- V * THE HOME Cll PloasanrEuening Reve catsd to Tired Mo1 the Home GirGle CRUDE THOUGHTS FEOl A good washing machine costs from five'to sight dollars, bat a washboard oan be bought for twenty five cents. This kind of economy gives a good many men a chariot, to 'look for a second wife. * m f There is a demand for good boys. The boy who is honest, earnest and industrious, will not be long out of a job. There are lots of prosperous I business men, merchants -and mechanics, who are constantly on the outlook for good boys. Thsy do not look for tbem on the streets, however, but in some sort of employment. They have no use fot an idle boy. He is too apt to make an idle man. The difference between good and bad brothers, is so vast and so farreaohmg that It ts no exaggeration to say that the good mothers of this generation are building the prisons. "For out of families nations are made; and if the father be the head and tae hands of a family, the mother is the heart. No office in the world is so honorable as hers, no priesthood so holy, no influence so sweet and strong and lasting. ' There are none of us so poor but we can train a few roses on the humble wall and their scent and beauty will long be remembered, and many a boy, instead of going to loaf upon the publio highway will linger at home among the flowers. Moral degradation always begins at home. ? 1 What beautiful and tender associations cluster thick around the word "memory." The thought of it is a very shield; the name of it has a spell to call bank the wanderer from r~" the path of vice, and far away where the myrtle blooms and the palm trees wave, i nd the ocean sleeps upon ooral strands, to the exile's fond fanof. It clothes the naked rock, or stormy shore, or barren moor, or wild height and mountain with charms he weeps to think of and longs once more to see. # ? * Encouragement is something we naturally look for. A little praise, a word of hope-or a cheerful smile? something for the hungry soul to grasp and the weary mind to rest upon, as we olimb the toilsome mountain of life. How many poor hearts have sunken into despondency, when a little enoonragement has reassured them. The soldier looks for it on the field of battle; it is the cheering voice of his leader that ur 1 _ __ L aU. J ges mm on wiruugu me uau^ci ui i death and crowns the day with vic; t0I7 * * Kine clothes and costly jewelry do not convert a rough into a gentleman auy more than a stovepipe hat and a cigar make a man of a monkey. A few smart, well-learned quotations from eminent authors will not convey the impression that you are conversant with literature. You ? are apt to become scorched in the flames yo" kindle, for your literary companions will soon sound your Bballow depths and your ignorance will appear more glaring than before. * * W Whatever place your ambition prompts you to select as your field for future labor, however lofty and difficult of access the height may be, fit yourself for it by slow and laborious process of study and toil. I?e^hgin at the yery bottom round of the bladder, lay the foundation firm and secure; build your struoture of future greatness upon a thorough knowledge of your life work in all its bearings. In faot, be what you seem, and aeem to be nothing but what you are. ' Let us not wait for the ehanoea for doing good to come to us, but to go out to meet them. ' Too many ; g?; V ' ft : m \ j U . Lr ( ' WkiSmmMk-K RCLE COLUMN. iries?A Column Dedithers as They Join ai Evening Tid$;. 1 THE EDITORIAL PEN beautiful opportunities escape us otherwise. /As charity begins at home, ao should love. We don't oare much for either the charity r love that would leave its nearest to want for duty or affection and go -out into the world to work. We find it a delightful plan to make each one ot our homefolks happy about aome one thing each day of our life?plan little surprises for their delight, do little deeds for them, brighten a dull hour, or congratulate them upon some achievement of their own. ? * M?ney is a good thing, especially in these times, but there is something much more valuable. It is character, the consciousness of a pure and honorable life. This should be a young man's first aim to preserve at any cost. ? ? Sometimes the hasty word has been spoken, the sharp, snappish word been carelessly utterred in the home circle. The true wife's heart eo often bleeds at the bitter, thoughti k? ? _j _# _ i 1 j "cos, uui v;uiiiuu nuiu ui a uuuuauu, When she is gone to heaven, and be "weeps o'er her bier" he will remember it. ? ? Men and women don't need to swiDg clubs to threaten borne concord. The husband, armed with a sneer, and the Wife who carries waspish tongue, are just as wellcorapariaoned for death-dealing battle, as though they pounded each other with base-ball bats. ?. The woman of today is a different being from the woman ot fifty years ago. The shrinking, trembling, weeping heroines of Thackeray and Dickens have disappeared. It is better that it is soi Not only has the woman of today shaken off those old times weaknesses, not only has she assumed a stern independence, which to some is well nigh disheartening, but she has made her determination known to the world, has waved it defiantly in our faces in the shape of certain signs and symbols which have a tendency to add emphasis to her emancipation. CURED TO STAY CURED. How Loulsburg: Citizens Can Find Complete Freedom From Kidney Troubles. If you suffer from backache? From uriuary disorders? From any disease of the kidneys, Be cured to stay cured. Doan's Kidney Pills make lasting cures. So greatful people testify. Here's one case at it: J E. W. Harper,yColleie St., Oxford, N. C,,Wys:/"My back troubled me greatly i nd there tyas a constant, dull pain a< rom my/ kidneyB and lomu. Wheil passed the kidney secretions, tl bw painsd me and it was plain to V? 1 fen tKat my kidneys were at faults WbJn Doan's Kidney Pills were recommended to me, I gut a box and usedXtiiem as directed. They drove awaylny aches and Dains and helped me ia >every way. I willingly give that public account of | my experience."/ (Statement given I in February 1901.) \ THE T?T OF TlJtk. On DecerobeJ 9, 1910, Mr. Harper said: "1 hawe not bad any need of a kidney mwiicine since * used and recommenhed Doan's Hidney Pills in 1908. Jit gives me pleasure to again tell of J the merits of ibis preparation." I . : * For sale bf all dealers. Prion 50 cents. Fostet-Milbnrn Co., New York, sole slants for the United States. Remember 'tbe name?Doan's? and take do otiler. 1 | y I "* ' * , " v' ' t " ' W; I IP'I'I > 7" _ ? -i PROTECT. THE HEALTHOF YOURSELF AND FAMILY. Pope's Herb is prepared to provide a dependable household remedy, based upon the principle ol purity of blood insuring freedom from disease. It is a medicine for malnlies sue)' as Rheumatism, Liver Complaints, C nstipation. Fever and Ague, Female Disorders, Indigestion, Lumbago, Kidney Derangements, Catarrli, Sick a: d Nervous Headaches, loss of Apetite and all ailments arising from inactivity of the Liver and KidneysIt is apurelv Herbs, Barks and Roots. Compound It is put up in ciiocolate coated tablets pleasing and /easy to take, (or can be dissolved in water.) Mrs. J. C. Meade of Haiattsyilie, Md. says: \ J "For years V. have suffered with Backache, Headaahes, Neuralgia, and Nervousness and Nextreme / fatigue, I tried many remetnes without relief Four months ago a grateful friend induced me to write to RppeftledicineCo. Washington, D. C., fory box of Pope's Herb Compound Tabletsjyhe very first dose of two tablets gaveJime relief. I used not auite a $1.00 bokVnd I am en-1 tirely cured of the pain in rky back, and have no more headaches" \ Dr. J. V. HenneseJ, a nrominent Physician and Surgeon of Alt/any, N. Y. in part says: I "As a Blood PurifiJr. Liyer, Sidney and System regulator I prescribe. Pope Medicine Co's of Washington, IV C. Herb Compound as l/have done fort the East '20 years, and I fiave found in to e a great remedy,/ which seldom\i' eyer fails. There are thousands of letters from users of Pope's Herbs, that haye been benefitted and cured by it? proper use. Popejs Herb Compound \ Tablets are put up|200 in a box, "six month's treatment!" and will be sent post-paid on receipt of $1.00. Each box contains a printed guarantee binding us to rc*fun(! the purchase price if the remedy fails'to benefit^ 'also full directions. i Guaranteed by the Pope Medicine Co., Inc., under the Pyre Food and Drugs Ac*.T June SO, 1906 No. S1,956r FOR TERMSTO AGENTS IN UNOCCUPIED TERRITORY ADDRESS POPE MEDICNE CO. INC Pope Building, Washington, D. C. Notice, h Having this day quallied as executor of W. II. Bowdqn daceased late of Franklin county, tins /s to notify all persons holding claimwagainst said estate to present the same to the undersigned 011 or before JMv 21st, 1912 or this notice will be pleaakin bar of their recovery. All persons oVing said estate will come forward and make immediate settlement/ Thts\ Ju'y 21st, 1911. W. G. Bowden Exlr. Look Out And Watch us Grow NEW GOODS Will be Arriving in a Few Days. We are going to pack our store with goods as^Soon as the freight trainp' and the green bac|t will/f>ring them. No old gijfodslib select from, Everyt}?mg New From the Manufacturers to us at prices never heard of before. We are going to have some exceptional values that will be worth from 25c to fl, that is going to be sold 10c. Wg are going to give away a real Diamond Ring sometime this year We will let vou know about that later. Watch our ad in each issue of the paper and you may get it. Johnson & Price PROPRIETORS Big 5 and 10 Cents Store ?!. For Very Best Fancy Groceries And Vegetables Come and\ see/ me or Phone 47. Wow have a full supply A ?\q\e\ Place you/orders eaW. J./W. King\ - * r. / New ..Goods.. ; Just Received At Racket - Store Now is Your Chance , To Get Th/m Low tte You are Cordially In vitea to uaii ana Inspect These .a ' * Great Bargains While They Last Very Truly Mrs. A. M. Hall Ho] Furnitur More New We ha vent got $200 yet, but1 that has ever I glad to show 5 niarma are hftai stocks at RaJei \ We havjt 1 piai $350 aild one t lerfo/$175. soonfr. We o: people ask five J. WPlease don't forget that we hi - . Your Buggie/ Rubbertired I am fully preparati to put on Rubber tires on any buggy in Franklin county at short notice and reasmrable terms. All work guaranteed. t ComeVn and see us. : : : /y our^i truly H. C^TAYLOR, ymisburg, N. C. STOP LQOK LISTEN K / ^V/ AUTOMOBILE OWNERS Drive your cat t