i franklin times p 4. F. JOHNSON. Editor and Manager ? ????7- O - Friday, ^ugust 11 ??1 Wasted Days- ? % (Republished by request.) I i backward look on many days loug t' spent, h . , Days wreathed in sunshine, and in - *$)' lovely flowers, ilVhen life was young, and I with care- '' less ease, p Filled all those days with vain and sel- r< fish hours. 'A. jc One day, 1 fain would drive its memory a from my heart, ffelay when dimpled arms in fond caress ntwined my neck, and this mute ap- ? peal J ti Told me of want and ijgjprty's distress, y I turned away this helpless, childish h face, ? And gaye not to its wants by word or deed, I know not that a loving act that day, o Would make a joy that I today much j< need. , .. _ And then a youth unmarked by worldly t| care j, Had lost a mother's hand to guide bis feet. His honest eyes ,looked frankly into mine, ? 'y And asked for guidance to a pure re- j treat, I Where earth's temptations came to him no more, " Bon thorns of pain to pierce his un- a tried feet. I I told to him no story of the bon placed within his eager, hand The lamp to guide his orphan steps a aright, J Did earthly woes, to our Father's land, e One day a beggar, cold and bent with 1 ? ' . age I Came to my door and asked that I j would give Out of my bounty, just a meager part,That he might onward go, that be might live. . I I gave no word to cheer the heart so j sore, i But closed my selfish home to him and gave , No cup of water to the aged poor, ' And so that the seed poured at my s very feet, , a Have lain unsown through many days and years And now I have no sheaves of grain to reap. " a Nothing 0 heart, but grief and bitter ; tears. O little deed that never has been done, , O little word that never has been said! With wasted days, and manv an un- ' t sown seed, , ' | J?ith thoughts of these, the soul can- t K not be fed- 1 ?Lufie Cooke Foster. TAR DROPS. ?Court will convene Monday week. ?Go out to the Fat and Lean game Tuesday afternoon. ?Tuesday afternoon at Williameon's park Fats vs. Leans. ?The crop of peas on the court house square is looking fine. ?Snpl. Sapp is building some pretty roads in this township. ?What shall-we do abou^a monument to the stars and?bars? ?Many of our property owners are having their houses painted, ?L. M. Hales has taken a position with the Sooggin Drug Co. ?Theie was no meeting of the "city fathers" on last Friday night. ?W. D. Jackson has taken a position with the First National Bank. ?Who will be the winner Fats or Deans at Williamson's park Tuesday. i ?Judging from some of the1 signs ' in town we have another new- business, - \ ] ?Castalia defeated * Louisburg in 1 a game of ball Tuesday in a score of 9 to 4. ?The Confederate monument will Boon be a thing of realty instead of a dream. ?P. S. & K. K. Allen have had a nice awning ereoted in front of their store on Main street. ?J. H. Bobbitt has taken a position with John S. Howell in his Mam ^treet furniture store. ZZZ?Our friend W. B. Cooke has 1 either changed bis business or ho is' operating under false colors.. His 1 sign on Tuesday read "The Bar " * ?-If. our paper is meeting with yotir approval as a newspaper tell 1 your neighbor who is not receiving _ It li it, is not meeting your ap- | proval tell us. ?Will the people of Lou'abnrg sit still and let the interests in town i I :ilfc - - . < - A. O 'V ; . al \ ' , ?g, or wiir tftsy get together and 1 at forth some inducements (or arae manufacturing enterprises for t ur town ? _ i ?Your home paper comes to you 5 an old friend and neighbor, tell- t >g you all the home news while t be large oity daily enters your ouse as a atrnuger. - , ?Telephone subscribers will add j > their directory the following new hone numbers: N. A. Tdnstall, | ssidence, No. 184; A. O. Hall, realence, No. 209; E. S. Green, storge house, No. 208 ! ?The action of the commissionrs in maintaining the demonatra ( on work in this county for next ear is no doubt a wise one. There i^ ardly any doubt but that it is pro*- ' )g a great benefit to our. people. ( ?We have received several lots f correspondence recently that have ' Ml their way to the oolumns of this taper by not having the name of 1 be writer with them, and some be- 1 ag written on both sides of the 1 hect. 1 ?Reports received here Saturday fere to the effect that United States 1 iarshall Merritt mode a raid in t I arris township, breaking up a still, estroying a lot of beer and booze nd captured Sid Driver and Wade , larnette. ?Don't knock. Help yourself long by becoming popular, and pusb < 'our friends with you. It's very | asy. Be a good fello e and soon 'ou'll bave a procession of followers. purchase "new top buggies ia IV. R. Fulghum and E. W. Gupton. If a good rain should come a juautity of corn (nubbins) would be uiiiod. The churches around are having >ig meetings, both while and colored. Those who attended the barbecue it J. A. Deans Friday report an enoyable time. Mrs. .Nannie Cook is well enough io get out again. Our housekeepers are kept busy ireserving and canning fruit these lays. A number of our people have had ightmng rods put on their houses. The crops are suffering for rain ;hrough this section. Cotton will ie shorter than we anticipated but .here are plenty of water and muskmelons. Mrs. Fannie Webb and daughter, if Mapleville, have returned home after a visit to the family of Willie Boone. ?c ( Mrs. George Mitchell has returned to her home in Nashville, after a week's stay with her parents. Mrs. Waiter Haymao and ohil-1 Iren, of Columbia, are visiting her! parents. J. A. Coppedge and daughter,Miss Lucy, of Greensboro, have been visiting on the Rock. Blue Bell. THE RETOBT. "I don't sue how yon oan enjoy grand opera when you can't understand the words." "Didn't you ever enjoy a dish ot hash without knowing what was in it?" i An ordinary case^oi diarrhoea can, as a rule, be cured bjfa single dose of Chamberlain's Colic,"rend Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I 'Ibis remedy has no superior for bowel complaints. For Bale by dealers. / \ A VALUABLE MAN. "Yes, he had some trouble with bis eyes," said the celebrated oculist. "Everytime he went to read ho would read double." "Poor felfow," remarked the sympathetic person. "I suppose that interlered with holding a good poslion?" "Not at all. The gas company gobbled him np and gave him a lucrative job reading gasmeters."? August Lippincott's. Buy it now. Now iy the time to buy a bottle of Chamberlains Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedfy It is almost certain to be needed before the summer is over. This remedy ItasXpo superior. For sale by all dealers J Wood and ZincNTdbs at L. P. Hicks. Water Coolers atTk P. Hicks. / \ Notice! Having qualified is administrators of J. U. WhelsiB, deceased, late of Franklin county, tfifc is to notify all persons holding claimV against his estate to present the sanraJto the undersigned on or before August lltli. 1912^ or this notice will be plfclrf in bar of their recovery. All persons owing said estate will come forwardVand make immediate settlemep*. T^js August 11th, 1911. J. & WhelxESS, ?W. Whkless, Spring Hope. N. C., Ad'm'rs. Sale of Valuable Standing Timber. By virtue of an order of resale made by the Superior court in that ex-Parte proceeding entitled R S. Coppedge and others, the undersigned commissioner will on the 4th (lav of Sept. 1911,nt being first Monday of said month/ offer for sale at public auction to the/iiehest bidder, for cash, at the court house door in Louisburg, at about upon, the following standing timber/ together with the usuiHrighta and pyvil.ges incidental to timBni conveyances, viz: All the standing\tlmbery except the Oak Grove about thVmanafon house, of and aboye eight incnqs at the stump when cut upon the tract/ of land described as follows: ThaK tract of land owned by W. B. Copp/dge. deceased at the time of his drain, and bounded oo the north by Majo/ Creearnore, on the east by Joe Priveft and John Privett, on the south by At ay B rotifers, and on the West by J-oef Splyey anil Ml*. Pattie Moses, ceftaining abou\ 22(1 acres in the whol/tract, the standing timber thereon, fereby offered for\aw embraces about/83 acres. Time Yor cutting and rei/ovir g three years frona and after date nf sale, with two years extension claiAe theieafter. Purchaser /ill be required to deposit with the Clet* of the Superior court, or with this corfmissioner, 10 p?r cent of the purch&s/price so hid, pending ,the confiQgiatioa of the sale as an evidence of hisg8ow faith'in the transaction:: litis August 2nd, 19M. 'JtAi ^ A A nrnfor+iAn ON / \ ? j?iwuvii. ^ ^nAl bank t .000 Noeposit $110,000^90? ? Cashier, F. B^^cKINNE. ? T.T.Terrell W.BL Allen T. D. Tyaek I. F. McKinne N. / XVN XSHM aid !" Godfrey ^Us Prescriptions ,ce Next Week i biing Good ? [an Makes Our Drinks ^ n Drug Co. I r Prescriptions Here to be Filled NOTHING WILL BE SUBSTI J , scribed we wont fill. -t X / The . . |y/ Be6t 71 '. \Tools | i ^ IICKS, | 'V ; 's'? V* ' ' ; - V ' tf: -