Suggestive Questions On the Sunday School Lesson by Bev. Or. Linscott for the International Press Bible Question Club Copyripht 1911 by Bev T S Lincott, D. D. auovst 6th, 19i 1. Jeremiah Tried and Acquiltt Jer. xxvi. Golden Text?The lord is t light and my salvation; whom shal aear? Ps. xxvii:l. (I.) Verses 1-6?What was t character of Jehoiakim, also of J eiah,fiis father? ( 2) To whom did the word the Lord come? (3) I low did God probali speak to Jetemiah? (4.) May all persons to day, wi the goodness and ability of Jet miah, bear the voice of the Lord diatinatly as he did ? (5.) Wkat was the message whir thp Lord gave Jeremiah to delivei (6) If the people had repented the command of the Lord, woul the kiagdom of Judah have bee pieserved? (7.) Why can there be no esca| *for sinners, tfom the just pnnis ment ot their sins, unless they re per (8.) Verses 7-10?How do y< account for it that the priests ai the prophets wanted to kill Jer miah, for delivering the messaj thflt (viwl had criv?r? him ' (9.) If a professional priest, preacher, is backslidden and livii in sin, why is he apt to do mo cruel to a faithful preacher of righ eonsness than an ordinary sinner? (10.) From the days of Jesus Ui til now, by whom have the marty been put to deatb, or, admitted men of God, expelled Trom tl churches ? (11.) Which are the more cruel those who rebuke them, men wl under cover ot religion are doit wrong, or outstanding sinners euc for example, as gamblers ? (12.) Verses 11-12?Did the priests and prophets, who wanted put Jeremiah to deatb for preachii the truth, believe tha\ he was wroi and they were right; or knowing was right, want to get rid of him f exposirg their sins ? (13.) What qualities did Jer miah possess which, are essential all who obey God in rebuking si] (14) Must a good man alwa rebuke what he knows to be wron no matter how much danger it m involve to himself? j^ive to reasons, (15.) Is it the lack of knowled that they are wrong, or somelhii else, which causes people to rem: in sin ? (16) Verses 1315?Do you km of any Bible threat against sinne that is not associated with a prom: of forgiveness on repentance ? (17.) Is it possible for a go man to die or be pnt to death, I fore his work is done? Why? (18.) Verses 16-26?The prie and tbe nrophets are the accusers Jeremiah and want to pnt him death, and the princes and peo| appear to be (be judge and jni what was their, verdict and np what was it based? (19.) Is it safe in these days trust the people to decide moral sues ? (This is one of the questio which may be answered in writii by members ot the dob.) (20.) What were the two histoi incidents mentioned as preoeden Don't Worry -Eat. Memphis, Tenn.?Mrs. Emma Looney, ol this place', says: "I si fered misery for nearly eight yea but since taking Cardni, I am mo stronger, and I haveiyt missed a si gle meal. I hardly know how express my gratitude/1 Don't woi about your symptoms? Cardui does treai them. What-; yon need strength. Cardui helpsynn to | it. Take Cardui, hiecausa^vtj tonics and medicines do not oonti " its popular and suocsss jul tngredinr imported especially fir its manaft tore. Half a oantnry jof an seam, t stamped Cardui with the asal public approval. During this tk , Qkrdui baa benefited a million wo an. Why wot ysrf TVy it, tod. V | (or the acquittal of Jeremiah ? (21.) What haa been the, fate in the past of true and courageous prophets, and how are they treated today? v (22.) Which is the belter, to flithfullv do the will of God at the J expense of our lives, or to dodge His Will and save our lives? ^ Lesson for >unday, Aug. 13th, 1911. Jehoiakim Burns the I'ro^ phet's Book. Jer. xxxvt. Cut Qnt and Stnd to This Offict. uv . I INTERN" ATIONA L PRESS BIBLE QUESTION CLUB he I have scad the Suggestive o- ^joptions on the Sunday School fifoou published iit (Same of Pa .er) a .so the Lesijy j aon itself for Sunday - ' I 19 . and intend to th (Date) e- j read the series of 52. as Name ... a e Address 'h 1 r? ? < at Dr. S. Kap^ort will be at LouisId burg, at the Lbui^burg Hotel, Tue?. 1 >n Aug. 1st, Heih.itiber that you pay nothing for theWtaniinalion of your I :ie eyes in buying glasses of hun. He < b- furnishes only (Hp best quality glassit? es at a moderate fqrioe. I >u I id Those Had Spells, e- Lebanon Jet, Ky.?Mrs. Minnie 1 ?e Lamb, of tbis plaie says: "I belieTe } T 1.1 1.J A A W- ^ a nvuiu ua? uaou uoau uy IIUH , or had it not beehJtr Cardui I haven't ' ig had one of those fad spells since 1 ' re commenced to uapSthja' medicine." f t- Cardai is a specifi* medicine for the ills from which wfnaen sfffer. Made ' n- from harmles^ vegetable rn gradients 1 rs Cardui i^-tTsafe, renaDle remhdy, and ' ly has been successfully used .by^weak le [bailing women f >r more tn*(i / fifty vears. Thonnnds of women \ to have been helped hick to health and l Vo happiness by its use] AVhv not pro- j lg fit by their experienn ? A trial will j ih, convince you that; Cardui is just ' what you need. i< se 11 to Renectlons of a Bachelor. Limbs of Satan can be shocked j ng by the bad ways of other tolks. he There's a kind of man that hates , or to tell the truth even if it's to his advantage to. I, 'e A woman can believe marriage is a to success, no matter how great a i of failure her own is. I f When a girl is crazy to go off on j '?> a long visit it's a sign she's not leav- i ing any real beau behind her. i Qr A man's two great ambitions are ; a Ko ohaiemnvi a* ~ -.?1 x_ i i uw U..U.I UIuu w> DV/UiClUUlg UUU IU I have his portrait painted for it V i' lin nature s warning. >w Loulsburg People Must Rer8' cognize and Heed It. 188 Kidney ills come quietly?mysteriously, 0<1 But nature alwajg warns you. >e" Notice the kidnei secretions. See if the color isl unhealthy? at* If there are settlings and sediment, of Passages frequent, scanty painful. It's time Chen to ta?e Doan'g Kidney Pills, \ J ry> To ward offVBrigtirs disease or on diabetes. T \ It I loan's have qpne treat work in this locality. \ A. B. Falkner, ttllBJreckenbridge ns St., Henderson, <JL ms: "I have DR used Doan'e Kidndy | ills^snd they have done me a woui of grod. My r>c kidneys bothered mas especially at le' night and the kiol jy secretins ? were unnatural and Aed with se<K, iment. My back adned and con- ' I) slant pains in myl kidneys kept af. me in miatry. A few months ago I began taking Domna Kidney Pills 0b and I found them toibe just what I jn_ needed. They relived the lameto ness and soreness if my back and ij helped me in everjf way." o't For sale by all dealers. Price 60 is cents. Foster-Mil born Co., New. jot York, sole agents for the United er States. Sir .. Remember the name?Doan'e? I |ta^ and take no other. 10 Bight m your biVieet season when ' s you have the least ftme to span you of are most lfltely^aa^^^^^^^sa and ': : t Card or Thanks I We desire most sincerely to extend to the good people of the neighborhood and couoiv, our heart- ( felt thanke for their kindness in J many ways manifested to us during the sicklies* of our husband and q father, James H. Wholes*. There are no Digger hearte I, nor kinder people to be found ou the globe than the people in this neighborhood' We also wusii to thank our I)r. Wm. Edwards for his services we feel fortunate in having such an able physician and surgeon with us. Mrs. J. II. WttKi.Kss. Pointed Paragraphs. It's a poor stationary engine that mon't run. If you sit in a draft the doctor nay ensh it. Only nn unusually pretty girl can iffor-1 to be stupid. A man to ly lie on the siptare and itill more in the beet circles. A woman with a drug-store com- f ilexion isn't always true to her col- 5 ' D irs. ai Cranky people and busy bees fre- Jj (Uently administer stinging reproofs.' Si As a matter ot fact, a lot of people lave no use for you because they d tan t use you. , When two women talk, it's a dia at ogue; when a woman and her bus- T land convent^ it's a monologue. sc A count may account, but it * I girf lias more doll rs than sense? n< yell, it's none of our business. In Berlin piano playing is probibt- at led after a certain hour. In this ?! n aouniry some people 8 piano playing w ibould be prohibited at all hours. ^ Anywuv the workman who turns a mt a l?or job is a decided improve- " nent on the one who does nothing M out stand aronud and make remarks, g ) ?" HAPPIEST GIRL IN LINCOLN. w A Lincoln, Neb\ g rl writes, "I had ? wen ailing for sornh ime with chronic onstipation and sb mach trouble. I--? oegan taking Chaml eldain's Stomach ind Liver Tablets an i iiKthree days I cc vaa able to be up ar i\better right _ ilong. I am the pro idest gVI in Lin- " :oln to tind snch a gopd medicine " For 1 lale by all dealers. > Reflections of a Bachelor. 1 Count 110 cash and you cut no fash. ' The man any girl can fool is the one who thinks no girl can. Lovers' sentiment gets very anemic when it settles down to housekeeping. A useful thing about the telephone is how you can long-distance lie over it. In realilv anything is good enough For the man who 1 thinks nothing is too good for him. I wish to suW .the farmers, and patrons ot the aJd\fackson Mill that I have rebuilt the d^fgnil), put in new Doiting cloths and/IHtvik that I can make as nice flour as made with a burr mill. Alwajfa havAg plenty of water and cab ?rve ydu promptly. Would appreciate lour patronage. Yourtfvery trulv, \ ft C. T. Harris. To Piano Owners. We will have with na for the next thirty days Mr. C. G. Cox, Professor of Piano tuning at the State's Blind Institute, Raleigh, and an expert piano tuner, who wif) offer his servieea to the people of Lhuisburg and Franklin county. All persons wishing their pianos tuned can have him call on them by telephoning their order to Hollingswortb's Furniture A Music Co., or addressing C. G. Cox, FYanklinton, N. C. J ! Notice. Having this day qtmlifled as executor of W. .11. Bowden {deceased late of iFranklin county, thy is to notify all persona holding claims against said estara to present thajame to the undersigned on or beforepqlv 21st, 1912 or this ndtice will be iteaihln bar of their recovery^ All penpns owing asid es , tate will eesre forward and ntake immediate settlement. This July 21st, 1911. | WJG. Bowdex Exlr. i Welcome Chance to Thosi Who Suffer doming i<> I.uuUlturg on S^turda uly liUtli, to HtH\ at llottd caste l)r. Francis l'xckuip of (ire?*nah?irt?. N. CI lonsult&tion and Examination Confi daniial. invited and Frw. One Day Orly / Saturday, July 20th/ Frvmm o see all oLhiz regular Pakents and jmel ew Case*,as may wfch toVonsult him r. Packard enjoys a sfate wiqe reputation noi^g the profession and tLe Public o orth Carolina, whefe for moke than 2! car* he has devotedliis entirecme to tin tudy, Treatment aiid Core qf Chroniiseases. The Doctpr has had wonderfu access in his cboi* work, that bf curinj ironic sufferers, Men, Women sad Chil ren. The Patienlft he has restored t< isltltflffir they lad given up all hop< f bdof Cored ?re numbered iW th< hoSKsand*. ? He /is a kind, generous cmocratic gentleman to meet, of Vigl iholarly attainments, and dignified her tnaliftr PAMn1tt<f *U ? TJ-~iU '? ttiiu a uiuiucuy micr it, in all who sctk his advice. He d<*< 3t take a Patieft for Treatment unleSi p can foresee a Core of the Case. Th: ost commendabU feature of his work Id one that apaeala to the ordinary aid arson, is the fait of his charges being s< taaonable and moderate as to make il ithin the reach of even the very poor t no time dttthe charges amount t< ore than $7.00 a month or abont $1.5( week. He ffves his own medicines id there are if) extra Charges. It takes m never more than from four to sia onths to Cnr# a Case under Treatment 11 Cases, ev$n those who have beet ven up as Incarahle or Hopeless, hav? ten Cored and restored to perfect 5*1 th by this Brilliant Physician and the onderful methods he employs. If yon want to meet him and have hirr camine yon, 'go to see him, and talk the atter over with him. It will cost yoc y thing if he does not put yon undei eatment If he takes your case, it will >st yon a very small sum to get well. Remember the Date * id come early. 4 New ..Goods.. Just Received |A.t ' Racket - Store Now is Your Chance To Get Thim I jjw Pre You aip Cordially In- \ vitel to Call and Inspect These Great Bargains. Whife They Last Very Truly Mrs; A. M. Hall : * ' ' i- . ; ? " ?BBS THOROUGH BRED JwMt \ A quarter pound plug of sure enough good Kb II chewing for 10 cents. Got 'em all beat easy. I*> Vn Noexcessi re sweetening to hide the real tobacao tast t. No spice to make your tongue H* soreA Jusl good, old time plug tobacco, with all thV in provements up-to-date. CHEW II I' IT AND PROVE IT at our expense, the A |\ I treat's onV s. Cut out this ad. and mail to MM I us with you r name and address for attractive | I U^B FREE offjr t< nqhewers only. "YUow T?t" LnPFwfa CO" (j^^) - ?? ITIUUC ' Only machine made witlAeither Wit or chain drive. Exclusive engine fea* tures contained in no other rrachine. Abtomatic lubrication instead of having to b? pumped in by hand. Cwdle spring re^k instead of roil. Free engine clutch, which allows machine tVstop without Mopping engine ahd two speed gear | Direct sight opening oil guage.X Prices from $200 to $350. See me and machine \ before buying, will guarantee satisfaction. ; THURSTON K. ALLEN. AGT. louisburg. n. c. \\ ^ i Pataoflize I Yoar Ho?e Industries t To every man who uses a buggy, jftt will be greatly to your interest to see me before you buy a buggy. I am prepared to make any kind of a buggy you want ! GIVE ME yoUR ORDER * and if when tlie buggy is tinishcfl you Hre not pleased, you do not have to take I it. Buggies are fully guaranteed. CaH^and get my prices. The best buggy repairing, repainting and runber/tire work* a specialty. '-4 years experience in buggy building and repairing. J Buggy material for sale. H. 0. TAYLOR First in Benefits Maximum Dividends ? To Policyholders p Minimum Net Cost The Oldest American Life Insurance Company The. Mutual Life /Insurance Company X. J. of. NEW - YORK Paid policyholders in 1<?0 - 56,751,062.28 Apportioned for dividend? in 1911 - 13,539,333.07 Assets over - *\ - 572,859,063.00 For full' information address R. P. TAYLOR manager Louisburg, N- C. reliable agents wanted ? 7 LOUISBURG COLLEGE NORTH CAROLINA The One Hundred and Ninth Session of this School will Begin September 13th, 1911 v Here girh an<l youDg ladies can secure, at moderate cost, pleasant, homelike surroundings, Healthful Conditions, through intellectual training, liberal culture under true Christian influences, all the requirements for a well-equipped life. ForCFull Information Address | Mrs. Mary B^vis Allen, President LOlJISBUH^, North Carolina ART, N. C., h?? prepared BOYS for College and for ChrleDINVxriiHIVi) Uuk Cltleonehlp lor 118 years, and ALONE in the U. S.. ofTera a nil ROUP'D Tfll? TlfcKGT from anywhere within IBOO miles tp nuy parent who, on in pection, i* uox convinced tliat its pairs of ONE STOEY brick rooms, separated by a parapet FIRE WALL, are the DfT "fT for Health. .Sanitation. Ven?fl?H?t? and safety against PIRE. 1793 bend for CatalJmc or come end ace. COL. R. RINGHAM. Sopt.. R. F. D. N*. 72 1912 TRINIHT COLLEGE ? 1859 1M2 . 1910-1911 Three memorable dates: The grAnng of the charter for Trinity college; the removal of the college to the ncwU and prosperous city of Durham; the building of the New and Greater TriniM Magnificent new buildings with new equipment and enlarged facilities. [Comfortable hygienic dormitories and beau - m tiful pleasant surroundings. Five Beparfmente: Academic, Mechanical, Civil ^ 4nd Electrical Engineering, Law,Education, Graduate. For catalogue and other information, address V_ , 1 R. L. FLOWBRS.pcc., - Durhsm, N. C TRINITY SCHOOL Location Ideal, equipment unsoi Jfttd. Student*have use of the library, gymnasium and athletic fields onfnity College. Special attention given to health. A teacher in each dormlfcrf looks after the living conditions of boys under his care. Faculty of College Braduatse. Most modern methods of instraction. Fall term-opens Sept. 181 For illustrated catalogue addreee | . W. W. PEELE, Headmaster. - Durham, N. C.

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