FRANKUN - TIMES A. f. JOHNSON. Editor and Manaftr Friday. Oct. 27 1911 l -TAR DROPS. ?? -j ?St. Elmo tomorrow night. ? ltead the advertisement of T. <J. Hill in another column. ? Don't fail io see St. Elmo at the Opera Halite Saturday night. ?- . ? Quite a large number of our people j attended the circus at Raleigh on last i ? iday. ?Ho out and enjoy a good play at the dpera House tomorrow night?St. Etauo will bo there. ? R. C. Heck has moved his family to the Mrs. Mattie Williams residence on Main street. J? St. Elmo will be played by a strong company at the, Opera House tomorrow (Saturday) night. ?I'. W. Wheless has something new to say to the readers of The Times this week. Look It up. ?The recent cold snap has caused the people to begin to look after their coal and- wood supply. ? If you want to see a good show you hnu-ty'uo" get your seats reserved for <t. Elmo tomorrow night. ?Tne remaius ol Mrs. Martha C. Reams were taken from here to Durham on last Saturday for intermenv ?The name for the new garage here ? Will be Louisburg Motor Car Co. They Are flfflttins- tllincrA In ahann Inn tni.l jicss. ?The attention of our readers is directed to the change of advertisement of K..P. Hill in another column in this issue..k ?Don't forget that we especially want you to see the contest piano at ('andlfr-Crowell Co. store. It is being very highly commended. ?The tobacco sales here Tuesday were very large and the prices equal or al>ove the average. You had better try this market with yonr next load. ?TUb first noticeable frost visited this section on Tuesday morning. A report of a light frost however, was re# ccived here about two weeks ago. ?There has been attention given the bridge across Tar river, , where the planks were p dling up. The same have been renailed and are now in better shape. ?We are requested to state that there. will be an ice cream supper given at l'earce's school, Dunns township, Friday evening November 3rd, , for the benefit of the school. The public is cordially invited. ?T. G. Hill has bought out the market business of J. D. Hill on Xash street. lie has installed a gasoline engine and a power sausage machine and will be prepared to furnish their customers with good fresh sausage at ail times, ?Chief of Police Tucker and assistants are to be congratulated upon the great improvements they are making on some of the streets in town. There are several of them that after having been worked would hardly be recognized as the satne streets, , ?New contestants are entering the contest right along since the piano has shown up. There is plenty of time left for new ones to enter and win the prize/ If yoil are not in get in and win nnp Vnn Aro invited tn rail and see the piano at Candlev-Crowells store the parlor suit at the Times office and the watches at F. W. Wheless. pi .1 ?There has~been expressions among some of our people to the effect that we do away with pig pens in Louisburg next year. This movement will be all right if they will put them out of the corporate limits, but the time for action i? thiB winter?do not wait until everybody who wants to raise pigs gets their suoply for next Year. We will gladly publish communications above the signature of the writers along this line, where of course they do not exceed a reasonable length. Louisburg' to Have Postal Sav lngs Bank. We have been informed by Miss Mary Yarborough, our efficient postmistress, that a postal savings bank has been ordered established here, to become operative on November 21st, 1911. After having established these institutions in the first and second-class offices, the Department decided to extend the service to a few of the better managed third.claaa offices, where the help ^ was capable of handling this feature in ^ addition to the regular mail matter. It is quite a compliment to Loulsburp and Its postoffice officials that Lodisbnrg should he one of the first third-class offices to be designated for this new service. The officials here are now familiarizing themselves with the work and will, in a few days, begin making things ready for the opening on November 211 My. J. C. (Vtink) MaswnbuiK sold j ne barn of tobao^o on Hfveraide floor .this week Vprospeeta are1 t*?t ?<?k wilTmcrrWjgbout Xmas. It I ' - 1 ' _ ... " , ? Produce." ' The demanu on tliia market for practically everything in this line a farmer hag to sell is strong and good prices prevail at all times. It would be to your interest to-Turn your surplus produce into cash. The Tuesday ClutS- &jj Tuesday afternoon the "Tuesday Club" met with Miss Frances WinBton to reorganize, and to place the New Year's work. The club has held its regular social meetings through the rummer, though It did not attempt any work toward civic improvement. .This is one of its chief purposes, and the ladies are going to make every ef-1 fort to do successful work this year. I Through the club the Alkahest Show | Co. is presenting a series of entertainments in our town. The first - two shows, "Edwin P. Weeks' Comedy Show" and the "Beulah Btftk*Quartette', p-oved a delight to alt The next attraction, in November, will be the most novel and interesting and the highest class performance of the season. It is to be armusical entertainment, with male quartet and expert bell-ringer. It will be an expensive show, so we need the patronttge of our people. We must have it! The ladies of the club are interested in those things that will proves benefit to the town and hope that eveiy one else will become interested in the movements tor civil improvements. ]The above was intended ' for our Franklinton Demirtment, but war received" too late "editor.] Moulton Items Thought I would Bend in a few more items to le^: people know we are "still in the ring.'1. . "" Quite a large number of people from around here went to the fair and report a fine time. Robert Turner, of Henderson Bpent Saturday night with his uncle,'W. H. Mosley and" was a pleasant caller at Billy Rows' Sunday. Eddie Wright and family spent Sunday with his sister, Lattie Smith. Ira Cash and Willie Perry, of Franklinton, were pleasant callers at W. H. Moseley's the past Saturday. Frank Pinnell, Otis Cash, Ben People, Coleman Merritt and Kenneth Powell were pleasant callers at J. C. Tharrington'a the past Saturday, Thomas Pinnell was a pleasant caller at H. G. Ayscues Sunday afternoon. C. G. Cash and wife -spent Sunday with her parents, Willie Burnett and wife. Miss Mary Etta Tharrington and brother, Willie, spent Sunday with their cousins, Misses Goldie and Jessie Tharriugion. With Best wishes for Tub Times. Blue Bells. The best plaster. \A piece of flanne dampened with CbaWiberlain's Liniment and bound on oier the affected parts is superior to a plaster and costs only one tenth as much. For sale by all dealers. ( / '-3 Royal has no substiti y# making delicioi fy()1 I Baking! | ABSOLUTE || The only Baking Pom mi from Royal Gr rtf. " H Certificate Jjk. Issued by this bank bear int^i of o'ep CITIZENS BANE HENDERSi Captital and Surj J. B. Owens, Pres. / A . . W. A/Hun - _ 1 - : - f, T' v For Sale or l(ent . A six room t?o>|JJry-dwelling on a Main street on southyfde of Tar river. ^ Apply to w. H. I'i easantb Jr.. 4 Cabbage Plants. 4 For good Karly Puty Wakefield cab- ^ bagu plants at $1.00 mer 1,000 or special A prices for larger iqufuititieB, see the j old reliabler, Joe SvricMand or Andrew ^ Frazier, KatesyiUeJN. ^ Notice. __ _ 4 Having qualified laa^odffrnnistrator of 4 the estate of the lIKeW. N. Harris, all A persons holdihg claims against the estate are requested! to present them to v me on or before October let, 1912. All C persons owing theies'ate are requested * to make immediate payment. * This, October 2Ah, 1911. 0 R. B. MENDBiisott, Adm'r. R. B. White. Att'y- * ' to 771 BEEF! . users \t This is to i\form you that T have ^ bought out the Met business of J. D. 4 Hill on Nash stalet and will continue ^ same at the sank place. Further you 4 will take noficeftnat on and after Nov. . 1st., I will placet my business on s j a strictly caslf bass. This means that s all beef leavidg mV market must be , 4 paid for on qeliverj* 1 shall have no 4 pets, but male all pay cash. By this ; 4 means 1 can/sell cheaper and furnish . better ser Jce at the\ same time save ' ^ myself fipm losing interest on in- i * vestment the entire bill. Will be glad to haje your trade but will have - iv^uuc tuu vo pay cusu. t! g. hill P. $. .1 want to buy your hides, will pay .highest market price for same. Lame back is one of tl.e most common forms of muscular rheumatism. A few applications of Chamberlain's Liniment will give relief. For sale by all dealers. Very Serous I It is a Very seriouYmatter to ask Kb I lor, one Aecicins And have the ft I wrong ona givenr you. For this K B reason we argeyyou in buying to K be careful ta got the genuine? 06 BUcfewiGHt livei Medicine The/eputat on of this old, relia- R ble medicine, or constipation, in* p B digestion and ; ver trouble, is firm ly established. It docs not imitate I B othfer medicine i. It is better than B ojfiers, or it pould not be the fa- Eg ybritc liver po wdcr, with a larger I Sale than all oi hers combined. H I SOLD IN TOWN F2 | lite for is home-baked foods Ky ,LY PURE H J rder made W 4 ape Cream of Tartar < i of Deposit! rest at 4 per cent from date i o\ HENDERSON< ON, N\c. < )1U6 SI80^00.00 j .. C. Zollicob^r, Vice Pres. * t, Cashier. 4 m ; t' -s . -V-\- f V . . - > FIRST?NATIONS i ! money in m i t FIRST NATIOI Capital $25,000 - Surplus $12.0( k I Officers L President, Wm Hf RUFFlN I r / Director: F F. B. MoKinno Wm It ^ ? * ?-- ~ To 0 : Friendls /and j / ^ We have some b Ji^o pay Nov. 1st., Eby paying your/Accounts on or before be small, but ye pave hundreds of th f don't want tcropmress anyone, but to r collections. /YourWcount is due and i r come in ana pay it\by Nov. 1st. I Beasiey-Alstor nkEA?fii^?F? ; /VSsTCNsi ' Of Coarse You Want a Heati , to hold fire ove/night and\all that sort of tb ^ is that they /eat the room properly and th t / Loth'a Heaters 1 [ See Our Line Before Yo Fire Grates, Basket Grates, King Heaters, Bo <> '$"? .&'r':: . "- / . v vj" . , ' / ? _ . ' V . - J Iph High flyers don't ^ gJ get far, it is . those ^5/ ^ who stay close to <?> y ... the earth and plod along, putting a lit- ^ Hpp|tie in the bank each ?g ^',"1- week, that really ?j , " '"S* get ahead. So don't HitfWf*fly hirh' but put' h LAW.\r V* some-money in the g ikm -k- % ? r' \ w ' it ? maV bank % \ X) Deposit $110,000.00 Cashier, F. B. MeKINNE. ; T. Terrell W. H. Allen T. D. Tyack * . \ McKinne VN xsaii "VI ur | % Customers i and appeal to you to help us k that day. Your account may X em and they count up. We' ^ meet our bills we must make A igain we kindly ask you to i Drug Co. I i 'WWWWWW^WWWWWWWWWWW ^ X Sjijjpi^' I Lng Stove to Save Fuel X ling, but the most important thing A at tney are built so they will last. ? ami Do it. Z iu Buy Elsewhere X x Heaters, Cooking Stoves, Ranges ICKS, J " . ?.' V ' ' 'a.

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