r: pspsiB ... LOUISBU FRANKLIN TIMES \. f. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager " VI TliB, ; : ^ ?l.O(J , -li MONTHS, - ' - "ifi I HRSB MONTHS. - - .S? Friday, Sept. 1 1911. Locisbukg is to have another circus. Coming on September 18th. A contict at Wilmington while trying to escape the past week wae shot twice. .. S Twentt-fiyk years ago last nighl was the time of the heavy Charles ^1L 1__ vuu onrbiiquase. The kind of men we need m ofi'i? most now-a-days is; '.he ones who le( the office seek them, CtlAUP Clark paid his respects to the President's speech the past week in no miatakable way. The farm life school election held in Durham county the past week was lost by a large majority. The Senatorial candidates are shelling the woods in a kind ot a "non de plume" way just now. President Taft is tiring his bic guns in the West. Wonder if*those farmers can't see through him. It is really amusing to see what one represents himself to be and what he really is judged from what he does. These is no doubt but that evert man io Franklin county will agrei on the fact that Franklin needs : new court house. Then let's hav< if The Raleigh Times says, "We be lieve Judge Clark is the first candi date to take Daid snare in a neu-ana , -J " "1"* per to reach the people." That ii that much to credit. jj^TiiE defense in the Beatie murdei . " case seems to be scoring some gooc points in their favor. The trial ii still in progress and the Common wealth has finished its case. Xotv that the fall season opens nj for Louiaburg with the opening o: the tobacco warehouses on yesterday let everybody get to work for the advancement of the town. The attention of our readers ii directed to the article about the court house in another^olumn. Il is not only timely but sound, ai every dollar spsnt on the old couri house is, in a measure, thrown away Tnz Confederate Monuroent woult certainly look pretty in the centn of the oourt square. Why not thi oounty use this for a monuments square. There are several otbe monuments that would possibly b placed thereon. i, S' ?? __ Our readers will notice that w are publishing an extra large editroi this week. Do not get this confuse with the average enlarged edition of country papers, as you will fin local news throughout. W e do nc promise this every week bat will fol low eat whenever oocaeion d< tnands. ' . A suit for divoiee has been atari ad in Wake Superior Court by Mr jfefr.. . Nells Claire naming from 1>er hui H Fleming. In thi RG GRADED SCHOOL OPENS SEPTE ; suit she is demanding the custody <>f t her children and alimony. A suecial hearing of the latter two issu i??"itl t>e TTetd today before Judge , Peebles in Raleigh. i: ? 1 It will not do to carry this "track i home" movement too far as nearly ' I a'l the people in Texas were born in | North Carolina and there are many of them that for various reasons can not "come back."?Raleigh Daily ' Times. ' That's the wrong spirit broth, r, i you should learn to forgive and forget. Don't forget that Louisburg cannot go forward without the belp of the business men of the town. Take ' hold gentlemen and lets do some j tbing. We noticed that one correspondent said that Woodrow Wilson was pashms himself to the front very rapidly, bat the campaign was young ) yet. That is true, but if there is any | troth in the old adage that "a stitch ' I in time saves nine" he will sorely j give some one a warm reception t when the time for a show down comes. REVEREND RICHARD WALDEN. For twenty-eight years Rev. , Richard Walden has been pastor of , the First Baptist Church (Colored) in Lou'nburg, and daring bis pastor ate has baptized fourteen hundred ? people. He is now conducting the I annual August meeting, and, like the . great leader of Irael, "His eye is not dim, nor bis natural force abated." During these twenty-eight years he r l'?" '? an(l oat before the peo, pie or this county, leading a clean , and consecrated life. He has preach; e<l the Gospel of peace, purity, progress and industry. On Sunday and Monday he has stood tor the things . that are decent, clean, honest. Eni ? - ... aoweo in a large measure with the . saving grace of common sense, he has ) been to his people a guide, counselor and friend. May his year* be lengthened and his last days be bis r best. 1 We had intended to write the s above when this good man had pass ed away, but, upon reflection, determined to say what we think about I btm while he is yet alive. Teachers' Meeting The white public school teachers o< the county are requested to meet at Louisburg on Saturday, the 9th day of September at 10:30 a. m. At thii 1 meeting the new text book adoption ( will be discussed and plans made lor the coming year's work. r. B. White, I County SupL Court House II Ma. Editor : There has been a lot of talk about ? building a new courthouse and county & jail and up to the preaent time we ha\? 1 taken it all out in talking, now lets dc r something else besides talk, let's build. f We hayea good board of ^county commissioners. They are all good business men and 1 am sqre they see the need ol a new court house and county jail. 1 e am informed that every grand jury foi the past few year* has made some n recommendations ss to the needs of the ? old court house. The present building s is old and entirely too small for the d county's present demands. Our sherifl'i |t office is too small. The grand jury hai . no place to meet Except in the tress nrer't office and when they are in ses I- sion the treasurer has to transact th< county's bntineaa in some other office. The county commissioners should have p. a nise room for their meeting. Whet they are in session the Register ol Deeds office is crowded, the present * office being too small to?, both. Tin i? board of education has to rent roomi & " ' Vc' l'rff'*;' J-J.iv' *' \ MBER 5TH. for their work. This should not be. Kooms could be built in connection with the new court house and the | schools would save this rent which would run one of our schools for four. | months. Our county, the best in the I State, certainly should have a new S court house and I believe every eitiien | in the couuty would approve of such a j proposition. Should the commission| ers build, why not build the court house on the Shaw property? This would be an ideal location, the building with a beautiful lawn in front to be located in the center of the lot facing the postoffice and hotel and just as convenient as ouFpresent building then build a jail in the rear of this lot it facing Spring street making the jail convenient to the court house. Then tne handsome thing to do would be for ^ the commissioners to let the Daughters { of the Confederacy erect a handsome ? monument in the center of the old j court house square and when we do ^ this we are helping to honor the men A who wore the gray. Now Mr. Editor, d let us all pull together for a uew court A house. Citizen, . 1 Wtmied \ A position as tea her in Franklin a county. Five years Experience. Ad- ^ dress "TEACHER," i?Kiklirton, N. C. 4 Notice. The school at Manlcyllle Academy will begin Monday September 4th. Parents are requested to enfcr pupils on day of opening. f\ Mrs. M. fc. y'liiAMS, Miss LoLa Jackson, Miss BfcrriK Stallings, Teachers. For Sale Two nice "p^irs mules, cash or time, also wagotvjmd harness, one,nice farm wired in, andTqta of farmipR implements, also nice Piece of Umbered land in Vance county land three houses in the town of Warreoton. If you want to make money jee X M. F. Houck. Qouidourg, n. C. P. S. If your roof is \lahkink see me for Cortright Shingles^ the beat made. Notice to Teachers The school committee of Sandy Oreek township will m^t aJt Mt. Zion Academy on Saturday, jUjbtember 16, 1911; for the purpose of (fleeting teachers to tne various schools By, said township. Those wishing to apply will send in their application infwritihg with certificate to the Secretary before above date. E. N JWillia*?, Sec. R. F. D. No. 5 I Louisburg, N. C. Wanted ( iri/vl Hniionlronnint* MoiraTina rn- A quires the services of- a representative * in Lojisburjr to look fifter subscription renewals and to extend circulation by special methods whfchTiave proved unusual y successful. /Salary and commission. Whole time or Spare time. Address with references', J. \F. Fairbanks. (ir>od Housekeeping Magazine, New York City. I v Mattress Plant For Sale. By virtue of a decree of the Superior court of Franklin county In that action entitled. The First/ National Bank of Louisburg vs Tar River Mfg. Co., the 1 undersigned will on Monday, the 18th day of Sept. 1911, at the time of noon, at the court trapse door in Loulsburg, offer for aale to >1 e highest bidder at public auction the Rant of the Tar River Manufacturing C<sonsiating of a lot and three story bi ildingv, mattress machinery and fixtur a. stocX of raw and finished material. Terms sale cash, and successful bid ler to make deposit of 10 per cent o i bid. The lot and building will be s Id separately and the | machinery and fixtures next sold separately. and the raw and finished material i offered separately. Then the plant as a i whole will be sold and the best bid on separate and aggregate sale will he reported to the court. This the 30th day of Aug. 1911. i R. 0. Bissett, Receiver, r ? Picijce ' Vibratiinless Mortoijcycle i Mjutaj * Farmers and i I We Welcome ' Did you ever stop to thinl: that a hue than a dozen large ones? That is on< I limited means to transact his busines I Large AccountSsl are W< Purpose^ Sei It matters not what amouAt of moie this bank. We welcome the small d< sideration and courtesies accor&ed all j Farmers land Louisbu I F. N. Egerton, President \ M. S. Clifton, Cashier.* V 1 ; Let Us Rec * Our Mr. G. L. Aycock is sultation With Every] cine on Physic \ Or 01 * He will prove to you that itis to 3 < in the medicine line from tB? Ayi 0 * speak. You look closely to yotu: i making a living, and so few peofcl > * buying their medicine and in havi ^ cock and Sam Boddie offers you t i( * drug business and the full protectlc your physician to leave your presc | THE AYCOC I = SEE I - t I Before Y< : ' \ BAGGING i ^ / YouiW McKinne Br SATISFACTION OR 4 1 ' / K ' r i v Merchants Bank Small Deposits ^ idred small accounts make a bank stronger ; of our reasons for urging the man of s with us. elcome to6, For it is Our rve all the People y you have to deposit-we will accept it at sfeositor, we extend to him the same conof oim patrons. Our customers know this. Merchants Bank rg, N. C. C. P. Harris, Vice-President ? W. E. Uzzell, Assistant-Cashier. 1 ** 1 t ison^Together | | Desirous of Having a Con- ^ ' Person who Buys Medi ians Prescriptions therwise J >ur interest to buy everything you need ck Drug Co. We know whereof we iterest in forming and other modes of know what is to their best interest in ' T 5 their prescriptions filled. G. L. AySr very best of their long service in the imour knowledge will give to you. Ask ription with us, they will gladly do so. K DRUG CO. | : - us || ou Buy Your I X j^AND TIES I ,j \ * II A to Serve 5 os. Company | YOUR MONEY BACK

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