THE HOME CIR Pteasanr&uBning Rbubi Gated to Tirsd Mot the Horns CirclB lrude thoughts from Let v(,ung gjr|8 be thoroughly im- I preyed with the fact ihat on tliem- I selves, i? a |arge degree, depends .1 tllu "uoom of the men they marrr. i Let them know how to cook, giving i theui a thorough coarse in thb i kitchen. L,0t them begin where I their mothers left off, and we shall i have a generation of girls strong, i hopeful, ambitious and self-reilant, that will elevate the men, ami make a hardier and more aggressive people, anil thousands of firesides hap- ( pier and hotter, ,| v The first question a man asts when lie sees a girl flirting 19 whether she-is respectable or not; it raises a denibt at ouce. This being the case no modest girl can afford to indulge in the pastime. When the down is brushed from a peach its beauty is so marred that it can never be restored, and when a young girl throws lightly aside that sweet ami modest reserve so becoming to a maiden, and which so elevates her and enables her to command the reBp4rt of all, she loses the great chjbqn and becomes rather cheap and com-N uiuii, 10 use no ra?n termn. m w m Tbere must be no drones in the i home if it is to be the happy place and tbere must be no inordinate sel? fishne89. An idle person and a selfish person will disturb the peace of the whole family. While there must be loyalty and unity, there must also be great freedom for the expression of personal tastes and respect for individual activity. WW* Few people realize how much the little attention^ of every day life mean to their associates in the home, the church, the business place. It is generally a lack of cousideration which makes one forget the tiny pleasantries; but lack of considers- , tion is really one form of selfishness, and selfishness is not considered a desirable quality- Remember that the little things of life either good or bad, count for more with those we love than we ever know, and ive should be watchful qf our actiuus aud our words. ? ? Many a girl without the slightest talent for music is running a piano who should be making bonnets or bread; and many a boy is studyiug for a learned profesaion whose proper sphere is tha machine shop of the mill; many a man is splitting up churches who ought to be doing good service in some institution of learning, teaching or working on a farm, and many a woman is trying in vain to be a leader of society when she should be a model housewife in her own borne. ? * m JJcme men end women have-easytimes but that does not mean happy times. The easy men and women do not look as might bo expected. The)' Struggle under the load of ease. When they laugh they only make belieye laugh. Having such an easy time they become lazy. Their hones become stiff; their heads become clogged up and their hearts become hard. II the inhabitants of "Easy street" had to scratch for a living the result would be that they would be 'ess troubled with dyspcps.a. ? >? Wy like to sing the praises of the w sisterhood who remain unmarried that they might administer to aged i parents. The brutal world calls these self sacrificing ones peculiar or singular, but if you Jiad had as manv annoyanoes as they had bad, Xantippo would have been an angel compared with you. It is easier,tc take care ot five rollioking, romping children, than of one ohildish , old man. Among the best women are those who allowed the bloom of life to pais away while they were oaring 'or their parents. While other maidens were sound asleep . < " j. fililKimiftiift !CLE COLUMN. " ies.?R Column Dedihers as They Join at Evening Tide THE EDITORIAL PEN they were soaking the old man's Feet or tucking up the covers around the invalid mother. W bile other maidens 'were in the cotillion they were dancing attendance upon rheumatism, and spreading plasters (or the lame back of the seDtena ian,?and healing Bathtp tea for nsomnia. * m * TRAIN THE GIRLS. Whom .a girl is ten years old she should be given household duties to perform, according to her sire and strength, tor which a sum of money jhould be paid her weekly. She needs a little pocket money and the know ledge how to spend it judiciciously, which can so well be given by a mother to her little .girl. She jhould be required to furnish a part if her wardrobe with this money, Cor instance, if she gets ten cents a week she should purchase all h> I itockings or all her gloveB, as her mother may decide; and doing this under the mother's supervision, she will soon learn to trade with judgment and economy. Ol course, the mother will see to it that the sum is auflioient to do this and yet Hea^e a trifle for the child tc spend as she pleases. This will supply u healthy stimulus; it will give her a proper ambition and pride in her labor and the ability to use money properly. As she growl older these household duties should be increased, with the . proportionate increase ot money paid for the performance of them. W? know of ; lady who divided the wages of i servant among her three daughters There is a sympathetic arrangemenl of their labor, which is done with i thoroughness and alacrity rarelj found, either, with a hired girl 01 daughrer who feels that she has t< do it with nothing to encourage oi stimulate her in the work. ? * * Poverty is uncomfortable, bm nine cases out of ten, the best thing that can happen to a man is to b*( tossed overboard and campelled tc sink or swim for himself. SIGNALS OF DISTRESS. Louisburg: People Should Know How to Read and Heed Them. Sick kidneys give many signals o distress. ? T!iu secretions are dark, contain i sediment, Passages are frequa&t, scanty painful. / Backache is constant day am night, / Headaches and /dizzy suklls ari fr?juent. / / The weakened Aidneys need quid Don't delaylVUse a special kidnei lemedy. j /\ / Doan's Kidre^'i^s are for siol kidneys, baclfache\pd urinary die orders, / j\ G. S. Dap el, Cement Ave., Ox ford, N. (/., sayf. ' "A. member o my famiw (uff?-ed froiX backache pains irythe kianeys and oVhersymp toms of kidnef complaint. \ Doan' Kidney Pills were obtained ami thel use in this case brought tbe\ mos satisfactory results. I conbide Doin's Kidney Pills a medicine\o merit and I am ptessed to gtveTtiei ray endorsement." ' p ap H&ig'fiy an iiamen.?Price si cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Nev York, sole agents for the Unitei States. Remember the name?Doan's? and take no other. SEEMED TO GIVE iHIM A NEV STOMAtil. "I suffered intensely {after eating am no medicine or treatmdit I tried seema to do any good?Pwrityj H. M. Young peters, Editor of The Sun, Lake View Ohio. "The first W (doses of Cham berlain's Stomach dad Liver Tablet gave me surprising tefut^and the secon bottle seemed to gl yalm?\ new atom aoh and perfectly gt>od health," Fo sale by all dealers. 7 \ PROTECT. ! the he a lth ofyourself and family. Pope's Herb is prepared to provide a ! dependable household remedy, based upon the principle of purity of blood insuring freedom from disease.*-- It is a medicine for maladies suph as, Rheumatism. Liver Complaints, Constipation, Fever and Ague, Female Disorders, Indigestion, Lumbago, Kidney Derangements, Catarrh, lick and Neryouajieadaches, loss of Apetite and all ail in eh{s arising from inactivity of the Liver and Kidneys. I It is a purely Herbs, Barks and Hoots CompoundX It is put u? in chocolate coated tablets pleasing and easy to take, (or cambe dissolved in water.) Mrs. J. C.\Meade pf Hayattsville, Md. says: \ / "For years V ha ye suffered withi Backache. Headflfhesg Neuralgia, and Nervousness ana ejftreme fatigue, I _ -tried many regwdt4s without -reliefFour months ago a wrateful friend induced me to write tX Pope Medicine Co. Washington, D. C.J for a box of Pope's -Herb Compound Tirol ids, the very first dose of two tableti me me relief. I used not quite a $\j.00 bYx and I am en, tirely cured of thf pain Vi my back and have no more heidacbe-\ 1 Dr. J. V. Heiinesey, tL prominent Physician and Surgeon of jtlbany, N. Y. in part saysl \ "As a Blood Purifier, LiyeX Kidney i and System regulator I prescribe Pope Medicine Go's cn Washington, \l>. C. 1 llerb Compounfl as I have done ror the past 20 yeata, and I have foupd \t to be a great rettedy, which seldofta if 1 ever fails. Tlfere are thousands of let, ters from user* of Pope's Herbs, tnlyt hayc been benefitted and *cured by it^ ' proper use. Pope's Herb Compound . Tablets are put up 200 in a box, "sik month's treatment," and will be sent 1 po^t-paid on receipt of 81.00. Each box > contains a printed guarantee binding us to refund the purchase price if the remedy fails to benefit, also full directions.? Guaranteedby thePwe Medicine Co., Inc., under the Pure Food and Drugs i Ac^- June 30, 1906 No. 31,956. for termsto agents in unoccupIed territory address POPE MEDICNE CO.. INC ' Pope Building, Washington, D. C. 1 ' I , Notice. ? --Having this day qualified as executor ^ of W. II. Rowden deceased late of Franklin county, t?fcis id to notify all i persons holding; claifas Against said estate to present the sfejPe to the undersigned on or before J)A\y 21st, 191*2 or i this notice will be Dlfma in bar of their t recovery. All pers/nl owing * aid estate will come forwaraand make immediate settlemem, This Ju y 21st, . 1911. V \ T : Look Out And j Watch us Grow J NEW GOODS j Will be Arriving in > a Few D^ys. We are going do pack our j store with go<y!s as soon as the freight Mains and the greenback w/ll bring tkom. No old goodn/to seleet^roni, Everything Neyr From the Maini^turers to us at pricW^iever heard of before. We are going to have I some exceptional values that will be worth from 25c ta ?1, that is going to be sold 10c. i We are going to give away a real Diamond Ring sometime this year We will let vou , know about that later. Watch our ad in each issue of the paper and you may get it. Inknrnn r Hi JUIIII3UII a rntc PROPRIETORS ? I Big 5 and 10 Cents f^tore r k| For Very Best Fancy I Groceries >1 -And Vegetables jt Come JPdV see me or J Phone MT. y now have a fulJr supply V>f 1 -/..ICEL. 7 Place your orders early. d | J. W. King jj "> ^ Sk j* '*I . V . NEW I GOOpS AT THE/ Racket Stofe Just ijeceived/a lot of beautiful - /Percales, Madras! Flakons and dotted sWiss in Remnants to ^si 11 cheap. We call espe :ial attention to our \ Embroi ieries ana \ Lacks \ j You can find what you | want at the right prices. Fine slippers for Ladies, M: sses and childrens, to be sold choap to ma ;e room for fall stock. Ask to see our American Beauty Corsets They are very popular and stylish. Very Truly Mrs. A. M. Hall ! BIG WIEETI a?mm?? Crops are fine and 1 Farmer if your wife cooking stove for th you think it just as Surry and take tl makes Jack a dull t I have 100 nev and two horse for cash. No\ cord or plowin nice rubber tir firing, or quit v. Xome t and don't forge buggies, harne kinds improved good easy t/ra / / -?- ? y T / Gasoline Engines, A ders, Grist M K. &, .. y- ji > L' SS, a. . ; ..! i- y ; . Ill?- . -=T-7 V / * , Your Bugles Rubbertired I am fully prepared to put on Rubber tires ) on any buggy in Franklin county at short \ notice and reasonable terms. All work guaranteed, dome in and see us. : : : / Yours truly H. C. TAYi/oRl Louisburg, N. C. \ t ~ ' rSEE US FOft Jackson Automobiles All Styles of Cars. Pri& $1100.00 to $1800.00 Jackson Mot6r Car Company .Qntl+bhrn \ T -..l-U.?- %T n wvt?u*v?u A/v^iu yaUV/Ul \ JLfU U1S UUrg, IN. V^. Distributors For Ahe Carol\nas and Georgia. / \ 1 ?~ L_ v Depository Of U. S. Postal Savings \ > This bank has been designaj^a a depository for Postal Savings by the Tnsasjirer of the United States. Moneys deposited with/the Postmaster are re-deposited here by the Govar lment. If this bank is safe for Uncle Sam it isAaf 5 for you. " CITIZENS BANK Henderson, N. C. INGS AND BUGGIES aid by. The county is safe. Now Mr. > and danirhtftrs viavp s+nnh atta-? ? - v wvwv? V v Vil V1AV e last four months, and sweated don't little as you can do, is to buy a nice lem to church? all work and no play >oy. / yL r styles up to date bugg^s, 25 surries, one all kinds of harnes&f :heap, on time and v you boys who h^ve been pulling the bell cr. tinlfisslwm c.zn ride vmir heat crirl in a e buggy, ^nd t^ke her to church, why cease plowing, Wti have not been treated fare. 0 See/my\ Stock of Buggies tt yfflt I carry aYomplete stock of wagons 2 as, surries, carriages, road carts and all 1 labor saving farm [machinery, and sell on is to all. \ .utomobiles, Hay\ Presses, Corn Shredills; and I want ?our trade bad. P. HILL LJ

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