THE BIG LITTLE I I JTOBt I am now ahowinu 1 he moat com"plete line of lalies t nd miaaea auita separate long looat: aud fura ever assembled in one ate re in this sec tion. "The styles re the newest, my experience un uiving and ray amnlI expense ill lilting makes it possible tor every b dy "to purchase a handsome coatlsu t, fine piece or set of furs or a lotij coat at a price eo small that you n< t only can nfford it but it will be a y arprise to you, to ? see liow I am ableUo do it. My stock is so/varied I hav't space for prides, see what others have lto\ show you then come to me A I will not only sell you >ut you will be convinced tha 11 mive saved you at least 2 5 pen cent on your purchai e, \ Special arrangen snt mad* for extra size suits,' no lad t too stoat for me to lit perfectly. Give ml a trial. Shoes Shops New shoes ning in etiry day my shelves are b ing emptieti every day. It is an ad lilted factll sell more shoes than i ny house irntown, there is a reason I >r it, my slices are what 1 tell you th jy are, I have just the shoe vou Wan fot every member of the family, my prices artAleas I have the shoes lo prove it. l\am selling ladies >3.E ) shoes made \by Zeigler.Bros. ant Krippentorf Aid Ditunan for ?3 t le late styles ore cut extremely big >, I have them labe or button in all 1; sts. If You Wea: Corsets You Want Wa: ners Corsets ! " They are n >n-breakable and rust proof, I have then i in all styles, i n all prices. -41' * f If it is t'> we* I have it. WhiUmy prices are less the standard of i uility of my stock is always the hij best. W"V MM R Z. |^| :rton j - .SB! Integrity - The keynote of our success has been integrity. Unimpaired, unadulterated and purity tested Combined with moral responsibility as regards our duty to you, to your physician, andtoourselves. * _ v * These Guide Posts - Along the Path of Tntpcm'tv Have Brought us the Appreciation of Scientific Physicians and NThose People Who Desire to Hkve Their Prescriptions FillWin a CarefulL Painstaking Way. Our charges We no more thin you \ would expect w pay for such quality/service. I AYCOCK / Drug \ (Company \ PrescriptionOruggists \ I Bicycle Service V^bone N?. ? " , Bunn News Items. y The bovs of Bunn are a t?rt of that (treat organization known-at the Boy A Scouts of America. A movement which had its beginning in England and which now has In the country nearly two hun- w dred thousand boys enlisted. The local | I hand Boy Scouts was organized by Ur. B. C. Johnson last year and has a large ^ number of enthusiastic members The tj regular Boy Scout suite are coming in f( this week, and clad in these the boys, B with their leader, expect to invade the s| city pf Kaleigh during the coming State O Fair. Their, trip to the fair will be a ft matter of considerable interest over the $ the State as they will probably be the first uniform rank of Boy Scoutsseen in North aroliua. About twenty-tive are expected to go and a camp will be arranged near the fair grounds. I,, The Junior Order Council of Bunn is p making itself felt in thelif of this coin- tc munity. Its most recent progressive '5 Step is to offer to the Bunn High " School three medals, one for each 01 room to be presented at commencement to the pupils making the best all round y' record for the school year. This generous offer means muen for the school and has received the hearty approval of ? the entire section. $ An extra teacher has'been added to ei the force of'the school. This addition T was made necessary by the continued c growth of the school. The new teacher 'J will take charge of the intermediate work, while the former intermediate u teacher will assist in the high school. ^ The teacher elected 1s Miss Lyndia y Mitchell or Bertie county. In the high! jj .school department including grades n 8-11 thei e is at present enrolled thirty- ci Ave pupils. This is considertbly larger o: than any previous years enrollment. It The music department is especially n sttong this year, the class being an un- S usually large one. ? t Quite a number of delegates from liunn Baptist church are attending the Tar River Association at Samaria f, church this week. Though young, this ehurch has an able membership and an excellent pastor?Uev. Geo. M.Duke. e' The church expects to bfoild in the near t: future, the school building being used " in the meanwhile. n On Monday night, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. j; Carmal entertained in honor of Misses s| Dora and Louise Goode of Spring Hope .h In addition to the teachers of the ? school there were present as guests, Mr. R. Montgomery, Dr. B. C. ^ Johnson and Mr. J. H. Wea hers. A v bountiful supper - was served and the ? evening was one of much pleasure. d ?u New lot cakes, cracker- and Royster's E candy at L. 1'. Hicks'. tl I DIAMONO BRAND ? ^Wj ^ j LADIES f h A.k your Draggm/Tor CKI-CKBS-TBSL'a A DIAMOND HkA>K> PILIJB in Rio and/A I; Gold metallic bfxes, scaled with BluefOy | ^ Ribbon. T.'.kd ?i> OTnEnAll?y of yow v/ I . DraimtM and ??f for CIII.rilfcS.Tf.H 8 V , A DIAMOND DEIKI) P1I.I.6, for twentv-flvo \ <2 pars regarded aspect. Safect, Always Reliable. i SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS * TIME PUPPYWU fPF WORTH ,, trie . cvcni wntnc tester l Not An Experiment a _ Orer a million of ?jle'?/ort*!nni Rat m>.? h Heating Stovea oacd ife Aihcrlca today. They ' n have been proven supeWq# to all other heat- i tog atovea by year* otJcne by hundreds of tl thousand! of Qsera. Th<4 are In nse In every n In the Ufilou; In tirtboinps of capitalists and wage earners, and# tn most enthusiastic D testimonials are rcceiv/l nl tho factory of the e Cole Mannfactorlng C/. at Chicago every day. L Cole s Hot Dlflst Is /narnnArd to rctlnce the V fuel bill a third ot/r any Ljwer draft stove _ of the same site./ Gunrnnfeed to hold Are r< from Satnrday nlut until M wday morning, si Guaranteed to give nnlformVheat dar and ? night with soft coal, hard dbal or lignite. a Let as show yoa then* stoves and demonstrate r? their marvelous points of superl&rlty. (B-15) ^ r v Executtix's Notice. ? Having qualified as the executrix of c the will of Henry Lona deceased, late ( h ot Franklin county, Nopth Carolina, this P is to notify all .persons having claims n against the ostatA of eftid deceased to present them to the ondersigned on or before the 22nd, daVif September, 1912, or this notice will SL-plead in bar of (l their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay nient. 7 \ " This 22nd, day of jBepteiaber, 1911. P / SusaVi Long. ti I of Hcary Long. \Vm. H. Ruffin, Atty. I fi 1 d 0 Mortgage Sale of Town Lot ? By virtue of authority oGntained in a certain deed of trust eiGScuted on the Sthday of April, 1907, Jov Bald.v Williams a. dwifh Alice Williams to F. S. Spruill, TrusteVfor tWe use and bene p fit of W. K. l?hlllips, recorded in si Franklin County Itespstry Book 159 at^ w page 116, the undersigned will sell at T the Court house daor in Louisburg, N. C., at public auatlon to the highest n bidder for cash, on/th\ 6th day of November, 1911,that cortaii lot on parcel of " land situate in th/corjferate limits of n the town ft LoinsburgW. C., adjoin- 11 ing the lands of Mrs SI G. C. King, B I Loaisb rg Railroad Co'syight of way and others bojhdod as follows, VIZ: On tho North by the lnids of Mrs1 l Elizabeth Pact; On the feast by the h 1 Louisburg .Tmlroed right if way: On Ithh south by /he lands of MrA M. C. G. King, and On tho West by the Louis- ' burg-Raleign Public rosd, containing dps half (4) acre more or less. It being the Jot and building conv by U Si S. Clifton and wife to HaldA Will- v limns by deed duly recorded in Franklin C^ty/eiristry book 140 at page\547. \^' F. b'. Spruill, Trusted " Spruill A Hold en. Att'ys. " -, ~'3 fi'i [ ' ~f~ * J ? - ' vV~ * ' THE WALL STREET GAME. , dvlcs to Thpss Who Would Buy and ' Sail on Margin. "A broker once told me that there as one rale which he would give If t dared to bh customers- to guide j lem Id selecting stocks for trading urposes; -Take a piece of chewing tm: reduce It to an adhesive condlon. mold It Into a form convenient tr throwing: throw It at the board. Uy or eel I the stock Indicated by the >ot on the Ixiard to which It adheres. o to Europe for three months.'^ By . iltowlfig this advice, he said, the cusmer would have a chance?not much I ' a chance. It la true, but some chance. 1 ! however be reads the flnanclal page r 'the newspaper and listens to the osslp In the brokers' offices. be .has at even the gambler's chance, since e will be doing exactly what the twers back of tbe market Asnt blm i, do In order tbat thoy may as quickns possible get his principal before Is exhausted by the constant nibbling [ the broker. "A well to do man showed his in?nuc bride a check for $1,800. 'Do ju see this check ? Now with this m going to buy sugar. Sugar Is goig up. and I'll give you the profits.' ugar went down, and be lost his 1.800. Tbe lady asked for an ac>unttng. 'My dear, sugar went down, he money la lost' 'And you haven't : ren any sugarT she asked plaintive- j '. 'Not even nny sugar?" "As a means of making money speclatlng on margin is worthless: as n . leans to loss and ruin It has no rivals Tltb tbe large Dumber of sound Inestments constantly offered by banklg houses to?the public on terms 'bich offer u reasonable chance of In reasing value, together with security f principal and Income. It should no inger be necessary for men and woIPn to mil fholr anpltim ? ' Ins."?Edward Sherwood Meade In ipptncott'g. JUVENILE PRODIGIES. latter Betty at the Ago of Twelvo Played Richard III. Of all juvenile prodigies was there vdr one to compare with Master Betr, the infant Koscius? The press of ie day voted him "a very extraordiary phenomenon, playing Larbles In v morning and Richard II. in the evening; * an inpi red being * of exquisite jdgment and sensibility, the nergy of whose delivery was such as > leave all description at a distance. The intelligence of manner, lie eloquence of the eye when speech ras denied, the rapid yet judlctour ransltlons from prpstrate. affliction to ignifled resentment, are qualities rhlcb a Garrick might display." The Idinburgb manager was in fear that he young actor's voice would not fill be house. "My dear sir," 6ald the welve-yearold genius. "1 beg you will j e under no apprehensions upon that j core, for if my voice does not fill our house my playing will." Writing for the stage seems always a have attracted the prodigy. Doug' is Jerrold wrote his successful farce. More Frightened Than Hurt," before e was hfteeu. and Lope de Vega, the imous Spaniard, was not fourteen rhen his- first play was produced. | end William Ireland produced his bakespeare forgeries, which were ood enough to deceive the learned, rheu he was about fifteen.?London I !hronicle. Measuring Moonlight. The full mt>on is said to give a great j eal more than twice the light of the alf moon. The ratio is approximately | s nine to one. Taking advantage of I be extreme sensitiveness to light of selenium cell, experimenters have j icusured the amount of lifcht coming | rom the moon at different phases, rith the result above mentioned The eason for the remarkable difference ' J bown is to be found in the varying I 1 ngles of reflection presented by the ! LTUSUCiivrvi nui iuvc Ol uur KUieillie (U , lie sun. Tbfe moon is brighter be srern'.first quarter and full than be J ween full and Inst quarter. Tbe ! nuse of this (9 evident In the more igbly reflective cha racier of that art . of the moon'that lies west of its jjerldian. Tho Old and the New. He was an Old timer amwty adapt- | ig himself to modem customs and ( quired wealth-. He hud progressed s fur as the open buck shirt and was roud of it. Tbe eont ftonr was yet > be attained. \Jost look at me." he said to some riends calling on him while he was ressing. "By beck! When 1 came to 3is town I hadn't n shirt to my back, nd now*?now 1 haven't a back to my . tiirtP*?Judge's Library. Berlin's Outdoor Life. Berlin Is an amazing contrast to aris and London 1n the complete ab- j ?nce of n leisured. well to do class ith outdoor tastes It has ro bnmcs. no Ranelagh or Hurlingham. 0 weed-endy Brighton, hardly any lotortng do-naughts. Its"flat races re attended by dowdy tens where the ice courses within reach of London ; re thronged with smart thousands.? erlin Cor. London Bystander Afeaid of Him. "Ton never go to banquets with your BSband." i "No. I'm always afraid that they'll < ik him to make a apeech." ' "And he can't make one?" 1 That's It exactly. He csft't Bnt 1 he were asked I Just know he'd get p and try."?Detroit Free Press. ' | Truth la clothed in white, but a lie >mes forth with all the color* of the linbow. r$*'. .* S >jjr ? ' ' I'yj ?/ ?'ijt Jrt 'H? % / ' ' " ''' ' '' ^ ' ' SAID SHE For Very Best WOULD FAINT _ < ^ Hrs. Delia Long Unable to Stand ' lAITCY O On Her Feet More Than a Few J j Minutes at a Time. | p/\p amiaa f Pendergrass, Ga.?Mrs. Delia Long. v \Jll V VVIt 1 ^ J / of thla place. Id -a recent letter, aaya: V / "For Ave or ail years, I suffered agon- \ f ies with womanly troubles. Y i / Often, 1 couldn't sit up more than a v \ / few minutes at a time, and If I stood A n J TTn rrnt a VI n r on my feet long, I would faint ilHu V 6&[etdvl6S I took Cardul, and It helped me lm- A mediately. Now, I can do my work, all / I , the time, and don't suffer like I did." Come and See Al6 QT Take Cardul when you feel 111 In any / I Phone 47. I afow Have building tonic medicine for women6 j , ? . f, ft has been found to relieve pain end | S IUil Supply/OX distress caused by womanly troubles. j / and Is an excellent medicine to have on 1 __ hand at all times. I I Cardul acta on the womanly const!- ,i *- ~ tutlon, building up womanly strength. r^U"arnVr and regulat,ng ; Place your orders ea ly. Its half century of success ds due to merit It has done good to thousands. I Wlli you try It?' It may be Just what , I you need. AbIc your druggist about Cardul. He will recopmend It i I 1.1 1/' 1 t N. B.?lTW#?/o.- Ladies'Advisory Dww..Ch*tt?- B Wu |\ | | 3 \J mow* MeikineC->..CI?tunoota.Tenn..for QJP tr Vw # I IIBhCL Injitrtirtuni*, and 64-pace book. 'Home Treatment P^^9 lor Woorn," seql In ptain wrapper, on requtsu * ; v~~Yia JPEHHjL HSQk Warm Floors and/Healthy Children Make Happy Homes There is no better way tor you to ayfaid worry and expense than by insurinc your children's health. Warm floors in the home, which is the children's play house in winter, are assured When using Cole's Original Hot Blast Heater. \ j The steel base and body constriction allows the heat to be radiated to the floor keeping it woUk during the coldest weather. Cole's Original Hbt Blast Heater The Cleanest?Ensieat to Care For Burns Soft Coal, Ligniie, Ha\d Coal, Crushed Coke, Wood and Cobs. / \ Users of coal must remember that the ordinary heater is a big care to operate. That its smoke and ashes entail dusting, curtain washing and jtarpct sweeping. Think then of the ease of operation and thrfcleanliness of Cole's Hot Blast. Cole's Hot Blast haae guaranteed smoke-proof feed dpor? open the feed door andr the current of\air draws the schoke directly across the toiyof stove to the stove pipe?away from the opening. Contrajrt: this simple, cleanly feed with the side door in an ordinary/heater. The side (door used on other stoves permits escape of dirty smoke, unpleasant gas 'and accumulated soot drops from it. - If you overfill a side door stove, coal falls ta the floor. ** And note this, you cannot make a side dooa heater air-tight?an everlasting advantage in favor of Cole's Hot Blast which is air-tight and guaranteed to remain so always. No fires to l>uild?the fire is never out in this remarkable beater from fall until taken down in the spring. Better select one today?surely it is the heater you need? Em. "McKINNE BROS CO. nth a lUpa^ SsMishiB to WtoguiH Sin and Style If you are one of the many women ,vho **perimen'^tii v ^ 'T^| different kindsy of corj ^ scts anc^ thh*ic yoii are V w Wll hard to fix, you could N feLAiB end ?your corset . troiffwes by getting the s model suited to j'l|! | \ \ corscts fit every . Jill L'?.?JL Von;n and give her a KABD | \ I / \ STYLE I whJ / ??tvia and comfort.that 1 7015 | 11 S 1 / I slA won't find with C<HVrt*t?t Kabo Cofict Go. / i \ / \ other corsets. : / lI>o<W^.Aelyhifhbust. vcryloo/overhips. short- T* 1_\? * Tr I_ sniov slightly at back and !4nt. 11-inch front 1 h v 1' C S E - K.E D O, clasp, three pairs of strong h Ac supporters, very \ u",rim- MuU1 Y" Sl'" model k>r every figure. Sandler. Gro well Company, bole Agents

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