r t j . . uT' franklin times , __ ?- I A. F. J0HNS3N. Editor and Manager 1 "* I FlllDAt, August --'5 1911 The Belles. O! the belles'. Summer belle*; What a plentitude of heartaches their giddiness compels; n How they giggle, giggle, giggle, j In the sea br> cm-laden night, {Jtta t'ie'r "''I'm- squirm and wriggle f^Ban ecstasy of fright. ? _ Hew they hurt b When they flirt. t When with ghoulish glee they gloat .] On the squirming of a fellow when they have him by the throat. 0! the belles! brazen belles; How they conjure, scheme and plan To entrap the summer man n The ribbon-counter gentlemen who mas- c ^ querade as swells. * _ 0! the belles! j, ^ . Greedy belles; ' How they wring, wring, wring, i Soda water, everything, j From tho pockets of those "Cash!" ex- t claiming swells. a 0! the belles! 1 Foxy belles; e What a wealth of hints they flng To compel the pleasant ring, ? <?x Diamond ring, Ahfthe heart-engaging ring. Of the golden wedding bells; bells, bells, t 'V?bells, bells. y "! the belles! v tarIdrops. - .- ( ?-The graded schools will open p i, w.~. otviTuesdav. September 5th. _ ?Come out to the opening of the i i( tobacco warehouses next Thursday. ? ? Don't think about selling your p tobacco anywhere but at I-ouisburg h 1 this season. * o ?Louisbn-.g tobacco' market will P i open next I'hursday. Yon are in- ^ vited to corns. - *' ?Lets everybody pull together to ] 8 make this the most successful year of the graded schools. ?Misses Julia and Ruby Winston, of Youngsville, visited at E. L. Har- j ^ ris, rear town the past week. q ?Louisburg, together with its t p O) <^^-r tobacco warehousemen, offers 1 g, a special welcome to all who will I a visit it this fall. tl ?Isn't it strange how much trou- d ble some men take to "put their schemes through" when all that is necessary is to leave them alone and they will "fall through." _ C y .?The actuation, ot our many readere, especially tobacco farmers, is i directed to the change of adver- w tiscment of the Farmers Warehouse. " Read what thw have to sav. i " ?,<T. I). Winlree, who returned 1 j from the lu sidt-il at Raleigh Satur-' S day after having underwent two op- jn erations, leu ypNieraar morning lor i ~ Raleigh to undergo another. ?j-5 ?Do you knoiv what sphere of, c life you can make a grand success of " because you would have very little!3 competition' Try minding vourj? own busin-"' and see for yourself. Ic ?The ch.Mren of this district are t! making ) r< n ation tor the opening c of the sclioo'-: which will lie as fol-j I lows: Tl; sled Schools on the | oth of So, 'Or and the College.on } the j."th. i: ? Sujil, t 15. White and.. Miss j . Arringft i. '-dling a meeting of v all'iublio >1 teachcis for Satur- j d ly Some ftt'i, of ivhich formal notice wil published in next 1 H ecks i%: ?.-V' ( ?tli.t o c dealers ar "lo id- 1 ing up" i lot of pr'etlj furni- i ' ; 'o r.i;. . fiirnishtngs. There', will be i v no excuse for any oiu: to o- - bore this fall to make , !!.' :r pill -?Wo. diurnjitcr inav he likened to - * stamp?one black ? u.nk rui Aia'n'svcharacter may ' I I l^^keto greenback ? no jnat-. . tor how in slatns it still passes at , par. Tld certainly not a Jh*fr{" I standard; has been established * I by socioL world over.. . : f I i< ?T. 1. rilioloiuew, who oas| been h.ilo' position vitli his uncle, W." 11. no, at Stnllings, for thoj past throe .rs left Monday for , N'ashvillo . . ke a position in the Ward Die: ' 'I- -Mr. Bartholomew ' i-anencr. iindindustriousyophg i man, and ufttiy. friends in this county wi: much success for ___ hitn in his in w lield.. ? |] ?The friends of the family will * >e glad to learn that Mr. Robert lailev's condition seerna to be aome ] letter. ?Everybody is invited to attend he big picnic for the old Confeder- 1 >te Veterans to be held in Louisburg >n next Thursday, August 31st. There is nothing that make* a nan feel more like making the air ook blue than to go home feeling ? limself the most abused person on iod's foot stool and ready to give d is family a curtain lecture and find hat there is company at home, -i 'hen he has to put on a pleasant ace and pretend he is the happiest 0 nan in the world. B-r-r-r! It's a . >. u srrible feeling. ?There is nothing that causes so ii inch trouble among neighbors as ihickens. Poor chickens! If they h ,re blamed for all the enemies they lave made in this world they have 11 cores of black marks against them, t seems strange that people will let ' heir chickens run. Tbey certainly re ni?"improvetuent to a prettv awn. Now is the time when chick- ^ ns can do the greatest dahi&ge to lower gardens and vegetable gard- s ns. Now in hot weather, is the ime when people lose their temper s be easiest over trifles. Keep up our chickens and keep the good ' rill of your neighbors. ?A thin, sickly little man entered me of the stores in one of our small owns recently and quietly seated imself on a convenient ohair. One a f the clerks approached ami asked i he wished to purchase anything, t Oh, no," said the man, "I just drop- t ed in for a few minutes." After alf an hour l ad passed, the manager 11 t the store, becoming curious, aproached liim and asked what could ^ e done for him. "Why nothing j, liat I know of," said the man, "You ee I have nervous prostration and L lie doctor told ine to stay in a quiet ^ lace. Noticing that you do not adertise, I thought this would be ? bout the quietest place I could find." ? ,et me tell you it was anything but ^ ueit there tor five minutes. The t oor little man found himself in the treet wishing that he had landed on ii feather bed. But the next week t lie store surprised itself with a big isplay "ad" in the home paper. J Changes Name. The Louisburg Auto and. Machine ^ ompany of this place made it known esterdav that they would change the ame of their company to the Jackson ^ ri-State Motor Car Co. This change occasioned by this company taking tie agency for the celebrated Jackson ^ lotor Car, manufactured at Jackson, | N licit. Messrs. R. Y. McAden and H. | >. Wnnlonif loft- ihn ' * ?.w -V.? IUV,I.U>.)> \JlX litai I w unday and arrived home olF"Tuesday j h ight driving one cf the Jackson cars I nd inform as of a most pleasant and j v uccessful trip?having no trouble dui- j v lg the whole run. .This company 's j omposed of clever and hurtling young y len and there is no doubt but that their ; I ready successful business will increase apully. We call.ynur attention to their , . Iiange ot advertisement in another j1 olumn. It will lie not-d however that! he change of name has been fully deided and made since the advertise-j* lent w as printed. w. j d Stopped Thosa Fiins. Cooper Mill, Ya.?Mr/ Ida Con-j ^ u-r,T>f litis sitvi 4'For years, . loid a pain irtinV riglpt side, and 1 'j vu* vt rv" sickj>vvIdjjivtu/jinly troubles, tried i j liferent Vl'j^nrs l?ut ?vuki ; * ;e. iu? re";?t-1*. 1 \A*i given up all?i tope cif ftvcf well. I Jajdui, an?i it ill - pain in i g ns side; n. i now I fe\ like a dew j . r&oi:. 1 ' '/{ wo:.l^O'tul mtdi- t ::l :.- J 'd^CooragXr i-i| fn> ' ? 1 s tp'- v. r T.n : ftt y \ iruuble.; > \t\ \ ;' ? J .i,? \uin :i."s ' I'll! . - e >r-i yhjttH t\ril* it! * vij: lu \\hy'wait? Tr\ it ' i ?i? \. \ .. u dnis'gist about i>. ? ^ ^ "Notice. The sck<Ll ' :it Mapleville Academy | vili.b.-pni aAii.iUv ra>temhor Ith. Par-! A'v i jqi* 1 m> enter pupilsun day I j &opcmu!? \ / Via. m. k. w'ii.i.ams. i ] ansa I.opa Jackson, Bettik Stablings, J J ?s Teachers. ' Tiring my all the plos you have to sell he si/.e (Ji barbecuywill pay 10 cents 1 Kir pound dressed 008 seents on foot. 1 _ A- Fy ry, Lr i i r. bf rg, N. C. Stone chJNty #t L. P. Hicks. Cor/ Wnivckfknd binding twine at L. < P. I licks. J i _ rHE MOVING PEOPLE rHEIR MOVEMENTS IN AND OCT OF TOWN Those Who Have Visited Loulsburg the Past Week?Those Who Have Gone Elsewhere For Business or Pleasure. J. S. Strickaud spent Sunday at Red Springs. J. R. Gaskill, of Tarboro, is in attenance at court. A. D. Green, of Littleton, is visiting us people here. ~ Alex A- Clifton spent Monday in Italigh on business. Mrs. J. A. Jones, of Raleigh, is visitog the Misses Cooke. Miss Pearl Cox, of Durham, is visitog at W. E. Tuckers. K. B. McKinne and family are viBiting is people at Princeton. Mrs. R. D. Little, of Raleigh, is visitag Mrs. J. S. Lancaster. C. W. High returned from a trip to Ireensbpro the past week. Mrs. T. B. Jacocks, of Tarboro, is isiting at M. S. Clifton's. F. S. Sprnill, of Rocky Mount, attenled court here the past week. T. W. Stovall, of Stovall, visited his on, H. M. Stovall, this week. R. S. McCoin, of Hendeison, was in ttendance at court this week. Mrs. J W. Jackson left yesterday or Apex to visit Roy lackson. L T. Hicks and wife are visiting riends in Nash county this week. G. B West, of New Smyrna, Fla..' is isiting his people nepr Louisburg. H. T. Bcaslev, of Apex, was a pleasnt visitor to~our town the past week. E. li. and Julian Hart returned home he past week after taking their vacaion. Mrs. Lou P. Sawyer, of Texas, is visting friends and relatives in and near own. W. P. Beaslcy and M. F. llouck left Wednesday for Richmond, V?.t on butless. Mrs. Ida Pearcc and little Flora Mc.aurin, left Monday for a visit to Ocean riew. . Mrs. Dor?. Jackson left this week for outh Hill, Va., to visit friends and elatives. Ex-Judge Jacob Battle, of Rocky lount, was in attendance at court here his week. Miss Addie Bayne, of Raleigh, is visting her cousin, Mrs. Geo. S. Baker, his week. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Jones, of Portslouth, are visiting his sister Mrs. W. I. Macon. Mrs. S. E. White, of Portsmouth, atended the Munn-Shipp marriage on Wednesday. Miss Annie Pegram, of Henderson, ttended the Munn-Shipp nuptials here Wednesday. Mrs. J. P. Winston returned home 'uesday after a visit to relatives in V'ake county. Capt. Franc N. Cooke.,of Fort Moulrie, 5?. C., is on a visit to his parents tere this week. Misses Ada and Mary Winn, of Ridge/ay, are visiting re atiyes near Centerille this week. E. S. Ford spent Sunday in Selma mh his wife and children, who a e vistin r?i?r mmulo Miss Marion linker. of Raleigh, is visting her grandmothet, Mrs. Geo. S. taker tikis week. Mrs. G. A. Oldham and children, of pddgh attended the Munn->hipp winding. Wednesday. . S. If. Austin and J. D. Winstead, of Nashville, were in attendance at court iere the past week. d. B. Dawion. Jr., who has been visting his people at Kii.M??R, returned ioniodjie past v. ;*ek. | J. i?. Joyner und ir.miiy, "f Kow Smyrna, r"!a., arj visiliiiy tiiMr' people n F\..;:kliii cuniy. I\ \. It :i' ..- an.i wi; ? it?. Tuesday or New Vork, Atlantic C'iiy and Niugia l ads, to'sr.e.nu stnne time. sirs, iLa.?v'.<?? a While and of Ralpitr.i, who h.k.> L-eon ^isii.ug ?v.::ti\t:s in low!'., retu.i.ecl iv-rh ? Saturday. 1 U. T. U:p:ou ar i family and Miss i\? : i..-- G . c . of N.vyk.r, G ... are Iris it Sag !m je:-pU? ; v.;.. JyOuisUirg. A I'. .1' 'in.-A-i'and lit*" dmrrhui <iG.- rhcni.or 'i helm- t.-il MenIt-i. . ? .?? is. . ' o.l.tS ;.L ltot&y M' in-- ' :;Ns Mary .An :t?n, I' v.nkiin county nt wly elected Assistant SuiiOrinLV.ientoi Scp.pois. was in Louisburg Wednesday. J I*. Moore, of Llaxton, Ga , who has l)cwni visilinfC VV. [..Stalling* near A;ipleviho, spent Monday* in Lou>burg. tic i-it lor ur.'hoiitocn Wednesday. It. i'. Taylor and daughter. Miss Sallie, spent Sunday-with Mrs. R. F. Taylor, who is at St. Lukes hospital at Richmond. .Mrs. Taylor's many ;rjends wre will be glad to learn thai she is mproviug very rapidly. W. E. Ferry, wife and little child,who have beien visiting his people near ?wn, returned to their home in Chattaloogu. Tenn., Monday. His many friends hero were glad to see bun loolcng-*o well and to learn that he has a plendid position with the Agricultural iepartment of iho^ Queen A Crtneent railway. / ' "T ?'/' '7 " m :-l ? ? FIRST NAT | , YOU CAKi iNDEPm i x?vvi I 'C?o ^ CopT'lihl 1W by C E ?imnt:aia Co t FIRST NAYI ( Capital $25,000 Surplus i A President, Wm U. RUFFIN 7 * Dit X F. B. McKinne Wm.-IJ. Ruffii/ F. H. AIU X ' ^ JK- P- Hill IZ ^ : 2LHV9 -TVlsI I ^0me *n i | See Mr. OurNe\^Man Wh X - Watch This A\ X For Some X Expert Soda fountain | Beasley-Alst >X Instruct Your Doctor to Leave Y i and they will hi filled as writtei ; TUTED, If we/haven't what is p II ! ? ? II WHEN ] v / <$> " 7'"' ! ;7'-:;" gy~-'. ?. _ -i CTm^iTV ^ * .. ' ' tBbvI 3|)k ; t JL: y^MJJy 'SBP,'4hk|u'' ! ji --^r-: "v', fk&. - \ I ?sr* ;; /.,.' :;r?A ?s> / Yc. buy them for jrfot-cticii andI a g ? thf world. Front floor sets, Inside J j a - Etc. See us bafoye you buy. r" L pTi V v.. * i* ;?' ^<''. 1 ' ,. "'A IONAL BANK ?????? frC I ' There is a feeling of X ^ independency that p-w comes with the own- X > ?~ 'ill I^Ll K ership of. a bank j* account. The feel- X I j ing of self reliance W /* pi anc* con^ence tg ll^| ' / that comes with no to It . *ear ?* tomorrow. ^ V A bank account ^ makes you inde- o \ pendent. 1 ,'KsV: " ONAL BANK t $12,000 \ Deposit $110,000.00 T Cashier,y. B. McKINXE. ^ ectors -V J :n T. T. TcrrelV W. H. Allen T. D. Tyack D. F. McKinne \ ^ oixvn xgaix ? ^ ! \nd / I Godfrey \6 Fills Prescriptions >ace Next Week 1 ithing Good X Man Makes Our^Drinks __ X On Dnip Co -I . ? - I oin; Prescriptions Here to be Filled a, NOTHING WILL BE SUBSTI J resotibed we wont fill. \ , | ? j\J BUY ! ...i~ , % , - - ' :'""r ? I : * f T ,. -;$> }$V; ' iS. *i> n-i**-" - < ill-vr" ' : *> $ - :: * V 4 * & jxr. - -?Vs4. v' '' V-?'.* ' ood leek is the cheapest protection in X jpor Set:., Door Bells, HingPs, Butts, ^ HICKS, |. ' i

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