I.M'" ? ' < ";i nvHri- <-**? ?? . FRANKLIN TIMES K. F. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager _ 1 riiu, - . tl.OC tlz months, sf > hum months, - Friday. July 28 1911. The moat correct plan is to have high valuations and low tax rates. It now b . gtas4o?look* as if tb? more a man gets the more he wants. Surely the Street Committee is not going to stop the hands from the street work. It is considered by all a most cowardly act to attack a man with abuse in his absence. It is strange to 'see how blind some people are towards things contrary to what they want to believe. Press reports yesterday sav that Mr. C. W- Tillett will uot be a candidate for governor in the next campaign. Judging from the extracts reproduced in Saturday's News-Observer it looks as if Coventor Kitchin has failed in his public trust. " ' The latest returns from Texas show that the recent prohibition election held in that State was carried by thy antts by a small majority The people of Franklin county hare always stood ready t? acknowledge tbeir appreciations of tbe right and there is hardly any chance of their changing. Mr. Lock hart, in Wednesdays News-Observer sat a he "knew the Governor bad torgotten his campaign '. pledges and the issues upon which he was elected, but his memory is worse than he thought." Gov. Kitchin's answer to the Lockhart letter was published in Sunday's News-Observer. It was a lengthy document but not enough so to convince the public who heard his campaign speeches to his way of seeing it. The Raleigh News and Observer says the American Tobacco Company has advanced the price of cigarettes to Raleigh jobbers and it is charged that the company is trying to make good the expense of the Ware-Kramer damage suit. The business men may think they are saving a few dollars in not spending anything to extend the trade limits of Loniebnrg, but while they are holding back, other towns are stepping in and getting the basinets that would come to Louisburg il proper effort was made to get it. The vote on reciprocity in the United States Senate Saturday dn? not settle the measure, although it was carried by a large majority. It ' now begins to look as if Caaady will have as strong a fight as we have, as the sentiment is divided between two factions. One 'claims it to be a measure which will tend towards separating Canada from the Kingdom and uniting it with the United States while others think it is all right. So even now after~so long a fight there is no ceitainty as to when ye may have reciprocity. Baseball MondayTbe Fats will play the Leans a gam* of baseball in Williamson's Park Hon. day afternoon at 4:30 o'clock. Thii will positively be the largest game ol the season and a large crowd is ex pected. * , , Manager's Fleming and CrowelL ol the two teams have been in con ference for several days making thi final arrangements for this game. Tin articles of agreement wars signed las Wednesday and the game will b< . palled off Monday. The proceeds from this game will tx given to some worthy and needy canee and it has not been settled whetbe: it will go to the Standard Oil Co., si the Louleburg Baseball Association however this wiU be determined betor the game. There have 'been severs groand rales agreed opon and the* ' No player can make over two been Lwm ivkitttn . # ?. ^ - ? on thiee strikes provided the catcher j , does not catch it No player shallcome j to the bat more than four times in the i same inning. Flies are not out on the j I second bounce. Each fat man must I come within four feet of the bases , while running. No plaver will be . allowed to hit the umpire with a bat. All players must stand within ten , feet of the home plate while batting. No player can hat with a paddle unless agreed upon by the managers at the time of said batting. Positively no swearing"Vvithin twenty i feet of the grand stand. Each pitcher must have as maov as one foot on the ground while pitching. No batter shall be credited with a i 1 hit unless the ball was pitched by the regular pitcher. No perspiring allowed. No flowers will be received on the diamond and no wife, sweethearts nor I friend will be allowed to embrace fffiy j player. until after the game is over! Those taking part for the game are ' as follows: Fats?E. S. Ford, E. S. Green, lb; B. ( T. Holden; c; L- L. Joyner, p; S. P. Uoddie, 3b; J. W. King, 3b; Dr, Fleming; ss; B. P. Griffin, rf; W. M. Person, cf; M. S. Clifton, rf; J. C. Tucker, H. L. Candler, W. E. I'zzell. Leaks?F. R. Pleasants. O. Y. Yarboro, George Scoggin. A. A.' Clifton, B.. G. Hicks, G. L. Crowell, P. R. White, ] Hugh Bight, W. D. Egerton, Frank | McKinne, W. D. Jackson, Malcom McKinne. John Bast. So every one will have an opportunity to see "papa" play ball. The game will be called at 4 :S0 promptly. Admission 25e, 20c and 10c. Board of EqualizationThe Board of Eqnalization met according to adjournment on Monday morning. Several corrections were made in Older to more thoroughly equalize the property and the value of standing timber wss placed at an inorease of 1*2 1-2 per cent upon the porchase price. The Board completed their work in the afternoon and adjourned sine die. \ | Back Home Movement. Charlotte, N. C., July 26.?a| meeting ot ail Boards of Trade a_d Commercial organization! in North Carolina will be invited by the Greater Charlotte Club, to meet in this city September 12, for the purpose of specially urging the "Back Home" movement to all former residents of North Carolina. The editors of newspapers and other progressive men of the State will be invited, together. with officials of the State De . partment of AgriculCtre and the Governcr of the State. The resnits of the -'Back Home" movement which was inaugurated last year in Tennessee have shown that many thousands^ of Southern | people now in the W est and Northis est are responding to the "Back; Home" call' and that an even great-j er number who went West fronrthe North and Middle West in quest of I cheap, good land, are attracted to I the South by the fact of the retnrn j movement of its own people. At { the Charlolte.ipeeting steps will be , taken to ascertain the names and addresses of all who ever left North Carolina, and to put literature into their bands which they will be proud 10 snow otner people. ' The Secretary of the "Back Home" Association, \V. D. Roberta! ' will be present at the. meeting here and tell how the movement, was ' started and has grown nnttl it baa come into National prominence. U. D- CThe Joseph J. Davis Chapter of the U. D. C., will hold their regular month1 ly meeting Wednesday. August 2nd, at 5 o'clock at the Masonic Hall. All members are particularly requested to be present. Mrs. J. P. Winston, Pres. Mas. W. E. CzzELL, Sec. i For/Sale. [ A lot of fine yovsig pigs, for sale. As, W. Wilson, Jr. " R. F. D. 5 LouistfflitN. C. [ For S lie. s A nice fiveVapm e ttage and lot of . one acre, at Burls. N. 0., located about 136 yards from (he only State high t school in the county/ .Has all necessary i out houses. Terms I gKprices reasonable. Call on or wri t. \ W. i . Mucfc Sit. - 1 BtmnT*^ f Have Your Horse Shod. 1 have jimt hjalslsil a horse-brake I sed em now peephsgg Yo shoe the wild1 est horse or mule {nfKranklin county. The Success of tie b| Utile Store Clearance SALE was beyond expectation, exeryboajr got bargains and V went home pleased. I For One Week _ we Will Continue to Sell v Calico for 4 1-2, apron Gingham for 4 ?-4\ best dress Ginghams 8 1-^, all laces worth up to 10c at 4c, all* linen Laces 4 1-2. Childrens and Ladies Slippers at , ' PRIME COf>T To last yeeks liit-a big lot of handkerchiefs, childrens jand ladies stockings, ejery belt in the store, i>tof small notions, all I odd lots of every description will be marked down to prices ,that will be a money fav- _ ing surprise. ' 'V In addition to above low prices I will swop dollars with you-on 200 yards Androscoggin bleaching 9 l~2c, 200 yards genuine lonsdale cambric 12c, 100 yards 12 1-2 cambric 10 l-2c, all figured and solid Lawns 8c, one lot 12 1-2 percals 9 l-2c, About 25 Kabo $1 Corsets at 75f. A continuous sale every day on Warners rust proof corsets, the best' and most popular of corsets, they do not rust or break arid we have just the style adapted to your figure All goods reduced sold strictly for cash.' >\ R. L EGERTON 10.000 cabbage plants for sale "taken from ground after order is given. / o : j > , ' 4 ! ' . >-V "V 'f ^Jfeau'^L1 J Farmers and 1 iriH/fcyp IT IS NEVER ' TO LEARN; S BANK ACCOl Having money of your own enables you to b staitt a busines Make Our Bank Your Bank. We pay li>eral interest < THE FARMERS 1 AND \ l?U'sbu1 C. B. Cheatham, Pres. f. X. Egerton UNDER SUPERVISION OF \ THE | ATTEr | When You You will want to buy the best and freshest to le ha A Mr. U. L. Aycock has been buying and setting rou s new seed and what to buy and how to assor^lziem I X Remember our Drugs and Medicines Highest Stind ^ Remember also that your old friends and prsfessioi A dispense these and All your prescriptions wlich is ? served if you will give us yotir patronage in four line toilet articles. Thuta >s no cold drinks maal to equ beautiful soda fountain. Our Btore is the jrettiest J dial and hearty welcome. j I THE AYCdo / ii spe' K Hocking Valle S Tobacco Flues Hanufi X Trucks, Twine ai I McKinne Bra SATISFACTION pfpp fT rw ~ . * * . v>' : * Merchants Bank rPVT/ta/ JNEY IN the SANK WOULD AVE IT MOW ^ W 17 TOO LATE I TART A JNTNOW grrow more money when you want it to a of your own. consistent with safety 4 per cent, compounded quarterly MERCHANTS BANK 'G, N. C. 2ERS , Vice-Pres. R. Y. McAden, Cashier, wistant Cashier. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA * MTION I BB y Turnip Seed | mm i d, Then buy them of the Aycock Drug Co. Our eed for 18 years. He knows when to buy to get 'or you to give you the best results. I ft) are New and Fresh and are of the X w aid of Purity. lals, Aycock and Sara Boddie are with us to ^ a positive\marantee tnat your interest will be best >. We are nbadquarters for sundries and high class ? al in deliciousn^es those made by Clayton at our I in town, at whicV tbere always awaits you a cor_==_ t i DRUG CO. | y Cider Mills | X aitured and Repaired I X lii Thermometers I X s. Company If YOUR MONEY BACK j| | ^ ' X"