' i K-. _$*'. . ? % ^.. ? 6 , "; / 5 '7. ; '' Rheumocife RhenmaiUa and Blooi DUmn The cause of rheumatlim Is i.xlcss uric acid in the blood. Co cure rheumatism this acid must b?f expelled from the -system. MtheumatisA is an internal disease And requiAs an internal remedy. Rubntag witf oils and liniments may easevthe pain, but they will no more cure neumalam than paint will change the finer rotten wood. Cores Rheumatism [To Stay Cored. Science has discdhefed a perfect and complete cure calleA nheumaetde. Tested In hundreds of c ftJcs, It has effected marvelous cures*? Rrfeumnclde removes the cause, gets at the Joints from the inside, sweeps the poisons out of the system, tones up the stomach, regulates tne bowels and kidneys. Sold by druggists at 60c. and SI; in the tablet form ? *? gfov 6fWv, by mall. Booklet free. Bobbltt Comical C5.. Baltimore. ItTd. Gets At The Joints From The I aside. RliSmflofe ADMINISTRATORS N0TICEHavintr qualified as[ administrator of the estate of Martha Eaville, deceased, late of Frank lie. counti-, N? rth Carolina, this is to notify aJI persons having claims against th* estate of said deceased to exhibit tn^m t?? the undersigned at YoungsvillcmN. C., on or before the 25th day of Jmv, 1912. or this notice will.be pleaded! irlv bar of their recovery. { X All persons indebted to\aid estate will please make immediate >uaymen t. This the 25th day off July. 19IV W. H j Hl dson, Adminetrator of Martha Savillej deceased. Spruill A Holden. Att'ys. ? v Notice., Having qualitied as executors of J. N. Nelms, deceased, this is to notify all persons holding claims i gainst his estate to present theimto i he undersigned on or before July 2*^ 1912, or this notice will be plead in b ?of their recovery. All persons ov infesaaid estate trill r*. ,mi> f(\nroril onri rt al'o renmoiliota settlement. This .'uiy Sfcth, J. A. nelMs, D.; N. NEEMS, I Executors. Notice Having qualified as administrator of Mrs. Netola Bowden. deceased, late of Franklin county, this is to notify all persons holding claims against said estate to present the same to the undersigned on or before Aug. 4th, 1912, or this notice will be in bar of their recovery. All persons owing said estate will come forward and make immediate settlement. This Augnst 4th. 1912 R. A. Bowden. Admr. For Sate.I A nice five room coVad? and lot of one acre, at Bunn, Jocated about 125 yards from the State high school in the county. HaWjInecessary out houses. Term* and #riceV,re as enable. Call on or write.. 1 X V\ A. MUi UN. >R. Bunn. X. C. Notice 1 ^ Having qualified as administrators of J. H. Wheless, deceased, late of Frank ^\Jin county, this is tOHwtify all persons md^ing claims againH. his estate to pres^sithe same to the! andersigned on or befdte August llfli, 19K. or this notice will De^plead in Jbar of thfrir recovery. All per?(>ns your preeainVv cleaning and tallorte at very reason- ' Suggestive Questions On the Sunday School Lessonlby Rev. Dr. Linscott for the International Press Bible Question Club " Coftfripht 191J fce Ktt-.T S Lincvtt, 11. l>. Skst. Sun, 1911. Keview. Golden Text?Depart from ev and do good; seek peace, and pursu it. Ps. xxxiv:14. The following review may be use as a esnspleie lesson, iitm a revie of the nine preceding leasqng. Til date, and title of each lesson, whei found, Golden Text, and one quel lion from each lesson follow. July-2. Isaiah's Prophecy Cot cerning Sennacherib. Isa. xxxvi 14-38. Golden Text?God is on refuge and strength, a very preset help in trouble Ps. xlvi:l. 1 Verse 14?Is it the privilep of every man to spread all his letter including those that give him troub! before the Almighty God. and it i what is the advantage of so doing? July 9. The Suffering Servnt of Jehovah. Isa. Iii:i3?liiirl Golden Text?The Lord hath laid u him the iniquity ot us all-. Isa. li 6. J Verse 15?What propoition i the kings or the presidents of tt nations look to, and honor Jesus i the Saviour of the world? July 16. Manasseh's Wickednei and Penitence. 2 Cbrou. xxxiii:l-2i Golden Text?Cease to do evi learn to do well. lea. i:lG 17. 3 Verses 1-2?When tlie son < a good father becomes a bad mai bow do tou account for it? July 23. Joeiah's Devotion t God. 2 Chron. xxxiv.1-13. Golde Text?Remember now tby Creatt in the days of tby youth. Feci. xi 1. 4 Verse 3?If a boy is not cot verted by the lime he is sixtee years of age, what are his chances ( ever becoming a true Christian? July 30. The Finding of the Bi>"> j of the Law. 2 Chron. xxxiv:14 31 {Golden Text?Thy word have I hi in mine heart, that I might not si | against thee. Ps. cxixill. . 5 Verse 19?Did Jesus abolis j any of the laws of Moses, and if s ! which? (See Matt. t:38-44.) j Aug. 13. Jehoiakim Burns th j Prophet's Book, Jer. xxxvi. Golf j en Text?The word of our Go j shall stand forever. Isa. xl:8. 7 Verses 1-2?What advantag is it to us, that men like Jeremia wrote the history of God's dealing with his people, and, that we hav these records in the Bible? Aug. 20. Jeremiah Cast into Pro on. Jer. xxxvii. Golden TextBlessed are ye, when men shall re I vile you, and persecute you, and sa | att-rnanjier of evil against you falseli r ._ ?.?i? ?... ...*i iui tuj piiae, iiitiu. v;n. 8 Verges 1-2?When sin is work ing wreck and ruin, how do you tx plsin that men keep on in their dis obedience to God, as Zedekiah did (This is one of the questions tha may be answered in writing by mem bers of the club.) Aug. 27. Judah Carried Captivi to Babylon. Jer. xxxix, Goldei Text?Be sure your sin will find yot out. Num. xxxii:23. 9 Verses 1-2?When a historiai gives the day, the month, and tin 1 Wood's fall Seed Catalogue just issued-"?ts lis what crops you can put i i to make the quickest grazi ng, or hay, to help ooUhe at ort feed crops. AlsotelU^bot : both VegWi ble and Parin Seeds that can he planted in the fall to advantage ancPproht. Every fine, Harnt iGrower end Gardener should hove a copy of this datilog. It is dte Wst and most cont>> plete fall ae^xi catalog issued. c Mailed Me. Write fork. T^FwWOOD & SONS. 8ndwfr.-lhtoend.Vt. L???? * J v v I . ... ;\ year an event took place, and aasoci atea hie facta with some other wellknown fact, how much weight doe* that give to the credibility of hia story? Leaaon for Sunday, Sept. 10th, I 1911. Daniel and Ilia Companions; j A Temperance Lesson. Dan i:8 20. , Cut Out aud Send to This Office. INTERNATIONAL PRESS BIBLE QUESTION CLUB | I have reed the Suggestive l*| %j^etions on the Sunday School ! Lesson published iu d (Name oTTener) aiso lite Le?~?ie 8i?n itself for Sunday e 19 . and intend to 8 (Date) read the series of 52. i-1 Name - \ .. i Address ..... " . 11 r L Any intel ectual pena>n may earn a ;e good income c??rresponKrur tor newsg papers; experience unnkc^sary. Send ' stamp for .full partu^lani^Empire !e Press Syndicate, MiddleporL N\Y. I CKISHSSTEKS SPILLS 2: DIAMOND BRAND : ladies t A?k T,.r l?rurtdt fo# CTII-CIIES-TER'S A DIAMOND likAND riLLS in Rro Got! Bctcllic bout, fcczicd tnuj LiucCOy ,8 Ribbon. Tars KOiTUER. Hoy of loir XT/ 3D Dra?c*l?t and uk fbr CUWULfcTUB 9 V DIAMOND BC.I If D PIM.S, for IwcrIt-Ht: part regarded as Best,Safest, Always Reliable. * Sold by_all druggists J- riV? tVtKTWHtKt TKStki J; An brdinary case of diarrhoea can, as a rule, be cured by a single dose of Chamberlain's Colic, i^d Cholera and h Diarrhoea Remedy. TnH remedy has no superior for bowel conrjilaints. For sale by dealers, o ?+?nJ Don't Sick. >r If somebody is prospering or petting & | along a little better than you. let him prosper. Don't grunt and grumble, j. don't kick. Say a good word for him, look pleasant and let it go at that. If you see your town is getting along j nicely, feel good about it. Help things I along. Shove a little, try to get some 1; I of the benefit yours If. Don't stand j around like bump on a log aud waste | your time feeling sore because some 1 other fellow has had the sand to force n j ahead and prosper. Do a little hustling yourself, but don't kick, h | If you can say a good word, say it like 0 a man. If you are sore and disposed to ; say something mean, keep your mouth * ; shut?don't kick. No man ever raised himself up perd j manently by kicking- some one else ! down. Be ready to give a kind word, e gire it liberally, it uort't cost you a cent ami you may want one yourself 1 some day. 8 i You may be rolling in wealth totay, e and be raising whiskers tomorrow because vou can't raise the price of a } i shave. So don't kick, you can't afford it. If you want to throw something at somebody, throw roses, boquets or s cologne. Don't throw mud, don't kick, y However if you must kick, lead yburself around behind tiie smoke house; and take a g?>olood, good health Is 1 impossible. J . -MRS. JOE PERSON'S REMEDY is s sure specific Or all troubles due to impure. Impoverished and poisoned blood, such as Ecgemm Old Sores, Scrofula, and the long train of attendant aliments, Including InAgestloia Dyspepsia, Stomach Troubhw, fservousiwss, Rheumatism, Catarrh, FemMe Troubles, end general "run, down** conditions lft both men and women. It feeds the bknft, drives out every ves1 tlge of potabn, tones up the nervous system, induce# sou nil and refreshing sleep, I and brings Jthe ehtlre body back to its ' natural hesft^ cAdltlon. I Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy la scientifically prepared fr*n purely vegetable Ingredients. II positively contains no opiate j or narcotic of any Irlnd, no Iodide of Potassluni or other ml aural?just a compound of helpfal herbm natire's own remedy for homan His. , JLs a Tmid Alterative. Blood purifier or Nervine, It ? ? equal. It quickly conquers Nervonp Prostration aha Insomnia. Wo don't cure how many doctors hive said you couldn't! be cur>d?lfrs. Joe Person's Remedy wfH cure yon If you will Jiff fc Write us for tootluKwlals from people who expected long tlon. vWitttn or KHriu lumor. oor Wmlk ?m twiw^wWi tWjKiifc. . *** i i * XSt* '* - :i - \ V, i. ' Lag2- - ... ' &. t r.r . -v i.. . " V " _ J -***"" INCOME ~Q More Gccds F^i- Same Mob ; J V Same 1 A I have ju>f opened in the NpVhuilding on main House Furnishings, ell the iatostJauifyip to date styles / \BOY vou can com?* alone and select yiur bed rroni suits, cli 21 , trouble as a bis variety of the atove goodsV'llI be on i That girl you are expecting to I ^ ^ Sometime next winter will aK" be"'-y>e >m.- to Furniture & IV *3 x" LLJ | fl JSlfe IX. 3 ,LSf8 H? J ? "^SH* o | i ya)4 .gr! njti PVV mJk V V; J zi jit j. nr ? 'BP,, fC | m;> ^ 31? fO I ? L Hp 2 u_ a L jgig ^ >3 Si Wf||S Z I ^^^6 J. W. HOLLI ^rittlil-lliliillifwA-irffi-i'rrt ''i ffiiftil NE T flE ALL 1 _ Goods For Less Money & street, a brand new line oi Furnlluiu and i will be found in this big line, so airr. loudges. hall racks and etc without anv lisplay on the first floor from time to time. "l e. Aa the buyer has just returned from the nt'of Hugs, Druggets, Carpets and etc. Many ii buying You Know, we are living in a very lore tban it did some time ago except getting [ED * ^ur furniture and house furnishing fmm me* , v- prices wneiner you Duy or H v oobitt, who will be erlad to show you. x. Serve vorth's lusic House 's t/3 ? -M +* i ii S5" 1 ?s ? ?, 3 co 2 *3 A - 5 v?4 .5 jO 2 co * C9 r? i ij? f . 8 ? S El s s fc? -N 0) 3 A> l/*N bfi -Q ?-> ? rH ?3 ^ o * ? J ^ ^ ra BMM I * ~ * ! . t/J ? 5 *? > mmmmm 0> ' T\ | I LU CO ?' ^ IE -S ? ?^ a 3 ^ ? ^ H k 'i | j ? S CO 1 a a o <3 ;;. b' t*' a W i -H o j ? t *8 ? i #. Ill O ' 7 US ? ? i ^ ngsworth x '*' . , . ; jjft^V ,..r ' '"i.f ' v" * --- ,.2L".C_ ".( " '. iLA