-- : -. v W Hollings \ c .. We Want Y Splendid stock of Pianos. Remmingl The most furniture J. W. September- j s. September morning's grar, with mist j that trails its soft films past b Like smoke from far-off goblin fires} tJ that 8moulder out at last; September morn brings fragrance | si sweet from downs all sheen-; ii cropp'd sod, I tl From wet wild mint and thyme | o'erswept by wind like the Breath 1 of God. September noon's all golden glowj o'er long bright fields reap'd \ a, bare, ! b Where yellowhammer's thin, sweet j q note falls tinkling % down the air; I a September noon sees rowans flash their j t] scarlet in the gun, j c] And hears the acorn's pixie cups down- ; w dropping one by one. 11] ! September night's all soft blue gloom ] E witn sLifrs hr^ea and sky. I ti o "When sweet with honeyed orchard al scents the wind goes lilting by. d< When shimm'ring dew with rainbow ir bells threads ey'ry trembling g: blade, ir And sih'er moon keeps watch and ward o'er nights for lover.: made. I . . ?Pall Mall Gazette. Pointed ParagraphsAn ounce of prevention is also worth j a pound of regret, v Return postage is a great- dra wback ' to a literary career. A man never thinks his wife's new bonnet looks like 80 cents. Most men are ambitious to do those I they haii and can | be taken intan Ur for Colic, \ Cramps, etc. r Wu better for Toothache. Noah's Lialmsat is t a be* i*2Ndy for Ithaurnatisin, Bctatk , L*n Bacf>?tift Joints and Muscles, lore %gst, Calhc Strains, Sprains, Cuf, Ilrabea^Cot^, Cr^y. ' maaT *1 JtyTte*WdKll 111 Ml h Ink. r.ewars c* lllte- ?sxsurr h tk-ns. Large bottle, 2J> ? ? ?mw H owjtr, ami sold Iff all %???$& SsH * rolnniltd by Not* .*?. ? |H 'n Remedy Co., Inc., ?gra^. EM BmnijP "SABA. ; ' ' * V k / yV>-'A' Furniture an on the Square - or W : 1 ? imond Pianos, Trayser Pianos, ft range from $150 up, terms to suit. 5 county .Your, patronage is appreci HGSWORTH. A ROOW AND MODERN COTTAGE. Culm 877, by Glenn L. Saxton, Architect. Minneapolis. Minn. ' * * ^ PEBSrECTIVE VIEW?FROM A DUAW1NO. ^ " ; -> >' * ' 13 P KITCHEN / I . L ts-tf XT-tf I PIMIMG ROOM n 11 IL J ' liillllMt K ,UJ ri? 1 - HALL. 1 mp j * R RECP1 P U CHAMBER CHAMBER Q y HALL ! LIVING ROOM I 10-i XtS-tf IK" XI2-0 I ^ J R-crxis-tf I TVESTI I" ?|1|1 .1 II ~J j- CL0 BALCONY 1 ^ PIAZZA - 11 LL % in m 1 i I - . ?. 'i FIH8T FLOOR PLAN. 8KCONX> FLOOR PLAN. . .. ' .'TtQB.L * : ,j'm I This pleasant cottage hn* foot chambers. trhereas most cottages of th am* stao bate but three. There 1* but a slight slope In the corners. Th alcony or steeplug porch Is n feature that baa become very popular. A fu osement sod n smnlt stile are provided One could build a Sight of at til talra over the main stairs tr he wished to utilize the space In the attic Ize pt the house iv/snty-slx feet wide and twenty-seven feet deep. Cost t ulld. exclusive ?f hen tin* and plumbing $2..'>0O . ' - JSKi tS' . -i Upon receipt of $1 tb? publisher of this paper will supply a copy, of Sal on'rf^boolt ef p ans, entitled'"American Dwellings." Th* book contains 24 cew ami up to date designs at cottages, bungalow# and residences, cost In rotn $1,UOO to $5,000. . .> ' 1 ' '. |_.| d Music : y >*.* * * ... . <'. JU E 21 0 ? ' > *- r--J: Ns~ - ' " - ' . J * \ - 'c Don't Wan larshell and Wend Carpenter Organs ated and we want y < % ; f LOTJISBl ^ ''How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for W easel of Catarrh that cannot he cued m Hall's Catarrh Cure. ' ?- \ T P. X CHENEW & CO.. Toledo. O. We, the underslgncck have known P. J. Cheney for the last loVears. and believe him perfectly honodiblX In all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations fmado^y his firm. if NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE. J I \ Toledo, O. jjj Hall's Catarrh Cdre is takcn^intornally, I ?i j acting directly updn the blood \ind muI cous surfaces of the system. Testimonials ; sent free. Price 75 cents per bottl\ Sold by all Druggists. \ f I Take Hall's Family Pills for constlpstidp. - . ' / Administrates Notice. j Having qualified a administrator ofjj v tlie estate of W ? T Wilder, deceased, js I late of Franklin coi nty. this to notify |H | ail persons mkvinjr daims against said;? {estate to present them to the under- rfc ; signed on or berti i the 22nd, day of j September, 1912. c -this notice will bo i plead in bur of the recovery. All per-1 sons indebted to si d\(>tat'e will please make, immediate p ym\t. . . This 22nd, day o f Septanber, 1911. ' > W. C. Wii.DEiKAcm'r. j v>f V . T: Wilde*, dee d. ! Win. II. Ruffin. Xtt.'v. ^ J.?> I Sale of Valuable Timber. [ Under the authority contained in an'V order <>f the Superior Coftt of Frank-j lin O-unty in the specia proceeding, ; entitled, Martha" A. Moses, Victoria; Moses. et als vs. Roger Cl Moses, Jna. C. Moses, et als, I will ofl Monday, the , 6th day of November",11911. noli at , public auction to the" hi At :u bidder fo.#: cash all the timber 8lichen in diametef at the stump when Icut 12 inches from the gfrouqd on thai certain tract of land situate ?in Ktftriklhi County, ' State of North Carolina! and in Cypress Creek TfllfcnBhip, bounA't on the North j by the I a rate of Wilis Bowden, The j Green lief-.Jomtspp*dge; on the South by the lands cKJHre. Laum Cop- i pedge and Mrs. Spiveipqfi the West bv j the lands of Jno. Woe# am^Mrs Sallie Hollingsworth. the (Aire tiab^contajning about twefhurvyed and (26o) acres, and .bCng known abJ'he Luther Moycs Horn# Place. 8 The oak trees omtho jot around tn&J home are not Inclined in the timber to j$. be sold. ? * Three (3) yesA will be given in j g ' whielfe to cut a?l remove the timbcV j from the land, m >-jpartie* dbsfrfni further in formation will apply to H# undersigned commb* j?, a sioncr. Tlila tMe 3rd day of October , e 1911.\ - # '\ U : B. WiiiliB, Cotnmisaioncr. C { i * i Jw~'w..-~ra.ra j o M OTHER sfoVE DOES THIS i Cole's Hot BJait pester maintains n eon- L , tlnuotfM fire; nlaoS^af-arty, wren heat. It wilt ' C hoM Bt% from Hafhfca/ njjrht until Monday ; L h- ! naming <48 WaTTst win hold flr* or?r ; I n | night with Ira eonl rh?n rag otb.r ! I ! Open the drafts'fn tt* mdtotng and tbd'TOOtna & ? are quickly heated With twk coat put In the I night before. Comer In aotf^xatntne Cole's K ! . Original HotBlaat Baa tar. PfUf $1X00 and I ^ bp, according abej (B-ll) ^ I ' i BHggwa?m, : house K tjf j: ? ~~~ , ? ' - > * ' . \ ^ ; H|M\H lillRQLM ' w. I [ J It it at All * ___jJF"' v. \ \V1 ?* ell Pianos. CSnt? ? t w w w , Shipman Organs ou to stay with us \ ' CJRGr, 1ST. c. _5== , - .. i I This is One of Many ^ BEAUTIFUL' Kabo Styles |! Mjf^, % t Jfy//In KAD? * j^t $1 .(M?a? I The Kabo Cor\et is a feccgnized standard for - . F". flat's good Vin : the ,? ' toew trench medals and * ' me have tn ?| in ml sizes I Prices frdm $1 * >;,.i I to $3*S0 each. V/V are I Bole agents.