s FRANKLIN TIMES Z ? I'T' - M \ F. JOHNSON. Editor and Manager I j.. - J? ^ Friday. Sept. 22 1911 ^?h?Vfi The Mule and the Man. ' lg The mule?he la a gentle beast, . d< And so is man. tu He's satisfled to be the least; ? t gi . And so is man. In Like man he may be taught some tricks; to He does his wdrk from 8 to 8; Bi The mule?when he (eta mad. be kicks; g< And so does man. of 0 T^fciute?he has a load to pall; w 'And so does man. w He's happiest when he's full; cii And so is man. ds Like man, he holds a patient poise, ty And when his work's done will rejoice, cc The mule?he likes' to hear his voice; tit And so has man. at The mole?he has his faults, 'tis true; ** And so has man. He does tome things he should OCA do; . fl< Like man,Mdspm't yearn ft* style. Hut waotwigMWlpsent all the wHlj, The mule?he hits a lovely smile; ~ And so has man. ? The mule it BSiafc times kind and good; Dt And se is man. . . si HO faU all kinds of breakfast food; th And so does man,. si Like man, be baulks st gaudy dress w And at outlandish foolishness; ' tn The mule's accused of a mulinhnesa; R< And an \a man i r%4 TAR DROPS. 10 II lima ?I in -^It'S A ine little girl at the home of IV Mr. i. A. Turner. """ - -u- . 8t ?Festus Fuller has taken a position j] with the Aycocke Drug Co. ci ?You don't have to be a registered voter to Vote in our Great Contest. y ?Zollie Wilkins has taken a position cl in the barber shop ot Oscar Stegall. in C ?This Contest will be short, snappy n' and decisive, don't wait a week before ?t starting, start now.. ra ?Charlie Young of Harris township. "" has taken a position with W. E. White J Furniture Company. ? lien Whitaker. colored, was before 1,1 a magistrate here Monday charged I with passing a bogus check. b< ?P. S. & K. K. Allen are arranging w some very pretty Bhow windows in ptheir store on Main streetl j. ?J. C. Massenburg has taken a posi- al tion with Mr. H. A. liost, buyer for the m British-American Tobacco Co. y fV-Young ladies desiring to enter the ntest can call at ^he Times office for nj information and necessary blanks. " oi tu st .... J. :? j: ni ' lite nitciibiuil vi uui icBuua a virected to the change of advertisement i? of Aycocke Drug Co., in this issue.' i? ?We extend our thanks to Miss A. U1 H. Swanson for the nice box of grapes sent us this week, and to J". F. Joyner >_for the nice lot of rostin ears. ^ g ?No boy or girl need be' ashamed of living on the farm, lor , if they have taken advantage of what tt has offered . they are well fortified for after life j ?The following item was received)too late for the Franklinton Depart- ( ment: Its a fine little bov and C. R. Strother is kicking the cats out of dads ^ way. ?Attention is called to that elegant parlor suit pictured in out announcement. A slight error was made in that w the value printed $65 should be fixed at t! $100. ?The cutting off of the electric lights on Sunday night at 12 o'clock was due 1 to the supply of shavings, which is be- B! ing used aB fuel for the plant, giving g out. ?More than one city in this fair land of our has been transformed in appearance only because of the good taste, industry and enthusiasm of just one man whose example at last became contagious. C( ?News was Teceived here ve8terday that Judge Justice had extended the time In the negro rapist case and he '8 will be electrocuted on November 40th n instead o^ October 20th. ?Pay the printer and thfe preacher. ^ Tou're sure to get your money back. The printer tells you the news abont n this world and the preacher tells yon ? about the one to oome. fi ?Tobacco Was sold here on Saturday h for *86 per one hundred pounds. This u price seems high when it is considered 0 that it was second .primings and that .. the piles were more than one hundred pounds each. ' d ^ ?The large crowd here on Monday 11 ^was possibly the quietest,to be so large g we have evefsoen. Practically the only y thing creating mneh exottment was the Q arrest of a negro pfafc pocket. Ha. is now serving a sentence of thirty days * on the roads. " -It is said that daecing makes girls feet large. -It Is also l&ii that lee ?i cream makes -freckles.. Doctor's are of ithe opinion that hanging en the front gate jirodacee rheumatism. A few " more opinions'like these >and the girls ? won't have any fipn left them. I (< ?There thould be no hettoh'"br oar b little city. There thould he e mutant * ' touts it lp the.prosperity of our people 'hen we eee indifference to the weiring of its eitixanr, we eee a town all lee men than. Success and failure ? each a part of life and often thoee 10 have made the hardest light are 1 mquiahedln the race. ?The happiett man in the land today * the ancceaafal far frier. Ha lite on ir hit own Tine and flg tree, uodiiirbed by the maddening noiae of the . eat oitr. Banka fall, rniltoada go ' to the handa ef receiver!, booming, wn collapse, all boa in est stagnates. * it the wise fartnet can snap hie fin- ' ir at the things. He is the monarch P all he surveys on his broad acres. B ?A local Journal cannot compete ? 1th the steam presses and immense rculatlops of city dailies. Oar jobbing ipsrtment is provided with aline of pa and ornaments suitable for all mimercial printing, and' we always " rep "on hand-the best hrands of paper. ' oek, etc. All orders will be filled ex- ? diUously and satisfactorily, and at ? ty prices. We invite a call, and promt to make any favors shown as bene- T ialtoour^g^ ; Am#**** Not to Many years has there been so neb Mtton open st one time as may t Men around here now, The fartaa arc patting forth Mtbry effort to get ^ re crop picked and ginned. 'The gins' t e running eveb-time and the season ill probably be overmuch sodnW than iusL The large cotton growers art ? ring to bold their product in the hope . ' obtaining a fair price. Beginning with October let, Bonn h ._ > have in R. F. D. line, the mail com-' g via Zebnlon. The carrier for the le has not yet been named Hitherto ie mail has reached here through the ar route coming from Youngsville. n iib change gives the place a more effl- v ent mail service K The Hethodist of this section are ac- r vely at work in the interest of the m rutcb which they are planning to build . the near future. On Wednesday cht thev cave aniee rrflnm onH tusfor ipper and a considerable sum .'was y lised. Many contributions are being n ade and it seems certain that a tl lurch will soon be erected. The school enrollment continues to icrease some in spite of the fact that lero is such a demand for .help in the slds. The growth of the school has n sen such as to ipake necessary the Idition of another teacher to the resent force. The new teacher will vide her time between intermediate id high school grades. This step v eans a great deal for the success of c le school. The Betterment Association is planing to celebrate the anniversary of its ganization on October 28th. A speal program is being prepared iticludig speeches, reading of papers and lusic. It is proposed to make this an ousual affair and to call it "Betterlent Day." It will be of interest to the neighoring school districts to know that unn has been made a depository for le new school books. All the books eeded may be had from this place The tents for distribution of the books are . H. Weathers & Co. * Popes, Items ?. L. Moors and wife spent Sunay afternoon with R. L. Conyers id family. Misses Corinna and Zelma Holmes | ent to Louisburg Monday to see le circus. , i.i. Couyers entertained several of is old friends Sunday morning with rapes and ice cream. We will he lad to call again. We were glad to see W. A. Si itch11 at Sunday school last Sunday. Jo are always glad to see'our many lends out. Robbih Woodlief. ot Wake Forest. I tiled 10 see G. H. Pergerson. Mrs. T. J. Hight, of Fraoklintony visiting VV. A. Fuller's familw ear Popes. 7 If you want to see beautiful o/t>n fields come to Popes. We Irave ever seen so much cotton id this elds before. The Farmers jhave lied all tbeir out houses an(f some as it in~ their bed rooms/ Our nion gin has heen delayed as we ould not get a machinist to install lie gin. It will be ready in a few ays. While we may fall short of le .twenty-five hundred bales a real many will fall short from Isst ear. Pope's looal union has now n roll 100 members. Let the union row and so will agriculture grow; nd it will not be bnt a few years efore we will hare one ol the beat iming states in the union. Farm labor fc in great demand ow. 89ms have been pajmg one oiler par day for hands to pall >dder. It seem* that crops mast e good when we make mote than re can gather. G. H. P. ' -\ - JI Card of Thanka. 4 -I wish to extend my ?inoere thanka to 4 11 those who so kindly rendered asr 4 (stance to myself and family during . jy recent illness. I assure you it will Iways be remembered moet kindlyW. E. iuRPHV. < _ < Vill Be Here Wednesday. 4 Dr. 8. Rapport, of Durham, will be < t Louisburg at the Louis burg Hotel . Wednesday, September 27th, for the urpoee of exaunining eyes and fitting 4 lasses. I shall be glad to have yon ^ til. Consultation free. ' < aaonle. f There will be a special commnueaea of Sandy Creek Lodge No. 185 A. ? '. A A. H. on Tueadsy night, Septem- c tr 26th, at TOO p. m., tor the purpoea ? C exemplifying degrees. a Every member is urged to be present; J| tailing brethren eotdislly Invited. C. E. Gvtton, W. *. fr $fgj2Fe-*\ 3F a There will be a joint meeting of the 4 card of health of Franklin couaty with 4 M board bf County Commissioners on J be 1st Monday to October and arrange a be salary <* pay of the Superintendent ] f Health end Quarantine officers of 4 M "County of Franklin.. Hour of meet- 4 VC, 10:80 a. m. 4 By order of chairman 4 Be* t. Holder, Secr'y. 4 At the Louisourg Hotel. 4 See Dr. Rapport attthe Hotel Wedesday, September ?!7fch4 Tour eyes rill be examined byfan expert free. If . lasses are needed, me will rbrnish the 4 ight kind. Chargm are moderate. 4 ~ ?f i Between Fen*lvZlTOge-?nd Maple- A iile one autoraobife tire and one auto- } lobile lamp. /Finder will return to 4 his office and receive suitable reward. A Fer sile. . 4 A nice gentle liorsjhlx buggy and har- ^ ess. for sale cheap) 3 A. TURNER. 4 For Sjfle. 4 Ore fine Jbraey /Bull *7 years old, ^ might, 900 pound*. Will sell for $40 4 ash to quick'buyea W. King. < AT THE |< Racket i Store ! Mrs. Hall has/ust returned from the Noufhern Market J with a full stock of up-to- 4 date / 4 \DRESS I MODS : iOur pvceg will appeal to 4 / careful ytnyers. We have ^ / the bes\ novelties at the a Lowest i Possible Prices i < and oar stock tor fall - and < winter is complete and we 4 are showing the most stylish t silks and dress goods of all kinds, with trimmings to ^match each pattern. We * a%H apeoial attention to our i ' Tflpe of ladies < Coat Suits ] and wraps of all kinds whilst < will be interesting to every < lady. Tou are oordially in- . vited to call.. Very Truly . .* i Mrs. A. M. Hall ; "" ? : ALLTHESEMENj : jLWOKKED-FOi : ^ATmoFYQI] frWHENIT/K [ '* NATION? f 4 4 41 * ? aw^ai f Ffilsf NA+fC Capital $25,000 Surplus $1 , . Offic >' President, Wm H. RUFFIN * Direc * ? . B. McKtane Wm. H. Ruffin F. H. Allen - K. P. Hill \XNVS TVMO I GU ! Sets the Standard ' "CWt" an go ; ,\ GAIN k these are the hallmarks of the h > name Guth is more than a guaram > a true candy romsmceX of the pei > It tells of olive /nuedA old world j trees of their wealth of puts and t > ueias 01 tne southland; lot the dii > of Brazil, of ksng and sltormy sea y it tells of hiunan skill I and ing y combine alV this wealtli of fore; > tion which/candy lovers, epicur y supreme. Af you have no : tasted y you are unacquainted wi :h the w > quality. AVe have jusi added y complete I stock and invi te everj y ' at oUr store. : Beasley-Alstc : ========= v' : EARLY H > i SPECI/ \ / ? \/ $? / Y fV * Of the new crop I have fresh arrivaVof con oorr ny, grits and cream of wheat, tnacvoni and\arbi seeded raisins, cakes, crackers an^ oonfectionArie diicts^ealt mackerel and herrinn, clover, rye aV ^ y oils, varoiah and hardware in ceneraL Name me . of supplying them. / * >V.- / r / . ' / * 1 111 i ' . I * |||L| p.,,^ I |3 /A ft/ J~" / In order to famish prop B. 1 V !_/ er bankin projection. Free- Y " ^V. / ident Lincoln end bis first A 5 congress established the "m ? y I |T | National Bank which optr.XL. X. jLy^N!?V a tee under government sup- ^ / \ ervision. X I??MmYKTFrom time to time to |\ I /fyj |\ | ; 1 time additional laws have Jr been passed under the dif- ^ \ T _ A ^erent presidents shown ^ f" I 1^ #\ "tpve strengthening the ^SJL X ' Jt~\ projection a National Bank ^Sl m w w y affords LI A\|\] Li ln Meeting a bank in I j/Vy^j % which to deposit your savL/i|JV 1 JL *, ings or surplus foods the ejr . one thing to be considered {>t is safety, and we ask far H A Tonr business only on the ^ L.' - .. - basis of absolute safety. ' jj{ V iBTfSyT Call at our bank and let Us t> expiate to you bow lafe P P y()nr mou%j u htn _ fo.fN ^ ,n ,&!&=. >NXt "1^ 2.000 Deposit $110,000.00 $ ers , X '? Cashier, F. B. McKINNE. X tors 'X T. T. Terrell W. H. Allen T. D. Tyaek D. F. McKlnne ?-j? o*.' .'f ^ , . -r, . t ' 1 I ! - - ?J TH I 'Sterling" on silver, X Id, "Guth" on t IDY | ighes standard quality. Yet the X tee of quality. It tells in a word ^ feet blending of sweet with sweet. X L maidens robbing heavy laden ^ empting fruits, ofthe sunny cane ^ n leafy] [vistas of the nut groves ^ voyages, and then, greatest of all X enuity, of deft fingers which X st and field into delicious confec- X es everywhere have acclaimed X Guth Chocolates and Bon Bons, X rnrlH'c hiorVioci cfan^or/1 /vf V?.*U w ovuuuaiU U1 ^ailUJ' A the above line to our already X rbody in Franklin county to call X >n Drug Co. | IARVEST I (LTIES I i, tomatoes and snaps, a iredded wheat, horaiell cbe see, new buckwheat and maple syrup, s, Heinzes pickling vinegar and other pro- V i tnrnip seeds. All thread cotton rope, paint* ^our wants and I will appreciate the privilege _ A JlAl^C X i LI\o. X i IIMMIIMtt tlllltl