THE BIG - LITTLE" STORE Has just received and opened for inspectioi a full sample line of ladies and little women coat sui s in Serge broad cloth, engli ;h and scotch suitings ch viots and fine velvet suits, long coats in the uuvt iiiainouj^icjro uaiatuid, silk plushes and broad clothes CALL AT ONCE aid mak( your selection, you savay20 t 33 1-2 per cent by placing y >ur order now from the samp e line, a fit guaranteed, anc will make delivery to suit y )ur convenience. I have jus received my fifth order sir :e A?ril of WARWElk BROS. Rust Proof 4orse\S their popularity anil superior qualities are proyen by the immense number r sell. If yop are not wearing a rust sroof / TRY ORE You Will Want / Ro Other /SHOES i The best thing on toot is a comfortable pair of shoes, every available place in the store is filled with the very best shoes possible, just the pair you want for every member of the family and rememberjif you are pinched for shoe money I will satisfy you and make your feet glad ' Suggsetiv Questions j On the Sunday School Lesson by ] Rcy. Dr. UnscoR for the Internatioml Press Bible Question Club CoWTfeftt 1 Ml. ts Sn rSUonKI. l>. D. Sept. 24th, 1911. Daniel in the Lion's Den. Dan. vi. Golden Text?The angel of the Lord eneampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereih thun. Ps. xxxiv:7. (1) Verse 1-.?Who was King Da rioua, whom did he auceeed, what kind of a man was he? (2) Verses 2-3?What had been Daniel's history up to thia tilde? (8) What ia the rela'ive impor tance to auooeas in life, of intellectual ability and an excellent spirit, that ia a kin I heart with polite and winning manner? (4) What are the really essential qualities to success in life? (a) Verse* 4-5?Why did the "presidents and princes" dislike, and seek the injury of Daniel? (* ) What proportion of men are jea' of the success of others? (.")\V hf are so many men jealous, I instead of rejoicing at the success of others? (8) Is it possible for all Chris- . tisns to ao live, as to perfectly please God? (9) Verses 6-9?Are rich or highly educated men, as liable to be 4 jealous, and seek the injury of an- " other, as are the poor and ignorant?] ? (10) There are two classes of |" men, one which seek* to injure, and J the other wliioh seeks to help v their fellow a, where do we mostly c tin'i them, in or out of the church? f (11) "What was the scheme of these men for injuring Daniel? (12) Verses 10-11?Why is it s wise or otherwise in these days, to s open our windows, e? our neighbors may hear our jrayers? (13) Does I he narrative indicate <r is il anywhere itt the bible stated as ] to how many times a day we should engage in formal prayer? ,(14) Versee 12-15?What is the moral difference in the turpitude of killing a man in anger, and killing him by a cold blooded and systematic follow up plan? 1 (15) What reason are there for or J against the breaking of a promise j that never should have been made? (16) Verses 16-17?VVas Darius sincere in saying it, and what reascn had he to think that God would deliver D-niel? (17) V'ers-s 18-23?What did fasting avail the king, and ot what use is it to us? (18) What is the spiritual value | of this miraculous deliverance of Daniel to ub? (19) If this story should prove to be of the nature of a parable, an 1 not actual hmtorv, tvonld itB religious value be any the Use <>r more to us? - ' (This is ono of the questions that may he ausw red is writing bv memDers of the clnb.) (20) Verses 24-28?Was the kiug jnsl as bad in causing the death nt all these eDemies of Daniel, as they j had been? I, (21) What is the character of the f act to try by threat to make people serve our God? t Lesson for Sunday, Oct. 1st., 1911. The Prophet Ezekiel a Watchman. Ezek. iit. ' . { CORE YOUR KIDNEYS Do Not Endanger Life When a , Loulsburg cUizen Shows 4 You thaCure. Why will peop e continue to auf- I fer the agonies of idnev complaint, I backache, urinal J ldisorders, lameness headaches, I iKuor, why allow themselves to 1^ Mae chronic invalids, when a testes rlmedy ts offered Stan's Kidney Pils is the remedy to use^Mttcatws i gives to the kidneys the KJSp^the r n ed to perforin thpir workX If you have aifjy, ven one, of the symptoms of aWsie> Vdtaeases, core yourself now, before i iam(ea, dropsy or Bright's disease lets ha. Head this Looisborg tee tic ony: \ I Mrs. A. B. Allan N. MsuCBt., | Louisbarg, S. C? ays: "I have had no occasion to a e Doao's Kid. ney Pills since theW rid me of kidney trouble in ^February 1908 and I know they my core is a permanent one. If can still reoommeod this reined in the highest terma.,fT' / .for sale by all/dealers. Prioe 60 cetts. Poster ) ilburn Co., New York, sole age ts for tho United States. Remember t e name?Loan's? and take no othi r. DUerhoaa is Mways mors or Ices Mr^ ^orT^^c5amhnr!iin,B"cJf*" "sf" ?'. , A* usually treated, a apraioed ank'e ill disable a man fur three or fdur weeks, but bv applying Chamberlain*! Lininient freely as soon aa the injury a received, and ub<serviu;t tire directions with each bottle, r. curW can be effected in from two to tour cava. For wtle bv all jfcalel. iCiwocife Mantis 1 Rk?uMttni Blood Dtoouot ( The caoM .of rheunpitlam Wi excess < uric acid In the bloo<n To cure rheumatism this acid must/be expelled from the syste*t.\ Rheumallsm is an Internal disease \nd reqf ires an internal remedy. Rubbing w/th oils and liniments may ease the fain, but they will no more cure Yheuiiatlsm thorn paint will chance the nberjof rotten wood. Cures RfcwrtUw To Stay Cased. Science has discovered a perfect and complete cure cat ltd atheumacide. Tested in hundreds ofViaes. It has effected moirvelous cures, leieumaclde removes the cause, sets at \fhe joints from the lnaJde, sweeps the toolsons out pf the system, tones up tha stomach, insulates the bowels sad xidnhys.. Sola by druggists st 80c. and $i;Hn the tablet form at Sc. and Ito., by HUll. Booklet free. Bobbltt Chemical C\VBaltlmore, Md. Gets At Tfcf Joints iHr.irn The lunlde. vFor/ Fruit - Trees!, Ornamental Trees, shrubs, Ptoses/ Bulbs and Bulbous Plants J Grape Vines Small FrtmsJ Etc. You nn't better jjpurself other j ban by inv^tighting the ' .x xi I \ * mca ui Liic i \ i PERRY ftfURSRY I COMPANY | Represented I in Franklin j Cou*ty by W. HyByrum, ' Frankhfctcn, N. C. j n Louisburg every Monday ' ^ook at this line before you < uiyrit-will be saving dollars i n yourjpocket. - ' This is One of Many BEAUTIFUL ji Kabo! Styles I We are show ng The Kabo ^Cbrset it a recognized standard for all that's gbod in the new french ftnodels and wekave thrm in all sizes to^$3.50^ejthf W are Candl/r- Crowell COMPANY ' III _ f i v-<?. fjnanft* - ? - -i . i . ? .1' .* "3?r V f Just Received a I ...TURN V# It Will Be to Your Intere z T f* We have the g< ods and ai hi save you money on. any p L take our word for it, hut U Come c W You wiU be welcome whe L Rem* x Our ilndertak hi is always ujp-to-date L \ojne tt jsW. E. Wjlite F hi Louisburg, - ! a ~vr>CTr* ~vn [ E. S. Ford B. N. iW bt , f? RivmirlJ |, INDEtt Loi^Wi L Louisburg, N. C.j I, Tobacco is HIGH and on alvery sale it X bitch up and come to the fivers ideinde I it really is. We boys afe golpg to se< Jr* brings the top dollar and there are th Lj pose and we know our business and f X Busy to attend to it. In fact we ar I Warehouse for the benefit of tobacco y* regardless of whether it pleases our a side and make yourself at home . A & F* E.S.Ford B. N. W mrnMm > _____ .: Big Lot of Nice 3 ; iture ... i st to See Me Before You Bay I t the right prices^and can / urchase you want. Don't | * * ft . ind See j mer you purcnase or not. *1 _ II ember 11 ing Department $ i and at your service. \ II > See Us. , X I umiture Company 5 I North Carolina. *\ II ) ^ ^ II mxyr^r%t^rrn I iili.rmson / J. R. Collie ^ | ? -3 I -II iNDPNT 3 Warehouses i ?Fg, N. C. ^ ! September 8th, 1911 J I goes HIGHER.^ You will just have to -J ?pendent Warehouse to find out how high 1 i that tobacco put on the Riverside floor I tee of us around eaeh pile for this pur- 1 urthermore it keeps us awful Dog-Gone ' 1 e running the Riverside Independent ft J planters of this section (and ourselves) I I jmoetitors or not. Come to the River- ^ I illiamson J. R. Collie J

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