JPrvfe.ssion al Card ! . . J 1 TjR. JOKL W4ITA LEHf 1 racticc limited io dii eases of Eye, Ear Nose ahij Throat., J] Louisburg firft Monday in tac^dbnt . ?? XH'AliT DAvL ARC AT !CT o v i_ Louisbu*. N- C. ouourban in. per tied ? iid ou* f?r development. Levelm and drainage work, Central Survy ag. ^ ?)R. ARTHUR HV ( ES FLEMING" Surgeon 9 >ntl?t, Offic e in Ford Buildin*. M dn and Nash street, Irfiiiiahnr*. C ; Hour*: 'j t? 4^' phone f [>. 40. nR H A. NEWELL PHYHI lJ AN Loaiebur^. N. Phone No.' 150 JP RANK LINTON HO 1 )L Frnnklinti 1 , N. C. It. A 8pee Louisbui i, N. C. Office in Aycock Dn : Store, Market Street. Office pn tice, Surgery and const tat ion. JJR. S. P B(JRT "" PHYSICIAN aoi SURGEON Lou in burg N..C. Office over P. S. A. K, K. Allen's Store jjll. It F. YAltBOf OUGH PHYSP'IAN an( BURGEON Louieburi . N. C. DtSce in Yarborough : iBiclcett building. Night calls answered f, it* T. W. Pickett's residence, phone 74. * T Li p U. MAS8ENBUR } j ATTORNEY AJTLA.Y Louisbur N. C. Will practice in all \tx courts ol the Stute ' Office in Ege ton Building ^y-M. HAYWOOD tqFFIN ^ ATTORNE AT LAW jS Louietui g.^' N. C. ,' \Vill'nr>inli.v> In All oLiia Prnnbl,- I adjoining couuties. tiUo ill the Supreme Court and in rtie 15ni ?t States District and Cirri|t Court. Utile* ver First National Rank. B. WILDER attorne atj law Lbuiebui , N. C. Ottire ou Main street n Cooper building. g prc ill a bold jn attorney at law Louisbun . "N. C. j Will attend the courts >1 . ranklin. Van.e. I 0ranfills. Warret. an?| . counties. hNm 1 the Suprcne Corn t ; . orth Carolina. Prompt attention gird to collect ions 'IK- j in Spiuill building. ?T. W. Pickett. R. B. White Louinburt;, N..C. Franklinton. \. I'. glCKLTT A WHIT j LAW BUS Louiftburj X. Tin* settlement o? esu?t lor exenui Administrators and Guar aus is made a specialty, an 1 'ebonds r* aired by law i-iiu be seen red in ne office. Office in Yar boron gl c Jtickidt building Main street a ? c M. PERSON ? I ATTORNEY ,T LAW T.oui.buru N.C Ptfdtfftee in all courts ( ice on Main Street "Yy II YARBOROIK ft, Jr. ATTORNEY AT LAW Lou in bur r >1. C i|| iok.i1 hminww intra* ?(fto mt ?r wivn promnt Httentlnn. ! Il4 in Egerton * * Buiblinic. yr. k. hoo k I contractu it a d builder Lnniibura. N. b. T radii; ir iiir?nt lor nil ki1 d? olbuildintW^p plH^T(i'>i" Mantlun a d |tbm*. Archive- i tural "'iu/u* suttmlttod DR F" ID R D dent: si ^ , Franklinton n. 10., E. A. ROGERS > Tinwo kcr * Louisburg N. d; Will make estimates on kny job Work Guaranteed.! Call ar write wl in in noed of aiything| in toy i ne II 1 I \ LLi I I 1 JiMf A quarter pound plug of sure enough good MB* IK chewing for 10 cents. Got 'em all beat easy. K*7' lllB No exaessrve sweetening to hide the real to- ! k MMM baccortastA No spice to make your tongue Hw sore. / Just good, old time plug tobacco, with all the improvements up-to-date. CHEW B| I' IT AND PROVE IT at our expense, the |\ I treat" aJon as. \Cut out this ad. and mail to MlK u3 wltP vour natne and address alli artlrr ff/a LIIPFERT SCALES CO., I IfllB j Wlnston-Saleoi, N. C. / J I Now is The Time * To buy fruit jars, mr rubbers, tops preserving kettles, sugar and everything for canning AT A CHEAP PRICE FROM BRANTLEY HICKS LOUISBURG COLLEGE NORTR/CARQLINA The One Hundred and NMth Session of this School will I Begin Sep/^mber 13th, 1911 Here girls and young ladies can kecure, at moderate cost, pleasant, homelike jurroundings, Healthful conditiJis. tnrough intellectual training, liberal culture jnder true Christian inHuences, 4ll the requirements for a well-equipped life.. For Full/ Information Address Mrs. Mary Davis AUen, President LOUISBURG, North Carolina ^^ \J ?^ I he Best Made Only machine made witlXeither belt or chain drive. Exclusive engine feaures contained in no other Machine Automatic lubrication instead of having :o lo pumped in by hand. JC\(Me spring fork instead of coil.* Free engine dutch, which allows machiae tiYto'l' without stopping engine and two speed gear >irect sight opening oil gaage.X Prices from 9200 to S850. See me and macliine )efore buying, will guar:yhtee sAisfaction. THURSTON K./ALLE1^. AGT. " louisBURQ. N. C. Have Your Horse ShodA Nomh.tLlp[m.ntu tuo lhavt' just installed/a horse-bra l\ . tlsmJiSatica/lainoBack, ,nd am nou preparedtto shoe the wildA 8t l* Jointy and Musclcw, rst horse or mule in Vranklin county. \ So othroa^Coldh^Strains, / Ti.l ' J iTTTO n< n?./C^Muscle Aches / A 1 jL[alU*J llr 1 The ffenulno t ?/. \ . I lIImNJI P> flMU^o hnd looks liko this MUSIJK StnOOl JliilflUl1 H CI Kbut Baa RED band on \/ m*aMaaMis Httpt ot b*okag? and Nill open at the Graded School Build- mmmumm" ^H/Noah's iLaimvnt" always _ , , l ?, RED mk. Beware of 1 ng on Tuesday, s?H>tV oth. ( imltAtiona.\LArge bottle, /lRsVj. S BAKHOW. j fntTe'dlcfne1 AMERICAN BEADTI jSgPgg*l3?g*g CORSETS a. Commissioners Sale of Land ' VronKB I Cinder and by Tirtue of an order of i I sale tna. The father of lies cannot stand the truth nnd will not if he can help it. but he cannot lay a finger on any child of God without permission and then only as far as permitted. Lesson IX.?Judah carried captive to Babylon (Jer. xxxlx. 1-10). Golden Text. Num. xxxil. 28. "Be sure your sin will tlnd you out." Notwithstanding all the peaceful words of the false prophet* the word of the Lord by Jeremiah was literally fulfilled 1n due time. This age of so called progress, which is the progress of all things to be controlled by one devil possessed man. the antichrist, will end by the overthrow of ill things that can be shaken, and then shall come the kingdom of peace and righteousness. / * Kb - w,. I 1*1 hi I I*'I m71 I I pJB Ml HI I _\^?-* r Be I ul #y | i?4 f?X I | ? i\itf*Tim _ ! I M|^M THK / '~1 VIRGINIA BAY oceaist VXEW, VYY. The most popular'Summer Hotel on the Vi/giniji Coast will be open for guests On June lSthA 1911 Its fifth season under the same management. Operated by a Franklin County boy. The Virginia Bay is headqnarters for Franklin County people. Arrange Jto;Spend;Your Vacation With Us And we ossure^you that everything #oB?ible will be done for the comfort and pleasure of youiself And family durinjrvour stay. For^Rates and Other Information Write . JNO. A. TUCKER, Mgr. First in Benefits / Maximum Dividends To Policyholders , . / Minimum Net Cost The Oldest American Lifty Insurance Company The Mutual Life\lnsurance Company NEW A YORK " Paid policyholders in 1910 -\ 56,751,062.28 Apportioned for dividend^ in 19m - 13,539,333.07 Assets'over - -/ - \ 572,859,063.00 For full information address R. P. TAYIOR w'r - - WlAWAUbK i-VUIJI/Ui II? \jm RELIABLE AGENTS WANTED niWOEJ APm rnhovillo, N. C., prepared CCYC for College and for ChrisUJl 1^ \5i j CitizenshlpA r IIO years, and ALONE in the U. S.. ofiers a FREC ROUND TP" ? TICKET tmm cuglierc within I5CO miles to any parent who. on in**KTtion, i* not convinced that its pairs ofjDFJiE 8TORY brick roOms. separated by a parapet F1'**. WALL, are the rrOT for Hra!'h. SFiniti&on. Vent:l^:-n and safely against FIRE. I7C3 send for CaiaU irue or come-and scc.\ (.OL. R.-ElNtiliAM. Suol.. ft. F. D. No. 72 1912 TRINITY PARK SCHOOL Established 1898 Location ideal, equipment unsurpassed. Students have use of the library, 1 gymnasium and athletic fields of Trinity College. Special attention given to health. A teacher in each dormitory looks after the living conditions of boys under his care. Faculty of College Graduates. Mosy modern methodsy.of instruction. Fall term opens Sept 13. For-iUustrateif cata,orue address W. W. PEELE, Headmaster, y DUrham, N. C. TKlftlTY COLLEGE 1859 1892 / , 1910-1911 ^Three memorable dates: The granting of the charter for Trinity college; the removal of the college to the growing and prosperous city of Durham; the building of th& New ami Greater Trinity. Magnificent new buildings with new equipment and enlarged facilities. Comfortable hygienic dormitories and beautiful pleasant surroundings. Five Departments: Academic, Mechanical, Civil and Electrical Engineering, Law,Education. Graduate. For catalogue and other information, address R. L. FLOWERS, Sec., - Durham, N. C CONSOLIDATED SALE/ RAMO.S TYPEWRITER.' CO/>NC. C. D. WTEIJ.fc^fRU^TiEE AND i THE JOHN *?S. KAMOS TYPEWRITER AGENCY' .S Stock of Typewriters/Supplies and OJ?ee Furyiture The following are specials, if interested (vrite us at once as these pricos only last unti the stock is disposed of 1 $i50 00 1 3 Ind<""<* '??K 153 75 1 typewriter lo? 00 j 6 Remington, rebuilt 47 50 1 Wellington typewriter 25 no } < Remington rebuilt 49 2o 1 Fox typewriter 31 50 1 No 1 V lc!or' Chte, 02 50 1 Densmore typewriter, rebuilt, 37 50" i }. Y,'"'"? [PJ[jl55 00 2 New Century, typewriters, each 85 00 j No o. Victor (u:ca> 74 00 1 No 10Smith Premier 60 00 , xj n \ I5. ?? 1 No 5 Underwood 49 50 3 No 2 V " tors.(pica) 84 50 t V 1 set of Edisons business phonographs, consisting of dictating, transcribing and shaving machines, also 1 dozen, cylinders. Regular price $210, our price $162.50 1 set Dictaphones, same outfit, regular price $210, our price $190. #1 and 75c ribbons for all makes 60c.ftft carbon paper (a box 100 sheets) $2.10 a box. Prices on office furniture quoted upon repuest. Terms?Express C O D on approved bankable paper. Older at once from JOHNS, RAMOS v Princess Buildifig WILMINOTON, N. a Box 6$