JH|. HOME CIR Pleasant Eyetiins Rbvbi oatMUo Tired Moll ine Home Girds i ORTJDE THOUGHTS FEOM / y; / A ibippy fireside is better than a big bank account. b ?... g There in more sunshine in life to a the minitte than there is misery to a the mile. But after all, te is Just the c way you look st it. p*. n * t One of the most important thing* f that ? man owes to his family is p cheerfulness. He should osst all \ trouble away j when he comes to his p home. __ * * * - , V . , If you soil' a sap|ing the tt.ee ^ wilj tell thd tnle; sn if'a child ix sub- ? jected to improper influence and ex- r ample" the scars will remain and bis u life be blighted by it. u * y You may preach sermons and ad- g vooate reforms and denounce wick- g edness, and yet yourohtldren will be ] captivated by the glittering saloon p of stn unless yon can make your t| home a brighter place than earth to p any other place on earth to them. a ? * m The virtues grow about the home, p They cluster, bloom and shed their t< perfume around the fire. Love, 0 husband, wife, father, mother, child jj and home?without tboee words the t, world would be a barren wilderness, < and men and women bat brutish beasts, J ' c .... d We love to see people live well, p says a thoughtful writer, and to p dress respectfully, and enjoy them- t selves,but there is a happy meaning p in all these things, and when that is g passed in the direction of extrava- "0 gance, the people distress and en- j, slave themselves and diminish their ability to do good. For the sake of 0 keeping up the styles, people lire f, far above their income, harass them- g selves with debt, wear themselves j ^?/Out, and keep themselves in a con- f< stant nervous strain by giving fash- ? ionable dinners, fashionably enter- p taininjf and making fashionable calls. t] # * ? 81 All social circles welcome oh-erfulness. A sunny face is an open pleasure to hearts and homes. By , it burdens are lightened, care dis- w pelted, sorrow banished, and hope made to reian triumphant where tl fear and doubt and despondency ? held high oarniVah Your own life will be sweetened your own joys ^ neignteneu dy your perennial Heaven | lighted, 8unnv tace. ???.,"/ Let as take time to get acquainted with oar families. The wealth you' , are accumulating may be a doubtful blessing to the son who is a stranger to you. Your beautifully kept house, busy mother, can never be a home to the daughter whom yoa have no time to caress. ? # * This is the ladies' age. There is no mistaking that fact aud m spite of fate she is going to play -no second fiddle in the near future. The ladies, bless 'em, can do anything now days but fi|h, and already they I, are wonderfully proficient in that art even?as far as suckers are oop. oerned. The lady never says oan't exeept when she means won't, and when she says, "I will," i you eon bet your neck she is goinp to if she has to sell the family Bibhrro do it.* * wl/ God plaoed so Me where in the heart ot each of us A finder memory, which enables us tcxjouch with a 3 gentle band orsootlfW word to the -V. heart of the afflicted: . What a eom^fefort to know tTKMol every heart Si .ache, there m somewhere in the 1411!- | j*? 'Verse a heaven inspired soul to comjS:h* fort those dotvnoaat Let ae make P. our words as dew from heaven, touchine with 'gentle hand the jfcl withered jitfers, giving new vigor t0tkeh w* * Oh^ gatWsr all cbarme into your { house! If you can afford it, bring j books and pictures and cheerful en- 1 iertaiamenU to the hooeehoid. Bat ?& '&< ' '' - " " ' ' " m, fi'iiiHiil ii (j * i'njin CLE COLUMN. lB8r?R Column Dediisrs as Theu Join at Evening Tide THE. EDITORIAL PEW bove all, teaoh those children, not ly bait an hour twice a year on the labbath day, bat day after day and veTy day teaoh them that religion ia great gladness, -that it throw* bain* ot gold about the nook, and t takes no sjpring from the foot, no ilithenees from the heart, no sparkle rom the eve, no ring from the laghter, but that "her ways nrt-l rays of pleasantness, and all her >eac*." # ? % . Pt course it hi, the natural desire I evhry mother that her ^ daughter bo did Copyright br Anwrioan Press Asso- '< > I ; elation. UU. < > A dirty looking Mexican bnd brought the roughly scrawled note to tbe I.one Boll ranch. It was at .the edge of the evening, and the extended absence of light hearted Barry Barry bnd been n matter of comment nmong bis comrades. His two weeks' leare of absence had been stretdhed to three, and. although work was dull at this season, his silence caused a vague disquietude among the older men. "v Tho note was addressed to Gabriel, and be unfolded It with the careful deliberation of tine who seldom receives an enlstle. He held the torn sheet- at pqper close lothd lamp and 1 scanned1 the words . wlfj^1 sharp, eyes that .iiqrpodfir In .iunre phr pofnts dt light wheh he had concluded. "It's from Ulm," he said, with a cart nod toward Harry Barry's empty chair. They scented trouble In tbe tone of his voice. Gabriel was not given to emotion, but be had grown attached to Harry Barry and loved him as a son. "What's happened?" demanded Jim Lewis. For answer Gabriel tossed the note across the table, and Jim seized It eagerly and rend aloud: Come to tbe three cottonwoode and bring the boys to celebrate. It's the last chance. H. B. nurueuvu -mougp iney "were, rue face* of tbe four blanched as the meaning of the word* smote them strongly. Tbe three tall cotton wood* that stood near Baton's Gulch marked a spot that was^ t&x&nized throughout the adjacent cattle country as a place where the swift Justice of the plains was meted out to offenders. Without a word the four arose and .reached for their bats. In the same grim alienee they strode out of the bunk houssi forgetful of the Mexican who crouched in the veranda as they passed. They were three miles on their way toward Satan's Gulch when the Crane broke the silence.. "What became of the greaser?" be asked suddenly. "I forgot him." admitted Gabriel. "Did anybody pay him for tbe letter?" "You' paid him yourself. Gabe.- I saw you flip him four bits." remarked Jim Lewie. They all grew silent once more, thinking perhaps of the merry evenings spent under tbe star dusted sky or in the shelter of the bunk house with Harry Barry, the pivotal center about wblch good humor swung. "There's only one thing Harry might do," growled Gabriel from tbe depth of a troubled heart. "And he wouldn't do that unless he was pushed to wrangle. Harry, he wasn't one to force gun play," added Jim Lewis seriously. "If Harry did drop his man It would be In a fair fight, and there wouldn't be no caufle to"? Tbe Crane's pause was significant. They rode on across the shriveled grasses and down dry water courses, heading always for the southeast and yet ever dreading-to glimpse the gaunt Alltllna A# tlvo ontkAnninnila a sky. A young moon slipped down the western spaces, and after awhile there was no light save that of the stars, and In the Soft radiance they moved on their way to take advantage of tbelr last chance to say farewell to Harry Barry. It was Gabriel's eyes that first saw the black cottonwoods, and he halted his horsa with a sudden jerk and stopped the progress ol the other men. "I got something to say," he muttered hoarsely. "We all know that what's going to happen In the morning can't be stopped Just because Harry [ Is our friend. Tbem of us that breaks the law. whether Intentional or otherwise. has to pay the price, and Harry** got to'tnke his medicine. But we'll an stand by him fill"?. They nodded sllentIV but there was npt one of tbem, Gabrlsl Included, who did not register a mental vow to attempt to free Harry Barry before the dawn broke. -Almost within the shadow of the " trees the four halted their horses and peered Into the gloom. Jim Lewis slipped from bis saddle and cautiously reconnoltered. Presently he came back and spoke breathlessly. "He's yonder?alone. White Star tf near nt band." . Lending his own horse and followed by ,tfcb others, Jim Lewis cautiously lejKthe way Into the deeper shadows /Where Harry Barry was sleeping. They were somewhat pusxled at the absence of his captors, but Satan's Gulch presented many rocks and crannies that might be preferred to the star canopied sky as sleeping quarters, and probably the condemned man was bound and helpless - j Presently they discerned the outline of a picketed home and not far away a dark handle on the ground that breathed heavily. "The young devil." groaned OnbTtel to himself?"sleeping like that tonight!" In spite of the Silent vow that had been registered a half honr before Harry Barry's friends moved as by ono scecord to accomplish a set purpose. Vu'sUj enough bne unpicketed the hone White Star and, mounting his own beast, lad the other. Another palled a blanket from his saddle, and . j diqopaopij ojnjn; j;sqj JO) pm i psq ^aoM t.;q*|a sq; luq; oopspnnoj I 3uoi;s oq; joj oabs 'ojoui oouo tnj I ;ooj pio oq; uo ojoac Aoq; pus 'poAOCU oj nx ao|sas; oq; uoq; pas spase; : poddpJI spavq ojiq.* ;us;sai jepq B bbm oaoq; taiq poioqo Aoqi sjoj?h .. IBBJ^Btuq bioob ;oJ I ?l[qjA doo|s pas UMOp A St SJ*i|Oj BOA -diq? -poopx si omsa bji paa -;t n| SAOapisd bad s.ftiSq; *B| ?| bxjb ;sqjs js;;bui on *>nq?Ji a; ounpio; v j,o|b SAoq;? ?a|cn S|q I oqj J0ll? :piB8 o;oa oioq.ee oqx paB;sjopcne U.aoA jjo ojo; josboaS oq; ;uq; ^Bd sq; a; huac ;sqs noA po; i asqM ;aq o;iusdeop A;q?|ai spaaos 'sAoq 'pisd Btqx? :oo|oa jUBSBoid sgq u| jomnq jo oobj; b ;noq;t*e pios oq 'tnoq; pJSAe v# u"MtL -WJ?U UJBH pua) -jnds .. ajjajBSp b aqsni oj jjo jj jo -araos 0JOJ pBOj jCbboj2 aqj jeq n.I.. qajiqBO Pins ,,'atn OJ papnoq sum II i?M aqj s.joqx., .. JBO OJO} naaq b,ji una tug eqx? paoqoa .Caqj .xJl jo jsag,, P? -pilBuiop aq ..JJI jo jaaj aqj s.ojaqAJ,, JI paaj abui JftinoX aqj bb A|gnopnu> pajBjB > aiaqjo aqj poB 'pajaApap puq noaixajv aqj juqj ojon aqj jaio pass ml laijquo ?|juaus ..jam qijii op oj joS aajj pooAjnojjoa u jo quip aqj e.juqaj gtiq,, 'o[jqiiB Jajjti a us oj pjauuum aq ./IBS Xjb(i? -pajBjs AAA irj iUBH . ' a .^aBBO aqj B| |ua oa j.uuai djaqx,. '^(luajs iapq?o paporoiap .xpnq jaaa noiC qani jo qsajjg jsjg aqj poo.viuoiioa b jo qm|i aqj hbj tioA juqj paaaddaq B.jBqii?puo 'auiuj ajj. Jqjj s,j?1X.. UB ajoa im joS box,. qj8uo| jb papaumap aq .xsndanu aqj B^BqAJ.. qaiDO a.unjBg jb apooAiuojjoa aajqj aqj jo ano rnojj 3nj3uuq tqajjao paduosa poq oijaj ubui 8?ajojaq sjnoq jjoqa Aiaj B jnq qjuap paaBj puq oqai aura s ?a Bin paamapnoa c aqp apjn paqooi ail bua'3 paaapijAiaq qj(ai saoBj auoS aqBoAi J|aqj JB pajujs Jxiug .Cjjbh JlIJBiuo atiBJO aqj papps ..'.Cubh 'no.< jnq a'poqou aoj jox? -juausB pappon fuaqjo aqx ' aappiq aiOAi saXa Sn( jBJjaq pas paiqnojj 8jq jqujsuj bb joj pnu 'aaojq sjq ssojob a AOS IS B|q Avaap Mopaj qSnoj aqx ,,'ajom on qjfnni no A jaaq oj jon juaq j.apinoa l aqq pmaag noA joq JpoqA'un ioj jj anop aABq ptnoAA an jo bob s.jaqjom ano aAaqaq J.nop i jnq 'q Mouq [|B a vi an 'aibi aqj n|9n aaaq snq jq3|u s|qj anop aA,3AA jBqAV#, iinmaios [apjqBQ pa -mood '.C-MBTJ finnai-ii jnnf araii mm no paxp saia oq) aj psao eq ujooood jo jqSq aq) a[ 8n( -jsqa as8n* xu\o sjq 'seDBj nai|Bj)Eaja l[eq) 38 panojb paqooi an ,.;j[aBjai oj 31 )daq pj qai* I ipsq Jooa a.oq qau[ jo qnajqa )bjb aqi otojj Xnjuu saiim X) -Jiqi oaqaj n ajjro 03 aqof n una ncvC qtrqii B|q) sj? i(JnjqnUM paoioiiaq aq ?joaoqBZB8 tipx qj[.? ja))Bm aq) i ?i J)aBiq-qaB|q-J)aqon|q aq) aj 3Bq.^? '3ao| .(ijaq)ojq q)i* miq pa ma) | a naXa injq)|Bj jo j(B<] qaBa 3nq 'ajaM Xaq) pjaSSsq pn? 000.33 )q8u Wop QB.u aq) tq Bpuejjj E|q jo aaauj oq) paAia(a aq naqM )sogB|p JO dooqoi 8 q))Av jjn atqujom oq) )J[Uk aq pua 'aauBna)unoo qaBu^tpiq B.Jooug .?1 JBH mooj uA)Bjpq)|.w bbav )aqnB[q aqx 'jauoBgjd aq) jnbqs apjpimas b o)D| pa^aqiui pan pesand .(aq) Xaoqpua) J8q)oan do XiajBa ajOAi .(aq) naq.w . uziq mooj ?)i)nap| Jiaqj (Saaaoo 03 pa3o -UBm eajaanoo 3uanliajjn) j|aq) Stqonp paraaioi bbojoa Sqjjai spnajaj s|q anqai a?3S a)m.U appi o) pa))|ruja)t.(ia aqx aoB[d er centundfer few kegs j of horse shoes lesk tlmn cost. V Cadalac ; 2 passenger Autonobile $100. Now; comes the shoes. jfcOO pair women j shoes N"s. 8 to 4 wftyStown under cost, j 200 pairs No. 7 to fifwonran. shoes under: cost. 100 pairs njhi sh'^e^less than j cost, all who weavNos. 10, lSsiind 12, these numbers ari cheaper. Cb^e in I hovs and buy an Automobile. All>?nd I ofjhhoes and towftla. . J. P./ Winston_ . ! There Will Be No ;/ '. I - / , t 'Moving ~ Pidtinvs / / Th^ Week on account of series of meetings at the Baptist church. Immediately after the close of these services or on MonI V ! day, September 25th I will place upon the canvass some of the best pictures to be had. Bear this in mind and come to see us. * v . ' * /. v . Only machine made with t ither belt < tores contained in no other machine. An to bo pumped in by hand. Cradle sprint clutch, which allows machine to atop with Direct sight opening oil guage. Prices ft before buying, will guarantee satisfactioi THURSTON K. ALLEN. JM 91 Notice!y/ Having qualified as V^"n^raton of t. H. Wbelera, decea^l, lateol Frank in cdunty, this ia toXotify all persona T'lding claims agXnfit his estate to present thlsaame /the undersigned on >r befiose AbgjWt 11th, 1912, or this ratice will he pbpad in bar of their recovery. All ndraonm owing said estate will come foXrard lutd make immediite settlement. Thth August 11th. 19U. / J. C. WHEL183, / . w. B. Whsless, Spring Hope. N. C.. Ad'm'rs. Public Examination Pubiic /&toraination will be held in Louieburg as follrws: For Whi1p\Teactaer s, Saturday, Sept. !23rd. For C61or0d Teachers, Monday, Sept. 25th. Examirations will begid at 10 a. m. / \ M- B. WHITE, County Supt. . " >t^T . ' .* As mkhager oif tM Laurel Mills I wish to say to the public we have tlioroughhsv overhauled and repaired the roller Fiouridg Mill. The rollers have been released and it ia in fine condition for \rood grinding. Bring your whea* aloyj^nnd let ua show you what we can do fokyou. We would be pleased to seXe younday or night. / g. W>SoRD, Prop. / J. H. Hamper, Mgr. For Very Best ^ _ Fancy WtiMnes And Vegetables Come ana see mk or Phone 47 J I now have a full supply of jce.. Place your orders early. J. W. King Look Out . And Watch us Grow NEW GOODS Will be Arriving in a JVwJD^ys. We crjnnrr our id* BWiW mwi ^UVU? CU3 BOUII the freigHt trains arid the green back will [bring them. Nyold gbbda 'to kcieyt from, Everything New From \' the Manufacturers to us at prices never heard of before. We are going to have some exceptional values that will be worth from 26c to #1, that is going to be sold 10c. . We are going to give away a ' real Diamond King sometime this year We will let you know about that later. Watch our ad in each issue of the paper and you may get it. Johnson & Price PROPRIETORS Big 6 and 10 Cents Store Indian Motor Wm/ Cycle The Best Made. vr chtin dKve. Exclusive engine feaitonmtie lubrication instead of hating r ffrk instead of coil. Free engine oujf stoppingienkine and two speed goar om 9200 to ?860\8ee me and machine ST. i|oui?burq\ N. C. ;-j|