w mm r FRANKLINTOt Our Regular Items of Interest and Near Our Sis' ;v iV' CLOSES ON > ? A kick against fata w often liu > a.i apology for laziness. ?If a Ionian oan't tliink o* an' -?'. other excuse she can have a "head ache." ?Subscribe t > the KRaxku: Timks if yon wish to keep posted a ,. to what is happening 111 your county ?Col. W. L. flctiliee left for tin northern market last TueS'lay to pur chase the fall slock for his fmti street store. ? ?If every uisu hivetl his ti-igiihoi as he loves himself his Sitouie' magesty woiihl sooti have to hull r another job. - ?There is no ipiesti >n hut thai light can b? purchased from thi power company cheaper than it cat , be generated. ?Every time a new barber come to town, all the "bald-headed" met drop in to aee if he can't sugges something that will make hair grow ? ?The man who?hag not enougl property to interest the tax aesesso: is always talking about the good hi would do if he was a "millionaire.' ?a. II. Vann went ud to Ral eigh on "Shoo Fly" Tuesday anc came back early in the afternoot with a new automobile?"Chalmer 36." , ?The farmers, or most ot them are not near over with their oottoi for the tirst time yet. Ami the; are not in any great hurry to get it out and sell it for 10 cents. ?Surely the property owners o1 Franklinton, whoso property is ai the mercy of the flames, will not let the small sum of a few thoupanc dollars keep them from putting in r water aystem. ' ?The town is mightily in its owe light if it does not make some ar rangementa to have the streets lighted by electricity. Oil is a costly proposition, especially when it i? considered thai vou don't get the light you pay for. ?The boys are getting their mon ey ready for the show ThursdayMany predict there will he 5001, people here on that day. A gentle, man who made a visit through Granville.county last week, said thai every man, woman and child were coming." ?Even if the Farmers Union gin was behind the others in getting ready, they started up last Friday and are now doing good work ami running on full rime. That is t naming crowd down there, espec ially when they have each worken as A. B. Wester, A. J. Morton and Dave Fowler. -?rlt looks today (Tuesday) lik< we will hdve a fall down pour o water on tlie day of the show,still w< need the Artesian well. Don't for get we haTe not forgotten how t< speil' * aier" yet, bat there see mi to be two factions in our town anc until we can get them both to see i like, and pull together, there will b< nothing doing. Why not decide ti 'have water and lights if we can'! iget one witbont the other. ?Our attention waa called to i very extraordinary case laat Satnr day. Henderson Kearney, who be longed to "old man Joe Kearney' in slave time, is 80 years old, wai born on the plantation where he no* lives and where he has always live< daring these long 80 years. Hi has been married twice, has 1' children in all, ten living. No many eases like this yon find noi where an old slave has never lei . hie "old home." Attorney General Biokett was o 1'' i} TL L Cheatham, of Norfolk, eper Monday with his brother, E. J Mrs. L. D. Staiabaek, of Heodet S NEWS ITEMS Correspondent Gathered From in ter Town Eoch Week' WEDNESDAY BMi?n 11ii ii ?? ??????i t Moss this weak. M?s? Kmuia N. Ldiiviater, of Ha' I V j eigh,spent several day* in <?ur visiting,relatives Inst week. Mrs. W. H. Mitchel'. who li.a c been visiting near town * v.-i d ?li\a s ; returned home Tuesday, :u*co:ut a. oidil l?v her son, Robert Williams p N'rs. .Ballu' Whittiold, who lias been a-i si hug in, r??wn this week, t guest of W. A. Whitfield, returned % , m to her home, in K?mkv Ms*unt TuesrM?> . ? . ! James C. Wormouth Dead. vr .1 nines t'. VVorinonth died al | his : tl'-.tf on VVrst (ire* n street last 11 We? nt-N >-iv uio? di i?r at 7 o'o ock, a | M r. ?? onuouttr-h?d he* (i in dediiu I ? ing health t<jr a Ionic time, but did i not anke his l>ed till about two months ago, then lie began to grow 11 worse every day til. the tu l. t Mr. Wormouth would have been . J 60 years old in November. He , leio ea a wilow?aud several kiusr people. He was Kiel cousin to John, 9 ltufe and Alfred Saddling, also ? cousin to Mrs J. P. U ils.n and J. C. Sandling, all of Fritiklii_ county. j He was a member of Franklintott jllodueof I O. O. F., by whom he I g was buried at the San-iiing family hurting place, livo miles from town, Thursday at 1) o'clock. The family ' have the ay input1 y of the entire 1 town and community in their sad 1 bereavement. * t Rally Day at M. E Sunday f School. t Sunday morning, October 15th, t will be "Rally Day" at the Meth| odist Sunday school and the officers I and teachera are very anxious to I have every one that has been Cons II nected ivith the school in any way, {in the past <>r at the present tune, | . i.resent. A cordial invitation is . extended to every one whether a' I member of the school or nor, and it1 | is hoped to have the largest attend.- j anoe in the school's history. There j ; wt 1 not be any preaching service . | but there will be a special pro- | | gramme hv the children. Let every j . meiuber come and bring a new j , meniher The collection will go! ) toward helping build "The Model i Sunday School Building" to h. erect- j ed at Waynen ilie, X. C., ind used j as the Assembly Grounds of the I 1 j Southern M. li. Sunday school j f | workers. I The Richmond Boosters Here. l Monday was "Richmond Boast-' . ere" day and as Franklinlon was I I honored with one of the two stops | | between Richmond and Raleigh the business houses of the town closeu ' , their doors and almost the en-' f tire town met them at tlie station j } to bid them welcome to our city. They were extended a cordial wel- j , come by our Mayor and then prej sented whh ibe key to the town by I one of our most enthusiastic mer, chants Cspt. Dr~T. Ward. The . stop only covered a period of ten , minutes and daring ibis time the t "Boosters" got busy giving sway souvenirs and advertising Richmond. They were a jolly bunch and seemed to enjoy their stop bera very much. They were acoom, paoied by a brass band the music of which was enjoyed very much by us 41 so the songs rendered by them, j It was planned to take the entire party on a shot t ride over the "good t roads" of the township in autotpo biles but this was dispensed with t . * owing to the short atop here." Boost, era, you were .welcome and will always be, here, for while yon are "Boosting" we will "Boost" some too. / q Card of Thanks. I wish to extend my tracers thanks and appreciation to the people of '? Franklinlon and to all who au kindly rendered ee assistance during the recent sickness and death of my b husband. ? Mas. J. C. Woxmouth. i <J. ... - HOW TO MAKE COUNTRY EARTH ROADS BETTER. | Work First and Talk Afterward. Make a Drag and Use It. [ First.?Go to work yourael/?talk ; afterward. Get n lop eight (eel long j nud eight Inches thick. It hi half, back it togetherby' diagonal stake* thirty Inches ^ apart. with* the split ; sides fuel up the front- * Fast-eu a chain to each etui of the front book a tourn to the ^dddle oi the t hiiiti. pet m*r v | ^ v ' UPPaR?SAWING TXKJ TO MARK ROAt) DRAG. | ' IJOWKB?USING KOAL> DRAG I the drug oat oa the country road after a rain and start In to haul the drag over the road' ut an angle of forty:flve degrees, moving the dirt from the side gutters to the center of the road. If you do this work yourself you will learn more about how to make country eartti roads better In two hours than anybody could tell you In print in fourteen weeks. The second thing Is: Study the needs of the little stretch of road upon which you actually do your work. Muke that stretch of road a model of a good roadway In every particular. See to It that every Individual who drives over your road becomes a talking advertisement for highwuy improvement. If you must bl&st out rock to afford good drainage for the side gutters along your road why blast them out. Don't wait to talk about It. Earth and water-spell mud. and a muddy road is not a good road, and j you cannot get rid of water until the ; water has the right slope of a drain- j age channel to carry It off. Third.?If-yon will let no obstacle! discourage you and if you will keep j sublimely on. plugging ahead as the i old tortoise did In its race with the hare, which slept by the wayside think- J lng because of Its fleet ness it could overcome the slow going tortoise; if you make the improvement of country ; earth roads a study of fleasore and a sort of philanthropic religion, your! achievements for highway lietterment! will be swift and sure throughout. whichever country district you may work. ? i OILING ROADS KILLS FLIES. Massachusetts Man Says Tarvia Do- | stroys the Egg? and Larvae. A Lenox (Mass.) entomologist asserts that the absence of flies along oiled highways is doe to the destruction of the eggs and larvae by the application of tarvia aDd the by products of oils which are being used to prevent dust. I After conducting a series of expert mcnts the Lenox mau has found that there is almost a total absence of the stable or biting fly. The' Lenox experimenter says that tarvia has practically killed the breeding places of the stable fly and that there are fewer bouseflles. Since It has been established That typhoid germs are carried by flies, also Asiatic cholera, and that there is strong evidence that the fly Is also the carrier of tuberculosis and other diseases, the discovery tbat oiling highways lessens the common fly and almost entirely exterminates the stable fly appears to be of the hlghoaf Isv portsDce. PLAN LONG HIGHWAY. Improved Road to Be Built Fise Mexico to Alaska. : That a wall Improved road frosn tho I Mexican boundary to the' Alaskan north la now certainty was the ox- 1 presslon before the annual masting of the Pacific Highway association in Portland. Ore. Delegates fpatt California. Oregon. Washington and British Columbia told of the work that is being accomplished and said that sentiment la now strong for the highway project. The report of A. E. Todd of Victoria. B. C.. was especially encouraging. he reporting that the road from Victoria to Hamlton. eighty miles from the Alaskan boundary, would bo epoa next year. New Rood to Coot ?19?,7B0. I The Monty commissioners of WDkoabarre. Pa., have mads application to tho coort for permission to bond a macadam Mad between Wflkesbarre aad Hasleten by way of White Haven. The toad win ho twenty aad ?MB f* When You A t PURCh I ' X^X - ~ \ '> M m * . \ *' .-*' V, L It will' be to your intereatto examine the Ours is of the highest graJe made for the dertaking is always in gold shape and at (J W. E. White Fi f* Louisburg, - 15 WjI #% #% ft J S- Ford B. N. Wi P Riverside p \lNDEPE C \ Louisbur L - Louisburg, fflT. C. Tobacco is HIGH and on qvery sale it gi X hitch up and comejto the RiVers ideindep 1 it really is. We boys are OTing to see 1 V* brings the top dollar and thrte are thre \j pose and we knopv our business and fui X Busy to attend to it. In fact We are l. Warehouse for the benefit of ttoacco p j regardless of wpether it pleases Wr cor ^ side and make trourself at home. \ E. S. ijLrd B. K. wis rk Considering ^ IASING j I NO ^ J I I I m I I ' I M instruments sold by us before doing so. I monev. Our line of furniture and un your servicA (Jail and see us. gJg irniture\ Company j I forth Carolina. f I \ * M. ' mmm_^??????^ ^mm Uiamson J. R. C ollie I NDFNT 3 Warehouse 5 I g, N. c. ' K I September 8th, 1911 J I oes HIGHER. You will just have to I endent Warehouse to find out how high {L :hat tobacco put on the Riverside floor e of us around each pile for this pur-thermore it keeps us awful Dog-Gone I running the Riverside Independent lanters of this section (and ourselves) I I npetitors or not. tome to the River- *T M lliamson J. R. Collie ) ] I

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