?? - * pII^ZZ^^ZZZIZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ integrity The keynote of our success has been integrity. Unimpaired, unadulterated and purity rested Combined with moral responsibility as regards ournnty to you, to your phkisician, and to ourselves. Thes?|Guide Posts Along the Path of Int< igiity Have Brought us tie Apr ~ precialtioi of Scie: ltinic Physic: ans and C Those Pei pie Who Desiie to { Have Th >ir \ \ - Prescript ons Filleiii a Careful, P tinstaking Way. f Our char jes ire no more than you would expect to i ay fc r such quality sei vice. AYCOCK Drug r Company Prescription Br u^gists Bicycle Service Telephone No'. 29 *, - * ' ' . , V - , . M.-...... > ;v - > . . . . V " ' 0 THE HOME Clf PieasanE Evening Rave Gated to Tirsd Mot the Home Girds -RUDE THOUGHTS FROIK If you think u house should have onlv one head, and' that be youis, postpone your wedding indefinitely. There is an old saving to the ef feet that an untidy mother has disobedient children, and, while neither parents or children may realize the why or wherefore of it, vet there is always a lack of respect and an indifference to the authority of a mother who takes no pride in .her pers >nal appearance. % ? * ? * Tile meanest men id the world are those who have allowed themselves to drift away from their mothers and forget all about tliero.T" The best and bravest men in the world are those who have never been so proud as when doing something pleasant' fot the kind old mother. . Who docs not feel more cheerful and contented for receiving a polite bow, a genial "good, morning," a hearty shake of the land? Who does not make himself the happier by these little expressions of fellowfeeling and good will? Silence and a stiff, unbending reserve are especially s lfish and essentially vulgar. *T There is a certain species of reptile found in all parts of the known world; its home is not so much in the jungles and wilderness, as one might suppoMT TTTi serpent frequents the haunts of men, showing by this that it is of a social character cites, villages, and the sparsely populated neighborhood, each and all claims its attention. Tile na^ne of i this serpent is slander. We hope it has no abiding place in tin; home of J any of our readers. The home cir,c!e column department is the best antidote Vet discovered for thi.s.vile reptile, and seldom fails to drive it {rem tlie home with weekly visits. ? * * The woman whose ltfp book bus love written on every ""page; w ho makes a home tor a man, a home in a house ami in a heart, a home that lie is sure of, a home that is full of love presided over by one whose price is above rubies. She is the model wife. Parents make their great mistakes in their training of children, by not recognizing . their individuality. > Each child has pcculiarties in mind, temperament, disposition ana una> acter which makes it an indiviiinal problem. Mothers in lamenting; the failure of home discipline sometimes say, "I am sure I cannot understand it; I have always tried to do my duty by tln tn, and have treated If you are one of j KAB01 w STYLE J 7015 I"T1 < Copyright Kabo Corset Co. I Style 7015. Is made of s poplin, fhas mode??tely high bust, very long oyer hips, aloft- * ening ilightly at hack and'front, 11-inch front clasp, three pelra of atrohg hoso aupporter/yary pretty lacs trim. Motel eyelets. Sixes l/to 3a Candler.Croweiy Coi } Louifebui I ? . . .?*.* * }CLE COLUMN. ries. ? R Golumn Qscliihsrs as Thsij Join at Euariing Tide j I THE EDITORIAL. PEN mv children exactly a'ike.",- There in lie* the very secret of her failure; *lie lies not realized their ind'viduality; she has made the mistake of using the same formula for different problems; she has sought to move distinctly different locks by the same key. The same sun melts wax and hardens clay. Of nil the evils prevailing among young men we know of.none more blighting in its moral effects than the tendency to speak slightingly of the virtue of women. Nor is theye anything in which young men are so thoroughly mistaken as the low estimate they toim of tho integrity of | women?not of their own inotheFs and sisters, thank God, but of others who, they forget, . are so.nebody else's mothers and sisters. There is no question that a child can seriously and fairly ask that cannot be as.seriously and fairly unswered. To tell a child or to lead it to infer that it is "too little" to know anything more on any subject about'which it already knows enough to frame a question, is to deny its capacity for further growth. . It is to thrust the child's mind into a dungeon, instead of opening it to the light. , . . We do not know why any one ahoulcTobject to d wife trilling her husband by his first name when among friends, but it is seldom regarded as good form to do so excepting in the presence of relatives, j No one, however,can object to Mr. 1 Smith or Mr. White. And don't say I "Smith" for " dr. Sooth " If you | want to cuit-your husband "1 birling" j 'or ' hove,' pray do *o as often as you like, hut always in the privacy and seclusion of your own homes. The people who "I,ove" and" Dove" and "Darling" each other in company are often the very ones who call each other by strangely different names when at home. * ? Success is never obtained in a country like tins without effort. If you fail once, try again. If you tall down, get up. If it is dark strike n light. If you are in the shade move around; if ^hore is shade on one side there ts sure to he sunshine uu the other. It takes longer to skin an elephant than a mouse, but then the skin is worth something. Never be content with doing what another has done?excel him. iJ Lame back is on&df the most common forms of mu|cular rheumatism. A few applications/\)f Chamberlain's Liniment will give feReL For sale by all dealers. I \ the many women who experiment with different kinds of cor? sere and think you are hi.rd to fit, you could and all your corset troubles by getting the J Kabo model suited to I /your figure." rCabo corsets fit every .1 womfcui and give her a style and comfort that she^womt find with other corsets. There's a, Kabo model Jor every f^gure. mpany, Sole Agents g, W. C. . . . ' U , *?' . . , X ' " ' i t .? . ... f ; t; ' 7 , ' '- '* ' v; IftF''- *' If it's a surface to fig be painted, enarpeled, H 1. The \ stained, varnished or fin- K ishcd in any way, there's H an Acme Quality Kind ?& to fit the purpose. ?3 * Paint H 3. Fall v H A ,de I 4. Wei/ k ' * /tr y L<" I A *la11 F M/ 1 m( Mi I 77* /m \alli Ask us a PAINT.\lt beauty, at\th I McKINWE BRi don't 'Tssrzzr r y?'&.&. -y-f-- s RhBumatism It is the j/dM distressing and I discouracAgYof all troubles. I Nine of ten con be . cured by JNcUli'i Liniment. Wh^re tp\re\^ is no swelling / xji icvki aiowaDpncauons will Colc'a^lc' Cla'-l Drc;t J - reliere wu. \ 14 penetrates? the c&apvbich is vised i doe/ not/ e vapor Ate like other *Kc force f this Icwr rem e dies?r^duires little owT-oanrt* b*:rn Ofct- : ndftbin^. ^ Tbouarr.-.J c? tat :ixro Noap'? I Aliment is the pest remedy for / /x ? j /"> Rh/umatilm, Sciatica, Aamo Back, Stiff H ? ?> B/Q <2 ij U f TJ (Q Jolfcts olid Muscles, Bord Throat, Colds,/ w \2/ _ Strains, Sprains, Cuts, \ Bruisas. Colic. Cramns. d""1' I The ideal hentiarr stev JfcuralRla, Toothache, [Ml the fuel?into the mo mipd all Nerve, Bono fTgSSjS The durable h:au r is aid Muscle Aches and j^H -ficx year, which a he itin . gf$ the quickest: idi?*.cr < ! b! Moan 3 Arte on every it *, ,,,. bftckftRe and looks like n^T^jfTFl Ha Blast heater, \,v here er 1 Ithls cut. but has RED IJIIfilJM quality nray cart iron io v rband on front of pack- Ikjil/allPM | Cast iron withstands 1 Iage and "Noah's Lini- ||nfm jul than any other mat-rial,; ment" nlwaya hi RED UllJlMuiil BH radiate all the heat ;nto\th tot. Bcw-iro of faplta- Burns Soft Coal, Slnfck tlons. Large bottle, 25 w mut _ . cents, and sold by all Make >our scUcuoa I dealers In modlolno, Srr??SS?? I Guaranteed or money IIZ.-tZTJI ~v:n TV/T^T^T'l refunded by Noah ^ jyiCiYlJ Remedy Co., Inc?, HI Richmond, Va. feS^E2B Ifir HBMSDSSMiMl w 1* ! ? Ornamental Trees, 111 ouruus, noses, quids ana Bulbous Plants, Grape Vines M|T/|3V3 Small, Fruits, Etc. You can't petter yourself other than by inyestighting the I lines of me / I 6 perrW nursry ^!_L COMPANY Executrix's No . i \. T-* t Having qualified as the Kepresenle i \in b ranklin the w?n of Henry Long, d< C( untv\ by ot P^^^lcounty, North ( 7 \ is to notify 1 all persona hi WY V T> _against thtestate of said #* ,fc UyrUHI, present them to the unders before the 2Thd, day of Sep! I4 rank lllton, N. C. or this notiqaVwill be plea - I their recovear.XAll personi In Louisbuig every Monday said estate win p>aae mak< Look at this line before you "'^and. Lr ofWm buy, it wilrbe saving dollars V s^a*. in your pocket. jym. H. Ru)^ n, Atty.7^1 H i rtf hrong Reasons ;r Fall Painting ^ood is thoroughly dry. uner's sun has removed all moisture. * * s penetrates deeper into y wood. deeper it goes the better it holds. veather is^arm, dry and pendahj^' 'le danvfr of cold, damp, rainy days, ch erjfanger the durability Of the paint. weather decays and#deoys unprotected surfaces. A of paint- means unsightly and less table property. # minting keeps out winter )isture. greatest enemy to the life and beauty of fractures. ' * bout ACME QUALITY HOUSE insures the greatest protection and te least cost per year of service, erfully answered. OS. CO Floors insure the ire^s ^ Health wti top oi tnc tire sums tne com lrom inc top?burns vith all other stoves. i draft forces the beat to the base which is made of :nd heats the floor. mials have been written regarding the base heating mal Hot Blast Heater c is one which,radiates all the heat thrown oil from -instead of letting it go up the chimney, the one which will withstand the severe use, year g stove is necessarily subjected to. Sheet steel is :zl and i3 used as radialu:. ; surface only, in Cole's Hot the fuel comes in contact with '.he linings-j-only first sed. the wear of tbo heat from active combustion better md the large; sensitive, sheet metal body and base e rooms. 'i*\ , Lignite, Hard Coal, Wood and lighter fuel. DOW. _ !" NNE BROS CO. S\SS According to Size and Finish ?Wftl last as long as the building. I Roofs put on over twenty years ago are as good aa I new today. For further detailed information apply to HOUCK, Louishurg, N.C. tice. CHICHESTER* PILLS executrix of! DIAMOND jSflQSBRAND ceased. late ^ Carolina, this | ,e ? iviug claims ^?L<*0 lyf \ fjj ** !*. deceased to Tjfe'X mT igned on or ZV7 Xff* Lembei\1912, . Lapihs i j uQ_ _ r Ask T??r Dnujia for CTlI-CHHS-TBR 3 A .a in bar or Biamond uTCand rili? in ran and/j\ : ? ind6btod to Gold metall/c boxes, sealed with BluefO/ 1 immediate g'bb?P-. ^.T*..t?iff'ffWnfft diamoku fHKAKD PILijL for twenty-flw? ber, 1911. {ears re*ardtd aa Beat, Safest, Always Sellable. nlono. SOLDi BY ALL DRUGGISTS nfy Long. ^ EVERYWHERE 5SKS,