FRANKLIWrt f Our Regular Items of Interest and Near Our Sis CLOSES orv ?I. H. Kearney is putting in a ti load of Niaaen wagons this week. ?Come out Thursday night if yo want to spend a couple of hours pleai antiy. ?"Five weeks entertainment in on night 'at the Graded School Thursda night. ?Don't forget the Edwin R. Week Co., Thursday night?a good time guax anteed. ?Hot days and cool nights ib the dc light of the lively mosquito. Th< cooler the night the more you hear thei unwelcome voice. ?If the Farmers Union dou't h.urr up they will miss getting out thei 2,500 bales of cotton^they said they in tended to gin on this crop. ?Shelton Wilson and wite hav< moved to town and will occupy a par of the house now occupied by J. V Finlayson on Green street. ?There should be an example se with some people for violating tin speed law. This fost driving is ver] dangerous and all who violate the lav should suffer tne full limit. We hav< some very fast driving ?>n our streets very often and these parties should b< looked after also. ?The case of R. Y. McAden, of Louisbuig, which was to have been triec Monday, was sworn out from under E. W. .Morris and moved to Yoangaville, where it will be tried before C. C. Wins ton. J. P? >tontnrr?Ko?. ?- W Aden was indicted for violation of automobile speed law ?Alt x and Otis Kearney and J. W. Mor on were before Mayor C. W. Conway Satnrday for giving a performance of their " Wild West" show Friday night without license. The whole bunch left ' for Louisburg Saturday afternoon where they expected to give the next performance "On Cedar Hill" as the line of |20 and cost each required by the mayor remained unpaid. ?The cotton gins are running on pretty good time this week. We have two gins which keep pretty near together in the number of bales they gin. We think they have up to Tuesday night ginned about seventv-tire each. The fieids are White with the staple and King cotton is now carrying the day. There is great complaint about help to pick out the present crop The prices range from 40 to 75 per 100 pounds for picking and can't get _Jlhem at these prices. The fanners say .thev never saw a crop open so fast. ?The Singing Class from the I. O. O. F. Orphans borne, of Goldsboro gave a very good performance in the Auditorium of the Graded School Saturday night and was heard by a full house who it very easily could be seen was pleased by their frequent and prolonged applause. The children were well trained and did credit to themselves and this excellent institute. This closed the tour being the 73rd enter 1*1 ment as they left Sunday for Goldsboro. Receipts were 157.70. ?The Edwin E. Weeks Company will on Thursday night Sept. 21st, give the firat of the series of fine shows U, be given here this season by th? Alkahest Lyceum System in the AudiOnly machine made with either be tures contained in no other machine, to be pumped in by hand. Cradle spi dutch, which allows machine to stop w Direct sight opening oil guage. Price before buying. Will guarantee satiafac THURSTON K. ALLEN. ...They Make New Rubber Tires ort y wheels last longer and i am prepared to do the notice. 23 years experi i ' You H. C. TAYLOR, N NEWS 4TEMS Correspondent Gathered From in ter Town Each Week I WEDNESDAY ir torium of the Graded School building. They come very highly recommended u and is said to be the best of the series. The entertainment will be "an entire evening of mnsicand mirth" and if you e do not want to laugh, don't come. Ur, Weeks is one of the country's very best "Impersonators" and if you .do not see him and his company you will miss 8 the treat of the season. Reserved seats "" will go on sale at the Cresent Drug Store Tuesday. Prices will be 25 and y 35 cents; reserved seats 50 cents; sea. e son tickets $2 and M. r ^?? Personal ' A. H. Varm spent last Sunday in r Baltimore. OswuM Cole, of Richmond, spent s Suno, v m our city. t Gi orgc Uarrell returned to school at Wake Forest Monday. Paul Winston and June Roee left t Monday for Trinity College. ; Miss Katiebet Moaris has gone to j Clayton where she will teach school. ' Miss Sallie Royster, of Townsville, > spent Friday with Miss Sue Cheatham. ! Miss Marguerite Moss spent Sunday * in Louisburg visiting Miss Jnlia Bar row. Otho Barrett, who has been visiting ' his brother, T. T. Barrett, returned home Monday. Plommer Speed, Edwin Speed and June Jenkins left for school at Oak Ridge Monday. Miss Clyde Morris has returned from Oxford where she has been visiting several weeks, S. C. Vann and wife and Miss Eleanor, are on an extended visit in the New England States. hlrs. George R. Holland, of Wake> spent Saturday and Sunday in town visiting her brother, Chief A. B. Cooke. Miss Jean Ward and Miss Alice Ward left for school Monday. Miss Ward goes to Peace and Miss Harris to StMary's, Raleigh. Chief A- B. Cooke returned Tuesday morning from Durham, where be had been with his son Shem, who enters qfhool at Trinity for the present session. ... ... Miss Eflie Vines, to the dMigbt of her many friends here, returned c? our city the past week and will take her former place at the Graded School as music teacher. i ! TROUBLE FOR A SALESMAN looms up if his health runs down. That's why E. E. Books of E. Berkshire, Vt., always carrieaDr. King's always carries Or. KlngTKNew life ' Pin. ... v.;* "i w-v - - - 1 . ? ._ e-*v~ * i*iu toeim.e\tel- [ j lent for indigestion and. constipation," ! he writes. "They haare helped me greatly." Best beer ad stomach PUls made. 25c at Ayeock Drag Co. i _Notice to Tochers The school committeelof Hayesyille township will meet at afceky Ford, on Saturday, September 22niwat 2 o'clock for the purpose of electing teachers for , the several schools of midxoimship. Those applying will send] theirapphca1' tion in writing together With their ceri tificate to the Secretary before the i above date. ? r. G. Wb?, Sec. Manson, R. F. D. N. C. Indian /|| plk. Motor The Best Made It or cl in drtvoNvEicloaiye engine feaAutom tie lnbrieautm. Instead of hayiug 1ng foi i instead of eoiL Free engine ithout I opping engine sad two speed gear s from 200 to <380. Bee me mod machine tion. AGT louisburg, n. c. -i ii i/ i Riding Easy... 4? ? our buggy will nuke your i ike riding a pleasure I i ery best work on abort ? nee fl^the boggy business LonisbuhkR. Cf j H Mm v Aft A Welcome Chance to Those WhpSuff er Corniug lu Lnuiaburg meet, of high scholarly attainments, add dignified per. tonality. Coupled with a teothcrly interest, in all who seeM his advice. He does not take a Patient nor Treatment unless he can foresee a Cms of thnCaae. The most commeadabfc faster* 'H bis vorb, and one that m* a to the ordinary aids person, is the ract < fMliblwbsunso iassiinahlft and te derate ar tcrunake it within the reach o even the refer poor. At no time do th charges amount to more than $7.00a wrath or abont\$1.30 | a week. He give his own mcdidines, i and there are no ej :ra Charges. It nk? him never more G sn from four toVi-r Months to Core a C ise nnderTreatmekt. All Caaea, even tl oae who hare been given up as laewi I* or Hopeless. baA baaa Cured and raater*d to ported ' heahb by this BrillL r* PVyn'cian and tho J\ wonderful methods tie employs. 1 1 If yoa want to m< it him and have him examine yon, go to tee him, and talk the matter orer with hi n. It wiil cost yoa otfciag if he docs) not put yoa under treatment. If be tajbas yoor eaea, h will cost yoa a very small sum to get well. Remember the Date . nd come early. Look Out j< And if Watch as Grow NEW GOODS Will be Arriving in f a Few Dayy / ,' We are going to prefer jtastore with goods as soft u . the. freight trains am fhe 4 green haek wiU. hung fham. No old guod*-*(!p srlyct ytn, ^ , Everytlriim.New From the Manufacturers ( ta us at Hrces never heard of j befure./We are going, te have , some exceptional value, that will be worth from 23e to $1, ' Iinac is going to be soM X8e. 11 We sre going to giro away s i real Diamond Ring a 3 Cents \ Store For Very Best Fancy Groceries And vegetables Come knd set, me or Phone *7. I uo^c have a fuH Apply of LICE.. Place/your orders early. I W. King mmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmrnmmmm ' C'f - . A, Holdings Furniture & I ClJlFTON Lots of Pretty Furjaiture, Wh Suits, Weathered Oak, Earl Sideboards, princes Dre; Machines and Bi Our Store is full of Bargains, ; | pleased if Starr Pianos, Richmond Pianc nos and Player Pianos, Ma We have a complete a^ortmei ? line if you ai j. wj H^J BIS MEETINGS 3 ) Crops: are fine and: laid by. 1 Parmer if your wife and dan; cooking stove for the last four you thinly it just as little as ; Surry and take them to cl T 1_ . J-11 1 mcuca j au& it UU11 UUy. r I have 100 new styles up to di and two horde, all kinds of b, for cash. Now you boys y/ti cord or plowing, unless yoii nice rubber tire buggy, and ti firing, or quit plowing, you Come to See my\\ \ and don't forget that I lorry e buggies, harness, surrjfes, can kinds improved labor daving 1 I / good easy terms to ah. Gasoline Engines, Automobile ders, Grist Hills; and 1 K. P. worth's I Music House I CORNER ' " I ite Enamel Suits, Mahogany fl y English Oak, Wardrobes, isers, Mahogany Sewing irds Eye Maple. jrours awaits you, you'll be you come. ^ I )S, Remmimgton, Weiler Piaxsha.ll & Wendell Pianos. it on liberal terms. Drop us e interested. Ilingsworth AND BUGGIES* s ..-i - ? lie county is safe. Now Mr. ^liters have stood over the months, and sweated don't you can do, is to buy a nice i.utch? all work and no play L I (te buggies, 25 surries, one arness, cheap, on time and o have been pulling the bell can ride your best girl in a ike her to church, why cease have not been treated fare. Stock of Buggies i complete stock of wagons -iagea, road carts and all farm ^machinery, and sell on \ t \ I . V - ,1. I s, Hay Presses, Corn Shredwant your tr^de bad. HILL I I