FURNITUR FUR I have it. If you do it at your own price, you will be bound to and I have just recei ed lines ever carried you want and I will ject this year is to s Whether you have t! We can arrange the 1 I picked up some ex( you the benefit of. Remember I Hav Street to the IN Where I will be glad to show y bundles and spend yoi Jno. YoungsvlUe Items. ! B Professor Jno. J. Best, of Warsaw,, 1 was with us last Saturday and Sun- ?' day. ' K 11] J. A. Cheatham spent a few dare; | at his home in Oxford last week. I w ? D. W. Spivey left last Saturday I v< for Ocean View where he intends to hi spend several days. =?_ K C. C. Winston spent last Tuesday afternoon in Haleigh on business. di B. G. Mitchell spent last Wednes- to day in I.ouisburg on business. ct Dr. F. S. Whttaker, of Kinston, is 81 assisting Dr. Timberlake for a while It! this summer. " The - Voungsville team played 1,1 one of the best games of the season 94 last Wednesday with Wakefield. ^ The score being C to 2. The features of the game was the pitching of Per- 01 kinson, the batting of Winston II.: P1 and the marvelous and miraculous! ' catch of Winston "Spunk." : al * ? re Dr. It. E. Timberlake and wife,1 Miss Lillian Winston, Hiss Lillian, ^ Young, Mrs. C. C. Winston and Yrs.! C. B. May are spending this vygek ai j Ocean View on a House party* 1 | c< Marce'.lus Winston, of Houston, Q, Texas, is visiting relatives here this |0 week. Mr. Winston left Youngsviltejn 1857, when only 19 years r( old, and has spent 54 years in Texas. ct He expects to return about the 15th?| ot August. Miss Annie Lee MaDn, Miss Blannie Berry and Claude Herndon, of h< Durham, are visiting at W. R. Win- jr ston's this week. J. A. Winston and wife, returned last Saturday from Birmingham, Ala., where they have been for some time ? with their daughter, Mrs. Robert Harris. R. E. Underwood is visiting friends in Elizabeth City this week. o, m In Memory Of W- H Stailings. ? Oc .Tune 10, 1911, W. H. Stal- tc lings, husband of Mrs. Sarah Stal- lings died aT his home after a short illness. ' y He was abont48 years of age and la we as a body of farmers can say that he was loyal to his Union. He was c< a member of Bab Rock local No. 066, and was always pres. n ent if not providentially hindered, T< and always had something to say at w _ each meeting that enthused and put every member to thinking of new ideas. * 8 Onr members will never forget his interest in the service of his Union. } In his last days he suffered more than be 1st bis friends know. It is seldom that death touches sny com- n inanity so deeply as the death of Brother Stalling* has touched Bab Rock, or stirred each profound syro pathy. The larger pert of his lUe be wan a member of Mtple Springs g L _ . at.. ?y-?z~ E FL NITl n't want it at my You are going t have a jlot of furni rurnishirii ved onteU>f the bigg in Louisburg. G guaranteeHhe pric sell tha goods, r? ie cash or not/\co terms. While on options 1 bargains, e Moved My S leal Bjuilding o ou. Come'in and make yc it spare tiipe with me, wne C 1?1 _ nu h aptist charori, and no man could ?ve been more loyal to the interest [ his church and to his Lord's kingdom than he was lie was a ,odel Christian, husband and ither. His highest ambition as to be used bv the Lord and dedopiuent ot his coinmun tv, and to isten the coining of his Lord's ingdom if is funeral services were conacted by Rev. G. M. Liuke, the pasir of his church. A great con>urse of sad and sorrowing relatives id friends followed the remains t i last resting place. In as much as has pleased our Heavenly Father his wis-lom which we caunot now ie and understand, to remove our ear Biother from his earthly, to s heavenly hoino. And whereas lr local desires to give public exession of our appreciation of lira fe and deep sorrow of his death, id profound sympathy for the beared wife and children. Resolved 1. Tnat in his death ir community has lost . ue of us >st noble Christian n-eii, and our .area and Sunday School aTSfosf insecrated and faithful worker, and ie of our -befit Union men. who ved the order and worked tor it. 2. That we tender t?> the heaved f imilr and relatives our sin re sympathy. 3 That these resolutions be Oead upon our minutes, and a copy t sent to the taruily, and that iht-y i published in the Carolina Union armer. rEV. d. T. bixn. w. a. bowdkn. j. m. rick, J. H. Bi'xx Comtnitlee, Bab Rock Local. important I have just bought out Garrett's and oened up an up-to-date first class meat isrket at his did stand and can serve ju at any timed-Will pay highest marst pnce for all cattle, hides, etc. Come i see me, \ D. Hilu. administrators notice Having qualified as a'Afdnistrator of te estate of Martha SaAlle, deceased, ,te of Franklin county, Ar-rth Carolina, lis is to notify all birsons having aims against the ?etfti of said degased to eitMbit thefni ti the undergned at Yonhasvilla, ftyfc., on or beire the 25th daVof Jily/Vsi2, or thla otiee will be plea^edC in ptht of theii sdbvery. M 1 \ All persons indebAdtd said estate ill please make imaiiniiale pajmeht. This the 25th d*/?r July! 1911. W. - HtDOqN, AdmfcistratArM Martha PBUILL A HoLDEJf. Attfys. \ Harness Oil by ritttura at L. P licks. T _ ' ' Quick Wtafcd mJtal polish for Auto lobUaa and aJhsials at L. P. Hicks Round Corn BroAru\ecome teachers in the State. Fall senVon begins September 13. 1911 For datak>gue and other information addren.. \ Julian I. Foiist, president j Greenshpro, X. ' It Has Been Reported That / * UV j Riverside Warehouse. IHH not be run his seascjn. The eport is absoutely Wse, and j ;he RIVFRSfi^E rill run as^t did ast y^ar, \dy | bm faster. \ Watch For Advertisement JSTejt Week E. S. Ford i;*, '* * ^, # .... * - r- 1' * Jv v' ' I Attention W We will have an expar g; Elstim, |. Thursday and ;|: . With 11 c |j Fall Samples i n* i g| If its a "FIT" aid a us on / dat g : Yours I Candler-Cro\ P Louisb l&mmzmzmm&m WE W Those Se\ T YOU HAVE BEI When you see them you will be convin without one. They are needed in every/ and she will never get through thanking The Price is so Small Eve: CALtN IN/ My entire line of Furniture is'alwhrs ke not find a better selection to choose/thm We AraDete UNDERTAKING | ' Shall be S 1 And although we hope you may not need member We Wf S W??? 83gS?3g Gentlemen | w ~ 1 ienced cutter, Mr. George ;g. with us on iSj M day, July 27th-28th If Complete Line if Tailored Suits and j| | Yxoats || . ni$ty suit you want, see g? >. es mentioned. I To Serve ? 81 veil Company g1 urg, N. C. GOT THEM ving Tables I HAT I EN LOOKING FORI ted that no woman can successfully keep house household. Make your wife a present of one VA11 4-4 jr vu IVi It* j rybcdy Can Afford to Buy One. and see it I pt in first class shape and we are sure you will I , even in a town three times large as Louisburg trained That Our I department! econd to None our services, still if you are so unfortunate, re-H idy to do all in our power for yoii. fiWi'i" 1 nniiiiiiM^Mn h?m~i ' 'l Furniture Company! x - H