nr Little 1, Store Is ? v ' ' ' * \ Prepared \ To Talk V (hnoc JIIUVJ T?M ! Show s;hoes And '* i To Sell cnnic w XX V A w I Wc Have j I Just J The j Shoes j I You -j Want .J R.Z. Egerton ^ 1?2- : Reves Touges Nolrs j They tell me drowning men have dream | That as the waters mock their screan And wrap them m_?be undertow, Sweet scenes and dreams come back 1 them To brighten life before they go ' Before they go far out of sight Into the cold, b ack dephts of sight They tell me this, whose life is done; When in the warmth of youth ami si A moment's madness ! I loved her so?I could notjiaow I'd killed her! when sb?46'ught to go My days are jugtits. I loathe the sui My love is dead, my life is done. They tell me drowning men have dream That as the waters mock their screan And wrap them in the undertow, ' Sweet scenes and dreams come back 1 them To brighten life before they go * * Th?*y tell me this?and yet no dreams Have come to me. To me who drown in life's dark sea, And yet no dreams have come to me! ?Marion Dorothy Shainwald, in th Forum. Funny Ads. With(&t A Point The following collection of frea advertising shows what the mil placing of a word or the omission i a comma will do in the wrong cor 8truction of a sentence: * ' Wanted?A furnished room by a old lady with electric lights. Wanted?A room by a youn gentleman with both kinds of gas. Wanted?A room by a young gen I tleiuan with double doors. Wanted?Ladies to sew but t ins o the second story of the Smith <1 Brown building. Wanted?A dog by a little bo with pointed ears. Wanted?A boy who can opei oysters with a reference. Wanted4?A boy to be insido ani partly outside the.counter. Wanted?A room for two yciin| gentlemen about 30 feet long and 2 feel broad. Wanted^-A furnished room by i lady about 15 feet square. Wanted?A fourteen-year-old gir witnts washing. For Sale?A cow by an old lad; with crimpled horns. For Sale?A farm by an old gen tleinan without out-buildings. For &ale?A nice mattress by at old lady fall of feathers. For Sale?A piano by a lady wh< is going abroad in a strong irot frame. For Sale?A parlor suit by an olc lady stuffed with hair. For Sale?A cottage by a gentle man with a bay window. /For Sale?A ridiber-tired pony and buggy. Lost?A green lady's leathei pocket book. Lost?An overcoat by an old gentleman lined with red flannel. Lost?An umbrella by an old gentleman with a tie and a bone handle. Notice?A respectably tailor wanti washing on Tuesdav. Notice?Annual sale now goinp on; don't go elsewhere to get cheat ed; come in here. Cuts and bruises may be healed u about one-third the time required b; the usual treatment by applying Cham berlain's Liniment. It is an antiseptii and causes such injuries to heal with out maturation. This liniment also re lieyes soreness of the muscles and rheu matic pains. For sale by all dealers. Seed Rye atjL. P. dicks. ! Fruit Jars and lolly Glasses at L. F | Hicks. \ I | Turnip Seed at iOlP. Hicka Wood Churns at 1 . N. Hicks. Laundry and Lun h Baskets at L. I Hicks. \ | Binding Twine it L. P. Hicks. ! Just Half In BedClyde, Ky.?Mrs. I. AI liycke write* trom Clyde: "I recctnmknda Cardni, the woman's tonii, to an womao in need of 'a rerrfcdy. F< fire years, I was unable jri do it own work. Halt my unM was spei | in bed. At last 1 trier! Cthdui. No I am wetland happy, andJcadtdo 01 own work." Don't nufles pain, hen' ache, backache, and #thf woman! miseries, when your own droggi has on his shelf a remedy for m troubles?Oardni. Get i bottle f your^ shelf. As a geneml tonic, fi weak women, nothing has been font for 60 years that Wbnld take 1 place. Try it. It you. \ . jTf- i PERSIAN WEAVERS. ; 1S j Th? Way tha Carpets Ara Mad? by tha Hand -Wt-rk#**. to 1 Iq describing Persian tudu^trin Mr* Hume ilrilUtli. tu. "Behind lbe Veil iu J B Persia a.'?*J Turkish Arabia.*' tells . the b?Ni?utlfiil carpel* .>f that country : are made, of course without machinery of auyjaiiti. The warp la | stretched loom. ivlilvlt la merely ; a fr^ntfC The woof consists of abort J ^Uhfeads woven ami knotted by hand , without tile >iIJ of .1 shuttle. When 8 ] ! row la finished I Pis j .rewa d tightly to ! the rest of the_weh by means of a ] a< comu 'nserted Into i-ie warp. | "The .veaver does not see the pat{ feru as h^ works. tor It.* sits with the s; I reverse side of the web toward him.? ] is The looms are generally kept iu an I underground vaulted room, often with to water running through the eeuter. At each loom three or four workers sit. , according to the size of the carper. Sometimes the workers consist of one J man and two children, and occuatouai!y the owner lines boys and girls oui? for the weaving. "1 sat on the high stool by the side ] le of a tiny girl, whose tingers were working jiwuy so fast 1 could hardly ] ? follow her movements. The overseet* was walking -up and down the room ] callfug out Instructions, to the work- j j. ers. To nie It sounded a horrible. In- ] | coherent jumble, hut the children j seemed to understand It perfectly ] | >f "The overseer hekl Irf* his hand a '| u paper, from which he was apparently ] | reading out instructions. It was some* | thing like this: j | " To No. 1. three blue tbreadiy 0L?. [ n white, two green: No. 'J. four yellow. | one white.* and so on. each child re- | peating after the 'master**tbe lustruc- ]| ? tious given. As it was all said in j high pitched inouoto)o> the result was || confusing and deafening. But there j the little weavers sit. day in. day out. *; week after week, in this dark, gloomy | n cellar, kept bard at It by the over-!j| k aevr " , j wi y Whtt'i In a Name? ~ I Jl Pnnn Tlnro n-hnt- ^ -> ? ?' I 8 n Christmas? a Billy?1 want a bobsled. -J Bobby?1 want a blllygoat. 9 1 ^"apa?Suppose you swap. J !m ov e~dj J. P. Winston has rented Ana^ore next J ft to Beasley-Alston Dujj* W. B. ; Js Cooke dealer in samplesiyes J. P. I Winston has *one dow\i>n Na^Astreet C I where he >3 selling -outtat an^fcelow V cost. 637 shirts \Vay din. N. (\ 11 Consultation and Examination Confi- J r dential. invited any Free. 5 tfo see all of hirYeFular Patient* and suet t new Case9, as maFwish to consult him. I _ Dr. Packard e n joy ilL state wide reputation, I | , among the profesichi and the Public oi * North Carolina, whefle for more tlian 28 i years he has derated me entire time to the ( - Study, Treatmi srj: and >Care of Chronic j | Diseases. The doctor h3> had wonderful | _ success in his caxen won, that of caring | chronic suffered Men,Wdtaen and Chil- L dren. The PaWsnts he baV restored to " Health after tUr had gfwenwp all hope ' ' of being Curdtf are nmnb*ed by the Thonsands. ? He is a kind, Venerons, _ Vtnocratic geAtleman to meetVof high scholarly attornments, and dignifled per. tonality. Con fled with a Brotherlwintercat, in all whf seejthis advice. Haydo. 9 not take a PltiooPf or Treatment nVess he can fores* a Core of the Case. The r meat MHMdtbb feature of his vtft, 1 a] and one thai imiali to the ordinary lick | person, la tne fact of hia charges twin, KT 1 '7 rsnsnashls land moderate aa to make it S >r within the reach of even the very poor. , At no tfahi do the charge* amount to '7 more than *7.00 a month or abont $1.50 it a week. He gives hia own medicines, and there Ire no extra Charges. It taker I w hfan nev erimore than from fonr to six IV Months toCnre a Case nnderTreatment. All Cases] even those who have been *- given no m Incurable or Hapalasa. have |j ^Mthr ;h If yon want to meet Umandhave him eraimnh yon, go to sea him, and talk the or matter over with him. H ytfll cost yon ,r nothing if ha does not pot yon nnder . M III If he takes yoor case, h will "> coat yon a very small sam tops* w*IL U Remember the Date . *. bd come ttfly. I . < * * ~> - / .' ' ?? __. F^Ta I.CONTI 81 Candler-uroweUXjo., 1 For Fiw N 1 All Goods in Evefyp I "" OXFt I AT , AND B g Yours/ T< 1 Candler-Crowt g Loiusbur HMn?? Riverside INDEPEI I Walrh Tli 32 ? n ill i 1 Next 1 ?5 For The Annouj ? ^ I OPE J 52=5 iSHHi w , rv . m 5 M 4) Ml ? ?Wm iffls 1 0f I Riverside Ipdepei Sj? We will Make it to Your Ii HggSSSS asnoijajvj^ lna11 Company j g, N. C,. ' I STDENT Warehouse lis Space 1 Week j acement of ~ the 3 ! IG ! piGj rjdeijt Waietjodse J I ittreat to Come to See Us. 8 xra am ?pp2?at& I I