V7/V ~r"r~' " ; "/- - yr, ?yr . - ; W.' ' ^ "/ <*J # YEQGMEN SERVE "SOUP." 1 Its Quht Rscipo Is In Possession of; ths Secret Service. j Hert la a recipe for soup served only after nightfall, preferably In the early morniug hours. "First take about ten or a dozen impwrl hz xug, crumble It tip tine and put it in a pan or washbowl, then pour over it enough uswhohs (either chhx or laky) to cover it well. Stir it up with your hands, being careful to break all the lumps; leave it set a few minutes; then get a few yards of cheesecloth J and tear it in pieces and strain the 'mixture through the cloth into another vessel, wring the sawdust dry and throw it away. The remains will be ' the lhal ugx uswhohs mixed. Next ' take the same amount of water as you used of uswhohs and pour it^; leave 1 the whole set for a few minutes." This is the "soup" employed by 1 yeggmen, and a single portion of it Is guaranteed to open the door of the stoutest safe, provided an aperture can be made sufficiently large to pour In the stuff. The names of the Ingredients are written In a crude sort of cipher commonly used for preserving such secrets. This and dozens more of the same' transparency of meaning are in the possession of the United States secret service men, the police, detective agencies and others who deal with the cooks of such dishes. By a substitution of letter for letter?the first six for the last six of the alphabet, the second six for the third six. with G and N taken out of turn and made interchangeable?the cipher is easily read. "Impwrt hz '* xug." translated, is "sticks of dan" efore Alexander; African negroes, the jfTshoots of medieval slavery, ant! traces of ?tlll older peoples wboet >rli.::;s are Lat In the mists of time. "Yet Mekran cannot always have t>een either so dry or so deserted Ma; y of its hills are closely covered iritii liitle stone bouses, mostly square it f j ! * <-, nam?wlag upward Hke trun.atcJ pyramids, and with dome tbaped Interiors. .They aretcmibe, and imong tbe rubbish found within them ire fragments of light green pottery ?f flue quality,, which no one seems ible to identify. Then there are vast nasonry dams, obviously built to catch he water in the hills. Just as engileers are making dams in the Indian rhauts to-day. "Sometimes the bills are terraced 'or cultivation, after the fashion of lills in south -rn Japan and elsewhere, nly in Mekran tbe* terraces are dry ind bare, and not even a blade of ppmnins Tito ,-nimhlinfT ym\r\a f whole cities, the very names of vhich are forgotten, lie concealed beweeu the serrated ridges.'* rEATHIT1ED POLICE. lirds Do a Wondarful Amount of Work Tor the Farmer. Birds work more in conjunction with aan to help him than does any other orm of outdoor life, according to an rtlcle In Success Magazine. They olice the earth and air. and without Heir .services the farmer would be el p less. Larks, wrens and thrushes Kirch the ground for grubs and lnec'ts. The food of the meadow lark insists of 73 per cent of injurious iseets and 12 per cent of weed seed, hewing it to bo a bird of great ecoomic value. Sparrows, finches and ur.il eat a large amount of weed seed. Practically all the food of the tree parrow consists of seed. Examlnaious by Professor F. E. L. Beal of the iological survey of the department of griculture show that a single tree parrow will eat a quarter of an ounce f weed seed dally. In a state the Ize of Iowa tree sparrows alone will onsumc more than S00 tons of weed eed annually. This, with the work f other seed eating birds, saves the irmcr an Immense amount of work. Nuthatches and chickadees scan very part of the trunks and limbe of rocs for Insect eggs, in a day's time chickadee Ins been known to eat undreds of insect eggs and worms hat are very harmful to our trees nd vegetables. Warblers and vlreos not the leaves and buds for moths nd millers. Flycatchers, swallows and ight hawks are bnsy day and night atching flies that bother man and east. Hawks and owls are working ueuLijr iu uuyugur ana aaruness xo atcb voles, mice, gophers and squired*. Insulted. A traveler relates a story 11 lustra tire f life in Spain. Alighting at the door f a:i inn. a nan extended his hand, ind. naturally supposing him to be a ortcr, the traveler offered him his value. The man stepped back, tossed his lead and frowned scornfully. "Do you take me for a porter?" be lemandeJ. "I would have you under?tar.d that 1 am no porter." "Indeed.*" said the traveler apologetcally. "Then may I ask. senor, what ran are?" "I am a beggar, sir. and asked jrou 'or alms!" Making 8ure. An electric wire had fallen under its leavy weight of snow. The linemen 'onnd a crowd aronnd the grounded ropper and an - lnqnlsiflVe Irishman ifting one end from the ground. "Man, alive, don't you know what t risk you're taking? That might be l live wire!" he ejaculated. "8nre an' 01 thought of that meeelf, in' Ol flit of the wtre good before Oi picked it up at all."?Everybody's. Making Him Happy. Marks? I know your wife didn't llk< it because you took me tbome unexpectedly to dinner last night. Parks? N'onsense! Why. you hadn't been gone two initiate* before she remarked that she was glad It. was no one else but you.--Boston Transcript. A Of tad Bsrbar. "The barber t>ld me a very Interest ing story as he shaved me." "Indeed?" "Yea, and also Illustrated it wltl cuts."?Washington Herald. The usual fortune of complaint la U excite conUanpt more than pity.Johnson. . 'v\,- . _ jwt ii w A lnglesldo Hems- * I1 * 1 | Mioses Maude Turner and Hetties; * IVwfl), nf N?'. fuik, visited Mi??[| Fanrti** \V il?Min the | a?t w*-*-k. . 1 a Mm. i'rs Ijniiihu -u'l d*iigh".*-r% i?t , 9 i Rocky >loivu?t \ imt? ! Mips Kurlaj? j Sheurin ihe pant week. "i Jerry 1\?k e.i and wife, of Nor-h . foik, are visitiiti* J S Wilson. ( & 11. 1). huurll .:?? ! wife delight- j | . full> eni. r aine-1 :* number of friend* M j ( m< iheir l?-autiful couuiry home one jj ' [ iiiulit the ;>a?t ue. k in honor uf Mr. i Man 1 Mrs. rowel I. of Norfolk. > j Krn* si W*r?1, wife Mini little j * child, of Rocky Mount, visited at J. ( . K. 6hehritiV? the Last week. 1 X X X. 1 Tim many friends of -Mrs. Martha I ' Moslev, w ho h is been siek for some j ; tune, will l?e g!nd to know that si e J * was able to speud l ist 5>m?dav with i . her son, A. M. Moseley. j > Sale of Land. J I'nder ani by virtue of an order of J ! resale made by the Superior court of 1 > Frank lin^eouiity, on August 10, 1^11^. J t in that s>peciat pioceedipgs entitled R. J r T. Williams et al ys G. E. Gupton et at C the undersigned commissioner will, on 1 Monday, the 2nd day of October, 1911, j it being the first Hondfcay in October, at C about the hour of at the court J house door, in Ixmisbarg, offer for sale j r to the highest bidUef.\ior eash, that 3 certain tract of land described and de- 3 fined as follows: AJjoininfK. the lands J of Lawrence GuptoD, Wesley Burnett, C William Evans anA others, lying on V Mill stone creek, A being part of the C David Gupton land known as the school e house tract, containing 20 acres more or J less. This Sept. 1st 1911 3 IN. H. Yarborough, Jr. Wm. H. Ruffin, Commissioners. E!te6trlc|i j a | j HTtfade A Nc (v iw\n Of Him. I / 3 "I was suffer) igfrOc*\pain in my I r g r.omacb, Load ird b".ck\ writes H.I I b Alston, Ral -igh, N. Cw'and nv 9 Jt " iirernndkidnc ps did not work right p J p but four bottls s < i Electric Bitter j a ! g j made mo fee lUe a new man." 5 [ J 3 price bo crs. At all drug stores. ? j ? - jl Just Published* WtWtcr's NEW INTONATION AL Dictteaary, {LtC. brim Co., SpriaffuM, Him.) j surpasses tke el4 latoraataeaal as mack #s tkat j I bask eif did its frridicinsr. Oa the oU e foanUtiao a aev sapm street are kas kcea hailt. J The recoastractioa k u beca carried oa threafh i | mmaj years by a lar| ; ferce ef trailed workers, i | | uader the ptnui m of Dr. W. T. Harris, I former Uaitcd Stat i Ci?iniioi r of Eisu- J | tioa, aid rseafarca by duoj emmeai special- | ists. The defmsiioe i hare been rssraisd tad 1 i sasplifyd. Tke oa eber of terms defmed kas I been mars tkaa d+b!eby. , I i f. Write te tk# litem la iintei. Na 'ji where goodlSange and killing power are ddiired, with safety ! to the neighborhood; , The Btar/k, .25-20 < a light, quickhandling, finely-balanced repeater,. i with the solid top, closed-in breech I and side ejection featares-whkfh make \ Mm&i guns safe and ifcreeable to I use and certain in action. * ' .h?en?a4a to use the powerful new high I velocity smokeless load* with jacketed I bullets ae well as the welt-known black \ Ppw^e? end '?w pre** are smoke lees cart- rtd*ee. sad le tbe Id ealrlflsfcr target wort, for wosd^iecka, cease, 1 H-wka. .ojm. etc, up I This 4fi? aad smmunltloa-Taad all other 1 for hMtua ! 7A* TTZar/in /)r+arms Gx, < . j 6 ' ' 1 \ / / 0 ' Jr - '' /' ' ' . mwsmmmmmm s IOur Ladies Tailorc( Also the New ! QUEEN QUAII Come early and g 3t the p: size. WeNare receiving d all kinds ofVloth Dotr't I That we are sole agents i g and will always 1 ave wh; jg ber every pair is guarant | Yours 16 ? r anrfll ? VUIIVII I UYVt 1 Louisbun; \ [ E. S. Ford B. N. Will \? K# h Watch Tli! -y x * Mn?f ^ T I1CAI | | For Chanjg J Riverside \ t | r E- S. Ford . B. K. Will ' i Suits I Have Arrived W Styles in Our raj _ITY SHOES 1 Lck, both in style and |8 ally new shipments of g? rorget g :or the Godman Shoes jgj it you want. Remem- || eed. g? k Serve |jj II Company i t, N. C. I wmmmmrmmmM + . ** C limson J. R. Collie J x* is Space 4 5 Week - \ \ e of Ad j Warehouse t iamson J. R. Collie j / _ ^ ,