- - . , \ t - CRAZY KING LOUIS His Part in the Pitiful Tragedy at Lake Stranberg. SLEW HIS FRIEND AND DIED. f The Mad Bavarian Monarch Baat Faithful Dr. von Gudden to Death Before Heart Disease Stopped Hia Own Dash For Liberty. For mouths preceding the tragedy on June 13, 1880. that ended his life King Louis II. of Buvarla had revealed many unmistakable signs of mental derangement. He heard mysterious voices in the air around him and believed that he was constantly pursued by dangerous enemies *He1 withdrew entirely from the world, his cabinet miuisters were unable to ob-' tain access to him. and his domestic servants were forbidden to look at his face, being compelled to approach him with averted eyes. The old valet -.Meier was obliged to don a mask to cover his features whenevenJie went near the king, and many other strange things happened at the magnificent palace which Louis had built for himself with reckless extravagance. Wearing his crown and purple royal mantle, with the scepter of sovereignA ty in his hand. King Louis weald wander through the rooms of his castles at night, conversing with imaginary guests, for the most part with the ghosts of King Louis XIV. of France and Queen Marie Antoinette. Frequently places were laid at his table for their disembodied spirits. Th?i king's debts brought matters to n crisis and necessitated the interven:Ion of the Bavarian government Mo9t ?>? the royal liabilities had been Contracted. through the construction and decoration of the famous three castles, and several creditors threatened to Initiate proceedings to recover their money. King Louis requested the government to introduce a bill in the Bavarian legislature granting his property immunity from seizure for debts, and when his ministers refused this unreasonable demand he tried to borrow money from all sorts and conditions of people. In April. 1880. the Bavarian chamber refused to sanction the payment of the king's dqbts from the public treasury, and a few days later the cabinet addressed a respectful petition to Louis to curtail his expenditures. King Louis ; responded by dismissing the whole t cabinet and nominating a Dew ministry. at the head of which he placed his own barber. This irresponsible act brought mat- j ters to a head. x. cqmzaissioa of med-1 leal experts, under the presidency of i Dr. von Gudden, pronounced the king! te be incurably insane and incapable J of ruling, and a deputation under Baron von Crailsheim was dispatched! from Munich to the castle where Louis | was in residence to inform his majesty of his dethronement The king had Baron von Crailsheim and all the members of the deputation arrested. Then Dr. von Gudden proceeded to Neuschwanstein castle, where. to all outward appearances he succeeded in persuading the king to submit to his j dethronement and to retire to Berg castle, near the shores of Lake Stan J berg, where the final tragedy was en-; acted. The king was escorted to Bergi castle by Dr. von Gudden. another medical man. Dr. Mueller, and several trained attendants, and he seemed to acquiesce in the arrangement that he should remain there for a year under! close supervision. Dr. von Gudden. misled by appear- j ances. telegraphed to Munich that his royal patient was "as obedient as a ftllM onH n? I promised to take the king for a walk I In the park. His assistant. Dr. Mueller, warned him that It would be dangerous to go alono with the king and urged him to allow an attendant to accompany them, or at least to follow them at a discreet distance, but Dr. von Guddcn disregarded the younger man's advice and paid the penalty with Lis life. It was a Sunday evening, and a general feeling of uneasiness prevailed among those who had remained at the castle when the king and Dr. von Gudden failed to reappear after an hour had elapsed. Search parties were organized, and during the night one of the royal footmen found the king's hat, coat and overcoat close to the hank of the lake and Dr. von Gudden's umbrella close by on the ground.* The bodies of the king and his physician were' found not far from the shore of the lake. In shallow water, both beads projecting above the surface. Dr. von Gudden's face and i head bore the marks of heavy blows | which the king, a man of Immensely powerful build, had showered upon liim. _ The position of the bodies and the articles of clothing found uear them made it possible to surmise, with probable accuracy, the details of the tragedy. It Is likely that the king intended to escape from his prison?for as such he regarded the castle in which he was kept as a madman?and that he | A vested himself of overcoat and coat | to swim across the lake. Dr. von Gndden. It appears, closed wtth him at the water's edge and tried to prevent his turf*, but the king killed him and died from heart disease at the moment when he was on the point of beglnihi his swim for liberty. The postndftia examination revtfkd that neither bed died from droning, but the king from heart failure *nd Dr. b Ton Oodden from the henries inflicted en him In Am struggle.?Berlin Oer. &L James* flssstle '''': >-Y" V*-', . / v T ? . jl v. y^rjw**- i r* T BWiM wliKM^%y!Mi ^BKrajylH^Br 1 ? <*>yywm *w Broiled Cole's Hot or broiler made . into the fire. I the coals or flar The Front Other broil rest on red-hot r charred by the ( ' affords the sam r used for fuel. Cc You can br way. All the n All smoke s This is the grea Broiler attachmi Think of t family, every da And remerr the top cooking Another fee with the gases r plete and perfe< thing accomplis ing the lids eve greater cleanlinc Besides bei It ha3 the finished materia r_ i rcwer repairs tn Come to o Thin, quickheating, malleable lidseasy to handle, never break. Kye, clover and turnip seed at L. 1 Hicks. V. \ ^ Sale of Valuable Timber I'nder the authority contained in a order of the Superior Co irt of Franl lin County in the speci." I proceeding entitled, Martha X. M ees,. Victon Moses, et als vs. Roger C Moses, Jai C. Moses, et als, I will 01 Monday, th 4th day of September, 1911, sell i public auction to the highest bidder f< cash all the timber siaiaring six (< inches when cut eighteen (18) inch) from the ground on thai certain trai of land situate in Knnkliii Count; State of North Carolina! anil in Cyprei Creek Towrixhip, bounded on the Nori by the lands >i>f Willie Bowilen, Tl Green!ief-,lohnsO(i Ltanber Co., ai Willis Bowden;\pn yie East by tl lands of Mrs. La use Ooppedge; on tl South by the lands YrfMra. Laura Co pedge and Mrs. SpivM; on the West 1 the lands of J no. Wody and Mrs Sal) Hollingsworth. the eliUe tract cental ing about two huniweX and sixty-fi' (286) acres, and bdjng\nown as Tl Luther Moses Home} Flack The oak trass on the loW around tl home are not included in tin timber be sold. f \ Three (8) years will be given which to cut anif remove the lamb from the land. ; \ Parties desiring (further informal^ rill apply to the andersigned comrm siooer. This the' 3rd day of Asgua 1911. J R. B. Whitk, Commissioner. * 0 I Steaks, Prepared ii Blast Range broils steaks, . Cole's Odorless and Sm< nstead the grease and juice ne. Broiler Grill is embodied in er attachments? such as t! netal. A steak, in Cole's ocl Brill Front Grate. The Ion: e principle of broiling as t rhis method has been perfo llp'd If# oil to, perfection using soft c utritious juices and Haver c! md odor_of broiling is oraw test improvement made- in t! snt on any other range, he convenience, the pieacu: y) broiled steaks, fish, chic!; iber?this broiler is also the surface of your range by he Lture of importance is the C ising from the top of the fee :t burning of the gas-half < hed by burning the gases. ^ :nly and making it possible :ss with soft coal, ng the most convenient rang Heaviest Oven and Body o 1<S TfVif Hnr>ci- I'lilit"' rv!- *i!r?l an other ranges. ur "store and allov/ ua to s1r McKii / LC me all tb* pigs you have to sell I the size for bdrbfcue, will pay 10 cents " per pound dresMfi or 8 centa on foot. K. A. Perry, Lomfeftuirg, N. C. c" ^ > v CommiMiorlers Sale of Land 'g Under and by tirtue of an order of lt gale made by the Superior court of >r Franklin County in that special proj\ eeedings entitled Kenneth W. Edwards ,g et al vs. Mrs. Sallil J. Wilson et al, the undersigned commissioner will, on t Monday, the 4th day of Sept. 1911, it ' ,g being the First Mohday in September, m at about noon, at the court house door, ,e in louisburg, hfferjfor sale to the hieh?J eat bidder at pdbjfc auction, that valuM able and desirnbleTract of land situate M in the county of pStanklin, State of p. "North Carolina, adjou.ng the lands or jy' Benjatnine Griffin and others and bounded as follows! OnVthe eaat by n. the lands of Beniaiiine GMffin, on the ?e horth by the lands if Jas. liarper, on M the west by the lartla of Li tMjlls, Harvey Wood and otheis and ot (bo south le by the lands of Isalc Whele u, Vntainlo Ing one hundred seise, mor l of less. Terms of sale, one tmlf cash srxNbal(a ance on a credit of twelve months, dear ferred payment to hear 6 per cent per aneum interact from) date of sale, or h, the whole payable in cash at the opk. tion ot the purchaser. This 4th day of rfe August, MIL A. C. Zolucoeter, y Wm\8.?Boprtv, i<. \ Commissioners V V ? - to ''' v j 1 . v . i s.' s a Yop\Ow chops or g ime better the _1__1 T> "l 1 \ >Kcies3 oroiier aoe& not z 3 are retained in thV bro every Ccle 3 Hot Blast R ic top stove broiler or loro orless broil :r is Gurrounse g, nairow,; lotted front [A: he old styfc 16th century cted in "7" J v , :oal, wooci or corn cobs. ; the meat! are retained, n into th'J range and up tl is past 20) years in range b re, it will be to you to be ;en, chop:, harn slices or ? most per 'act toaster ever iving vhls odorless and sm< T.o'c Hot Blast Combust:: :1; -Thispighiy heated air sort cxal?soft coal is 1 The gas plamc is carried i: to boil jo:i the back lids I jc made,:' we know it to be f any range built for fam tel. It pas proven to be < iOw yoiJ the many nr.-/ fc; I ' ine Brc )UI^BURG, N. For Sale A ton of more meat fclt for 25 cents i per lOO pounds for cainv , Pi A. ReavIs Co. For Saie ' One horse, age 11 years, one buggy. ' one wagon and two Setsfof harness, all in (food condition. WilllsbS very cheap to quick buyer Apply[ to\ RosBell^Hahris. ' Notice to Teachere The school comfnitteeJof Hayesville township will meet ?V Rbcky Ford, on i Saturday, September 22ai, at 2 o'clock i for the purpose of electing teachers for j the several schools of paid township, j Those applying will sen<J t heir applies- 1 tionin writing together witft^heir cer tificate to the Secretary before the i above date. / | R. G! Wisn, Sec. Manson, R. F. D. N. C. * I Notice to Telphers i The school committee oft Franklinton J township will meet IhvFrknkllnton on 1 Saturday, Sept lflth, 1914. at 2 o'clock j for the purpose of sleetinCteacheri to 1 the several schools In stfd township, i Those wishing to apply wtl maFaJhelr i applications in writing ant tend lame, 1 with their certificate to /he Secretary I before the a boys date. B. W. Ballard, Sec. Franklinton, N. C. , ... ... ' \ -. ' t v . , % I llrzzzz Fish or ( n Kitclieih t in can be done with any o .11 -i .L uiuw ciny or rne grease 01 iler box and do not come ange. iler gridiron ? allow the c; d with fresh air and is not xi'2 used c~ -y in Cole's He English Griii Broiler v/he S You \ broil the meat with ie chimney?none escapes ;uilding\ You cannot get able to sdurve your guests jame at a moment's notice made. Thrnk of how :nuokeless broiler and toaster. >n. In this Yange the hea mixes with the gases resul lalf gas. Economy of fuel >ack under the\top to the 1 . The Hot Blest Combu the handsomestyange buii lly use?it will list a lifeti economical in uhe\use of fi iturcs embodied i^i this R >s. Co. C. : Notice g This is to notify the public that on tnd after Sept. 1st, 1811, the business less at Laurel h?u-e)Dfoe run by J. B lones will be changed to a stock -com- b; pany to be known JK the Laurel Supply pi L'ompany, when/ Che stock will be ot greatly increased/ J.iB. Jones will be w the manager for the neV company and in will Be glad to have all their old friends ft and customers, as well as any new ones bi :ome to see them. di Laurel Supply Co. " ft J- B. Jones, Mgr. w NOTICE.,' cl By virtue of the powej conferred in 0 me in a certain mortgam deed execu- ai tion to McKinne Bros.,7of Louisburg; w N. C , and transferred ko me, default s< having been madeNji Ihe payment of 0' the note secured byNaald mortgage. 1 ai will offer for sale atMbe court house oi ioor in Louisburg on yte 16th, day of tl September 1811, at 12JoTvlock the fol- et lowing described real astate, a certain oi tract or parcel of lanf in Dunn's town- p ?hip. Franklin counts N. C\ Bound- ?, sd on the North bv ttfc Cheavesdand, ti on the east by the Odl Fellows Tkodge, ei on the south by the jr. J. C. Fowler m land and.cn the weetky Dora Petti ford, ki containing one acre tiore or leas. Said ? boundaries are morl particularly described in the mottgige deed above re- w ferred to recorded Ti Register of Deeds w office of Franklin Jkonnty, N. C., In tl book 174 at page S Terms of sale cash. c< Aug.23, 181L 7 J. R. WRIOHT, oi Transferee and Overseer of said note T and Mortgage Deed. . *' I f. '* '.r*-. 1 '"" ij^s>. ~^N ?^ v ! . Xg^J, 1 I?*\j % i ? ^rSt- i ^ if *? -. S ^uniC"" * ther style range , ' juices to drop in contact with :cak or game to coal smoked or >t Blast Ranges re charcoal \va3 => 1 f-,'3 L|fj aov live roaic this into the room. Cola's patented } ?>?r eh yon increase ted air is mixed iting in a comio not the only back ids, hcatstion also gives a. It. imc. 1 ne best > id and requires .ange Specialty! Burns any kind of fuel?made with or without! reservoir. Plain ar Dolished too. ale of Valuable Standing Timber. By virtue of an order of resale made 1 the .Superior court in that ex-parte roceeitihg entitled R H. Coppedge and hers, the undersigned commissioner ill on thip 4th dav ? Sept. 1911. it be[g Hrst Monday of said month, offer >r sale at public auction to the highest idder, fot cash, it?the court house jor in I-obisbiirgt at about noon, the illowing istanrtmg timber together ith the usual nights and privileges Indentai to simper conveyances, yiz: All the standing timber, except the ak Grove about th. mansion house, of id aboye efclit inches at the Btump hen cut u/xVi the tract of land deiribed as/follpws: That tract of lm\ vned bv/w. B. Coppedge. deceailgJ t tht tuhe of IBs death, and bounded 1 t'18/orth byXMajor Creekmore, on le east by Joe Frivett and John Prtv;t, afi the south v>y May Brothers, and I tap West by J4e Splyey and Mraattie Moses, containing about 220 Tea in the wholeVract, the standing wer thereon, hereby offered for sale bbraces about lUBAacrea. T'me for ltting and removing three years from id after date of saH with two years [tension clause thereafter. Purchaser will be required to deposit ith the Clerk of the Superior court, or J ith this comtpisaioner, 10 per cent of ' le purchase price so bid, pending the mnrmation of the sale as sn evidence t his good faith in the transaction, his August 2nd, 1911. B. T. HOLD EN, Com. . V '

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