Wi tryr*::- I-TW ^ -' 7 ***& " ' T5W . . '' ; The < ?. v.. ^ *. >; .. -<* ' . - "V; v> - "tv* ? "> I* Mighty '*> s '" ' ' - l* ' ' ' ' T . -i ' ' ' ... ' - - ... ' / . " " * '' >\ ' 1 .iji , " naag . /' -V'<$. i >:/ v SHOW ' V ' I m ?* I ki r ! LuuiMuurg, m. L. / i September 18th >- ,r: See the Racing Camels, the Somersault Elephant, the Hippobagus Equinnes, : " , x The Millers, the world's greatest Equestrian Artists. '.. ' ' ' * ; " . \ EVERY ACT WITH THE HAAG SHOW IS A FEATURE ACT, NOTHING OLD. See that Free Street Parade, Grander than King's Splendor. Positively no ^Gambling or Profane Language with .'j i . "! , * \ i *s 7 t> / v ' . - ' " . Ttie Mi^ty Haai Shoal SUNDAY SCHOOL, Lesson XIII.?Third Quarter, For Sept 24,1911. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. .Text of the Lmon, Dan. vl. 10-23. Mamory Varna. 21-23?Goldan Text, Pa. xxxfvi 7?Commentary Praparad by Rav. D. M. 8taama. Tbeae historical lessons from the book of Daniel are moat fascinating and most practically helpful. Inasmuch as the. God of Daniel and his friends la none other than onr Lord Jesus Christ, who la the same yesterday, today and forever and always ready to hold strongly with all whose hearts are wholly for Him, not keeping us from trials, but manifesting His presence with us In the trial and bringing us through to His glory. Men and women who believe God were never more needed than now. Oh, for a testimony such as was given concerning Daniel, even by his enemies 1 We shall not And any occasion against him, except we find It concerning the law of his God (verses 4, S). Knowing something of his habit of prayer, they asked the king to sign a decree that no one sbouK ask. a petition of any god or man save Darius for- thirty days under penalty of being cast to the Hons. AKbougb Daniel knew the decree had been signed, be kept on as aforetlmq, kneeling upon his knees In prayer three times a day, with his windows open toward Jerusalem, remembering 1 Kings vtll, 47-49. His enemies did not need to watch long in ulUEt EE# EULEU UUU 111 E UE'l I UE'L, SOQ the -king was promptly Informed that -"that Daniel of the captivity of Jndah regardeth not thee, O king, norsthe decree that thou hast signed" (verse 18). If the king had not before seen 'the design of his presidents" and princes against Daniel he saw It now and was sore displeased, not with Daniel, but with himself that he had not seen through this plot before signing the decree. He labored in vain to deliver his prime minister, whom he evidently esteemed and loved, but even the law of God, which Is holy aid just and good, cannot save any one, much legs Ethla law of the Medes and Persians, which was only a great Iniquity. Our dellvefauce from the condemnation of the holy taw of God Is accomplished only by a sinless person taking the place of the guilty and suffering In onr stead (ll Cor. v, 21; Rom. Ill, 18-24; x,4). We do not read that Darius so loved Daniel that he gave hlxself for him and went to the den of lions In his stead, but we do read Just that virtually of Jesus Christ (I Pet 11, 24; Gal. 11, 20, 1. c.). Daniel was cast to the lions (probably not very gently), a stone laid upon the mouth of the den and sealed with the slguet of the king and his lords. Imagine the rejoicing on the part of his enemies because they were now rid of him, and no doubt they ridiculed the God of Daniel who could not deliver him from the lions nor from their power. After u night of sleeplessness and fasting very early In the morning the king is found at the den of Hons calling aloud to Daniel If perchance he may still be alive. Surely Darius must haTe learned something of the power of Daniel's God to be able to Imagine such a thing possible and to encourage him as he did on his way ,to the den. With what Joy and gratitude the king must have heard the voice of Daniel and the words, "My God hath sent His angel and hath shut the lions' mouths that tbey have not hurt me" (22). So Daniel wbb taken up out of the den, and no manner of hurt was found upon him because he believed In his God (23). Thus shall It be in the morning of the first resurrection. No matter what the saints have suffered here In their mortal bodies, tbe resurrection body will be perfect, for we shall be Uke Him (I John til, 2). Tbe accusers ol Daniel were then east Into the den of lions, with their wires and children, and there was no deliverance for them. As to the righteous and the wicked, we read in Ts. xllx, 14, that the upright shall hare dominion over them In ?ie morning. Study the morning deliverances of Scripture, but note that there will be no morning for the enemies of God (Isa. rill, 20, R. V.). In rersft 25 to 27 see how by a worldwide decree the living God, the God of Daniel, was magnified. How telling are the words in verse 28, "So this Daniel prospered," and according to the last sentence In his book we shall find him in his appointed place In the kingdom?that kingdom nnder the whole heaven which Is to be given to the people' of the saints of the Most High, when all dominions shall serve and obey Him (Dan. vll, 27). That will be after or In connection with the overthrow of all the kingdoms of this world, as set forth In Dan. U and vll. The great, self exalting, Ood defying sntlchrlst shall come to his end, and none shall help htm (Dan. xl, 36-38, 40). Then shall "the stone" without human aid break In places the world powers and fill the earth with a kingdom of paiaca and righteousness, and the enemies of the Lord shall perish as truly as did Daniel's enemies (Dan. U. 34. 35-44; vll, 0-14; XI These. 1, 7-10). The Messiah has been ent off without receiving His kingdom, but at the end of the seventieth week everlasting righteousness shall be the portion of Daniel's people (Dan. lx, 24-27; Isa. lx. 21; xxxll, 117; Jar. xglll. 5. 6). - k : v '/.> I*? - fl i. .j,<* ' .'?>'a\,Vu V*^ rMfei1''-' . J ... '1 HAD NERVOUS 1 OSYPEPSIA 8 YEARS" rrwiSS-x-ffra llsve it would have .tilled mi. I had to ttro on ?wwto aadths lightest diet Had mrt Mrrow spaUmmearly erry daj. Docton could not mTStorf Be. 1 wu eo weak that for three month I waa not able to walk acneo the worn. I wee persuaded to try Mrs. Joe Ftmon's Remedy and it cured me. Oan eat anything, and as much as I want.'* A feeling of heaytoees In the stomachafter eating, laggi^K appetite, nausea or . sickness of stomachy Yfrequent vomiting, f acute pains, irritable temper, nervousness/ twitching or BUlcies, Muse of danger ana great reetleeeneea are\ nature's danger signals pointing to impaired digestion./!f yon hare any of above symptoms, 700 peed MRS. JOE PERSON S REMUY* . It will restore natural digestion b/ stimulating sn increased flow of gastitf juice, induce sound sleep, refreshing rdbt. and make you sound end wall. No matter of how long standing your i trouble, Airs. Joe Person's Remedy will ptmitirely /cure you. It will give you back the snap/and rigor and ginger of other diy>? mane yon reel fine?giro you hmbitlpn?{mike you "fit" In TFor trSnty^hree.yeatsj this /rest remedy has been curing tnctosahda ft people afflicted with chronic InQlgesnon, Dyspepsia, flbur Stomach, NerVouaaeea, Rheumatism/Catarrh, Female \ Troubles, Blood PoUOn, and' all ailments feeolting from Impure, Impoverished or pdsooed Blood. Am a Tonic, IltetatiTA. /Blood Purifier and Nerrlne it never fails to give satisfaction, ^and ^lt la es^o^F^l^ valuable ^ln eomnla. It is without an equal for "rundown" conditions In both men and women. Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy is scientifically compounded from purely vegetable Ingredients of great medicinal properties. It positively contains no opints or nar cotlc, no Todtde of Potassium or other mineral?nothing that te in the least harmful. Let us send you grateful letters from living witnesses who nave been cured. . In cases of external trouble, inflammation. ulceration or itching humor, our Wash should be need with the Remedy. For sale by druggists, or supplied direct on receipt of price, $1.00 per bottle; 6 hotties for 16.00; 1 dosen by express prepaid for $10.00, by m # MRS. JOE rUMffl KMEBY II.. KHtrtH. . C. For Sate Two nice pairs mul?, cash or on time, also waaon and/harness, one nice (arm wired in.Vnd lpts of farminc implements, also nicpr piece of timbered land in Vance comity and three houses in th'e town Vf\Warrenton. I( you want to maka/mnnX.- sea ' M. F /llouCK^ouisburjf, X. C. P. S. If your roof is\ leaking see me ? for Cortright Shingles?the best made. ^ 1 Sale of Land. Under and by virtueof an order of resaldmiade by the Superior court of i Franklin county, on August 10, 1911, in that special proceedings entitled R. T. Williams etal vs/fc. E. Gupton et al the undersigned commissioner will, on Monday, the ?d/ayof October, 1911, it being the flrarafondtfy in October, at about the hourdpf noon, at the court house door, inrAoulsburg, offer for sale to the highest Didder, for cash, that certain tract of land described and de- 1 lined as follows! Adjoining the lands i of Lawrence Gupton, Wesley Burnett, William Evana /and others, lying on i Mill stone creak, being part of the David Gupton land known as the school house tract, containing 20 acres more or . less. This Sept. 1st 1911 W. H. Yarborough, Jr. i Wm. H. Ruffin, I Commissioners. If it's a surface to be painted, enameled, stained, varnished or finished in any way, there's an Acme Quality Kin<^ to fit the purpose. :r|'i *7 ' 'A McKi < <> ? Si' * v'' j- - 1 f i i y a TWO^^H BRED JHT \ A qiJtVter pound plug of sore enough good BK JB cncwidg for 10 cents. Got 'em all beat easy. ! No exeessWe sweetening to hide the real tobaccaf-toati. No spice to make your tongue ^^^B sore/ Jt^t good, old time plug tobacco, with 1111 y e unprovements up-to-date. CHEW . IV I' IT/AND PfeOVE IT at our expense, the |t\ I treat's on us-v" Cut out this ad. and mail to tm I' as /with your same and address for attractive | US FREE offer to cnewers only. "Y.fcr- tk" , W t LIIPFERT SCALES CO., I A / WiMtoo-SLlem, N. C. I first in Benefits / Maximum Dividends To Policyholders / Minimum Net Cost The Oldest American Life Insurance Company The Mutual Life Insurance' Company v y- OF NAA/ - YORK 5aid policyholders in\1910 - 56,751,062.28 Apportioned for dividends in 1911 . - .13,539,333.07 Assets^over J - V - - 572,859,063.00 / For full information address I P. TAYLOR meager Louisburg, N- C. % RELIABLE AGENTS WANTED B ^ Q,. Bfc.. aii'oiig reasons w-' for Fall Painting | 1. The wood is thoroughly dry. Summer's suryfias removed till moisture. H 2. Paint /Penetrates deeper into Ml /the deeper it goes the better it holds. f3\ 3. /Fall weather is warm, dry and y Y Little danger of cold, damp, rainy days., I- t-nc uur UUUliy UJ Ifl? J? U171 Is '4. Wet weather decays and# de\ stroys unprotected surfaces. \ Lack of paint means unsightly and less \ valuable property. S. \Fall painting keeps out winter \ moistures \ The greatest enemy to the life and beauty of \ all structures. Asftus about ACME QUALITY HOUSE PAINT. It insures the greatest protection and beauty, at the least cost per year of service. Questions cheerfully answered. 9 I fine Bros. Co.

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