. - . *.&> i W '- 'v ' m. FRANKLINTON Our Regular C r Items of Interest < and Near Our Siste CLOSES ON... ?Miss Hattie C'legg, who 'las been ' nursing a typhoid patient io the| country, returned home Tuesday. ?Services will be conducted at the Baptist church, Sunday morning at 11 o'clock by Supt. R. B. White. -t-Jedging from the 'racket' keptj in our town by the many enterprises using power, we are on the road to progress. ?Roliie Fergerson is wearing a brood smile on his face now?two little boys arrived at his house on last Monday morning. ' ? Grover C. Alley and Misg.Aunie Lee Evans were married bv Rev, Augustas House at the home of the Reverend on Monday night. It was a runaway couple. ?Rev. Jno. E. White, of Atlanta, Ga., a brother of our esteemed townsman, Supt. R. B. White, will preach at the Methodist church here on Wednesday night, August, 16th, 1911 at 8:15 o'clock. He is a forceful speaker and everyone who can ? a, .... _V 1,1 1 v.: i>..ui: . uu ov/ diiuuiu ucai uiiii. i uuiiu tutdially invited. ?Esquire E. W. Morris had three cases before bis eourt this week. Au autoist was up before his honor Saturday for using profane language on the street in presence ot ladies, he was let off with the cost $1.65, Capt Taylor, colored,was up for using profane language and creating a disturbance at I'iney Grove churcli last Sunday. He gave a $50 bond to court. Jim Debnara appropriated to himself "the watermelon smiling on the vine." He was required to give a $25 bond to court. ?About 6 o'clock Saturday after noon an automobile bringing Uiss|. Hulda Hambrick, of Roxboro, but. who has been visiting Mis, L. P.i Hicks in Louisburg, and Mr. Pres-!, ton Satterfield also of Roxboro, ar- !, rived from Louisburg. They went immediately to the parsonage where . they were married in true "run . away" style by Kev. W. VV. Hose. Tbey left immediately for Roxboro. Mr. Satterfield was a relative of Gov. Eitcbin. Miss Hambick was a: j daughter of a prominent merchant ji of Roxboro. ' i ?A telegram announcing the i death of Mrs. Mamie Cade MartiD, I ' v^ife of Mr. Ernest Martin, of Raleigh, was received here Sunday night. Mrs. Martin is the daughter of the Rev. Baylus Cade, for several | years pastor of the Baptist charch of this place and up to the time of . her marriage to Mr. Martin in 1895 ahe lived among us and was held in the highest esjeem by all who knew her. Her death wil. be sad news to her host of triends here. ?About 4 o'clock Frvia3- afternoon little Walker, the two and onehalf year old boy of Charlie J. Barrow departed this life tor a better land. The little fellow had been tick only three days and his dea'th was a great shock to bis parents and friends. He was buried at Oak Level church about five miles ot here Saturday afternoon, Rev. vV. W. Rose conducting the services. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of the community. FersonlR. U. Hicks went to Louisburg Monday. , J. C. Sandling wont to Louisburg Monday. 1. H. Kearney went to Louisburg Monday. Frank Tbarrington went t9 Louisburg Monday. ? Peter F. Evans went to Louisburg Monday. Rev. W. W. Rose left Tuesday for Pitteboro to visit lelativSs. J. B. Cheatham and wife, of Atlanta, Ga., are visiting at B. WBallard's. Douakl Cheatham, ot Durham, ia visiting his ande, K. J. Cheatham on Main street. "f .. ? ; " ; ' V " % NEWS ITEMS Correspondent gathered From in r Town Each Week WEDNESDAY ' . \ ' Misses Oza CodKs and Ksnnie Belie Allen are visiting at W. K. W inston's in Youngsvtlle. Hugh Conway and wife, of An thens, Ga., are visiting his parents here this week. Miss Belie Hice, who has been vis tuig Miss Fannie Bel! Allen, returned to her home at Maribel Saturday. John D. Speed, and wife, who have been oti a pleasure trip of several days to Ocean View, returned home lost Saturday. George Cooke and C. C. Kearney left on 84 Tuesday night for Atlantic City. They will be away several weeks and will visit New York and other large cities. Elijah Kearney and little Kincheo came in Tuesday from Money, Miss., to visit their many relatives and friends. Mr. Kearney visited here two years ago. He will be here for several weeks and hopes to see all his old friends ot ''He construct ion" Days. Wiiliam Kearney, who left here 45 years ago, and who now resides in Cleveland, Mis^ came in last Monday, to enena several weeks with his many friends and relatives. He is closely related to II. G, and B. S. Kearney ot this town. We were glad to once more shake his hand. He is a son of the late Kitichen Kearney, who died several I years ago. 1 Fine Farmine. Mr. Walter Winston, who lives 1 six miles frofn here in the southern pari of this township raised on one and one-eighth acres the following: 14 barrels corn which brought him s 84-00 1 5,500 pounds clover 18.75 Threshed out 1,000 pouuds clover seed 50.00 , "00 bundles fodder 14.70 TOO pounds shucks 3.50 Total *170.95 Mr. Winston says.these figures are put at market prices and there was t lot of stuff cot and fed away that ' s not counted in the above. He live lie expects to do even better ' than this, this year. I List of Letters. Remaining in the office at Franklinton, N. C., uncalled for: ! Annie Allen, A. V. Andrews,! Qrace Ball, Mrs. Martha Crawford,^ Mrs. Mattie Davis,Lucia E. Jarman, j IJof .Trionnh IT VI itoViol 1 R P ! terson, Annie Pool, Dr. S. P. Purvis, Areine ltobsoD, Carrie Sutherlin, Annie Weaver; Mrs. Mary Webb, Mrs. Kattie Wyncli, Arrena Williams. Persons tailing for any of the above letters, will please say they saw them advertised. W. P. Edwards, P. M. __________ FUNNY PARAGRAPHS. > For The Benefit of Those Who Like Them. "I hear they have a family skeleton." 1 "Yes. She tfaa in the snrf this morning."?Louisville Courier Journal. Randall?Was Spratt a popular man ? "Popular! The only mourner at hia funeral was the insurance company."?L'f? Judge?You are charged with beating your wife. What have youto say? Prisoner?Not guilty. If I sould lick her I'd be the White Hope!? Puck. t ' -f . 4 f ? w? ??? "Tbey say tbat Kookefeller is so rich tbat bis fortune increases a thousand francs everytime his watcA ticks." - T ' Good gracious ! If I wers be, I - . > A. . * fi sliouiil be lint caulinmd fright lea someone should steal my' watch."? Pefe Mele. iMilXf. I1KK 1IKKT. "Jlv 'Iear, we Dimply hive nut t economize." "Mercy sakes 1 Haven't I bee economizing ? Instead of letlini Willie have money for car tare l'n semfing htm in the automobile to I'i dancing class." ONK OS ALllBK II. Newtoty chuckled. "Lucky they didn't, think the lav of gravity would be more populai without my name," be cried. Herewith he felt he had oue ot Aldrtch. ?New York Sun. "Yes, the grc at society leader ii absolutely e\nuied." "Tired of everything, eh" "Positively. The last tiiue I sa? her she was faintly wondering whether she'd better take up aviallot or get a divorce."?Cleveland Plaii Dealer. _? "Why did you decide to come out of hiding?". ~"T "Ab, my friend," replied the exdictator, "you have never tasted o fame! What satisfaction can then be in remaining hidden when tbi public no lonvet displays the slightest curiosity as to whereabouts?"? W ashington Star.' ASSL'RKIl. Lady: Yes, I've an umbrelli that needs mending; but how am ] to know that yotTwill bring it back?* umweiia iUenaet: Hare no tear mum. I alius charges more foi mendin' than I could sell the uru brdler for.? lied Hen. WOULJ> TAKE WHAT THEY HAD. A gentleman purchased at the postoftice a large quantity of stamped envelopes,newspaper wrappers and other postal requisites. Finding [hem somewhat difficult to carry, be tsked one of the counter clerks if he tould supply him with a small juantity of string. "We are not permitted by the department tosuDply strmg," was the reply. "Then give lue a bit of red tape." sassthe sarcastic retort. The string was supplied.?London ratler. TOS COOP TO RE TRUE. "John,? she asked after she bad inished packing her trunk,."will.you 'emembento water the flowers in the >orch boxes everv day?*1 "Yes, dear, I'Jl see tbat they "are roperly. moistened regularly." "And the rubber plan: in the din. ng room. You know it wtll have tc >e sprayed about three times a week." "I'll remember it-" afraid you'll forget the ca oary and let the poor little dreatuw starve." oil . >. _ I ? .L U "_1 A "uuu i worry auouL me Dira, atraJ" I'll take good?c?xe of Mm." "Bur I feel sum you'll forget abou keeiting the curtains down* so kha things won't be laded out when . get back." "Don't give yourself a moment' uneasiness about the curtains, l'l keep the house as dark as a tun Dell." "John, I'm not going. You bavi some reason for being anxious ti get rid of me." WHAT THE COOK WAS DOING. While a certain Richmond famil; were in Europe, the dusky house maid acted as caretaker, and mor than once she received in the din ing-room an admirer in the persoi of one Henry Morgan, cab-drivet One evening, as the maid and th Jehu were rowing merry, ther came from the kitchen a painfn scratching sound. "What's dat noise in de ktlfeben? demanded the maid's admihei "Mast be a dawg tryin' to in." "Don't yo' worry," anrwered th maid;"dat ain't no dawg s-scralohu at de do'. Dat's de cook it-writin loye letter to her honeysucklesAugust Lippinc >tt's. WHY, OF COL KSB. He: ''How clean the surf keep the sea-shells." She: "Yee; you know the sea I cry tidy."?August Lippinoott's. r _ SS : C Farmers Britjl 6 Thursday, y * 1 j We shall again open our, warehouse for It i Y We shall commence this season's businai ity for all with a determination to makt ! P prices with G. C. Harris and W.. IX Full 1 vl aucti?neer anc^with the two " did Relial 7 prices are the very highest. In copcfusi |\# business ta stay and that your interest s for itself. We promise you the future\ 1 ?>t welcome you with a load of primings, T J other day that you may wish to sell. L YOURS TC V MJI^AIJU Wte Owners and Proprietors r LOXJISBXJRGr, NO] Did You Buy If You Did You Made a Misi SCHt > / J t V ' \jl!ffraR ti I \ 1 (V , fTt, v.ciu Lasny WAI r And as for ttie prict and nu* ? you can get until you come Jin ; ?-^GINE US Our stock of furniture and undertaking fs alw see us. Remember it is to qfur interest to pie death" its your own fault. J f Y< W. E. WDite |F? r - - ?v *'"? ning Salejjj i Warehouse jf Vugust 31 | he sale of the new crop of tobacco. / 3S with malice towards none and char- T ; this the banner season for high I Br with the books, B. T. Bailey as H les" at every pile to see that the in we would say that we are in the i lall be ours. Our past record speaks \ ihall be better and we will gladly hursday, August SI, 1911 or any ^ aft 5 s HARRIS 3 I ] farmers Warehouse I ELTHE ^ I' * 55 ** That Piano? 1 ? ?BBBBEMMP?iH'flBH???? take if You Did Fot Get a I ILTZ J grange the Terms 1 L^tV you don't know what I see our instruments. 1 A GALL I ays complete and up-to-date. Come In to^ I ase you ankif you don't get "tickled to" fl jur friends,\ lrpitdre Conjpaiiy I 1