. .., ., I ^ ^ ^ ^ * ^^KHi'^ ^yl^flt"' ' j^l^r * . V i V " ' <' . i O Jj? *'" ; fc.-'"'" ' J, *5*; r' ;* e r ^ ' T*T(? .[ " . i - ? ' "CNb ' (, - *'* \. -.,* >? - -. v, ' " , - .1. \ LITTLE SCARE THIS IT * FINE ;: fr?>.*C . ^ HJD,NS.. ' >&&' ^ PLACE-." | ^ ^ ^ ' \ -, BELLED /? //a in Jj1? My. but w? h*d ? dandy timet LiK week 1 purposelj forgot to tell you about expecting to ghre a Hallowe'en- party tor I wanted to aarprlae yon with what t hope la a very pleasant snrprlss. You should have aeen ua ducking for applas hot the funalaat thing waa the way we ran when W ltlle Simpeon. drtsaad up In the eearry eoatume shown below and Jumped at pa when we went out to took In the old well. Jack 1 and Harold helped ma make the pumpkin laeteraa tor decora < ; - lions, and when thaPeandlaa ware placed la them they wen very pretty. Yon can cut eat lb# ones shown hero, hold i match behind them and tea how tbay looked. UtsUn friends If yea should not know Just how to go about organising ai Anns Bella Sewing Society aa I suggested last week, it you wli let mo bear from yon rig lit away l'U he glad to help you all '< 'can. We kave a dandy oae and da I organised U all toe gin y gnggaated that Wa call oura Ua Anna Ball# Society Thai they sugesttd that I write all gf frtenda about what we war doing. Ask no try questions yon wish and addreas your let ofrs to me care of this paper. With beat wishes, Your lot ins. ' I - ' y >'?? t* y ^ I^"-11*1^} ,- \^T^Jph ^ I'' ^v?^1^nft?v' . : . :,. : . r" ME! - :,:| . 1 i vv V; uv '' ..." w^P; e 1 "'* ' ;; \ V ' ' , '???.*& ? T\ r-, ->v ' < '// I ^/V-? SNTri Vx'.^V7-- . . M_ >. V- tt ^/^r -? Kurvcoct-?5 Yelp I YELP: T r c n? kJ HALLOWE EN PARTY | < Rn J^V t V t^? pB *1* 4 . "" f . * ?iV.' 7-'w^a'jrjB*' ? *,.-. . '<