Let some of our enterprising p business men start a movement to build up and boost our town. ?A big crowd of people froru the g Pope's chapel section went on the excursion to Raleigh Tuesday. ?Miss Susie Allen has accepted a _ situation with the Agricultural de- j partment in Raleigh, and left Monday to begin her work. ?Watermelons are plentiful in our nl town now. You can buy them for ^ almost your own price. The small I ~ boys and the pigs are happy. j t> ?The Sunday School Excursion i train carried haO people from Frauklinton, according to reports from a Johnson street to the opvrater here.< ?After a pleasant trip of several I J days visiting relatives and friends at' S Laurel, Elmore Speed, wife and little William, returned Monday even- j mg. ?James ar.d Warner Johnson, u who have been in Kex Hospital, " Raleigh, several weeks with typhoid fever, returned home Monday, look- ? ing much improved. ?Only one case' before Mayor ^ Conway Monday morning. Man Winston, colored, for being drunk and disorderly on the street Sunday was .given $5 and costs, making b $7.35. ' > ?Our tow n is getting to be we'l c supplied with automobiles, three new ones were received last week. They ^ were purchased by F. M. Drake, C. w S. Williams and J. H. Harris. They were the E. F. Flanders make. P ?Our town was about desert ed Tuesday?everybody and his wife and children, even our chief 0 of police, went on the Sunday school g excursion to Raleigh. We done as ^ wo pleased, and kept Sunday houis. g ?-J. S. Roberson reports fifteen more snakes killed at the same place, i t He should be entitled to a "cromo,"' ( now as this is 60 in two weeks. He 1 must have takeilvlessons under the 1 snake charmer, or gotten hold of a bad brand. c % ' 1 , j ?The sawmill and outfit belong- . ing to F. M. Drake, near town, was burned last Friday night. We understand he had a large lot of lumber racketTup at the mill but none * of this was burned No information as to the amount of damage incurred was received. ? ?Capt, I.*H. Kearney had a val- a uabte horse nearly driven to death ? -. last Sunday. He waa -hired to a '- oolored man who earae near driving 1 bim to death. There is a law for f NEWS ITEMS KTespondent athered From in Town Each Week WEDNESDAY nob as this and it should be enfol edpwnd make an example of som q?n This happens very often hert ?Fannie Taylor, a highly respec id old colored woman of our towc ied last Thursday evening. Aun 'annie belonged,to Joe Kearney, ii lavery time and was raised in thi jwn. She was respected by tb hite people for many of her gooi raits and beloved by the whole eol red race who knew her. She wa 2 years old. PersonalH. T. Hight went to Raleigh Tuee ay. Miss Ethel Sand ling was a visitoi > onr town Tuesday. Miss Jean Ward has gone to Bin ity to visit relatives and friends. Miss Adelia Rice, of Pamlict ounty, is visiting Miss Fannie Bel Lllen on Main street. Capt. R. I. Cheatham, who ha een on a several days visit to hi rotber, E. J. Cheatham, returned t< [orfolk Sunday hight. Sprains requiri careful treatment eep quiet and, apply Chamberlain 'i iniment freely. sR will remove th< >reness and quic ily-restore the part > a healthy condttionN^For sale by al larg , FUNNY PARAGRAPHS. or The Benefit of Those Wht Like Them An be staggered up the steps a A. M.: "John, what time is it?" "Why, my dear its only 9 o'clocl -hie!?in London! TUE ONLY WAT OUT. Peter (sent for the milk)?Oh lercy, I've drunk too mnch of it That shall we do? Small brothel -Easy. We'll drop the jug.?Meg eiidorfer Blatter. HYGIENIC MOSQUITOES. Knicker?Were you bitten bt losquitoes? Hocker?Bitten? Great scott her tietelierized me.? New Yorl or. A GENTLE REMINDER. John?I understand IJashleigh'i nele has died. leaving him a for ine. Tom?Yes; he has* received reat many congratulations. \V h veil his tailor sent him a bunch o irgetroenots yesterday.?Londoi tail. SAUCE. "The impudence of that younj rother of mine!" exclaimed Mri Tagger. "He just told me I was m hicken when I married you." "Well," replied her nnsyinpatheti nsband, "that's true enough. Vol reren't a chicken, were you?" "No; I was a goose."?Pbiladel hia Press. FORBIDDEN FBL IT. A sailor had just shown a lad ver the ship. In thanking him, sh aid: "I am sorry to see by the rule hat lips are 'forbidden 01 you hip." "Lor' bless you, ma'am," replie< he sailor, "so were apples in th larden of Eden."?Caledonian. FACT OR FICTION? 'vThe tiouhle with these literar lulis," said a captious critic, "is ths hey always degenerate into meet ngs for the exchange ofgoasip." "True enough," replied an en busiastic member, "bnt how can yo ixpect anything else when facts ar o much strangeT than fiction?" PUPATION. "How are yoa on geography?" w sked the 1'2-year-old son of on econd-to-next-door neighbor. "Not very good," answered th ad, modestly. "But I've heard ew thipge. What la it yoa want t i ;a*k?" | "Where in "On page 99," ha answered ! promi't'\, and ii produces in?'e aolsi I of stamps tluui any uilur oaiiutry of 1 its shut-in the world." There's a bit of education in tlii" soliecling fad, you arc. Vjl AltHKI. BETWEEN Ht'SllA N l> AM) W1KK. "M8r"Wi" said ilia man, is n " mistake."? - ? f "It's worse;" said liia wife. It's a | B crime." ^ *Wbj should a- chap marry," the ' man cried, "when, by jiugo! he can >i buy a talking parrot for $5?" I "Five dollarsl'Vxclaiiued his wife. 1 "well, that is another example of the 8 eternal inequality of the sexes?." 6 "Inequality of the sexes? How ^ so?" said he. ' You men," she replied, "oan buy 8 a parrot for fiye dollars, while we women can't get a Dear anywhere for less than a hundred or more." HI BAD BIB TKA. "Jack," said Mr. Brown to his only son and heir. "I've got a good mind to send you to bed without any tea." 1 Jack?Why, dad? Dad?I hear that you have disoL obeyed your grand mother, who told ' you not to slide down the banister, and you oontinued to do so. s Jack?Grandma didn't tell me not s to, dad; she only came to me and > said: "I wouldn't slide down those banisters, r?y lad." Dad?Well? Jack?Well, dad, I shouldn't 9 think she would, an old lady like her; | gbould you, dad? 1 Mr. Brown didnt pass an opinion, thinking it beat to let things drop. THE TREATMENT HELPED. "Let me kiss those tears away," he I begged tenderly. She fell into his arms and he was t busy for the nelct few minutes. And yet the'the tears flowed on. "Can nothing stop themj" he ? asked breathlessly.?ie "No,"" she murmured, "it's hay fever, you know. But go on with the treatment."?The Silent Puri, Der. . r PATRIOTISM, "I'd give anything, almost, if I had Mrs. Toiler's i-avoir-f uro." "I think u much inui e patriotic to i own an Americ. n made car." IMMEDIATE REtil'l RKMENTS. ! "We need more public spirit in i | this town." "Yes, but if we had a tirst-class second baseman I think the attend I arvce would be better." s; "1 suppose," said the city mar, "there are some queer ciiaracters a j around an old village like this." yj "You'll find a good many," ad f mitted the native, "when the hotel* a fill u|j."?Louisville Courier Journal I "" For summer diarrhoea in-chHdren al ways give Chamberlairrs Colic, Cholera , and Diarrhoea Remedy ahd castor oil. * and a speedy cure is c3rtai>. For sale ' by all dealers. 0' ?? Through Road Items c The crops around here are look' ine right inueh hotter since the rain. (f. \Y. Hunt and Frank Ilicks ' went to an ice cream supper at Willis Lassiter's last Saturday night, Sam Foster spent Sunday aftery, i noon at Joe Tharrinuton's, neat ?! Moulton. s Wash Hunt and wife spent Saturr day night at William Murray's, near Perry's Mill, d ! Johnnie Woodard and Bunn Wa e 1 ker. of Castalia, spent Snnday at ! Mrs. M. T. Hicks. | J. H. Hunt, who has been in the y j hospital at Baltimore the past five t weeks, has returned home and is getting on all rhrht. Willie Carroll and Miss Lessie w Foster spent Sunday near Alert, u Joe Hunt was s pleasant- caller al e Wash Falkner's last Sunday afternoon. * i i _ra" ' With best wishes lor the Times. y llr.CB Eyes. ir Dr. 8. Rajport, of Durham, will be at JyoniiBorg at the Lonisburg Hotel, TuM.IAug. l?t, tor the pur pose of exaUfcing eyes tad fitting ? glasses. CoisdHerion Free. V ihhlAXi V U M R. F7 - I Have J One Car Lqa< One CaiVLot d of ^ Car Doaa of I sell everything thai is Wide by th ry a stock of buggies, surrtes, carria harness flitting, robes, whipsi horse Don't come tolLmi a look at the* con Maahin Improved machinery saves latyr am time if voa don't farm with inrmrov with a liffht crop to harvest, which fellows will call no "near" or "J|arn YOUR TR K. P. Holling Furniture & WF" ARCr NEW < Now Every ? Low ^ i The white oak hand made Rockers $2.50. We are fi| business with our high qm J. W- HOU MUSIC STORES-Morehei VRMER ust Received Jof McCormick wers McCormic Rakes, One Columbus Wagons ' e International Harvesting Co. I also cargoes and a full and complete stock of Harness medicine. isburg unless you take Si stock of Farm carry. 7 oney for you. In this day and ?d machinery vou will find yourself next fall means littl\money to you, and the other leriea". I selhon good easy time. UE FRIEND I HILL sworth's .1 Music Rouse | RECEIVING I GOODS Week Bought at I Prices I q For cash which we offer you On Easy" Terms if I . Desired I I ^ New Talking Machine Rec- I \ords. 10 inch records plays I Vi both sides 60 cents. Talk- I inc Machine Needles 5 cents I J peAbox. We have just re 1 oatTrAJ ? * vvi v c ? a new lot 01 those I Handmade Chairsi - I > and Rockers r ^1 i Without a flaw. Diners $1 and hiring on getting some of your I lity and low prices. ' I .LINGSWORTH I id City, Beaufort, Raleigh, Oxford % \| - * "> i'-. f. V . t< | ;

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