FRANKLINTW Our Regular Items of Interest and Near Our Sist< CLOSES ON V - ?Men are misters. SVoinen are luieteries. ?Many a man u-ITp thinks lie is wise is unable to ]irove it. ?Lots of people who have brain don't know how to use them. ?What a bard worker yon are?i: When you have occasion to tell it. ?We learn that Mrs. .TV. W. Rose j brother who resides iu Watseka. III., , is critically ill. ?The Postal Cable Telegraph Coare putting in two uew cable wires on their line in town. ? Roberson Crusoe has relumed to the Island. Much ta the regret I ot his friends on the "Hill." *o?The Ladies Betterment Association has signed up for 5 good shows during the winter, they were so well pleased with these of former visits to our town. ?The Graded Schools will open Sept. 14th, col. and white and the > managers earnestly request every scholar to attend on that day so they can be graded on that day and avoid much work and contusion., ? We had quite a storm Mondav night, with a heavy down pour of rain there was a continued lumber I f .1-1 I i .. ui tnumier ana tlie wtiole element I was a blaze of electricity, another | heavy lain Tuesday gaTe as enough j for a while. ? The Town street cleaning force are catting off the grass and weeds j and giving the streets a much better appearance. We can now walk them and not get wet from the dew eto, ^ mornings, this great work should j, continue till we have better streets. ?A post card received here from Mrs. Joe Persons who is visiting in ( Southern California, stated that she 1 was in splendid health and enjoying | herseit tineiy ami having a grand lime. She is also visiting her grand soq William Harris who is in the C. S. Array, , | * ?Mr. Thomas H. Wbitaker has made quite an improvement oh thej, old "Speck" Furman place, remodel-j. jug, refurnishing and putting every thing ip up-to-dlte style on the old ( honse and made it a handsome residence. We gladly welcome him to oar town. .? ?Marceilous Joyner a highly respected colored man died last Wed- . nesday evening at S o'clock. He | was a good old man He had been j in feeble health for several years, j He belonged to the J. S. Jovner' family of this place and was held in | high esteem by them and was weil j cared for in his last davs. lie had no enermei, but many friends, he j was 81 years old and was buried at j 1 the colored cemetery Thursday. Many of his white frieuds attended] his funeral at the colored Baptist [ church. (j ?Only one case in Police court' this week, Lola Merrett was before the mayor charged with ritering the dwelling of L. C. Pierie in the night, she entered by the rear hall door by removing a glass from the door and opening the door which was fastened on the inside by a latch, she only went up stairs and went to sleep when she was found by some member of the family nexi I morning. She is only 18 or 14 years old, and has no parents and is an outcast from all her people. She was sent to jail for sate keeping, until the authorities shall determine what to do with her.. Personal. Soott Norman spent last week in Raleigh. Mr. J. S. Ryang, of Corea, is visitlag at W. H. M. Jenkins. Mr. Thomas Rogers, of Oxford, is visiting his son, Thomas, Jr. Mist Lillian Blackley haa been I visiting rslstites at Wiltoo several Mrs. Ayoooke and her two little ^ ; ' ' ' VT x\ NEWS ITEMS ' I Correspondent Gathered From in zr Town Each Week WEDNESDAY / ."on* are visiting at Sheriff E. It. Evans. Mis* J.enaOlfarrow, of Raleigh, is > visiting a few of lier relatives >n town. Mrs. Dan Robards, of Greensboro is visiting her sister, Mrs. l)r. A. R. W ins ton. Miss Elna Blackley, of Wilton, is visiting Misses Lucy Belle atul l.allie Blackley. Miss Julia Card who has been visiting in Raleigh several days, returned home Monday. Miss Kuth Blaoklev spent several ' days with her grand parents id Youngsville last week. Miss Susie Allen, of Raleigh, spent Saturday night and Sunday withiher tteople here. I Mrs. R. I. Cheatham, "Annie and Donald, of Norfolk, are visiting at | Capt. E. J. Chealhams. I Mr- Thompson and family, of Pittsboro, are visiting at Rev. \Y. i W. Rose on Main street. i Miss Doza and Etna Mitchell, of Richmond, are visiting relatives and ' friends in town this week. ' Rev. Mr. Kyles ard wife, of Idaho, is visiting at Mr. B. F.' Cooks. ' Mrs. Kyles is a niece ot Mrs. Cook. Miss Jean Ward who has been away several weeks visiting in Elm ^ Citv returned home last Thursday a Mrs. W. K. Joyner returned from c Warrenton Saturday, where she has been visiting relatives several days. |, Miss Rosa Catlett who has been c visiting relatives in Henderson for o several days returned home last Friday. Mrs. Claud Suuimerlin, of Mount ^ hive Wagon Co.; is visiting at Mr. A. II. Catletls and other relatives in C s ;own. Mrs. !i. J. (wiil, of Philadelphia, ^ ind Mrs. A. C. Borden, of Wilson, ^ s visiting their sister, Mrs. E. H. ivans. P Mi** Alice and Estha Harris re- j n urned from Manson Monday where j j hev spent several days visiting rel- .. itives. j, Miss Helen Ball, ot Raleigh, who a las been visiting Mrs. W. H. Mitch-1 a ill for several days returned Satur- b lay- ii Mi's Mattie Conway, of Wake J Forest, returned home Monday af:er visiting her parents and friends several days. Mr. John Y. Moore and wife, of 1 IV., ...v. v . muj, who nave ueen visiting at 11 E. II. Evans the pist week returned home Monday. i Dfck Conway, of Henderson, is spending his vacation in Franklin ton. His many friends are always plad t<> sen him. 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cheatham, of]' Atlanta, who have been visiting rel- I atives and (rtends liere for several 1 weeks returned Monday. ' Miss Grace Ward and Miss Betsy Dixon went to Ocean View Tuesday 1 to spend a week, also Miss Jean 1 Ward accompanied them. I Burley and Lallie Fuller, of Ilichmond, came in Tuesday to spend ' several days with their ft ther, Mr. 1 Geo. Fuller in Granville countv. Mr. Giles Winstead and sister, of j Wilson, returned Monday after visit- j ing at Mrs. Bettie Winston, who accompanied them home for several days visit. ' i Mrs. Dr. Bobbitt, of Louishurg, while on her way to Asheville stopped over in Franklinton Tuesday and spent several pleasant hours with friends. Attention Masons. Franklinton Lodge No. 123. A. F & A. M. will hold special communication Friday night, Aug. 18th, 1911. Work in'the First Degiee. All masons sre earnestly requested to be prseenk . H ? John Morton Dead. Mr. John Morion h former lesi [dent of our town died Tuesdaymom ins; a. 4.JII o'clock. Mr. Merlon ha been stek for a long time 'and hi: [death was lint unexpected, he leave a widow and 8 children. * hove J W., Henry and Lee Morton, o" girls Ml?. K 1 ward MoGhee, of this place and Misses Martha and Annie, lu has two brothers, A. J. Morton, ol this town, and B. (I. Morton win lives ill Granville Co., he was to years old was burried Wednesday at the old Ball Burning place. Pointed Paragraph's. It's unliiekv to bet $lo and lose. Play is the work that .we do that isn't compulsory. If misery loves company it's up to everybody to get married. Many a man stares today while feeding on the hopes of tomorrow. And there ate times when the brave deserves immunity from the Fair. If the average man has any virtues he feels like apologizing for them. There's nothing like the knife of tandor for severing the bonds of friendship. Only a wise man knows how little te actually knows of that which may >e known. Conrtship mav be a romance, but narriage frequently transforms it nto profane history. And many a woman's idea of the ruth* is the disagreeable things she tears about her neighbors. When you are offered something or nothing you should accept it?Mf :ou can afford to pay double its ralne. No, Alonzo, the cigarette habit lues n't always cause weak minds. In , great many cases it merely indi ates them. A man thinks he's getting the iang of things mechanical when he an go near ihern without a leg cut j ff. .. . Not an Experiment'aint Lick, Ky.?Mrs. Mary Freelan, of t.ns place, says; "Before I ommenced to take Cardui. I suffered 1 o much from woitianly trouble! I, 'as so weak that 1} was down on my ack nearly all the time. Cardui has one me inona goo< than ?ny mediine I ever toogstn my life. I can't j ossibly praise tt h o highly." You j eed not l>e afraid to dake Lardui. j t is no new experi hent. 'v?4jr_ ffifty j ears, it has been found to relieve! adache, backache, and similar worn- j nly troubles. Cot iposed of gentle-; cting, herb - inj rediints, Csidni j nil da up tire str mgth, preventing ] audi unnecessary!pain. Try it torj our troubles, today- ' A I? Through-Road ItemsWill send yon a few more ttcius to et you know we are still in the ng. Ji.n Jouinigan and wife 'of HingVuo.l are spending a few days at r. L. Hunt's. There was an. ice cream supper at llrs. M. T. Hick's last Tuesday night ind was enjoyed by all that were iresent Miss Maggie Foster, ofManson, is dailing her cousin Mss Isabeile Hicks this week. T. L. Hunt and son Davie have reurned home after spending some.ime with relatives in and near Kitirell. We are sorry to hear of the acciient that Sidney Burnett had. His nule ran away with him knocking lown the grove fence and diatocalng the mail box of Alex Edwards, eat no serious injuries were reoeived aj Mr. Burnett. Roy Tharrington went to the shildrens day at Connth last Satnriay and reports a 6ne time. Mr. L Rov Tharrington spent last Sunday afternoon with Mr. C. F. Falkner and family and reports a joyful time. ? -~We are glad to know that Mr. William Person is up again. With best wishes for the Times and its happy readers. " Eyed Kid." Any intellectual perlon may earn a good Income correspond iny tor newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send stamp for toll p&rAulari. Empire Press Syndicate, MidApagt N. fa * * X ' . y "* - ? * ' ' ' ' ' | Grand Ope jj Farmers Bricl* L / 03S Thursday^ / \ We shall again open our warehous e\or t J We shall commence this season's 1 lusnaes ity for all with a determination to mal^ P prices with G. C. Harris and W. I . Full* Xj auctioneer and with the two ,l Old Reliat prices are the very highest.^ JWe a your interest shall be purs. Our ^ We promise youu the future shall y,| welcome you with a load of primi igs, T1 | other day that you mav wish to iell. Lt YOURS TO SERVE V MEADOWS I Owners and Proprietors r LOXJISTBXJRGr, INTOI Did You Buy ??f?M If You Did You Made a Mist SCHU pB ? i l \ l i I We Can Easily/ At And as for the prite and qua you can get until you come in gK'E us\ Our stock of furniture and undertaking is alwi see us. Remember it is to our interest to plet death" its your own fault. Yo W. E. Wijite Fa j , >. . _ ? t . i r * rr2-^ ^? ^2-?S I :nin(* Sale A i Warehouse 1 Vugust 31 5 I ne sale ot the new crop ot tobacco. / H >s with malice towards none and char- Y t this the banner season for high *3 with the-books, B.. T. Bailey as ^ ' iljea^ at every pile to see that the re ih the business to stay and \ past \ecord speaks for itself. ft# be better and we will gladly aursday, August 31, 1911 or any |A AND TO PLEASE |<| I > s HARRIS J I Farmers Warehouse I H IT IT CAROLINA ^ I That Piano? ! ??w?Bara?i^? H ake if You Did Not Get a I 'I I JiMJflkHc I r^nge the Terms 1 HtyYou don't know what and See our instruments. I A CALL I iys complete and up-to-date. Come in to H ise you and if you don't get "tickled to H ur friends, H rijitare Company I % 1 ' * ' "7^ . hb*