- , . . ' ' 111 I I I I' .11 .1 1^ II Ml il McKin THt HOMt ci Pleasant Evening Rev catsd to Tired Mc the Home Girde CRUDE THOUGHTS FRO The home "where "G.-ol tin rn ing" and "Good night"' are careful!; ... said by one another, are lh< homes of the world where goo?J thoughts are generated, where goo' deeds have place, and from whenci go out good lives. * A happy home is the brightes spot on earth that the eve nt Got looks down upon. Love and pieo in his home sends sunshine ;ronnc the man wherever he goes; disorde and tfcuuble there is misery everywhere. Let the ungrateful world sneer a the maiden aunt, but God has throne burnished for her arrival and on one side of that throne ii .. Heaven there is a vase coutatnini two jewels, the one brighter than th Kchinoor of London Tower, am the other larger than any' diamon< ever found in the districts of Go] conda?the one jewel by the lap dary of the palace cut with th words "Inasmuch as ye did it t father," the other jewel by the lap dary of the palace cut with th words, "Inasmuch as ye did it t mother." ' To guard our sons and daughtei from eril, or at least to maintain < the very core of there being an all against all contaminating touch an harmful counsel let us win their 001 fidenoe when they are little, cult vate it as they grow up, and pr eerye it always. There is no tail I, man more ma(>oa), no better meat of overcoming the difficulties of et uoation that arise from the ohani lag age of our ohildren. As tin goes on, authority ia modified p? force. If you desire to edooa / . yoar children ia freedom, your s Mlllllllllllllllllllillii ^reparedt seP%?? Lgm *%lrmmsSi S^^^White^ m? n i in'tf ne Bros. RCLh COLUMN. - __ _ rn sries.?A Column Dedi-Z ]thsrs as They Join I 5 at Evening Tide M THE EDITORIAL PEN et ? ? A thnritv hju?; t? felt less and less, ,e l i and at last efface itself altogether.; I" b Confidence on the contrary, must m I persist. How many parents do not a' i comprehend this! Kxce lent at ed- to i nesting nurslings and guiding child 'Q hood they cuntine to treat their cliil-1 dren the satne at all ages; they steal a' t away their power of initiative, stifle n( j their aspirations, and by the very act of clinging to a passing authority, let I 81 j perish a confidence which might I1'1 . have been constant. Nor is it|'? ' , | _! enough to he resigned to seeing the t '1 will and personal force of onr chil-! h< dren establish themselves, we should j*' 1 i welcome with joy all the signs ofj?' I | buading c aracter, and us far as it ol ' can possibly be wise, give free play 81 II to the spirit of independence and en- C( ii j terprise. Do not hinder the man's e being formed in ths'sWW ft d ? * ' 1 There are few worries of life I which a man cannot now and then m '" shake off but who can shake him- al e self free from the skeleton in the j closet, froni the worry of the house- ^ 1 hold, a blister on the heart. A day t] e j will tell how many a man carried rl 0 \ that with him without wincing down jj to the grave. When husband and a n, wife are helpmate to each other in ^ It the best sense; When order and love sl ly and goodness prevail in the house, d Then the man who has a hard batI. Ale in. life to fight can leave his tl j. struggles behind him when he en- ri B. ten there. With all our faults we ? g. are the most hotpe loving of people h is and that M the reason why we ere j. the greatest ot people. I- e , le There is one veay noticeable fea- * r- tore aboat boys that has been gam- r te ad by observation, and in nine eases j P a oat of Un, these obeetratione prove | a BaBagjai- -X - ^ * ' >/( gj ft**" ^gW?8?? Co-, ' i . .i ?? >rrect. Every town school has it" 1 ?ad boys," genera Iv not nvsui.i relv less than three nor mure then) re. After their first two years, or I iev have passed the pi imary age,) us troublesome disposition beutnsi i crop out and they soon become i in chief ' annoyance, and though; iere are but one or two, they keep i nugs in an uproar and almost ruin 1 ery good intent of the school. ; nd thus thev gq on severely taxing ,. achers as to know what course to trsue. They forbear with them j itch, persuade not a little, and try ' 1 means and methods to win them s , i a ccurso of right, but it seems all < J vain. Thus these boys put in a| w years of school life and then i rav hut their course in the world is > better than w hen in school. These w "bad bojs" become the annoy, ice ot the towo, and now the auKirities are pnt to their "wits end" i know what to do with them. Par- " its, perhaps, highly respectable, . morablg aud among the best, tor " leir sakes much is foreborne?much rerlooked; but tbese boys go right i despite pleadings or warnings id next day they are before dur >nii??and next would be behind le bars but for the influence of i tends and monev. mm* Why is it that we so easily forget j lat the little things in life are what | lake it easy or hard? A few pleasit words, a .warm hand clasp, a corial letter, are simple things, bat ley are mighty in their influence on le lives of those about us, adding a ty of hope to many disconsolate earts, giving a bit of courage to dis- < ppointed, weary ones and helping ' > make onr own lives sweeter at tha ime time. m # When out is inclined to worry, ' le remark of ao old lady ahoold be , scalled: "Yee dearies; I've bad n awful heap of trouble in my me, sod moat of it never happena." For bowel eom plants in children ai- ' rays give Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera nd Diarrhoea -Remedy and castor olL t jp certain to ?Aai cure and when sauced with water UM^awestsesd In feasant to take. No hhysOtait can poncribe a better remjfy.* For Me by I II dealera. j 1 WJJf V.J|! AUU1.'' x: <- vj " .' / J' ' *v ' y' % Paints and ? for Your i! ,.,,|k\ x i ljjjjM 1 ' . t r I If there is a shabby surf \ I - painted, enameled, stained, it II any way, we have just what *9 \h,! exact finish desired in tl ij acme ql * ' \ PAINTS AND 2' \ ' ? > 1 \ 1 1 Let^us show you colors ? s or j>arn, ^mples of finishe woiid, ui lurmiure. shabby pkces\look new and % -r \* J COME IN ana. get a copy c I PAINTING GUIDESBOOK. It t I I Enamel, Stain or Varnismto use, h< I how it should be put on. 1^ not c j. \ Ipainter or decorator exactly what 3 HP jfor YOU to refinish the many s\iri lnot require the skill of the expertnot bother with. Ask for a-copy. Louisb Hollingsw, Furniture & pit CLIFTON COF r T> i-l- T* Ne- ? uv?(p ux r-rcLLy rurmiure, wmte a. Suits, Weathered Early Eng Sideboards, Princes Dressers, Machines anu Birds E Dur Store is full of Bargaii s,yours pleasei if you c< I. Starr Pianos, Richmond Pianos, Re tins and Plovor Pionne _Vw VA M. UUiV?91 lU,ai Diidii We have a complete assortment on. a line if you are int . J. W. Hollir -V : r - '" ^ \ ; ' V ' \ .. _ I Finishes Home ace in your home to be varnished or finished in ^ you need for producing le. line of 'ALITY FINISHES for painting your house s for floors, woodwork, Let us help you make attractive. >f THE ACME QUALITY tells what Acme Quality Paint, jw much will be required and >nly enables you to tell your fou want, but it makes it easy faces about the home that do ?the jobs that a painter would IT'S FREE. ' I mrs, N-CMth's ? isic House ^ i ? ^NER name! Suits, Mahogany lish Oak, Wardrobes, Mahop-flnv o J ye Maple. awaits you, you'll be >me. immington, Weiler PiaL & Wendell Pianos. Q " ' : i liberal terms. Drop us erested. ^ lgsworth