r ^ ; i'^fS' P$>a'$**?% '"* ifc*w. , i >.'*? f ^ Wl&xjW^ You just be a doo, i ' Crow an'booe't" f. s ; > , - l ?1 S T( > If your town uotc x'Vilw;^ Doe't bold baol If soqte other fell A S?a; right in, th . < ^..., No one's got a mi 'XV It'e just yours a |v ?, t'} J "*.' If Johr toWa is tb j?&- ; % ';$ '' , Yo* ?fet)n. th? ' * ' ' . ' o&> >?^ttyrf4pVfrju. An'.heWftts Juat to l.elV % \ _ 'Ceot^ if thjqge.sl , We'd bo in a ? Ym iust ke?f ?M Boost 'or. up wil ; Iiynn.aae nma-fe | , For to maku so You oan.bqost it i That's your cue That youYjj JDot ah i*,* " J , ' Jasfc because it But you're fifom't If you know Bonn Just forget 'em That tame feller's - Tbenita the onei "Cast your loavee They'll eome l> ' , Jdebbe they will i When some fe - - - ? ? State Fair\r We ^?ve te9efypd,(rop the North Carolina Agricultural Society astrikirtgftttle booklet ih&t lsabright gem in its class.''litis1 tiny, bUt frill of facts of figurssjihout Nort^t, Carolina andh^f (lro.it State Fair that will be held for the fifty-first time at Baleigh on October 17, 18, 10, 20, 19il. There are only amal j pages and a neat, very tasty cover, ?' ~ all of a, size ?to fit in. .the ordinal y I.' ' ' '.V, VI'Jvi envelope,, Outs ahows a htrdseye yiew of tl'e.-E?ir. Gronds while the j. fair is going on and Lincoln B?echey flying in his Curbsa aeroplane over Njagara SalJ^ - There is an appreciation of No?|i Carolina that carries a point m every paragraph, a ftBt in every sentence, clothed is a style as attractive as the story it tells, and all in one small P?g?. The marveloti*' progress of tbrr stat^ told in a comparative table of erop agents fpt 1005 and 1910, and a. similay alinement ot statistics of the rianufactaring industries K; addition there are comparative valueot farm land and buildings, implements and raaohlnery, labor and fertilisers. In a brief review of the vyork ot the State Ftjr the booklet ualls at. tention to the fact that it ia,ohartered without capital stock, its real property being held in trust to secure a bonded debt, any proflta made going intpr.a surplus which it spent in improvements and increasing, premiums. The construction of the reinforced oonorete agricultural' bonding building tot wosiOo ' arid other bet tjimenta last year are touohejl upon, as well as tbe modern poultry building to be reactf . -for the coming Fair. Figures show &8 solid carloads of exhibits last year against 42 in 1909; 8,501 separate eh tries against and $8,191.^4 net ? premiuma.?'paid against 6i598jO?. ^ As evideij^ja, thit the Fait is wrong':! W nixed ns one of tbe greatest gathering point# fdf, ppre-bread etboft in the South, mention is male tbat the PeroherorflSbciei'yi of America is this1 year offering Us special prises at the Raleigh Fair, which is onV>6?Ufif$ four SouthM^ggba to be SO r,tap* fi ored. It is:stated that by tesohr; V ' ,tiorrof the ?rsohtlwe Committee rfll | * VestionabL^rt^ Lm,. ? * .V '*1 N*? V V> y ' vffl - ? y*-? / -' >V- . i,- ' v fi . .?>.; txxiy ahloken, I ' t.?A' wsitto see ?" ~fer's willin'? ) e country's tires; i '.5,! >rtg*ge on it, ; S > raaoh as his. Jri ? ffimlik- ?. - "s--;i";''bposnn' bit. [f ? em to suit you, , , ' eein? kinder wrong,. jj&tl til Uxfetih', ' ,!> : ' UtT w>?!tt?tQp ?rgt?nVsr.-j ^'/hirT io iiioorn -asf-j gniitr f hVh\ afMowinV irfoSi sUdomotu (h aft Jtrtittrtiigtrt. :'.'i . bflomdJitf ;fcire.iowfc lUs ilyia'. - r. ..* . m&jK0je& go. ? ??'y ip.a. trifle*... ?. .,i??r-f"? to let him know -.1~ S&'to*.o*i? VWp-; ain't jour "ghoat," - 00 boost a little, 4e beai thing 6at^ ^ Jiifcflt fc-ft," W9 not teal , feller', faUilj'a. , : 1 'cause yon know , \ ' ' L~a - "t' ^ got some gOod points? s von want to show. ant on ifie. waters, . . aok," 'a a say in' true.. lorae back "buttered," Her boosts tor yon. games have been forbidden tlu grounds. aJitecttia ;i On tho amusement aide there 11 borne the ne*r- I -J' 'A'a Pope'* Herb ia prepJvd to provide a I k dependable household/ remedy, based MI It a medicine {or maladies suck a-, Kheu- J I IS matism,- Liver" ComfclaJnlK. Con'stipa-' I > tion, Fever and Ague, Female Disor- I 1 dcrs. Indigestion, Lumbago, Kufnev I Derangements, Catarrh, Sick and Her- I . vous Headaches, lose of A petite and all I ailments arising frim inactivity of the I Liver and Kidneys/ I It is A purely Herbs, Barks and Roots I l! CompoiinH. It is but up in chocolate .J I coated taOUts pleasing and easy tp ,1 I take, (or caa be mssolved in water,) J I ^Afrs. ,/. CS^Mjade of HayaitsvilU, >1 "For years \J have suffered with I Baclutrhc. HcndL-lies. Neuralgia, and i Nervbumcss uuth extreme fatigue, I , I tried ntany refnMies v. itliout relief. I Four months aJo a yrateful friend InI duced me to tsdkte tAFope .MedicineCo. I Washington, IirC., far a box of Pope's I Herb CompoimHT?fc4?fte,.the very first"; I dose of two tablets ghfie mo relief. I I used not auiteL (1.00 but. and 1 am enI tirelv cured of the pain m nay back and I hate nt^ more {headache. \ ^ I PhysiciattanJsurgtom o/ld/danyN^.' 5 "As a Bloof Purifier. Liy\^ Kidney s II and Svstem regulator 1 prescribe Pope I Medicine-Oo*? of W.ahingtor\ D. C. I Herb Coal poind as I have doneVor the I past 20 yeenfand I have founjvit to I be a great remedy, which aeldegn If I ever fai's. There are thouaands oNttI. [ ten from users of Pdpd'a Herbs, net I' have been benefitted and cured by it*, lAprober uae.l Pope's Herb Compound \ I. Tablets are/put up 200 in a box, "six I month's treatment,"-and will be aent II po-t-peW I J. P. Winston ? % . Fruit - Trees ; Ornamental/ Trees, r Shrubs, Roses, I Bulbs and t Bulbous Plants, Crape Vines Small Fniits,/ Etc. You can't betten wiurself other than by investighting the bnes oi the X \ PERRY/KURSRY compaK^T^^' - Represented in\ Franklin Qbunty \v ? ; kl www ir w> L 1 J W. H. Byrum, v ? FrapMnton, '' [l In Loui/burg every Wond|y r- took ittthi/lkie before you' buy, jvwill be saying\doU??8 , * Wyour pocRStr*" y k o j4 * >'4 ??? ??* u >+?* ^|U?*,h)" ? . Orig^JKot Bb?t H?Ster.Kr \ \ Thia heater maintains ? steady even terfpe foe and beat over mgn%?nd you lean heat/our mbrniflg rvhh the coal pat In thelnight beffoe. ; J^p:'tcntc,4, construction U , I \ s ongmai /ttoi n,ia enables the manuht*t6rer guarto^'jt 5^' feij ' ?ui Ygg^avgrcdsi^WciK-l oveAtbe fire at all Hi wai|fe away and youaon lvo tosfandle.3. fire iii * TlWnk of it! mYabmIM and bre | put inn&e niglt bte!Bft?' p bun This truly great heater f growing in poj loliowin^iaja me&age'jus^apeivedTO^Hjithc m Ia?V? Ij r"T/' wts f i t ;i are Uorklng /fbll jforod sto 'for. Colo's Orifel/rLl iapiV1 "tflasl iuri. -I ' "' r / 8 "!j <4/ >hO y I ?nO >, our history /as ij the demand s better flnlamed Iheaterjk. . . B... \ i j 3 c?V8 Mant Now is the ume to select your heater. .Whave it ready -fatfin yott Wish it put up\ * Burns Sof/Coal, Slack, Lignite, Hard Co; j v -Oppie now while the assortment iaVxjmplet Cole's Hot Blast j' ' ~~' I'2Z!3i. McKINNE BROTHERS Willi Contl- ~ igg^a. Louisburg, N BIG MEETINGS A Crops are fine and laid by. The/ Farmer if your wife and daughtf cooking stove for the last four/mc you think it just as little as/ you Surry and take them to ythurc makes Jack a dull boy. I have 100 new stylea/up to date bi . ; ''k and'Vwo horse, all lands of harness for cash. Now you/ boys who hav cord or mooring,, .unless you can r nice rubber tire buggy, and take h< , firing, or qtnt pjbwing, you have Come tqSSee my Stoc 7 \ and don't forget tha\ I carry-a com] ijW ' -r- hi'Otf jX ir tlt'iv ' 1 i u ; - buggies* harness* sumes, carnages kinds impr/red labor sWing farm [ i.. good easy/erms to all. \ ; i i.r-i nnip M t "yv.\'i , t.i\ 1r;iv{ Gasoline Engines, Automobiles,Nfi ? li ; ;?> ? LmVil *+ i ? _ ders, (Wist Mills; and I wa 2l ajroraiaj a e oraL? ...i, ?...?iE^r > s HMMmav ?,3^ r ^ | ^ 1 ' ? * v - r fm?wSH i *?/ , ,\l? "553 Throughout* 'our house plants by using Cole's ^ , ,. i4J '.lo1.. . ! *! jVO <1 .'lliH^li rature day and night It will hold . ( |,io living rooms for two hours neat r.'r : ytH *,' ''I;, ,;;^3 ' ml -winta ii'.7 n??? (t) V>|>|y Blast Heater 1111 n i n U ,.V) always air-tight 1 "l' , w '1'-" I times. Thus, the coal does not tfie: morning as with other stoves. , ' ' . C-# . ? , , 1 r i akfast rooms warmed by the fuel !,:> JyJalloH to aRfllO JKtl 1 \ v, . V ? ' ' - +' >ular favor year after year. The anofactnrer: ' v : ' ' _> ?ii 47f ?orf' i;:il // fT) - ,6?',p.1y t>e dei?an^ . fx'fleater- Never in . ?:*t!?*? y?*>-?r4*? - - ' 0 nh^vy for our l M ' t;.. J , ..)?! n^'j' IiJ ' J- 'l.'lii -f?u.i ni *i Tievoi V, tt'ir., '>0 r.r 1). I*. * ; ? \ ~~: 5 ~~ ifaoturing? Oq^. ..i i.i I, i ' ' m ' \. ' -" u e wirl set one aside fdrxyou and ! j jrt.rNr. : "ImIhiii v/'i -1 il, Wood and lighter fuel. X: ' 'i ' * ;e. "!h, ) . This S?are Cn<\ ,: ; COMPANY, f.etds ' TJica any OJl ei ... Cil Given tac ? ,\ f?lC O^rJlOW" 1 ND BUGGIES ' 1 f.' I|V i IliilU ? i1*ltW : t J . county is safe. Now Mr. jrs nave" stood over tile inths, and sweated don't can do, is to buy a nice h? all work and no play ; . 1 ? } '-'J "II i ii i ... . Oii i* i V'. ? . . . -V. - * f 1 * Liggies, 25 surries, one ^ s, cheap, on time and 'i r- *- < e been pulling the bell ide your best girl in a it to church, why cease V s??r* ; .?! :i'i?i 1 Pil > not beea treated f y(!i ' - ' *" " * I .y UCVI ' 'I i I .h-i'j.l '( jlete stock of wagons col. mi'fV Kit r' - ' ,, J , road carts and all 1 i machinery, and sell on .. HI". I'?!*.A ? ??? alt 14cm' Hi" ' .frnxHi ?,> *jWnrtrw V* '' iii'illil/ u i I -wu-i*Aib *|ia i-di liuu n*?4 >01# - ^ ll 4^ -Lu'ioeiii /('V'Xl. "'0 irt JtiQ i?'> ' ?' :> dllw baiftM -n# ?* If^rnJ; aj-ijjss ;, j I 'lUiiUOicB , ?>"? o,? trxMn 4? 111??JL-#