e. * \ - "> FRAJNKLINTON Our Regular ( Items of Interest < and Near Our Siste CLOSES ON V ?Hall, the barber, went to l.ouisburg Tuesday. ?Some people will take anv old thing'?except a hint. ? A man's reiathti> se ldom 'nubcr. him if he is poorer than tliey are. ?Elmore Speed went to Loais-1 burg Monday. He is on the jury I this week. --A little siraug?-r arrived at H. j W. McGhee'a last M- txilh his meat market, an up-to-date ouster lunch counter. "Sv" is a hostler. ?Maj- R- A. Winston has returned from Fort Caswell where he has been for several days in charge i of Hospital Corps. Mrs. W inston is visiting her parents in New Bern. j ?His many ftiends .were glad to see J. C. Wormouth on our streets Monday. Mr. Wo.montU has been confined at bis home w.th sickness all the summer, but i? improving^ now. ?W e notice a load of fine watermelons on our streets Monday, rais. ed by Sim Can^day, and purchasyd ; by the "Sterling cotton mill store."! They were the finest that have been; on tnis market tens season. ?Mrs. S. J. liecKwitji ami children, of Lake Landing, 11}tie county, while en route to Laurel to visit) her mother, stopped over several j days to visit her brothers, E. M., J. j T1 , and Tt. A. Speed. 1 ?The cotton fields around here ! are white and the farmers are get- I tine ready to pull out the cotton. A lot of it is already being picked this week. Some of the farmers predict that the crop will fall far short. of what the reports were a month ago. ?The Farmers Union'Lodge, of this place, has purchased Kt|ie old chair factory building and several acres of land and are putting in new machinery, etc.^and are working' day and night to get ready for the present crop. When completed they will have a first class up-to-date gin outfit. ?Rev. J. A. Guthrie, of Raleigh, occupied the pulpit at the Methonist church at the morning servioe Sunday, and Mr. Kyang, of Corea, at the evening service. Mr. Ryang illustrated Corea with a moving ptcture machine. It was interesting and instructive, and caused a very large crowd to be present. ' i ;, ' Personal J E. P. Blaokley went to Louiaburg Monday. ' ^ Miss Courtney, of Richmond, is L H. Kearney went to Looisborg -V 4. . NEWS JTEMS [orrespondent [fathered From in r Town Each Week WEDNESDAY Monday to attend court. Henry Mitchell returned from Ocean View Tuesday. Mrs. Seclireste. ot Canton, is visit in g Miss Minus BaHnetb?Mis* Kate Wortham is visiting in Hentleraon this week. Chas. D. Britt went on a business trip to Goldgboro Monday. Miss Julia Mayo, of Washington, is visiting Miss Klna Vann. Miss Marv Moss, of Littleton, is visiting Miss Marguerite Moss Ex-sheriff II. C. Kearney went to Louisburg on buginess Monday. Mrs. Mabel Moore^of Hendergon is vigiting her parents, S. C. Vann. \V. If. Byruin spent several davs in Durham last week visiting his son, Capt. By rum. Misses Katiebet and Minnie Mor-i ris are attending a "house party in Oxford thbeweek. Capt. C. T. Nicholson returned Monday ftom a visit to Donald Cnvatham in Norfolk. J. V. Finlavson and wife have gone to "Norfolk to be awav several days on a pleasure trip. t ! li- ?i ? - a ' ' vudru*? i riicnara, iLcioiie \\ iiite | ami Hetirv Brandon, of Portsmouth, | so nt Sunday in our citv. E. A. Jones and Kenneth Porter, j of Portsmouth, are \*isitiug at W. A. Whitfield* on Clegg Heights. Miss MnrgUrrite Moss left Tuee- i day nii?ht for Old Point Comfort to ] visit her aunt, Mrs. Massenburg. .Miss Vivian Van Vacter, of Baly^ more, is visiting ber aunt, Mrs. The odore Jeffreys in Granville county, j T. C. Harrison and wife, of Wei- j don, are at their country home near here Bi's week, and visiting friends [ in town. Mrs. Aiinta Neathery and children, of Creedm^v, are visiting her father, James 11. Cook, on Clegg | Heights. Misses Dozaand Eleanor Mitchell,! of Richmond, who hat& been visiting 1 relatives here sevep*L>eeks, return-! cl home Tuesday i _ e-^. Miss Hatties-'olcGhee end little E izaliei'u \Vu:d returned from PortsnTouthj-jfriday where they had been bs^a^isit to relatives. Misses Li I lie Leonard, of Centerville, and Mat'.ie Lee Smith, of Casta lia, wlio have been visiting Miss Anniejfowe, returned home this week. Mrs. P. A. White and children, ot Zebuion. who have been visiting relatives in and near town several days, I T J-- ' nwmr xuctuay uccorapaniei by lier sister, MrS- O. L. Fuller. C. C. Kearney and Geo. Cooke returned last Saturday from Atlantic | City where they spent several days sightseeing and having a grand time generally. They also visited New ' York, Washington and other large cities. | Dr. J. J. McQullers, of McCullers, land MrB' K. L. Heflin, of Raleigh, and Miss Katie Lee and Mr. G. J. Banks, of Haw River, are attending the annual family reunion at A. I). Mitchiners this week. Mr. Nat Tomlinson was also in attendance. Notice Co. F. All members are hereby ordered to report at their ariuory on Friday Sept. 1st, 1911 at 2 o'clock for the purpose of holding an election ol Company offiers to 611 vacancies. No member will be excused from thiq drill. All members are also ordered to bring hack to the armory every piece of government property in their possession. By order of Capt. I. H. Kijutsrr, G. L. CooKjt, First Sergt BlackleyWflltams. There was a surprise marriage al Central ohorch parsonage last nlghl after the evening service when Bev A. D. Wilcox, the pastor united in 7 *' <~"V ' / "/ I niHtrin^v Mr. W, R. Itlackl-r urn ' Mi*s Ruth William*. ln>t!) of Rai j Thev wer*? iivcoiiipHiuc1) by a tev 1 friends who witnessed the ceremonv I The bride is the daughter of Mr. nu* ; Mrs. R. K. William* of this city. Th groom la well known in the citv be ing machmiat for the St an ?ard Ai Line. x They have the beat wishes of mant friend a. The above wns taken frotn Raleigl Times of August -1st. Mi*. Kufui Blackley is well known here when he has many friends and relatives He is the son of 0. R. Blackley, whc friends here wish for them a long and happy "life. Porch Party. Friday evening Miss Martha Harris gave a delightful Porch Party at her home here in honor of Miss Annie Glenn Cheatb&m, of Norfolk, Va. The parlors ami porch were beautifully decorated with ferns^ grapee and pink roses ?nd lighted with Japanese lanterns. r The gat eta were mot by Miss Martha Harris, conducted to the punch bowl by Miss Kttiie Foster and Mr. John 11. Harris where they were served by Miss Susie McGhee. After a game of Progressive Hearts Dice frozen dainties in the shape of hearts were served. The prize won by Joseph Green1 Jr., and Miss K&tiebet Morris was presented by thera to Miss Annie Glenn Cheatham. Tbe booby was presented to Mr. Bilile Morris. Those present were Misses Eleanor Vann, Annie Glenn Cheatham,.Ivatiebet Morris, Josephine Henley, Su. sie McGhee, Mary Staunton, Marguerite Moss, Bessie Joyner, Kittie Foster, Martha Harris and Messrs. Walter Cooke, Leonard Henderson, Billie Morris, Joe Cheatham,Donald Hicks, June Hose, John Henry Harris, Joseph Green,Donald Cheatham and Captain Nicholson. I ^ Pains All Oyer. Houston, Tex.?"For fire years," says Mrs. L. Fulenohek, of thu place, "I suffered with pains all over, especially in mv back and side, and was so weak I could hardly do tny housework. A friend told tue of Cardni. Since taking it, I feel so much better! Now I can do all my housework and Mtns don't bother me any more at a^l.l' Cardui is a strength building ti^t-dicine. Fifty years of success hive produced, amongst its many usetik confidence in Cardui and.what it will do. During this time, Cardui has relieved the female ailments of over a million women. Why not yoiy;s? Try it ; today. Your druggist sells it. FUNNY PARAGRAHS 'For Those Who Like to Rea< Them "What du<-8 your h1.9L1.vl like fo: his breakfast" "Anything I haven't got in th ' house."?Cleveland Leader. 1 = OS A Sl'Mll KR S ll AY. The judge had just popped th< ; question. "Well," remarked Maud Mullei I "you are the man I shouid like t#re I call." , With that ambiguous complimen | he had to be content.?New Yori J Sun. I Little Clarence?"Pa, I honestl j don't believe itjdoes me a bit of goo when you thrash me." Mr. Calli pers?"I begin to suspect as muct my son, but you have no idea hoi much good it sometimes does mi t 1 thrash you!"?Puck. SAUCJC. 1 "The impudence of that youni j brother of mine!" exclaimed Mn | Nagger. "He just told me I was n 1 chicken when X married youT" 1 "Well," replied her unsympatbeti husband, "that's true enoagh To weren't a chicken, were yon?" "No: I was a goose."?Philadel phia Frees. Bay it ilMr. Mow is the time to ba bottle of UMbertein's Colic, Cbeler I end Diarrhoea ftaudy. It i almrn certain to be neAed Before the somrni ie ore*. This remedy hab^no superto 1' For sale by all dealers. ^ ^ i ' ' * * . 'e ' I Come to ? ON r Thursday, / It Farmers Brick 0 r * ,' V/': / ^2 ft* YOTJRS TO SERVE V{ MEADOWS 1 Owners ai(d Proprietors ] 7 LOUISBURG, NOI Did You Buy If You Did Yop Made a Mist ; SCHl/J I \ I I I \ I I rdR m ifr 9 i- ^ II s x 11 We Can Easily Ai ; And as for the price /and qua o you can get until you come in Our stock of furniture and undertaking is alwi see us. Remember it is fo ou* interest to plea death" its your own fault. / Yd ftp E. WMte Fa /' ' / m See lis 11 August 31 |S Warehouse 3 1 If you wish to get the high- 6# ?? ;*. cordially welcome^ tobacco fek or no tobacco. By If you need any money in 1 to your business remember we have the stuff for you. This I house is owned by farmers run by Farmers and for the Farmers interest. 1 S WELL 'I I ANX) TO PLEASE |