' V' jp ' THE BIG] LITTLE 'STORE *w 1 I am now ahowinu t'-e most complete line of ladies ami misses suitB separate Icing coats and furs ever assemble-] in one store in tliia sec tion. The styles are the newest, my experience in Iniving ami my small expense_iu. selling makes it possible tor every lady to purchase a handsome coat $uit, fine piece or set of furs or a long ooat'at a price so small that you not only can afford it but it will be a surprise to you, to see how I am able to do it. My stock is so varied I hav't space for prices, see what others have to show you +l?*n rntno fn mo T wrill *?a+ VUVU VV1UV VV XUVa M. TT UA UVt only sell you but you will be convinced that I have slaved you at least 25 per cent on your purchase. Special arrangement ma le for extra sise suits, no ladv too stout /for me to fit perfectly. Give me I a trial. Shoes Shotes . New shoos are coining in jbvery day my shelves are being emptied every day. It is an admitted fact I sell more shoes than any hoese in town, there is a reason, for it, if y shoes are what I tell you they are! I have just the shoe you want foi every member of the family, Yny drices are less I have the shoes td prpvo it. I am selling ladies (3.50 tehies made by .Zeigler^Bros. and Hrjppen'lnrf and Ditiman for #3 the Ote styles are i cot extremely high, 1 lave thein lace or button in, all lasts. j\ . If You Wear Cbrkets You Want Warners (Wsets They are non-breakable and rust proof, I have them., in all styles, in all prices. If ft is to wear I have it. While my prioes are less the standard of qnali^^ty of rav "took is always the highest. R. Z. 'JSZL ' Integrity V\ ' ' - * ^he keynote of our success has been integrity. Unimpaired,'junadulterr"3' 'taBnaiated andfpurity tested Drugs / , Combined with moral responsibility as regards our duty to you, to your physician, and to ourselves. TheselGuide Posts -I Along the Pith of Integrity Have Brought us the! Apj preciation / of Scientific Physicians and Those Bteople Who Desire to Have/Their , Prescriptions Filled in a Careiul, Pi instamng W ay. Our/ f.harorfis irp nn more than you would expect to pay f r such quality service AYCOCK Drat Company Prescription Druggists Bicycle Service Telephone No. 29 . . ' Louisburg, NX. 1 -A ' ?t<% . WHY ALL SHOULD AID GOOD ROADS Means Profit For Everybody, Farmer or Banker. ALL TRADES ARE BENEFITED. ..j. Merchants Will Enjoy Wider Trade Relations. Publishers Larger Circulation, Hotel Proprietors More Tour* iets and Bankers More Deposits, Owing to Inorcace In Profits. The work of improving public roads is not up to u 'certain class of people. It Is up to everybody, whether W bq a farmer or banker. All should be Interested. as good rouds mean profit, says the Ohio'Good Heads federation. For Instance. . If you are a farmWf your farm will increase in value, you can raise more profitable crops, your cost of. hauling will be lower, you can market your products when prices are best, your children can get to school, your family can attend church, your physician will be in closer touch with you. your boys and girls will stay on the farm, and you will have better .mail service, more social life and happier conditions all around. If you are a merchant good roads will enlarge your trudlng radius and make it possible for purchasers to reach you every day in the year and thereby Increase your soles. ... If you represent a chamber of commerce or u board of trade, because the public roads are commercial-feeders to the cities and every improvement of these roads means a greater prosperity to the cities through increased agricultural production and greater stimulus to all Industries. If you arc n highway official, because you are striving for better meth Hp1 M SKfp ' Jfl ^2fefeto> I ' BOAD THAT CAN BR ENJOYBP BT T0UBI8TS * ods of road construction and inalnte-, nance and more efficient road admin- i istration. If yon are a railroad man, because improved roads mean greater production, consequently more traffic, prevent freight congestion, bring more industries, moTe roads, more tourists. If you are an automobile user, because you can get the benefit of your machine every day in the year, your repair bills will be lower, longer and better tours will be possible at all seasons of the year. If you are a dealer in farm products 3and~ implements, because you can receive the products and deliver the implements at all times. If you are an automobile manufacturer, because every mile of improved .roads means a greater demand for both pleasure and commercial cars, increases wealth and consequently the power to purchase. If you are a publisher or editor, beCAURA Imnrnvwl rnnrta mnVo vISai> Mr. culation possible, increase advertising WLOiD THAT UUSI PROSPER ITT POS TBI Miuas by stimulating commercial enterprises, and because road improvement is the most Important economic question of the age. If yon are a manufacturer of road machinery or road materials, because road improvement means more business. ' If you are tbe proprietor of a hotel, because improved roads mean more tourists and more commercial travel. New England, with its system of good road, gets *00.000,000 a year from tourists nlo.ie. If yon are a banker, because good roads win increase agriculture, commerce and manufacture, depositors, deposits and dividends. C If yon are a progressive cltlsen. because you cannot progress so long as, your state and nation remain in tha mud. It is estimated that M,7*0,000 la spent annually upon public roads In Missouri, having an aggragata length at 120,000 miles. . . -r. V-l ! ' 4 ' 1 ' ' ' ~ > !*Are Yi |Ci I The V DIRE DISTRESS. It Is Near at Hand to Hundreds of Louiaburg Readers Don't neglect an aching'back. Baohache is the kidney's fry for help. 1' Neglect hurrying to tbew aid Means that urinary trophies fol low quicklv. / Dire distress, diabetJe, Bright's disease. / Profit by A anfferer'/ experience. D. S. Fulfer, Broa staid: '^willingly verify my tornur statement given in praise of Doan's Kidney Pills, ' I still believe that this remedy is an effective one in curing kidney trouble." For sale by afl dealers. Price 60' cents. Foster-Milburn Co., New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name?Doan's? and take no other. ONE MILLION DOLLARS FOR A GOOD STOMACH. This Offer Should Be a Warning to Every Man and Woman. The newspapers and medical Journals recently have had much to sify relatdve to a famous millionaire's otter of a million dollars for n new stomach. ">Tbis great multi-millionaire was too busy to worry about the condition of his 'stomach. He allowed his dyspep sla to rhn from* bad to worse until In the end It became incsintble. / His misfortune "aerues as a wfirnfnc to others. J * Every one whtvsMersjrflth dyspepsia for a few years jplfl glvo everything he owns for tJyfv? stomach. Dyspepsia Is combrmly caused by nn abnormal state oW the gastric Juices, or by lack of tora In the walls of the stomach. The rmlt is that the stomach loses Its power to digest food. We afe now able tQ supply certain missing elements?to help to restore to the gastric Juices their digestive power, and to aid In making the stomach strong and well. We know that Roxnll Dyspopslr. Tablets are a most dependable remedy for disordered stomachs, Indlges tfon, and dyspepsia. ^ Wo wnrtt you to try them and will return your money If you are not more than satisfied with the result. I Tfcree sires, 25 cents,AO cents and fl.OOr Remember, you* can obtain Bexall Remedies la this community only at our store?The Rexall Store. Scoggin Drag Co. * Executrix'* Notice. . Having qualified as the executrix of the will of Henry. Long,/deceasod. late 01 Franklin county. Neath Carolina, this la to notify all persosfc having claims against the estate ofyfeaid deceased toy present tbem to thyundersigned on or before the 22nd, da/ of Septembe r, 1912, orr this noticeVwUTbe plead in t?' of their recovery.! All persons indebted to said estate will Mease make immediate .This 22nd. dhAof September, 1911. JJBi ousxn Long. \ offHenry Long, tjfcn.Auffin, wtty. . IIIIHIIIIHII m a Wo /oma^s She Didn't. Recognize. . "The spirit of your departed husband wishes to speak with you! ' announced the medium. "I don't believe it! ' ciied the skeptical widow. "Atheist! His spirit is here?will you grieve it with your unbelief?" "I'd hate to go as far as that. But I'll tell you this?if he's got any spirit now, .it's a heap more than ever he had before he died, an so I wouldn't recognize it anyhow. Pass on to the next lady." fl?JUSr fxneumqy Rheumatism and Blood' Diseases The cause of | rheumathlm Is excess I uric acid in th? blood.A?o cure rheu- | matism this aclff mustJfe expelled from the system. RHeunuJfsm Is an Internal disease ani requires an Internal remedy. RubbNkjr /ith oils and liniments may easa ths pain, but they will no more cure fhdumatism than paint will change thelflper of rotten wood. Cares Rheumatism To Stay Cared. Science has discovered a perfect and complete euro culled Rheumacide. Tested in- bundredsfot cases, it has effected marvel dbs cur A. Rheumacide removes the cause, getd at the joints from the inside, 'sweeps the poisons out of the system,- tones up the stomach, regulates 1 the bowels and kidneys. Sold by druggists at 60c. and H: in the tablet form at 25c. and 50c., by mall. Booklet free. Bobbitt Chemical Co.. Baltimore. Md. Gets At The Joints From The Inside. Rjieumqcide, IT CURES : i Commissioner's Sale of Land Under and by virtue of a decree of the .Superior Court of Franklin county, made in the special proceeding entitled R. A. Bowden. and othejre, ex parte, the undersignea Coirtpiisyoner will on Monday thefithdav oKbhwember, 1911, it being the lirst Monri w in said month, at the hour of nnnn frxr- coin the court house dooi /n \.(iuisbu r>r. N. C., at public auction to\ the highest bidder fpr cash, a tjertnin tract or parcel of land lying and boing\ situate in Cypress Creek township, Franklin county, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of W. B. Howdon, J. M. Boone, the old Calvin Walker place and others, containing 40 acres* more or less, and being_ the tract of land known as the old willoughby Bowden home place, upon .which the said" Willoughby Bowden resided at the time of his death. This the 27th day of September, 1911. w. h. yarbobouoh, jr., Coinmtaaioner. For Very Best Fancy Groigjes And Vegetables j Come j&nd set me or Phon/^47. I now have a fjul supply of\ / ..ICEA Place your orders early. J. W. King V man/I HI 'Z' rfi s Ionic | a Popes Iteras. Henry May and wife, of Frankhnton, Called to see R. L. Conyers Sunday afternoon. It looks like a water famin up here as nearly all the well are running very low fend many of our people are haul ".? ??l. S. B. Conyers, of Columbus, Ga., is visiting his mother and father. Roy Perry and wife and Miss Irene Purgerson spent Sunday with friends * in Wake connty. < Right much cotton in the fields yet. Hands are scarce. Miss Zelma Holmes called to Mrs. T. B Thompson Sunday afternoon. Pope's Union will have a dinner at Franklinton Saturday October 14th. Mt. Carmel and Mt. Olivet Will take part in the dinner. W. A. Fuller and daughter went over to Wesleys to hear Rev. Mr. Rose. ' Why do \ou let your seat he vacant so long at Sunday School? It is getting dusty. We miss you and your good lessons. Come out and lie with us. a G. P. P. "" t . i Lame back ia one of tl.o most common forms of muscular rheumatism. A few applications of Chamberlain's Liniment will give relie'. For sale by all dealers. . / "IN BITTER A60NY HE PRAYED TO DIE" Here is the record of one of the most wonderful cures of Eczema that has ever come to our notice. We commend It to all who are suffering from this distressing- disease, or have little children afflicted with it. Mrs. llose Stouffs, of Greensboro, N. C.f writes: 44About\four years ago my little boy broke out with Eczema, and suffered terribly for two 'long yarn. He was sore from head to foot, the only parts of his body free from I the trouble being the palms of his hands and bottoms of his feet. He could~aot walk, but crept on his hands and feet.J He va^ In such agony 1 he would pray flo die. He had been/ doctored by the nest doctors, and Lr never expected anything to cure him. Ime only way he conld gft out was for mar to put a pillow slip oveil his head, wit* holes for his eye3, nose afod month. Hkr clothes had to be changed wo and thre^ tlmea a day. The Itching wi s almost tufend arable; and at night he w uld Itch ofid scratch, nntll I didn't know what t