WRECKED THE PIANO. Rubinttiin Proved Hit Ability and Secured Hie Put. I When Rubinstein, the composer. wet a youth he left Russia. hU native country, to study music in Krance and Germany. He finished his studies when he was twenty years old and then re- j turned to St. Petersburg But before he could begin to give public recitals ^|lt was necessary that he should have a pass from the police authorities. It ^Btvas true he was a Russian subject and a very JnotTeuslre young man, But he had lieen absent from We natire land some time. He might hav? ^ imbibed revolutionary idea a when | ^?f*inOad, and It was best not. to take ^^^Tany risks, but have him registered and Kept under surveillance. Rubinstein applied to the police for a pass, but, probably because be was shy and mild mannered every official bullied him and gruffly passed him ^B to another official'equally rude and pcetoeflrlng. Finally he became so tired of the Indignities that he went H to see the governor general He had just begun to tell his story when that H dignitary roared; ' "You a musician? Pah! I'll put yott in irons arlfl send you to Slberlal ^B That's the only fit place for Such aa you!" Rublustclu nearly fainted from fright, but he got away aa best he H ,?uld. The days went by, and still no H pass came to him. Some of his friends, ?however, knew of the treatment he B had received. One day Rubinstein was summoned to appear beore the chief of police. General Gallcboff. He had to watt three hours. At last he was called Into the great man's presence and addressed as follows: |"* "Well, young man, I - have been spoken to about you. I am told that B you are some sort of musician, but 1 B don't believe anything of the kind. B Go to my chief secretary, Schesnok, B and play for hlhl, so that we can tell If you really are a musician?that Is, a, taan who understands music." ' All this was said in a eo'_,ren\phlou? tone. Rubinstein was t^'sen t? the secretary, who was possessor of thh jnost wretched piano Rubinstein tV* had heard, much less played '<&. He wfls angry and dlsguslpd, Wid a thought flashed across bfiA. Hero was an opportunity to be Vcvenged for the insults heaped u?oh him. He would vent, bis Indignation, on the piano. Alid so bo. did.. He pounded and hammered the p0qr instrument until it seemed *(0 shriek. The discordant notes T.'hich came from it, falling upon his delicate car, served but to increase ^ils rage and frenry. It was as if a cyclone was at work. String after string snapped, and the unhappy secretary stood by, expecting every minute that his bclovod'tnstvumeut would fly Into splinters. At last Rubinstein | stop-pel from sheer exhaustion. I 'Co . with me." said the secretary. And I'.i'. pianist followed him into the p . ' tare of the chief of police. "It i- your excellency," be said. "Rr! ;:v "in I* a great musician." T o . ive hltn n pass." replied the get:.- .I - Philadelphia Inquirer. Australia's Flamo Flower. W:::. is the name of the uat'^^j | Dot.' r Australia. The travr' w!)0 [ pass.-, .hrough the An.tr busll. soft*-:' .cs cornea sudden' ? llllini(.a ' out ri.-e. the under;"o{ wblcli .. ha.- I.-.m tles.niyetT..Q ,1(tv-uAlI,otjK '"-1 * ^"hgueh of fire still1 Boeru i?? umv tbetabs, 03 i' Mi' ^ ^'Ii it'll I* nbout six ft?et j hlgu nwu^ n tlanie rcj Uowor. j benrt 'V.Aped un^ the size of ?i man's ! c,0flVl hand.. T-^lu flowec is difiicult to ! **\ilti . nio Jit a *^arden% but some people I bnve su-eee^'in plowing plfiuts from. Sectl il'Tlt'V.iS first "been .rousted Vislne-i ^"3 ? Boat.. ,;,o ro " *?* ;llIC < /'** you to n?.,,?. * ?*R n boat. ' easv "^ail 11 boat? Why, lt'a main eYer "'mmln'. *?? "asp the with (l-r * w<fb onc Uantl an,* the tiller case si-, ' "Iliei". an' If n fYnvr strike* hnlrar/ fir tiring -er to tin' loose the boom bilt look out feo the Raff an* Watc 'or 'he k"" ''ilnRll b? lu the (? R / tili"y<o be upset, hot If the wind Sl?. ier.tIt y'r all right unless y'r too g0 n in In lb 11. 'cause then ye'll be upr, is ire. .lump right In an' try It; but, ' ? ao-iWr. whatever ye do. don't * /fb"' . Deopest Lako In the World. The Great Sunken lake In the Cas cade mountains, about seventy-Ova mil s northeast of Jacksonville, Ore., la thought to be the deepest lake In the world. Its shores slope abruptly down fan average of 2C0 feet on all sides befote the water Is reached. The depth of the water Is unknown, and Its but 's always smooth and unruffled, ? "belt'!: ao fer below tbe mountain fim " that winds cannot reach It. A Model Husband. "You appear pleased, my dear." said | her friend . - "Indeed, I am. You know while 1 was away visiting mother Henry went fishing, and the neighbors say he came homo with.a beautiful skate." "And Is that why you are-pleased?" "Certainly, my dear. "H looked In , the encyclopedia and found that a 'skate' Is a large fish."?St. Paul Plo nyor Preae. > ' . Uu of Water. "There'* no use talking," said Dr. Dnstln Stax. "\hl? corporation of oura will baye to dlisolve." / "How will yot go about It?" "I don't knoto". The only way 1 know of to disMlve things la to keep putting plenty at water into them."Waahlhgton Stag. inn / / ITEMS OF INTEREST OF STATE AND GENERAL HAPPEN IN OS Gathered from Our Many Exchanges and Condensed For Our Busy Readers. Spencer, N. C., September 3.?The Southern Kail way shops in Spencer, which have been working on short time for several months, returned to a full jiaB'hour day sercice, with six days to the week, P? September 1. So far as is known, the increase in working time is permanent. Spencer, N. C., September 3.?Braxton Berkley, aged seventeen, of Salisbury, was drowned at Sheepshead, ten miles north of Spencer, at noon today. In company with three other boys, JJajkley left his home in SalisDury for a swim in th? river. The young men attempted to swim to f?)#vge rock. All were successful e?<*pt yeung JJarW. ley, who *!|5j for help and sank in ".fieea feet of water. Floyd Bost, a companion, attem pted to rescue Barkley, and had a narrow escape from drowning. The mother of the young man is prosyated over his death. Mrs. Myrtle Reed McCullough, the author and poet who killed herself, left an estate valned at $200,000 according to friends. This sum Will revert to eight Chicago charitable institutions. A friend of Mrs. McCullough said that the author's will provided that the estate shall be held in trust during the lifetime of Mr. McCullough, his two siste.s, and Mr. and Mrs, Hiram V. Reed, father and mother of the dead writer. Each is to be paid a monthly | uv^ute, ana at tnvtt death the entire I fortune is to be divided equally among | the inetittoViUM named in the will ? GhKAgo Dispatch. ft"Washihgton, N. C., Septemper8.?A Blight earthquake visited this city last night. Two distinct shocks were felt by citizens in different sections of the city between 9 and 10 o'clock. The first one occurred about 9:30, and the second a few minutes later. The shocks I were very mild, and did no damage to property, but several house* Were shaken. The rattling of doors and windows caused the Inmates to think burglers were trying to affect an entrance, and the police station was besieged with telephone calls until it was learned thnt the disturbance was due to an earthquake.. The shocks were very distinct, and lasted for two or three minutes. allnce, la , :-cp, i.? Upon being married here iliis week, Matthew Watson and Mary Mncl,i, of Kingston, used a license hearing the date of Svptcn her,^55108. three years ago tlitv became engaged. 'rhey[Bct the vctluing.Cay; he probated the license and then-on the. five of the ceremony came thu estrangement, which broke their plans. Since that time the difficulties have been gradually erased. lit cent ly they aguin decided to wit. Ta? btidegroom brought forth the original license, mvsiy but stillgood, and ti e kn jt was tied. Lumbertcn, Sept. 3.?Ar,~':.iknr>wT negro entered the home of Mr. Gray Tolar last night, shortly .* 12 o'clock, snucK Uiyt unconscious" vith a plow bar while he was sleep.ng and then attempted to criminally" assault his wife, who was sleeping in'another bed in the same room. Mr. Tolar was brought tc theThompson hV?3pitaI here this morning and his skull was found to be baill; fractured an-' he is not expected tc live. He has extensive sawmill inter lests -and 'was living in a house neai one of his" mills.,. When the negro first entered the home he assaulted ib ow ner" and then attempted to assaul Mrs. Tolar. She could feel his kink; hair on her face as he attempted t< choke her. By some means she got hit f ngers off her throat-mid by screaminj I scared the brute away before he cou!< accomplish his purpose. Mrs Tola: went oVer to her husband's bed an< found him lying in a pool of his owi blood. She grabbed up her two chil dren and, with tliem in her arms, rai a half-mile to summon the assistance o her neighbors. Three suspects hay I been arrested and bloodhounds wen : sent to tho scene of the crime thi ! morning. One of the suspects had at | unused ticket to i-'airmontin his pocket II which he purchased yesterday afternoon j Hickory, S pt. 4 ?Mr. W. I,. Clin I aro was brought to this city last nigh lrom Newton suffering from a seven ' accident which befell him at the statioi , at Newton. Mr. C'linard is the efftci . entcily clerk for this city and hadgoni i to Newton yesterday on business. lit went to the depot at Newton to tak 1 the C. & N. W. mixed train to comi i home. Reaching the station befort train time, he went into a restauran ' for his supper and the train came be fore he was through eating. As he lef the restaurant the train Was under mo tion and Mr. Glinard rgn to catch oi , and just aa he reached the rear of thi train, he stumbled over a pile of cos and fell under -Mis -wheels. The trsli ; passed over his right foot and com i pletely severed-the heel. Tho woum . was dreassd by Or.* Menzines and th uu fortunate 'masHO testing- as welt a . * - - ~ ^ ?r ' could be expected. It is now believed that a chair factory will.be established here iu the near future as a result of Hickory's $200,000 guarantee? tund. This proposition has been under investigation bv the board of directors of the guarantee fund for some time and are favorably impressed with. It is almost certain that steps will be taken for bringing this enterprise here at once. -A DREADFUL SIGHT to H.J. Barnum, Jf Freeville, N. Y.. was the fevdFsara that plagued his life for years in swtevf many remedies he tried. At last heTused Hucklen's Arnica Salve and wabtV "it hits entirely healed with scarcely a soar left." Heals Burns, Bbils.x Eczema, Cuts, Bruises, Swellings. Corns and Piles like magic. Only 25c at Aycock Drug Co. ' "1' sbb M OWE D to Beaslev^S^T ?>ntedphiB ?tor? ne?l I ,<>- .-iSVJi Drug Co. to W. B. | -Mite dealer in Samples, yes and J. P. j Winston has gote\own on Nash street where he is selfing \ut at and below cost. 637 shirts way sown under cost 200 pairs of shies way llpwn under cost lots of odds anc ends, taacthem at a Erice. Come fown on Nash street 1 ave plenty of room to hold 7 or 8 hundred people as one time as I occupy 78 feet-of store Jbom. J. P. WINSTON report^of THE CONDITION OW THE CITIZENS BANK OF FRANKLINTON, V at/ FRANKLINTON, N. C., at the close at boainkM Sept. 1. 1911. RESOimCKS. Loanh and diecodntu / # 89,iM_fc.46 1 Overdralte, Mcorel I 1.188.84 1 Orerdratte, unaecuw* 1,100.80 North Carolina Sta\| Bond* r. nnnnnl furniture and uxtutje j'gg'g'gX Doe from banke and pan^ er8 * 2 072 17 Coeb tone \ 'sasiati Gold colli \ 800.00 Silver c'dlfe, vhtmidin allVmifior rotataHvticy \ 1,110.52 MstrottW bank note and att\er m U. 8. notes \ 2.406.00 Total. \ $ 105,543.04 LI AC ILITIEV. Capital stock paid i i \$ 15,000.00' Undivided profits le s expenses and taxes paid \ 8 5541061 Bille. Payuhle \ 14.500.AS Deposits stihject to he?k \ 27.875,V,8 Siivintrs. De|.osits ^ \ 38^,0.1.7 Due to Bunks and \ atiker* \ x4.vf?fl Cashier's checks Otil danding \ 507.57 Total, I \Y5.5i?704 STATE OP JCoktii CA l.IT.I* \ -.I'uniitv ?d Frm.i j s*.\ 1. Via. 1'. Jojr v. \islvier of tl\ above limned l ank, do m apulj swear th\r the nbove state inert, in ale to the best qf uiv kiiowlnlfii'updhi!' f A V m . V, JoYXKtt. Ca.*.iiVr. Snhsf-nbed rod .v o.r, to before me, Liis ('? U d.iy of'-'fcnte'ji or I Oil. \ .f. S. Mourns, N. I'i Ct?iM*?r-r'tvv*T:| \ 12. J. 7*^*e"th"m - \ B. fi. Dullard l Pr.ll. H. Harris. , liireitore. i j For i ]Fruit n Trees; Ornamental Treffe, i j ! Shrubs, Roses, Bulbs audi | Bulbous Plaits, Grape Vines | ! I Small Pn/its. Ftr You I can'.jt bettef yourself other! than\by Anvestighting the I lines oVihs perry hursry company Represented in\ Franklin I County bV H. Byrthji, Hranklinton, N. C.v In Lojiisburg every Monday Look ht this line before you buy, ^t will be saving dollars in your pocket. I Very Serous It ?9 a very seriats matter to esk 0 for one medicine land have the H wrong one giveiyjtou. F6r this g| reason we urge jDu\in buying to fi be careful to get Zhe Jfcnaia*-r black?krtt Live/ Medic Ike j The r-puUltion of this olV relic- 0 ble medicine, for constipaliVj, lo- R " digestion dnd liver trouble, ls\8m r. ly esuibUfhod. It does not batata I . other medicines. It is better tVcn H others, or it would not be the V vorlte liver powder, with lsrgeh 0 I sate than all others combined. 1 I SOLD IN TOWN Pa I 1 WiHBBHaHMar' h ! early risers The famous little pBls. S' , v . ' w,'. V. , ' Is - . , ' V The Fuel Supply Weed . Three Times 1 The makers of dole's fitot Blas^nfiatfr \ soft coal 36 hours v,-ithout attention^ Your old end waste fuel because they aror not air-tigl - Cole's Original I lot ?by means of the patented Hit Blast Draft and o' tight, doing away with the uge of stove pu' ty?r? All fu:l?Scfi Coal, E;..* CcJ, Lignl !,Wt amount cf gas. Fully oat-l.sif of the heatir i pow is the port of the fuel this wonderful heater :aves, Draft?"Phis makes pole's H -1 Blast Heat r the cal, the most convenient he:'.:r yoa can buy. I ' allow this ras-hclt'' of i*i?> -- >< * v -J ? - ? ?i -?.? kv# UJJj Hit I f . Thcuiini'j of these slit"31 ere in usel and * after yerr. This heater win give you triage comXott ths any kind of a stove which uses soft coal for fuel. Right ncrai is the time to decide and selcet the see complete line of styles and sizes. McKin tie Br AceonHnB LOUISBURG, - - Why\ Remedy I in anxious j r haveyou bccopie acquainted v i Noah'yti iimcnt,\nd will w-idf pleasure, / for man or Wcast, internal do all tliayfs claimed for i BpBMBsSr \ . Ndah's Linimenl \ ?c'a^S? Neuralgia, Lan ^ xXiol^?, Sprains, Strains, ( ^ ayfl all Nerve. Bone and -J""- ' Noah's Linimen / all dealers ia medicine. -'y~ /''. / TlteWt at Ae r'c'ni it an exact' \ I /WW/' 7 of the senW Noah's L.rimm' d \ M f sho lh- fadt that (lia words Nosh \ M J ditfinc'ive maVLt. Elvrryone should ',Zvi ii ptourcutceyetySafricceoKXl of our ri K-3 . v '^ Cut this Coupon < I Pl\\ fi wHW / Noah Martin, Richmond, Plcaac Mail mo a Free I ? ' n , I TO DEALERS Address Tte Southern Ready I M , . . I If m mrt U &? atst ?fi?6e- - _ Made in Rjdmood I t?rj Pa? Roody <n tta nwtrt. ? Cty of Tc?a._ . . ! Are You a} | The Woma! wiwwiiiiiiiiimiu j#ir#iiiiiiM rrt - - - 1 1 I. ^l,tt^tionOnly Each Day guarantee this stove to hold fire with stove and imitation stoves leak air it, because they have putty joints. i Blast Heater ther patented features which make it squires less attention than any other >cd or Corn Cobs?contains a large er (carbon) \n 3oft coal is gas. This by burning it with the Top Hot Blast most satisfactory, the most economimitations and ether styles of stoves chimney with the smoke, unburned. the sale continues to increase year in you ever thought possible by using V : size you should have. Come in and os.. Co. N6K Fire Mevr > MX g Out. differ ? vith the merits of The Great Pain Remedy, jj send you a free sample on request. It is goad V I end external use, and is positively guaranteed to t, or your money will be refunded. ! is the Best Remedy (or Rheumatism in atl forms, ie Back, Stiff Joints ar.d Muscles, Sore Throat, Huts, Burns, Brakes, Cclic, Cramps, Toothache, Muscle Ache3 and Pains. t is sold at 25c., 50c., and $1.00 per bottle by ooy cf our rejijltrtd t-.v!.- . .u which is used on every label and carton 'lit quite important tL- M... should note this before purchasing, aa k Liniment always in red ink. Nunc genuine without these, beware of imitations otIe>*d by unscrupulous dealers. We will promptly ghti. Noah Martin, Noah Remedy Co., Inc., Richmond, Va. >ut and Mail at once. Sample Noah's Liniment. IhI xnt stamps fx stage. |y| ?oman9j " Ml I a's Tonic 1

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