JProfessional yCard J^R. JOEL WHIXAKEH l'factice limited to diseases of Eve, Ear Nose and Throatt In Louisbuag first Monday in each month. JJ STUART DAVIS j ARCHITECT Louisburg, N". 0. Suburban properties laid out for development. Leveling and drainage work, tieneral Surveying. O- .?i ?)R. ARTHUR HYNES FLBMING Surgeon Deritlat, Office in Ford Building, Main and Nash street, . Louiaburv, N. C. 1 -I Hours: 9 to 4:30. Phone No. JO. I .1 ???F pR. H. A. NEWELL, . I P^sicianI Louisburg, N. C. iPh< no No. 150 pBANKLlNTON HOTEL j I Franklin ton. N.ICi R. A. Speed, Proprietor Good Llverv In con Met Ion JJR. C. H. BANKS DENTAL SURGI ON L-.uirourir, N \ Office In Hicks Building. \ uin Street. p H. COOKE ATTORNEY-AT LlAW Louisbnrg, N ( . User Cooper A Pleasants 8 ore. Prompt attention given all legal bi sleets entrusted to mo. . 1 A. 1 TYR. J. E. MALONE, Sfapt. Health A/ Louisburg, N. \ C. Office in Aycock Drug Store, Market Street. Office prae ice, Surgery and consult ition, J^R. 8. P BDET PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Louisburg, N..U. Office over P. 8. A K.j K. Allen's Store J^R. R. F. YARBOflOOOH PHYSICIAN ani SURGEON, Lonisbari r. N. C. j Office in Yarboroairh ft Bickett building. Night calls answered f om T. ,W. Bickett s residence, phone 74. B. M ASHEN BUB J ATTORNEY"! AT I.A if ! Louisburt. N. C. Will practice in all tbe[conrts of tie State Office in Egei^on Building , = ; 1 3 ^ w M. HAVWOOD ^lUPFIN I ATTORNEY AT LAW f Loeisbufg. N. C. Will practice in all courts of Franklin aud adjoining couuties. bIbo in the Supreme Court and in the Uni' eu States District and Circuit Court. Otfled over First National Bank. fjl B. WILDER ATTORNE L'iATJ LAW Louisbu 'tc, X. C. Office on Main stree . in Cooper bi lilding. gPRUILL A HOL1 EN ATTORNEYS AT LAW Loniabunc. |N. C. j Will attend the courtsiof . runkli$, Vuuce, Grauville. Warrei, and I .. couuties. nl*o the Supreme Couit 1. orth Carolina. Prompt attention givei to collections 1 ttliin Spruill buildingT. W. Bickett. R. B. LouieLurg, N.'C. Franklin :ont glCKETT A WHITE LAWY 2RS Louisburg, X, The settlement o? estate lor ex?i!ii or^/Admlnntrator* and Guard an* in ma* ? a spec* ialty, an1' 'ebonda rer aired by J iw ran be sectfred in ne office. Office in Yarhorough k BirkeM building Hula at rent _ . y ? M. PERSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Lonlsbarsi ,N,C Practice in all courts. (office on M< in Street N -4?. W" H. YARBOROUl IH, Jr. ? ATTORNEY AT LAW \ Louisbun . N. fl 1 'All legal business intra ted to nil ieceive prompt attention. (Ifficn in ngerton Building. f > . JJ F. H001.K I CONTRACTOR ind BTTILDER Louisburp. N. C. Tradinir ngent- for All Kind* of buildin x eup- I pi lee. artier i<: Ifantleqand |Tilee. Ar :bitec-j tural designs submitted. o-?-?~ DR FORd DENTISI Franklii ton. N. C., .. I _ / . " ? , ' E. A. ROGERSi Tinv 'orker. Louisbi irg, N. C." I Will make est mates on any job Work Guaranty sd. Call er rrite w) pn in no?d < f anything ii my ine 5. . v '* -V ' ji^L chewing (or MMI bacco tapK: all the^imp Ml us withrjour | Now is To buy fruit jW preserving kei evervthini ?r ? J " AT A CHEAJ BRANTLE TRINITY T Establ Location ideal, eq tioment uns&mass gymnasium ami atiiletic field^of Tri health. A teacher in each dormitory under his care. Faculty of College 0 struct'dn. Fall term onens Sent 18. W. W. PEELE, Headu louTsemlJr NORTH! The One Hundred and Nint Begin Septei Here girls and young Indu s can secu surroundings. Healthful conditions, t under true Christian influences, all th For Full Infc Mrs. Mary Davi LOUISBURG Have YoibrMorse Shod. I have just infilled a horse-bral I ana am now |>repyM to shoe the wil est horse or mule inVFranklin count; If you have,one/of tins nature brii him-to me. Mjrfwork llhthn best. ' H. B. ti UPTON, Wood. X. C. fflGHE?YER SPILL! DIAMOND BRAND LADIRS f | Ask jour l>ru**lrt Jbr CIII AhEF TT5IVS A | DIAMOND LKAN* Plt,M?Tp Ri d and AS I Gold metallic bqJtea, sealed! with Blue<0 Ribbon. Takb nB otbej. Btay oF your vV DrornM and u/ for OHI.ClIeft.Tf.RS V DIAMOND nn/ND riLI.ftTjor twenty-flr years regarded M Best, Safest, Always Reliable SOLD BY ALL DRUGGIST! vRia"'. EVERYWHERE ??rtS AMERICA^ BEADT1 JCORSEIs ^ Are the culmination of corset excellence? 1 V the product cs Intelligent end opresults xcould^not be Hlnl different \hu they JmH 1' ere-corselsMff stylish l*fl\ 1 lines and foAktonnble proportions./ frill 11 oan be made for theV '5 . money. V e carry in sthcK all o: the latest, tunntnf.modlsnhffecU America f Beauty cornet ONE DOLLAR UP \ MRU. A. M. HALL. LoulsburR, N. ( . : V V\T>: ' ' ; *?*? ' i v. , x"-- .r'r' 'yro paaa / YES SIREE! BOROUGH BRED TOBACCO r pound plug of sure enough good 10 cents. Got 'em all beat easy, e sweetening to hide the real toNo spice to make your tongue (pod, old time plug tobacco, with , irhyements up-to-date. CHEW j RC7TO IT at our expense, the . Cut out this ad. and mail to name and address for attractive ; chewerstmly. ? "YJowTV r SCALES CO., >n-Sai?m, N. C. ?* I ^ "Hmh'i Head Red" ^/Thc Time >, jar rubbers, tops ^tles, sugar and I lor canning > PRiCE FROM :y hicks 'ARE SCHOOL V ished 1898 ed. Students hftvfe use of' the librarv nity College. Special attention given t< looks after the living conditions of boy rraduates. Most modern methods of in For illustrated eata ouue address naster. - Durham, N. C. :g college CAROLINA li Session of this School wil ikbefr 13th, 1911 re,lit moderate cost, 1'leasant, homelik hr/ubh intellectual training, liberal eultur e^eqabrements for a well-equipped life irmatW Address s Alleh, Fresident , North Carolina ? ~ Notice ' Having this day qualified as executo *e I of the estate of W. H. Stallings. de i ceased, late of Franklin county, this i V' j t'i notify all persons holding claim against sain estate tp present the sam< to me on or be/owtne -jjrd day of Juni 1012 or this nojftTe will be plead in ba of their recovery. All persons owini said estate will please come forwari I and make immediate settlement. Thi | June 23rd, 1911. .T. C. Bowoen. Kxt'r. ^?ggg| Naah'iUBlntBtb th< (best remedy tor Rheuma tlum, Sciatica, 1 .amo Buck 'TlHtn ?REo a lmltatl . ytv r * SUNDAY SCHOOL. I \ ? Lesson Vfll.?Third Quarter, For Aug, 20, fall.' THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Tsxt of tKy Iwton, Jcp. xxxvii, 4-21. Momory Vsrse, 15 ? Golden Tsxt. Matt, v, 11?Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. We have not yet reached the end of the sorrows of Jeremiah, and these of today's lesson seem to hove been some of the greatest. but nli were because of the truth and the God of truth (Isa.x ? Ixv, 16i whose witness he was. It has been a long time since he ceased to complain of his suffer^ug* for the troth's^^ke. but he still awaits the ^ I fall glory of the kingdom which by the spirit he foresaw and predicted. Many others have come and gone, and the kingdom is not yet. and the sufferings continue for the faithful, but "the Lord Tl ? God of recompenses shall gurely re-< quite'1 (Jer. 11. 56). aud the sufferings are not worthy to be compared with it * the glory that shall be revealed (Rom. ? vtli, 18; 1 Pet. iv, 13i. It seems easy to soy it. but It la true that suffering for the truth's soke Is a. A great privilege and will bring us great glory in His kingdom (Phil. I, 29; II Cor. iv; 17. 18). After Jeholaklm's misk erable death and seemingly no burial * or as good as none (Jer. xxxvi. 30), ? his son. .Teconiah. reigned three " ujuulusi, which was hdoui uie same |> as no reign, at all. and was then carried captive to-Bnbyfon. where he was a prisoner thirty-six. years. The books of II KlngjB and of Jeremiah end with the record of his deliverance from prison after that long periQd. His father's brother, Zedeklab. was then made king, and he reigned eleven years, but neither he nor bis servants nor the people of the land would hearken to the words of the Lord (verse 2). although they professed 1B to want Jeremiah to pray for them (verse 3). and more than once Zedeklab consulted him (verse 17; xxxvill, 14). The last twenty-two years before the captivity, the time of these four ? kings, was a time of increasing evil and a specially trying time for a falth' ful witness like Jeremiah, but no one is ever tried beyond the grace given to sustain under the trial (1 Cor. x. 13). The Lord's answer to the king who sent his messengers to Inquire of Jere- yi miah is found in verses G to 10 of / our lesson with the admonition "Thus j saith the Lord, deceive not yourselves" \ 3 (verse 9). When the Lord Jesus fore- * 8 told in His Olivet discourse the troubles that would come in the approach-1 ing years and also at the end of this age. He said, "Take heed that no man tt deceive yon" (Matt. xxiv. 4i. Ele also & added that the wonders and signs of false Chrlsts and false prophets at the ^ end of this age will, if possible, deceive the very elect (verse 241. From -1 the day on which the devil deceived ? J Eve he has been diligently working on that line, perhaps never more so than now. but the time draws near j e when be shall be imprisoned and de- ] ceive the notions no more for a thou- ? sand years (Rev. xx. 1-3). One cannot but tremble for the multitudes who are deceiving and being deceived in these days, but it must end soon. The nrnv | er of Peter In I Pet. v. 10, 11. is Just j right for all the faithful witnesses suf- n feriug for the truth. ii Wo cannot wonder that Jeremiah e< longed to separate himself from all the ti unbelieving ones about him and get ai away somewhere alone with God (verse ,r * 12). and to be arrested and falsely acB cused and smitten and imprisoned and s like to die a filthy cell (verses 12- ? e 10. 20) was bard indeed for poor hue manlty. Even John the Baptist seems r to have grown discouraged under his J imprisonment and seeming neglect by * Him whom he had pointed out as the 8 Lamb of God (Matt. xi. 4-0). Oh, how great is our need of patience and an = nnwnyeHiig faith in God that will not s be offehded under any circumstances " (John xvi. 1-3; Rev. xiil. 10;. xiv. 12; ; Hel?. x. 30, 37). '? After many" .days?how long they ' must have seemed?the king sent for ' Jeremiah aud inquired. "Is there any ? word from the Lord?" (Verse 17.) There J was no new word, but Just the former * one concerning the captivity In Bnb| ylon. Jeremiah took occasion to ask J i why ho had been Imprisoned and to 1 nsk that he might not be sent back J to where he had been, so he was left ^ . for a time In the court of the prison ^ " (verses 18-21V?Just a breathing space ere his persecutors would again seek his life, but it would l>o helpful while 1 It lasted. Note the dally piece jof t bread of verse 21, and let us learn the T J lesson of dally bread and daily . strength, the matter of the day In his k day (chapter III. 34. margin). Jehoiai chin ha^l no doubt an abundant supl ply from the king's table. Poor Jere- 1 t miah had n piece of bread. > The next chapter tells how the J ^ princes, with the king's consent, cast J .Tereminh into a dungeon, where he ^ 5 sank in the mire and would have died ? f of hunger If he had not been rescued i f by an Ethiopian named Ebedmelach, 1 I who. with some other men and by f means of ropes and some ol?l rags to ' put under bis arms that the ropes ' might not hurt him. dre* him up from -M I the dungeon, arid again he Is permitted to remain In the court of the pris- nj on and was there on the day that the ?Sty~was taken (chapter xxxvtli. 13.28). Pi The sequel to the story of Jeremiah ap and how he was given perfect freedom tos go where he pleased after Jerusalem was taken, but. choosing to remain In the city, was afterward compelled to do down to Egypt, la forfnd in cbapi ters zl to zllll. Pi X N * They never need repair* revcr need any attention in fact except an occasional coat of paint. TSejIre Fireproof?3torraprocf and suitable for all kinds of buildings! *Fok further detailed information apply to M. F. HQUCKy Louisburg, N.C. VTRGINTA BAY - r ' OCEAN VIEW, VA. 1 p mnaf nnntilor'Cn >??v?/*? U?*-I ?? *'? tK A?_i_ * * * ? ...? i^pwMM^uuiiuPi auvci uu vnu viygima t^oast will De open ror guests /On June l^tlL 1911 s fifth season under the same manageiyent. Operated by a Franklin County ' boy. The Virginia Bay is headquarters fdr Franklin County people. Arrangejto Spendjyour Vacation With Us .. nd we assure^you that everything possible will m done for the comfort, and pleasurejrf youiself rnd family during your stay. \ For Rates and Other Information Write \ . JNO. A. TUCKER, Mgr. iastern Carolina Teachers Training School l State School to Train Teachers for the Public Schools of Norai Carolina. very energy is directed to this/riVfmrpose. Tuition free to all who agree to ? lacfo. Fan term begins September feth, 1911. For catalogue and other inforRobert H. Wright, President.. A ?.? The Best Made Only machine 'made with citf/r\belt or hhain drive. Exclusive engine feaires contained in no other macmlne\ Automatic lubrication instead of having > be pumped in by hand. Qxfrqie spring for\ instead .of coil. Free entrine luccn, wnicn aiiows machine fofitop Without a tdpping engine and two speed gear 'irect sight opening oil gua/e/ PricAs from $200 to $350. See me and machine efore buying, will guarantfe^atisfaction. "HURSTON K.ALLEN, AGT. louisburg, n. c. DIMfNii Attn Anhovlllc. N. pC, has prepared COY3 for Collesro and for ChrisDinMllKIVl) tsu-n CitixcnaAlp lor |(Q venrs, and ALONE in the U. S., offers a FREE ROUND TRIP TICKET f routakiy where within I5CO miles to any parent who. on inspection, is not convinced that its pain of ONE STORY brick rooms, separated by a parapet FIRE WALL, are the BEST for Health. Sanitation. Ventilation and safety against FIRE. 1793 Send for Catalogue or come aim see. COL R. BINGHAM. Soot.. R. F. D. No. 72 1912 TRINITY COLLEGE 1859 " 1892 1910-1911 hree memorable dates: The granting of thjLeharter for Trinity college; the jmoval of the college to the growing andLpfosperous city of Durham; the buildig of the New and Greater Triniry^FTOagnincent new buildings with new ^uipment and enlarged facilities./>?omfortable hygienic dormitories and beauTed pleasant surroundings. FiveTJepartiiients: Academic, Mechanical, Civil nd Electrical Engineering, Law, Education. Graduate. For catalogue and other iformation, address R. L. FLOWERS, Sec., - Durham, N. C CONSOLIDATED SALE - ? T_ ; RAMO.S typewriter* CQ., INC. , C. D. WEEKS. TKVSTEE AND V / ' * 'HE JOHN S. WAMoS TYPE^R.ITER AGENCJy'J tock of Xyp^writers, Supplies knd Office Furniture / / . * /"{/ he followiiiR^re specials, if ihwfeste.i write us at on?e as these nricoa y only last unti f lie stock is disposed oJ Sr^:rr,,w:" $il aet of Edisons b isiness phonographs, consisting of dictating, transcribing, and laving machines, also 1 dozen, cylinders. Regular price $210, our price $162.50 let Dictaphones, same outfit, regular price $2i0, onr price $190. $1 and 75c bbons for all makes 60c. $3 carbon paper (a box 100 sheets) $2.10 a box. ices on office furniture quoted upon repuest. Terms?Express C O D on iproved bankable paper. Order at once from 7 ^ ' 1 JOHN S. RAMOS + } . *v'- ...... ?*. incess Building - WILMINGTON, N. C. Box 54