Ft ofewtion gj ^ari TjR- JOEL WHITAKI U l'ractice limited to disea >es of Eye, Et Nose and Throa,. In .ouisburg fin Monday in each month. 81UAKT DIVIS I ARCHITECT UouistjurgJ N. C. N " Suburban pr?.j?oraea kid out for d? velopraent. Leveling and drainag work, General SuiWeymg. T \R. ARTHUR HYNES FLEMING*, Surgeon Ueitllt, Offlre in Ford Building Maui and Naah atr?* Lou in burg. N. C. ? Hours: 9 to 4:30. Phon No. 40. JJK. H. A. NEWKLI, * I'HYMJ I Luuiaburg, N. C. Pboue No. 1-i P It A.N K LINTON HOTE a Fraoklintdo. N. C. R. A. Speed Hr< prietor Good Lirerv lu\c mowiiun j^lt. C H. BANKS \ DENTAL SUllSEON . L?:uif ljurg, 111 C. Office Id Hicks Building.]Mi?in Street. p H. * COOKE ATTORNEY-A '-LAW 'Loulsborg, I L C.* Over Cooper A Pleasant Score. Promp Attention givenall legal t a ilae-M entrusts to me DR. J. E. MALONE, Supt. Healtl Louisburg, L C. Office in Aycock Drug Store, Mark* Street. Office pract i e, Surgery and consults I ion. JjK. S. P BURT 1 PHYSICIAN aad.SBROKON Louisburg, N.L\ Office over P. 8. A K. K. jAllen's Store jjtt. B- F. YARBOROUtlH PHYSC1AN and SlIgEOX. 1 Loui'sliurg. N. C. OUce in Yarboroug'i A Blskett build it id Night calls answered ( om T. W. Bickett residence, phone 74. ^M. HAYWOOD KCFF|N ATTORNEY AT (LAW Louisburg. N. jc. j_ Will practice in all courts < Fraoklio an adjoining couuties. alio the Suprern flfourt ami in the (Jolted St ten District an ^Lirvuit Court. Office over first Natioiu f ~ank. ??I rp B. WILDER ATTORNEY.AT LAW Louisburg. N. B. Office on Main street in Co >^r building. gPRUILL A BOLDEN I ; ATTORNEYS VTLAw Louisburg. N. C Will attend the courts ol . la iklin, Vhiuh Granville, Warre., and ' ountiee, als the Supreme Couit prill Carolina Prompt attention given to call actions tt1?* in Bprulll building. T.W. Bickett. R, B, Wliil. IL>ai?burg, M.|C. *Frknllintnn. .. f JJICKBTT ft WHITE LAWYER^: I \ Louie burar. N.j . \ The eettlen|ent o? eet?*tes tor executor?* Ai minWtratore and Guardian* in made anpo Laity, and '-ebond* requirrd by\ low n*n \ eecnri*^ in ne office. Office in Ynrborough ft Hickeli l.iddiu Main at.reet ?: yj- M. PERSON ATTORNEY AT LA ?\ \ Loulsborg. Nt (!j \ 1 Practice in all courts Office on Mulb Stre. fij 7 \ yy H. YABBOROUOH Jr. ATTORNEY A'' LAW \ jjS Looialmrg, N, t: I ' Allleg.il ligiineee llltrrete < mU'r^il protnot attention, ttffi't fn Egettr ^ Bollding. ^ M r. 11 out k CONTItAUTOIt and I tTILpEH l.nnteburg. N. C. Trading agent fof all kluda >1 bollding at | plica, artieti Mantle, and Nlaa. Arcllil taral defiitrnn tin bra it. ted. D R FCj R D/ 1DENTIS1 / Frnnklinton. 1 . C., / E.A. nofi Tinworkfr. I Louisburg, Itf Q. , Will make estimates/ on thy ,0 Work Guaranteed. Call of- wrii wl on in n0#" ?* jn m f Is It Worth While? t _ Is it worth while that wo jostle a brother Bearing bis load on the rough road of life? . lr Is it worth while that we jeer at each ,t other In blackness of heart??that we war to the knife? God pity us all in our pitiful atrife ' God pity ua all as we jostle each other. God pardon us all for the triumphs ? we feel When a fellow goes down; poor heartbroken brother, '6 I'iereed to the heart ; words are keener than steel, v And mightier, far, for woe and for ? weal. Were it not well in this brief little jour- ? it. nev p On over the isthmus, down iuto the tj tide, t; ? We give him a fish instead of a ser- f pent, - v Ere folding the hands to be and t - abide For ever and aye; in dust at his side? tl - Look at the roses saluting each other v ? - Look at the herds all at peace on the I1 plain? " Man, and man onlv, makes war on his " brother, 'J | And dotes in his heart on his peril 'n and pain? u Shamed by the brutes thgt go down j, on the plain. r ?Joaquin Miller. n The Best Kind of Family Read- 1 In*. I For your home, where the right influ- b ence counts for so much,choose the read- li ing that quickens the pulse,-that tells v |t of deeds of daring, that takeB the reader n i.i into strange parts of the world, and 1 yet, with all its power to entertain, de- ? - picts honor, true manliness, gentleness, t( i loyalty to principle, as the things of )( chief importance in life. It benefits j t while it entertains. ' S You will find such reading week after o week in the pages of The Youth's Com- d ~ pamon. contributed bv the nonnlar! r story-w. iters, and by men and women 8 whose name's are famous in every field J of enterprise and scholarship. Send us your address on a postal card, j _ and we will mail you the beautiful p Prospectus of The Companion for 1912, d together With sample copies of the b paper. <1 We think you will agree, when you l' 5, have read them, that there ia no other 11 paper that gives quite so much of such ? _ a high quality aB The Companion, and | it costs only $1.75 now for the 52 weekly ,, issues. On January 1 1912, the sub- i, scription price will be advanced to $2.00. u The new subscriber receives a gift of b d The Companion Calendar for 1912, in <1 j ten colors and gold, and all the remain- c il jngjssues of 1911 free from the time 11 _ | the subscription is received. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION. 144 Berkeley St.. Boston, Mass. y Don't trifle wita a cold is good ad- II vice for prudent men and women. It ? - may be vitahqf a/child. There is noth- p ing better thftqj Chamberlain's Cough ,j Remedy for coujfhs and colds in children. It is safeptnd sure. For sale by - all dealers. \ t . this ; s certain 1 - |\ B The Proof Thit LouJsburg Read- 3 ers CannotjDeny, c What could turmsji stronger evi- t dence of the efficiency of any reme- ? dy than the test of time. Thousands b of people testify thai Doan's Kidney ? Pills cure permanently, ' GratefiN endorsements should >t> prove undoubtedly the merits ot this a g remedy. Wears ado people in fhts p locality teSJ^ied trf the relief they h had derive'Mfrom t/ie urfe of Doan's J' Kidney PillL Tlejrnow confirm their testimofljalsJ7'They eay that n time has comnWvi the test. d ?i Mrs. CliaJA Bridgers, 227 E, J - Davie St., Bwl^i| b, N C., says: "1 'jj can slronjpy rec\ Amend Doan's Kid a ney PilU, for th v \iave done me a ^ woild^f good. I used them three tl year?'ago and I shallV never forget * in how greatly I ' as be\efited. The backaches and |i ins tlmwgh my kid- a " nyya were renin' sd and \he trouble o 'with the kidhev Isacretionl was also ^ corrected. I ha e had no\ occasion t; to iise a ki lnev ledicine. slice that J p. time. In Janua v, 1908, a member ^ *' of my family publicly endorsed t, Doan's Kidney il's and at tils time a1 I do not hesit lie one moment in con " il firming lhat statement. ^ Kor sale by ?ll dealers.. Price 50 cents. Poster-.Milburn Co., New h York, sole URents for the United ? I States. J . . II Remembey the name?Doan's? J and take no other. . Bilousness is diVtoia disordered con- o dition of the stomocU. Chamberlain's \ Tablets are essentialrjl a stomach medb icine, intended especCyv to act on that . organ; to cleanse it, itrangthen it, tone . and invigorate it, tq regulate tf^e liver J and to banish bdoutfisM positively and ? effectual lly. for aile by all dealers. b \ * ' Jjgr . D. ~\rIbL. : 'A-' > \. " .. : JsLw-. ' SUNDAY SCHOOL. * .esson VI.?Fourth Quarter, For Nov. 5, 1911. HE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. "ext..of the Lesson, Est. Iv, 10 to v, 3. Memory Verses, iv, 13, 14?Goldon Text, Ps. cxlv. 20?Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearno. As w? have but one lesson In this renderful portion of the Bible, we lust Irjr to pet some idea of the whole ool:. It Is the story of God watching ver and providentially caring for Ills oople. and. thoupli He is not men ionv.l by mime. He is seen working n'l lirougli. The book ends most beautially and suggestively with% these in.tls: "Mordecul the Jew wus next i:to King Ahasuerns and greut among he Jews and accepted of the mnltiude of Ills brethren, seeking the ;ecith of his people and. speuking e.T-e to ull bis seed" ix. 3i.. We can c-t but think of the klngdom'of which his book is a historical and prophetic Ictnre. Illustrating the grace of God. kmos vl. 1(\ and l ent. xsxi. 17. -IS. uty pc-sll ly throw some light on the bseuce of any unco of God in the ook. and yet the nnn.e of .lehovnli is bully I here fi>;.r tlu .es A. the form of :i acrostic i:i the li:l!lal or rtttni-letier^ f four words* in chapters I. *20: v. 4 3; vil. 7. Pee Dr. BullingerV booklet 'bis any cue with a Hebrew Bible can asily verify. It Is said that Dr. Glnsurg has discovered three ancient MPS a which these acrostic letters me rritten In larger characters nnd In lore prominent form. The absence of be name In any ordinary form augests the lines: "Ob, ble3t Is be to rbom In given the instinct that rati ell that God Is on the field when He i most invisible" (Faber). "Most hid en. yet most manifest" (Augustine', lome one has said that It Is the story f the people of God delivered from eath by a mediator of ttye highest ink. who undertakes the greatest dan er nnd is mysteriously one of them, 'he time of the story is supposed to be etweon El. vi and vil. The princ! al truth seems to be that there is n Sod In history working out His good leasure through human lives and orinary means. As one has said. "All istory is Ills story." God and the evil are seen in conflict from Gen. ill o Rev. xx. Here it is Human as the evil's man and Mordecai and Esther n the Lord's side. Thus far in the story, up to our leson today, we see the greatness of un nrthly king and the mugniflcmcc of is kingdom; his ill treatment of n loble xwomau. put away, but remem iered; the choice of another who reuired nothing but what was appointd for her (1. 19: ii. 1. 15): the faithful nd unwavering interest of her guard in. Mordecai: the promotion of Hi ban and his plot to kill all the Jews ."his brings us to the Intercession of 2sther in the lesson of today, iu which he took the place of death to save the lyes of her | eople (iv, 11). Our modi ior actually aiea in our stead to <le[ver us from the curse of the law <Gal 11. 33-: iv. 4. f>). The words In iv. 14 Who knoY^eth whether thou art coine o the kingdom for such a time us his?*' make us think of the words of he Lord Jesus, "For this cause came 1 into this hour." "For this cause came Into the world" (John xil. 27; xvlii 7). ff-.we are redeemed by the prelous blood of Christ we may be ceraln that all our life is planned for us ccordlng *0 Eph. 11. 10. and concerning very occasion or opportunity we may te sure that it has been prepared for is; that in it. by dying to self, we may oake manifest the life of Jesus ill !or. Iv. 10. 11; I 8am. x. 7). If we are unwilling He will choose ome willing vassal to accomplish his urpose. and the loss will be ours. Esther sent word to Mordecal tbut e and all the Jews in Shushan should oin her and her maidens in a three ays' fnst and then shd would go Into he presei\cerof the king on behalf of er people, even If it should mean eath to her (iv. 15-17K On the third ay she went to the kiug and obtained avor in ids sight and the assurance hat he would do for her whatever she sked. even to the half of his kingdom >ur Mediator, who is now in the prcsnce of God for us. has given us all hat Is Ills and made us Joint heirs Hth ITIfrQo'f ITu o Irna flrAmi enitent winner Into full partnership rlth Himself. blotting out all that was gainst us mid putting all His rlghtousness to our account. because He led for onr sins and rose again the lilrd day. Tf any are perplexed by the liree days and nights of the body of esns Christ In the tomb and cannot (irk It In betxveen Friday and the first ny of the week let them find the key j the reel meaning of the time In this tory. They were to fast three days. Ight nnd day. nud yet on the third ay 'not the fourth! she went to the Ing <!v. 10; v. 1). The rest of the Esther story Is tbriitig as we read of Hnman's gallows or Mordecnl. his supposition that be ?as the man whom the king would deght to honor, the king's skcpless Ight. the record found In u>e> book of he Chronicles concerning Mordeeal. lumen's being compelled to do to lordeca! wha he had longed to hare one to liimsel:', then his betng hanged n the callows be had prepared for lordecal. , v How grand the statements of^chapsrs vlll. Iff: 1?, 3. margin. "Thotr^ess sd light, gladness and Joy and honr." "Those, who did the bnalness that elonged to the king helped the Jews." v J? ' . ?SBMeggBBB .i 191 NOVEIV . FIRS Now gentlemen, cracker boys and sorry niggersL il Nov. 1st. I want it. Love and good will is fine, at the banks that I borrowed to buy mules and/hor ton that you now have piled up at-your homes1 - Hold your cotton if you can bdrrow money to compelled to collect everything thai is die this fy pany to take over my busitiess hereAor 1 have sol ; and good_will to a company known ai^mll Live 8 you owe me. Now you may shout th\ truth in a and look wise, ret he will not believe Ve lives in think 1 can collect my money. Watch Jpim waltz / * ing mortgage sale as I have said beforoX have sol positively sell hopees, mules, buggies .jwhgonR, si lots of good notes and judgements anc accounts, i Soutnall and Co., for livery. A list sf thele notei can be seen at my office ten days bef >re t\e sal buying these notes and accounts as tl e parries \vl high gear on sight and wont be at ttv i sale aAl gv these accounts are on young men and some onVbuj will be goo<' some day, but I can t w; ,it. I wiH t the Franklin Times. Also will have large post< store, post office and gin house in Ft roklin and\ member Friday, Not. 24th, I wont i ell any horsi other personal property, including tlje judgemen u?j win De norse ana mule day. In this paper n< vertisement and a statement about lill Live 8to pose to do and sell, (iet read7 tor t lis sale, you long journey. Spend it, if you don' , when "you tives will auit speaking. Spend it the sale, your cash dollars will do. I expect ailarge crowd birds build nests in trees makes people come to 1 wont get hurt as everything as guaranteed or mo K. P.\ I P. S. Remember, without respect of race or color going to settle. If I owe you I'll pay you, If you <r afmatch game before the jury. PROTECT. . THE HEALTH OF YOURSELF L AND FAMILY. ffc Pope's Herb is prepared to provide a c dependable household remedy, based P upon the principle of purity of blood insuring freedom from disease. It is . a medicine for maladies such a?, Rheumatism, Liver Complaints, Constipa- If it*s a surface to || tion, Fever and Ague, Female Disor- painted, enameled, dere. Indigestion, Lumbago, Kidney ; d v.mi.hed, or Derangements, Catarrhr, Sick and Ner- . yOUS Headaches, loss off Apetite and all finished in any way, ailments arising fromr inactivity of the there'san Acme Quality Liver and Kidneys. I Kind to fit the purpose. It is a purely Hertfs, Barks and Roots Compound. It is put up in chocolate coated tablets phasing and easy to take, (or can be dissolved in water.) Mrs. J. C. Meade of Hayattsville, Md. says: J "For years /1 have suffered with Backache. Headaches, Neuralgia, and L?: 1 ivuoyco null CAUCUIC lailKUC, X tried many, remedies without relief Four monthsfago a grateful friend induced me \o write to Pope Medicine Co. Washington D. C., for a box of Pope's Herb Conlpijund Tablets, the very first , dose of two/tablets gave roe relief. I / used not auft* a 11.00 box and I am en- / tirely cured of the pain in my back and / have no mdre headache." / Dr. J. y. fiennesey, a prominent / Physician find Surgeon of Albany, N. . I Y. in part says:. . / "As Bood Pmrifier, Liver, Kidney / and Svstela regulator I prescribe Pope / Medicine fco's of Washington, D. C. / Herb Compound as 1 have done for the f past 20 years, and I nave found it to / be a great remedy, \which seldom if / eyer fai'sf There areUhousands of let- / ters from/users of Pope's Herbs, that / have been benefitted and cured by its / proper the. Pope's Herb Compound / Tablets Ire put up 200 in a box, "six / J month's treatment," and will be sent , poot-paifl on receipt of 11.00. Each box containsa printed guarantee binding . _ . _ us to res unci the purchase price if the remedypails to benefit, also full dir^c- |^| < * Guaranteed by the Pope Medicine Co., | | f |! Inc., u\ \der the Pure F'ood and Drugs Ac^S June 30, 1906 No. 3*956. Fori TERMS TO AGENTS IN UNOCCUPIED TERRITORY ? 1 ADDRESS POPE MEDICNe To buy fruit CO. INC Pope Building. Washington, D. C. . preserving Administrator's Notice. Having qualified/a administrator of CVel ji I the estate of W. 11 Wilder, deceased, late of FrantUin coanty this to notify all persona having /claims against said . _ __ setate to prdsentf them to the under- A I A f * M nlgn ?d on or bMoie the 2<lnd, day of * * n September, 1912Mr this notice will be plead in bar of thjhr recovery. All persons Indebted to sML estate will please / ~ make immediate tmymsnt. * This 22nd, day ft SeMember, 1911. " BRANT Wn. H. Ruffin/Att'y. ' Mm* ? l/l I X I .. ''v.* ' '* .. ' ' SMm "': " fs-'. s- "i . " *-r ? v. |V- : " Ji '.V 1 ' IBEft 5T f you owe me anything and it is due > but it takes money to pay my notes ses to let you have to make your cot . > Day me, I am sorry, but am ill as I have organized a comId my business, stables, stock tock Co., (Inc.) I want what cracker boys ear, he will listen - ' -**. a tool's paradise. He don't Nov. 24th and 26, a hair rai? [ Id out and at this sale I will ?. jrries, harness, cows, hogs and also the accounts due J. II. \ i and judgements and accounts ^ e. You can make money by 10 owe me instantly go into less they will run by. J^ome of 3iness men around town and ell you all about this sale in >rs stuck up at every country .adjoining counties. Now rera or mules but will sell all ts)^ notes and accounts. Satur ?xc\ weeic you will see an adck Gto., and what they procan't<akc your money on your - are gone your hungry relaLet you^ neighbors see what . The same law that makes Jiese sales. They know they . . t ney refunded. You take no risk 4ILL , saint or sinner, friend or foe, I am we me, you pay me, or we will have ! Strong Reasons ^ fcrFaBx airsting 1. The* wood i* thoroughly dry. Summer's sum has removed all moisture. 2. Faint uenetrates Hpewr info Vlry t^ood. Me /eeper it go ft tht better it holds. 3. Fjra weather is warm, dry and /dependable. / Little danger of cold, damp, rainy days, / ix.hti.li endanger the durability of the paint. A. Wet i weather decays and de' strews unprotected surfaces. Lack \of paint means unsightly and lest valuable property. 5. Fall painting keeps out winter moisture. Tht greatest enemy to the life and beauty of all structures. ; Ask ii-. about ACME QUALITY HOUSE PAINT. It insures the greatest protection and beauty, at the least cost per year ol service. Questions cheerfully answered. CTNE BROS. CO. s I he lime , / . jars, jaf rubbers, tops ; kejde^, sugar and ;bing for canning EAP PRICE FROM \ . '7*"* LEY \HICKS ^ -v. \

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