franklin times A. F. JOiytSON. Editor and ; Friday. Oct". 6 um < tar drops. | ?Its a bouncing boy at Capt. J. H. Finlator's. ' . ( -Clarence Stimpson is at his poa? of i duty again after a short illness i ?His many friends were glad to see * Mr. Robert Bailey sufficiently recover eJ to be able to ride out on Wednesday. 1 -) ?Franklin Superior Court trill convene at Loubburg on Monday, October ' ^ Jgrii. 1911, with Hon. U. L. Furgurson, W iBte presiding. ?tt. D. Egerton and J. O. Sledge will visit Alfert on Wednesday night for the purpose of interesting the farmers ot that section in the Farmers Union. ?Quite a number of people watched with much interest the overflow of the standpipe Wednesday. The wind was blowing and caused quite an interesting scene. v . . i ?The County Farmers Union held its meeting in the court house here yesterday. Only a small number were present on accoudt of being behind in picking cotton. . ' ?Sheriff Boone reports to us that Mr. S. E, Dement of Harris township, was the first man to pay his taxes for 1911 to Franklin County. This looks good for .Harris. ?Chief Tucker is doing some fine work on Elm street. He and the Btreec committee are to be congratulated upon putting this street in shape as it has been neglected for lo these many years. ?L. F. Yates presented the editor of 1 the Times with a fine four and one half c pound sweet potatoe one day the past week for which we extend our thuiks. : It is by far the largest we have - seen this-season. ?Superintendent R. 0. Beck made j good his statement that on Wednesday he would All the standpipe to over- r flowing with water. Good for him. We 0 are now "wet" in this particular any- j way. ^ ?Judging trom reports from all parts of the county tne many contestants are "shelling the.woods" and making big headway. Good for them. We knew that the young ladies m this section were, workers. ] ?tour local newspSper works for t its own town; does all it can to build ui> I the place, advance {he interest of its i citizens, draw trade to the town,, puts 1 money into the pockets of the business I men, and adds to the well-being of all. f Such a paper is entitled to the liberal ) patronage from the town and commun- i a it works for. i " W-We 'have no prejudice against the < neatly dressed, nice appearing boy, * while we do detest the fellow who goes around loo^ng like a bunch' of hard 1 hick,but a girl looking for a model husband should lie careful. If you don't ' know onS"when you see him, ask mother 1 she will recognize him at sight. ?Any newspaper is the companion ' and friend oif the family, b ut the local |' paper*! one identified with the interests !' * [ of the'beme. It is conducted by those |c whom von know. Its. columns are foil- I ed with' what is of social value to you. In its prosperity you have-a vital inter-] est, and, to its prosperity you can best contributory Riving your best support and p:itrppage. It is your neighbor. ?Every Rood citizen of this town should take a special local pride in al that pre'taius to home. The schools, I the churches, the amusemAts.the busi- ( ness pleasures, the picnics, the cele -b'rations, in fact everything should be * -rlpoked on "by our own people as just as good as can be gotten up elsewhere. The town that says "we can, " will al-ways succeed. . -W^ & forcibly reminded that i; "the melancholy days are come" by ; . the amount of golden leaves piled in'dis- 1 s crimingtely about. If "father's pride < and mo.ther's j'oy" will direct half the' 1 energy lie displays in a game of shinny ] to raking the afore aid leaves and burn 1 ir.g ot otherwise destroying them it I will takb about twenty-foyr hours to t 4 make the lawns about town present -a s difference in their appearance. j ? Would it not be well for parents f who have children attending school in- ' the town to take interest enough in the -schools and their children to yisit the . schools at least once during the term \ ' We hear parents complaining of the r schools, who have no more knowledge j of how they are being conducted than oon at 4JM> o'clock pursuant to a call j rom Mayor Holdtn, for the porpoee of tor tssessing the taxes for the town for the \ rear 1911. Messrs. Allen, Joyner, Ford ne[ ind Hicks answered to their names and : he buiineas was taken op as follows: J " Upon motion of G. W. Ford and sec- , >ng mded by Joyner the general fond tax i vaa reduced to 60 cents on property \ est, nstead of 70 oenta as heretofore, and I q hat the other assessments remain the tme as last year. Tire new assess- (jaj, nent is as follows: ,, Property Polls leneral Fund $0.60 $2.40 ?eV Special Lights .11^ * .90 Ul Water ' .60 1.60 * I ?- bee Total . $1.20 94.90 hoc License was granted Peter Perry to j un a negro pool room in Louisburg, u;c >y paying to Chief of Police $6.00 per norvth in adyanoe, provided said license & nay be revoked at any time. has , The report of J. C. Tucker, Chief of . Police for September was received and Mo lied. He reports $39.75 costs; $14.85 _ ines; $60.10 licenses, making a total of 1114.70. Upon motion of Commissioner Joyler a committee composed of G. W, 'ord and B. G. Hicks were appointed U A employ an accountant to audit the Car recounts of D. C. High, the former tax w',< :ollector, and submit his finding to the I*aI Board. 1 After allowing s veral accounts the She Board adjourned to its n?lxt regular day neeting. - rep Marriages an Register of Deeds Yarborough issued e*K narriage licenses to the following 1011 ouplcs during the moDth of September: White?A. F. Dunn and Addie Del- 8',e >ridge, Willie Carfoll and Georgia 1 Marshall, C. O. Renn and M. L New- e'&' nan, Doctor E. Radford and Gertie 'f1? Crivitt, Willie Pearce and Genevieve liki dedlin. ^as Colored?Gordon Mangun and Co- *? ' ina Bass, C. L. Perry and Addie Thom- H is, R. Z. Neal and Mary Fogg, Push and llston "and Mary L. Davis, Nathan Sali Dements and Mary Branch. mal Bee bur Scouts Distribute Helpful Books Among Mothers. , T Walter Burr, Secretary of the Olathe dan Irotherhood, of'Olathe, Kansas, says mel hat the Boy Scouts in Kansas have iroved wonderfully helpful in distribut- aj[' ng state literature to the people, ft hile the State Board of Health of ^ vansas of which Dr. B. J. Crumbine is a p lecretary printed a great amount of iterature with the aim of educating J nothers as to care of infants and how Re a fight preventable diseases, much ha: lifficulty was encountered in getting ;he literature in the hands of the people ^ Then the Boy Scouts were callsd in aIK ind concerning them Burr writes: you 'Where we have found scout orgauiza- 83 ' dons we have had no trouble in getting ;hem to district their town and diatti- ~ >ute this literature, and in some cases hey have even gone further and cleanid up filthy conditions and entered into i general crusade against preventable P lisease." Because of the eagerness with which he Boy Scouts have helped in this work n certain parts of Kansas an appeal 0 las been made to all the Scout Mas- Slei era of the state to take up the ? rork of distributing the literature. S .Concerning the necessity of this work J .t.-wu. JL ??w VV1 UUIV V. UlIU 1LIUU3 I ? if drought anil hot weather in this state ; Ji it the present time make' it imperative ican hat this state distribution of .iterature | ~ ihould be consummated as quickly as pos- " ible." I ? CIT nth Hill Lire Stock Co. | liai The above is the style of a new com-! janv for Louisburor having been incor- Fr: lorated with an authorized capital paf itock of $100,000 with $50,000 subscrib- !?e id by Messrs. K. P. Hill, i. P. Hill, F. "id N. Justice, F. B. McKlnne, D. P. Mc- em Cinne, C. C. Inscoe, It. tt>. Bissett, of Inn ..ouisburg, and E. E. Hughes of Lynch- ^u' >urg, Va, This company will take" over he business of K. P. Hill on Nash and itreet and enlarge same. It is com- On. >03ed of a number of Louisburg's best lusmcss nieq and its success iB assured tfle rom the beginning. ' Kir i | but one Don't trifle witfja cold is good ad- beii 'ice for prudent i?la i and women. It M. nay be vital of a chi IhwThere is noth- liar ng better than Ch mbbsjain's Cough Coi temedy for coughs and chfcis in chil- 'J'hi iren. It is safe and sure. Fbr sale by ill dealers. j S I Proy BAKSHGUn Absolutely The only. Baking ! from Royal G rape C NO ALUM, NO LIMI Pi Personals- ^ |4 [ S. Davis spent Monday m Raleigh 1 bualneaa. A D. Track and wife leave-this week Z Mt. Airy. T !. W. High and lister. Miss Lilliao, i It to Spring Hope Wednesday. , srome Bowen, of Elm City, is visit- A his people in Franklin county. Irs M. E. Simmons,- of Wake For- 1 is visiting Mrs. J. H. Bobbitt. .-K. Cooke left Wednesday for shington, D. C. to spend several ^ ? .S- M .* C. Price left Tuesday to spend Jjw eral days visiting his friends in n. It is equAllV valuable (or adults 0 I children dndAmay be given to M ing children with implicit confidence 1 it contains ?o harmful drug Sold M all dealers. i \ ^ ihase & Sanborns /seal brand coffee ^ ! teas at L. Hieks.' % loaded gun sh^Jfe at L. I'. Hicks'. 4 icvcle tires ^KH^fixtures at L. P. J For'Safte Cheap. J ine good ho?e\ Apply to H. M. 2 slge, Maplevifle, NIC: toves, ranges audf" lihatera at L. P. 4 tye and clfiybvyt'd at L. P. Hicks'- 2 few lot cakes, tyackers and Rovster*s jC dy at L. 1'. UmIcbSs w [ortgage^Sale of Town Lot ly virtue of authority contained in a tain deed of trus* executed on the J day of April, 1901-, bv Baldy w il- 4 ns a. d wife Ali/e Williams to F. S. . 2 ruill, Trustee, fJc the use and bene- J of W. K. Hrjillips, recorded in 0 inklin County/Registry Hook 159 at 2 je ldH, the usdersigned will sell at j J Court house door in Louisburg. | O C? arc>ybli? auction to the highest - 2 der for\asn, on the 5th day of Nov- j J ber,19il,\hit certain lot on parcel of - M d situateVi the corporate limits of ?2 town o#\ouisburg N. C., adjoin- x the !anrls\f Mrs M. G. C. King, I O itsb rg Atailrpad Co s right of way a I othery bounded as follows, VIZ: I X the /North \y the lands ?f Mr%' 0 tabeth/ Pace; Oli the Kast by the 2 lisburt Railroad\right of way: On x sou til by the lfcndskof Mrs. M. 0. G. O ig, arid On the West by the Louis- 2 g-Rjfleigh Public rWl, containing half name Guth is more than a guaran ^ a true candy romance"1'of the pei It tells of olive hued, Sold work trees of their wealth of nVits and J fields of the Southland; oKthe dfi . of Brazil, of long and stortaiv'set . it tells of human skill am ing . combine all this wealth/of\ fore . tion which candy lowers, qjicui supreme. If vou have not taAtari you are unacquainted with v quality. We h^ve just, add Ad complete stock and invite evelr . at our store. V Bcaslcy-Alstc + = , T ' .9 I EApLY h : SPECI/ / Of the new crop I have fresh arrivals of can or > ny, grits and cream of wheat, laamfroni and tarb seeded raisins, cakes, crackers auT confectionarh , duels, salt mackerel and herring* clover, rye am > oils, varnish and hardware iniferiiral. Name me of supplying them. / \ P. S. Just received Winter yats, Apj I \ LJ.P.J )NAL BANK ? +? ^ M A \/ C~f In order to furniah prop- '5 J. 8 rj / JLL/ or bank in protection, Pros . tj f~ ident Lincoln and hie first rj ^*"3"*.IfCJf ttZ< congress established the I* ~~ U I 3/ I National Bank which optrIA it J. Jy / ates under government aupOniV From time to time to l\ 111 Jl'\t I j 1 time additional laws have ? ^ r been paaaed under the dif- A \_w-SL-ri_ i ferent presidents shown ^k ^ I IV /\ above strengthening the J ill Jr~\. protection a National Bank rk i 4_t v r af(ord* 53 v-Lf i A 1/ In selecting a bank in CO [b/w I li l\ which to deposit your sav- '"J { 1 JL m. ings or surplus funds the m I one thing to be considered i \[ is safety, and we ask for >-) l \ vour business only on the g L / \3PL basis of absolute safety. m / t all at our bank and let us explain t? you how safe 'f"? WAL BANK I O AAA *A " ~ C.UVAS uoposit ?liU,UOU,00 ers \ X Cashier, F. B. McKlNNE. :tors T.T.Terrell W.H.Allen T. T). Tyack ' D.' F. McKinne . A,. OIXVN XSHM ?? n TH I 'Sterling" on silver, 4 Id, "Guth" qh . 4 IDY | ighes staai&d quality. Yet the T tee of gifality. It tells in a word - X rfecysfending of sweet with sweet. X~ 1 nfaidens robbing heavy lade,n X ^mpting fruits, ofthe sunny cane X n leafy vistas of the nut groves X 1 voyages, and then, greatest of all X ;enuity, of deft fingers which X st and field into delicious confec- X res everywhere have acclaimed X Guth Chocolates and Bon Bons, X rorld's highest standard of candy X the above hne to our already X pbody in Franklin county to call X >Vi Drug Co. I | IARVEST ! kLTIES | A [l, tomatoes and snaps, s redded wheat, homi< 11 cheese, new buckwheat ariBJ maple syrup, ? is, Heinze? pickling vinegar and other pro- Y 1 turnip seeds. All thread cotton rope, paint, your wants and I will, appreciate the privilege , >ler Oats, Seed Rye, Orchard Grass. HICKS, ^