UPW^tP^W TW Little Z Store c Is ? Prepared To Talk . Shoes To Show S H 0 ? S * i And To Sell SHOES | I We have * Just I - The I i Shoes You - Want I Let . TJf Show You . \ R. L Egerton ? i ' " * . II nf Ml Youn^syllle Items. C. C. Clawson and family of Flag town, N. J., are <>n a visij to B. I Winn ton. C. W. Winston and wite, of Kal sigh, are visiting at J. C. Winston this week. Miss Annie Lee Stem, of Darlint ton, S. C., is visiting Miss Mary Tin: berlake. Misses Emma and Ina I nderhil of. Louisbujg, are visiting at SV. 'J Blanks this week. Mayot C. C. Winston and C. A ; Moore left Monday for Ashevill where they go as delegates to tli } Slate Councd of the Junior ordei Mrs. L. II. Kagan, of Bro\vnwoo?i jToxas, after spending n?few?week j*wriih her parents, J. C. Winston, re turned home Wednesday. Marcillus Winston, of Houston ! Tex^-brother af__tuwnsman H. H. am | J. II. Winston,spent several week here visiting relatives .and the scenei i of his bovhooil, returned home las ] week. He says there lias l*?eu i i good mauy ch'anges in our litth i t >wn since he ieft here ?~>4 \ears ago | The only familiar scene of liis boy - hooJ being the old home place. Miss Emma Austin slopped ovei and spent a few days with Mrs. 5* i E. Winston last week. F. M- Mitchell has gone to Ashe I ville on a pleasure trip. S. E. Pearce, W. K. Winston, U ; E. Pearce and J. H. Sherrod took ir i the Rjchmond excursion this week K. R. Pace, of Raleigh, is visiting I relatives and friends in town thii week. Mrs. Geo. P. Davis, ot Atlanta, it | visiting Mrs. J. B. Perry this week J. B. Perry and J. R. Pearce art on the northern markets where they are purchasing the fall stock fm their respective tirins. W. S. Freddy, Misses Annie Bellt Preddy and Hattie Perkerson, spent last week at i. house party in Bertie County. ' The directors of our Bank will meet next Saturday to elect a cashier to succeed the late \V. G. KidI dick. I Rev. Will Rowland, of Fort ' W ortb, T. x., is assisting Dr. \V. S. ; Long in a meeting at the Christian i church this week. He is one of the | strongest preachers in the christian | denomination and is preaching strong j and forcible sermons and we hope j this series of meeting will do great lgiod to our town and community. \ J. C. Winston and Mrs. S. E. jRYinston, accompanied Mrs. L. II. Rouers as far as Raleigh on her re| turn to Browns%Mod, Tex., i 1 Our cotton gtnners are making ' Isge preparations to handle the cot' top crop as it is opening very rapidly and we w ill soon hear the bum of thl gin. Hiss Mary Winston is visiting J Mi is Gertrude Knott, of Church Rc ad, Va., >ur tobacco reporters is showing goid icures all through this section and oar Warehousemen informs us I th^t they will open the markej^on Fijday, Sept. 1st. They say the prospects for a good year is very ! favorable as prices are going to be j good on all grades a.id they are it better position to handle the weed ' than ever before. There will be t | large corps of buyers on our mar ket this year and the~ farmers thai sell here will be Bare to iret the high | est market prices as no town has i better set of warebonamen thai there is on the Yoangsviile market John Carricoff, supperintcndan of the roads, and bride have set n, housekeeping in 6. C. Patterson I residence on Rail Road street, j Mrs. J. B. Winston, Miss Helei Winston and Miss Adline Pearc are visiting in Norfolk this week. John Patterson and family har i moved back to our town, after livin in Raleigh tor several years. W gladly welcome them back. * Cuts and bruises may', he healed 1 about one-third the ~ti' (2tiT>) acres, and iaingNknown as The j *1 Luther/Moses Horn* PlacX I 1^1 The oak trees onlthe lotNaround the I i i home are not indued in th J. P. Winstonfcas r\nted Ins store next j ^ to Beasley-Alstoa Dtug Co. to W. B. ] Cooke dealer in 8 am ales, yes and .1. P. J I Winston has gone irn on Nash street J where he is selling < ut at and, below 1 cost. 637 shirts way avwn under cost J | 200 pairs of shoes wa f otavn under cost 1 lots of odds and ends, tal\them at a ( price. Come down n Xa&h street I j have plenty of room 1 o hold TX?r 8 hun- . dred people at. one ti ne as 1 odaupy 78 I feet of store room. j ^ J. P. WINSTON j ; : 1 A Welcome Chance to Those j Who Suffer . |j Coming ;o Louisburg on Friday M Sept. l?t, to stav at Hotel Lancaster j J)r. Francis S. Packard i of Greensboro. N. C\ ! Consultation and Examination Confi- J dential. invited and Free. One Dav Or.lv . ( i Frtm a 1 u* Sma/ibat To dee all of nfc rcg ilar Patient* and such new Cases, as Viay wish to consult him. Dr. Packard enjoys a state wide reputation, among the profemi >n and the Public oi North Carolina, wa :re for more than 25 year* he has devote I his entire time to the Study, Treatment ; Vl Cure of Chronic Diseases. The Doc ofhas had wonderful success in his cbo? n work, that of curing chronic sufferers, I [en,Women and Children. The Patien s he\has restored to Health after ther ] ad giics up all hope of being Cured re niiMBss .il by the Thonsud*^ .He s a kind, generous, p democratic gentleman to meet, of higl, acholarly attainmAits, and dignified per. 8 sonality. Coupled jwitb a Brotherly intereat, in all who seek his advice.\ He does not take a Pattern for Treatmem unless a he can foresee a Cur. of the Casa? Utmost comm.nd.lfl. feature of Ursrilll, and one that mAiIi to the orditmry-uclc pern,is the fau* of his chargM bmnk so rauossUs and knoder.te as to make\t 6 within the reaclf of even the very poor\ ? At no time dojthe charges amount to more than $7.00 a month or about $1.50 ? a week. He aves his own medicines, and there are m> extra Charges. It takes him never mode than from foor to six Months to Curs a Case under Treatment, n All Cases, evln those who have been iy given up as Me-vahle or Hspsl.ss, have Man Cnd and r?etor?d to pasfact ic ksakh br this BriiW Phydtise and the ,, ismfanl malms be nsjilsfs. 5- If yon want! ton eet him and have him j. esatsnine yqpjgo tc see him, and talk the mater over With him. It wQl cost yon aathing if hi does not put yon under ... tnitnist ft be takan yonr ansa, H will |jj cost yona v?y mstfrin'teft nsll t. KsmembeS the Date ' * ? ' dooms emir. V, }' - ^ *' [Opening We are informed that the majorit] will be opened around the first of Just Receive One Hundred Sr. ^ in all new fall patterns ai 1 ono hu colors all guaranteed, sui able for ! is the time to buy these ; pods as y ?V patterns and havp time f r making SgJ far fall sewing. Qlur pri *es are V Sir? We have finished our inv ntory an M lines that we expect to cl tee out at KB* are too numerous to men ion, so yi havej All ladies summei Undermi jf ~" Yours I Candler-CroM ?. Louisbi Riverside INDEP] I RIVE | Independent I 1 OPENTN( g; Thursday, _ j \ I \ f jd - - We think we have the best rorde th t-< house. Mr. T. R. Collie has at/lasl ? INDEPENDENTS, so he will tte wi .5 BEN WILLIAMSON and JIM .Cl Pq to see that every pile of tobacco hr M single fanner who knows them wiV it on the RIVERSIDE floor. / I Start with us on Tmun load and you will never lost a customer. 7 Riverside Ii/depE. S. FORD a. N. WI 8883E3 ?Tn?0 H 'L POsuii?i f* _ > ; - . j>..-v. , , of Schools J f of all country as well as city schools i@tl Sept. We have, in view of that fact. A s "3. I . j.'