franklin ""times aTf. JOHNSON. Editor and FRIDAY. Get. 18 1911 ? J -a The Live Conscience The lidkd Man lay beneath the mold. But still his spirit knew a The soft etir of each blade of grass As toward the sun it grew; ' He heard the far-ttung church bells ring, He heard the joyous sound Of cliildrenja yoices. as they played. Above, on April ground? Anil he felt the little, red-tipped worm Go nosing round and round. lie felt tie. winter rata drip down; flft ached against his bones? Itnd his was not a plight where one Might ease oneself with groans. For he had to lie forever dumb There in the dreadful tomb Till all the graves gaped open wide V At the crashing Trump of Doom. Till interminable Time had flown And the universe grew gray ? Ere the finger of Eternity Would touch his eyes with day. He could not move, he could not weep, Nor might one finger strive To lift itself-,he could not sleep For his Conscience kept alive: His dreadful Conscience kept alive (Oblivion held no term) Anil it preyed ugon his spirit worse Tlran Midnight or the Worm: Oh, if this be what men call "Death" I do not wish to die Till the sun goes out like an unfilled lamp, And God folds up the sky! ?Harry Kemp TAR DROPS. ?Next week is^court week. ?Tobacco is being brought in in larger quantities this week. ? You may take the editors word for it that a yellow jacket can stink. ?J. M. Allen is making some additions to hiB residence on North Main street. ?Mrs. Arch Collier has moved to the D. C. Strickland residence on Cedar street. ?Dr. F. S. Packard will be in Louisburg on October 19th. Read his advertisement in another column. ?We are glad to state that Mr. M. V. Lancaster, of near Red Bud, who suffered a slight stroke of paralysis on Monday, is improving. ?The weather the past week has been such as to remind one of the 29th of last October, 1911, when we had a Very pretty snow storm. W ?This thing of saying a good word about your town is a habit which the people of this community need to cultivate, and they need it badly. ?Chairman T. S. Collie and Commissioner J. II. Uzzell were in town Tuesday looking after having the boxing around the court house repaired ?We have added about hfty new subscribers this week. II you fon t take the Times you should get in the majority or vou may feel lonesome. ?Nothing is easier than fault-finding; no talent, no self-denial, no brains, no character are required to set up in the grumbliag business.?Robert West. ?Our subscribers are.'.all invited to give u's a call next week, whether they pay us any money or not We want to shake your hand and have a chat with you. ?Mr. L. F. Yates brought us a fine six pound sweet potatoe this week, which was one of the prettiest speci mens' we have seen. We extend toJ him our thanks. ?R. Z. Egerton tells us that he was too busy re-ordering shoes and coat suits this 'week to change this advertisement, but he will tell you all about them next week. , ?People subscribing to the Frankils Times need not feel any uneasiness if they should not get their paper for r two weeks at first as it is very often the case we cannot get them entered up in a shorter time. ?Miss Mamie Bobbie, of Baltimore, the expert milliner for the big Racket arrived the past week and is doing some pretty work. 8he comes highly recommended as a milliner of fine taste and well informed as to the seasons latest styles. _ ?Mr P. W. Gupton, father of R.I. Gupton, formerly of Franklinton but now of Clayton, died at his home near. Red Bud church on Monday afterfierin. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon. A large number of friends were resent to pay their laat sad tribute to W&a deceased. >-Are we going to be a race of stoopshouldered men? One would naturally think so to look over almost any large crowd, wslk down any crowded street, or glance at the average male human being he meets. The man who walks with his head erect, hid. - shoulders thrown back and his chest extended just as nature intended he ehould, is a rarity and is remarked about wherever he goes. The average mah, end mores the pity, walke as if he were vgty tired. - ; ' 4 \ . . ' .Sfrj ?A. couple wire recently married. The ceremon/ over, the wife began to weep eopiously. "Wbat'e the matter?" aaked the new husband. "1 never told you that I don'I know how to cook," eobbed the bride. "Den'l fret," uid he, I'll not have anything to cook; l'am an editor." ?For the benefit of our aobeeriben and oontestanta we will aay that n< credit can be gives to any con tea tan (or money on subscriptions paid to tlx office unleaa especially specified wher payment is nude. Also no credit can be given for money psid in before tht contest started. ?When a trial officer shuts bis ^docket from the public inspection it is prev ty safe to say-that there is something wrong with the docket somewhere, It is hard to beHeve that there is an offlesi In North Carolina whe will not aasisl in diminishing crime , by throwing hii docket wide open to the public. Pub licity is a great check to lawlessness ?We heard one of our citizens eay i good word for insurance companies th< other day and we hasten to giye tlx companies the benefit of it. He saic with all their faulta tbey always gave away good blotters and calendars This reminds us that if ourbusineas mei are going to need any blotters or ealen dart they would do well to see us be fore ordering. ?Many a-woman goes out shopping dressed In silk and enveloped in per fume whose hard-working husband hai not had a new suit of clothes or a de cent meal in five years. Tee, and man? a loafer stands on the street with i stinking pipe in his face, his tanl full of "boose" and his mouth full o profanity, whose hard-working wifi hasn't had a new dress or a kind won since she was married. ' ?That young man who thinks he 11 poor because he has no bank account little understands the value of God'i free gift of health and strength, littli appreciates the fact that the brighten and best of the country are self-made and come to the notice of the worlc from just suoh beginnings. Not b] idle moaning that they are poor, bu by going carefully to work, perfectinf themselves in their chosen pursuits ant becoming so useful to those about then that their services are always in de mand, whether it be on the platform, ii the shop or in the kitchin, -for all art honorable alike. ?The man who edits the average country newspaper cannot well avoit treading on somebody's toes contin ually; must expect to be- censured of ten for unintentional failures; must ex pect to be called a coward because hi does not "pitch into" everything tha somebody thinks is wrong, and a foo if he speaks out too plainly on publii evils; he must expect to grind othei people's axes?and turn the grindston, himself. Still we think it is one of thi noblest professions on earth; the one it which the earnest man can do the mosi good to his fellow man and in which ar honorable man can wield much powei for good. copes Items. On last Saturday night the death angel visited the home of J. S. Conyen and took therefrom thetr son, John thirteen years old. He had been in bac health for some time. He was a brignl an_ente!ligent little boy, and was at 1 tcntive to hia Sunday school. A larg( umber of friends assembled at the oh family burying ground Sunday after ' noon to pay their last respects. He ii gone but not forgotten. I Ben Wright, of Kittrell, called t< see'his sister, Mrs. W. Xr Fuller, Sun day. The little infant of R. B. Fergersoi was hurried at Pope's last Thursday, . " ' G. H. P. .Lost. A black silkj coat between H. J, Hayes' residence and Csfidier-Crowoll'i store Werinesdayjsfternoon, Octobe: 4th. Finder willreturn to Cgndler CYowell's store and receive reward. ns\ BAK I ' || Abmolut - Economizes W Egos: makes appeUztng ai pij | TEte only Iialdi y1 front Koyol Grq The Wonderful Oxyoline. The Neel-Armstrong Co., of Akron. Ohio, has installed one of ifs eelebrmted ozone generators in the home of Dr. S. P. Burt, on Church street. The product ' of this machine is a valuable life giv- , 1 tog "Oxyoline" and will if tried prove of great benefit to the people of Frank> tin and adjoining counties > The device for creating this new eomt pound consists of an electrical ozooizer, > the electrodes of which give off a beau- , 1 tiful violet glow, completely eliminating 1 the spark generated by the earlier typee 1 of ozone machines. The air is driven by an electric fan through the electric i discharge, where if is converted into I ozone, which is passed through crescent . f -shaped tube# partially filled with .vola | t tile oils. Here Jhe.all important chemr leal change takes place and the new j t peroxide compound thus formed passes i > through flexible tubes and is inhaled by ! - patients by means of close-fitting face | masks. ' k In this new peroxide 'fompound none i , of the oxidizing, antiseptic or blood , building powers of the ozone are lost;in I I fact these powers are increased to a 1 , marked degree, whtfh Tact has been | lully verified in clinical practice and I , upon germ cultures. The new gas^thus . formed does not contain ozone m its . free state. The identity of the ozone is lost as to its pungency and odor. The volatile oils nsed are of the pinus group" ' sueh as contain pinene, cymene, eucalyptol and campnene. which constitute and exceptionally agreeable and effec' tive inhalent. f This "Oxyoline" has proven of great 1 value in the treatment of the following , diseases. Asthma. Catarrh, Tubered-T losia. HaT Paver. Inaomnia. I j Anemia, and especially good for head. aches of any description. If you are troubled with any of the above diseases 9 we especially insist that you give this ' new and wonderful invention a trial. It 9 will surely benefit you. { Yours Very truly, j Naan-ARaSTRosG Co. i rjV._: 1 COMFORTING WORDS I s : Many a Louisburg Household , Will Find Them So. ' ' To have the pains and auhes of a ' bid back removed; to be entirely' free from annoying, dangeVous uri, nary disorders is enough to make i any kidrtey sufferer grateful. To " tell how tfiis great oh^tige can' be ' brought about wilt prove comforting words |o hundred/ of Louisburg t readers. jj 1 Mrs. Gei >rge MuMi, 625 S. Washj ington St. Rogjyy Mount. N. C, r says: "I Jc tow /pat Iloan's Kidney ' Pills are aVemduy of inerit;thev have j been used\b/'us with splendid tet suits. A myiber of inv family proi cured Doah/yvidnev Pills when sufr fering itdla Mane back and pains across the Ioiks- This person was greatly benefitted by the use of this remedy and a rue a then we have , kept Dean's Pilla\in the bouse. , .Whenever we take;theto, they bring 1 trnriA rsinlts. In .TnlwiQOfl T .... I. ... licly reqommended BeaoV-IUd ney Pilis a*1 I am giving this stateI raent pimply as a corroboration of . my former one." i For Hale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foater-Milborn Co., New > Torlr, sole agents for tbe United States. Remember tbe* name?Doan'e? and take no other. Lost Nor Strayed , A white EnglMi setter puppy, fe3 male, about live laionths old, named r "Jib" was miped ^October 5th. Re. ward to finder / It B. White, J FranVlinton N. C. EH MTDEIr ? 9iy Pure m Butter, Flour, t tiie food more . {L , nd wMesome ^ I , i$j Tbivtltir r.isdc ! "'J , Cream oJ "aorta* i , ; - . gagss^esaass^i' ' : Vv - -1 * "* ; ? v 'c,\ . ..; .?{* vyV''7- J1- "'. 'j\ ? 9 !? ??? ? ??? + ? FIRST NATI0NA1 ! WHEN YOUR { jvja^(0NAL I IT'S SAFF M 1 UNDER DlRECXagl s GOVERNMENT* I a SUPERVISION 5HKI H * Copjrloht 1909. t|t C. E. ZIuhiui Co.?Ho. 3714 V) g ?J i FIRST NATlOfS T Capital $25,000 Surplus $12,600 X Officers & President, Wm H. RUFFIN / Ca Y TWfA/fAro ZbVl B T.l D. P. 1 . *?> . i.? | | I GUT X Sets the Standard "St< "Carat" on gold, | CAND J these are the hallmarks of the higfies I name Guth is more than a guarantee of T a true candy romance of the perfect 1 J It tells of olive hued, old -world ma trees of their wealth of nuts/nd tempt X fields of the Southland; ordme dim lea of Brazil, of long and storaiy sea voyi it tells of human skill yunil ingenuit X combine all this wealta of \forest ai tion which candy lovers, ephmres e1 supreme. If you have mot tasteH^Guth you are unacquainted/with the wb*M' X. quality. We have /just added thieN a tompieie stock ana invite everybody at our store. ' / |* Bcaslcy-Alston f + ; i : | ' EARLY HA | SPEGIAl Of the new crop I. have fresh arrivalAof can corn, ytfmu ny, grits and cream of wheat, maoaronOpnd tarbafl che Y seeded raisins, cakes, crackers and oOnfecVionavfes, Heii A . dnote, salt mackerel and herrings, clover, ryttr and torni| A oils, varnish and hardware in general. Natnre iVe yonr m of supplying them. / \ P. S. Jturt received Wintery6ats, ppleV 0 L- P- Hi f ? * * A A ^k ^k ^k ^k^k^^^k^L ^k^A^k ^k A W ^F ^F ^F ^F ^F ^F -w ^F -w ^F ^F ^F ^F ^F ^ ? _ , BANK ? ? ? "j\| 1?I V'Besides the faot that a Ji al j X representative of the U. S Government goes over /hir notes and securities r\Z/twice each year, and in A 1 |\g' J addition to the sorplns X A / fund and undivided pro tita wbioh stand between lj^?P^our depoeiiors and any ? ^33^: possibility of a loaa, there ^ H i'Jfc jjf ia our oapital stock of ^^9S!$5~j.$i!5000,00. This is the 2 / amount of money paid in S sn^?*Lk a8'de by the CP "tockholdera of this bank " Wg?f*~& as working oapital, who sgj 33bTWKaa? liable for as muoh Jj? EOS IB more. Our stockholders H HLJkEK have an investment of ov- S Her $200,000 every dollar ejj Hof which muse be loat J> before the depositor can f HHHI^HlooBe a single penny. ^ ial\ bank t Deposit $110,000.00 T shier, F. B. McKlk&E. - X Terrell W. H. Allen T. D. Tyack UcKinnc A i " M 1SHM ? ?? "H ill srling" on silver, X "Guth" on | standard quality. Yet the II X quality. It tells in a word II X blending of sweet with sweet. II X idens robbing heavy laden II X id? fruits, ofthe sunny cane II ^ ify vistas of the nut groves 11 ^ iges, and then, greatest of all 11 X y, of deft fingers which II X id field into delicious confec- II ^ irerywhere have acclaimed 11 X l Chocolates and Bon Bons, II X s highest standard of candy II ^ above line to our already II X * in Franklin county to call II X . II I Drug Co. -Y 6 =?i i ?? ? RVEST I _TIES I .toes and snaps, s 'redded wheat, homiese, new buckwheat anfT maple ayrup, A izes picaiing vinegar and other pro p seeds. All thread cotton rope, paint, rants and I will appreciate the privilege A >ats, Seed Ifcye, Orchard Grass. , M(|

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