. THE HOME CIF Pleasant Evening Revei cated to Tired Mot the Home Circle crude thoughts from A young* girt YTlt?be far'safe'r in i the hands of a young man born of parent-* in a modern circumstances, i honest in bis principles, the energe- i tic and industrious, than she would < v witli a young man who has only known the luxuries of life, and to i , . ?- whom -vork is an incidental matter rather than the aim and purpose of life. * ? There are many hajj+>y"nbm ee, thank (iod,~ in avefy community, nny a single dose of Chambefiain's CollV and Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedp.X This remedy has no superior for b^we\ complaints. For sale by dealers. / \ DON'T EXPERIMENT You Will Make No Mistake 11 You Take This Advice. Never neglect your kidneys. If you have pain in the back, urinary disorders, dizziness and nervousness, it's time to act and no time to experiment These are all symptoms of k^idndv trouble and you should seek a remedy which is known to act on the kWneys. Doan's Kidu ry Pills is the remedy to use. No uei d to experiment. It has cured man / stubborn cases in this vicinity. Mrs. Rob< r Williams, 323 S. Franklin St., I iocky Mount, N. C., says: "I tak aleasure in confirming the public statement I gave in July 1908 in which 1 told of my experience with Doan's Kidney Pills; as the relief they gave me has been lasting. I suffered severely from dull, nagging backaohes and I had distressing pains in my kidneys, arms and limbs. 1 was quite restless at night an the remedies that I took did not s..em to have any effect at all. Finally I was induced to get Doan's Kidney Pills and itdii not lake them long to restore me to good health." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name?Doan's? and take no other. Buy it now\ Now/is the time to buy a bottle of Ch^nhurfain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Vteiudy. It is almost certain to be neeaefl before the summer is over. This remldy has no superior. For sale by all dealm. \ v- & i , "M PROTECT. THE HEA LTH OF YOURSE LF 1 AND FAMILY. Pope's Herb is prepared to provide a dependable household remedy, based; upon the principle of purity of blood fl insuring freedom from disease. It is 11 a medicine for maladies sue)- as, Rheu- I matism, Liver Complaints. Constipa- R tion, Fever and Ague,- Female I)isor- |1 ders, - Indigestion, Lumbago, Kidney fl Derangements, Catarrh, Sjck and Ner- D vous Headaches, loss of Apetite and all ailment* arising from inactivity of the Liver and Kidneys. j It is a purelv Herbs, BArks and Roots Compound. It is put urn- in chocolate coated tablets pleasing and easy to take, (or can be dissolved in water.) . Mrs. J. C. Meade lof Hayattsville, Md. says: / "For years I hale suffered with I Backache. Headachett Neuralgia, and I Nervousness and ejmreme fatigue, 11 tried many remedu s without relief | Four months ago a g -ateful friend induced me to write tc Pope Medicine Co. Washington. I). C., : or a box of Pope's | Herb Comp*Hmd Tab eta. the very first dose of two tablets rave me relief. I used not quite a HsQ 1 box and I am entirely cured of thef nn in my back and ; have no more headi che." Dr. J. V. Henn seiK a prominent Physician and Suri eon Of Albany, N. I Y. in part says: "\ "As a Blood Pur ler, LiVr. Kidney I and System regulat >r I prescribe Pope | Medicine Co's of V 'ashingtoV D. C. I Herb Compound as I have done for the 1 past 20 years, and I have found it to I be a great remedy, which seldom if eyer fails. Where i re thou sand s\)f letters from users of I ope's Herbs,^hat haye been benetitte 1 and cured b\\ its proper use. Pope' Herb Compound Tablets are put up 00 in a box, "siV month's treatment,' and will be sent* po^t-paid on receipt of 91.00. Each box contains a printed Wuarantee binding us to refund the purchase price if the remedy fails to benefit, also full directions. Guaranteedby thefope Medicine Co., Inc., under the Pure Food and Drugs Ac^ June 30, 1906 No. 31*956. FOR TERMS TO AGENTS IN UNOCCUPIED TERRITORY Ipope"medicne CO. INC Pope Building, Washington, D. C. Notice. Having this day lualifted as executor , of W. 11. Bowden deceased late of i Franklin county, this is to notify all persons holdingVlaims against said es| tate to present trul same to the under' signed on or befonk July 21st, 1912 or this notice will ba pleaa in bar of their I recovery. AH persona owing said es| tate will come fcrwar & Music House Pianos,/The Good Kind Sianos for ' *< s for $400 vt will be The new i. Large * .0 slighfly used anml piano player cost new >x of music cost $50\ that we offer first cal"his price good only \Sept. 1st, unless sold fer splendid new player pianos that some , six and seven hundred dollars for $350. ??v HOLLINGS WORTH ve a little furniture left and Vill have another bedstead later / ' ' X