? * ,:* ' ~ i < FRANKLINTON Our Regular ( Items of Interest 1 and Near Our Siste CLOSES ON s ?? ?Cotton 8 1-2 cents. ?Fleming Fuller is wearing a broad' smi e now?its an 8 pound boy. ?There is lots of cotton iir the fields yet, so we are informed by my many farmeis. ?Ira May ha> a little visitors at his house?a little girl?wlv? arrived last 8atdrdav morning. ? There were sold oil the Franklin-; ton market up to October :>Utl?, 1770 j bales of cotton. ?Look out for tlij Franklin Times * collectors and be ready -to hau l them 'the little" due. ?A. II. Vann is making preparations k to build a tine house on his lotion the Winston "Heights." ?The man and the two-geese-were on our streets Moidiy. repr senting - Mothers Goose Grease. ? I. V. Finlavsou, the very efficient "* operator of the S. A. L. office has been promoted to the place formerly held by Joe Moss. ?The Postoffie Department is putting in a Postal Saving bank in the office, here,. They were ready for business October 27 ?The Lyceum course have engaged a high class performance which will tiil an engagement here in the near future. The prices of admission will be the same. ?Calvin Brown, who has held a posi tion in Nuese for several months, has returned and taken the place formerly held by J. V. Fin lay son in S. A. L. telecraph office. We are glad to welcome you back Calvin. ?D. E. Bark ley has taken rooms at W. A. Whitfield's, while his new residence is being built. Mr. Bark lev informs us it will be a two story house and built on" the old colonial style and wilt cost between $8,000 and $10,000. ?C. H. Pratt and wife will spend the winter in Franklinton at the resi. dence of C. J. Ward, father of Mrs. Pratt. Mr. Pratt made a talk to the Sundav schools I^st Suntlav morning which was highly enjoyed by every . one. |?A runaway horse on lite sticets day caused quite a little excitement. 1 He soon unloaded the accupants of the buggy, and then proceeded to the cotton yard where lie tested the strength of several bales of cotton, by leaping over *hem buggy and all. ?Postmaster W. p. Edwards, attended the National League of postmasters which was held at Washington, D. C.t the past week. He reports a large t-, tendance of *'Uncle Sams" boys,"stamp! lickers" from the east, west, north ar;d J south were present in large, numbers. ; The addressess of the Third Assistant Postmater-General J. J. Britt, and] Fourth Assistant Postmaster-General. I P. V. DeGraw,. were both interesting! and instructive. Personeis f Mr. S. C. Ford is visiting his people in Louisljurg. Mrs. J. L, Rei<_l, of Kittrell, spent Monday in our city. Miss Martha Harris is visiting in Gotland Neck. Misses Geneva Jeffreys and Gertrude Winston, of oungsville, were visitors to town Tuesday. Mr. Fallis and wife have returned from Statesville and are at home this week at the hotel, ft Joseph Moss and daughter left Monday for Creedmore, where they will make (heir future home. Capt. W. F. Byrum and wife, of Our-1 ham, spent Sunday with his father, W. H. Byrum, on Clegg Heights. Colored Baptists Meet Next Week. At Frank linton, on Thursday before the first Sunday in November, the North Carolina Baptist State Convention (colored) will assemble with the Manassas |Baptist Church here, Rev: M C. Ransom, D. I)., pastor, at 9:30 a, m. and hold through Sunday. , Many very distinguished men and women from various States are to apeak; also, the Woman's Baptist State Auxiliary Convention meets at the same time and place. e A great meeting is looked forward to among the colored people. Rev. C. M. Carta right, D. D., RL. D? of Eden ton, is President of the Convention. Rsv. L. T. Christmas, of Raleigh, is the Stats Missionary. The convention is compoasd of all forms of auxiliaries of the Baptist State denomination. ' " in i . A prima donra doesn't always loose har temper when she goes up in the - . " 7 4 ? ' i - NEWS ITEMS 1 Zorrespondenl Gathered From in :rTown Each Week WEDNESDAY J 0 Pointed Parajrranhs Pessimism is the undigestedfrlit of experieuce. Every time you meet a grouch hand it a lemon. A practical joke is never what it's cracked up fo be. There are still a few legi'imato ways of acquiring wealth. Even the prude has occasional thoughts that she likes to think. ? A man isn't necessarily an artist be-! cause he*draws comparisons. ? I If-a henpecked mau visits yon, don't i try to make him fee' at home. Jot o lhe hot air comes from furnaces. Of course a man with a better half isn't ;!: whole thing. For Very Best Fancy | Groceries And Vegetables Come and aeeS. me or Phone 47.. I now have I a full supply of ..ICE.. 1 Place your orders early. ! J. W. King i CITIZENS BANK HENDERS The Paid in Capital. Earned Su . ut Stockhl Captital and Sur .All of which serves as a guarkr deqcis J. B. Owens, Pres. A W. A. Hun If it*a a rarface to Fall be painted, enlmeied, ttained, . raraiihed, or finished in any way, No tW.^AcmeQudhy faction Kind to fit the purpow. Fall fc ^floors, AU wii tive\an ( soured AC PA * It are the us wha will gi Qualitj * purpoa Strong Paiatii ' l- * . : ' McKDTNE FREE IF IT FAILS. Your Monoy Back if You Are Not' Satisfied With the Medicine We Recommend. We are so positive that our remedy , trill permanently relieve constipation, no matter how chronic it may be. that we offer to furnish tiie medicine at our expense should it fail to produce satisfactory results. It Is worse than useless to attempt to cure constipation with cathartic I drugs. Laxative or cathartics do much harm. They cause a reaction. Irritate, , and weaken the bowels and tend to make constipation more chronic. Besides, their ose becomes a habit that is dangerous. Constipation is caused by a weakness of the uerves and muscles of the large Intestine or descending colon. To ex pect permaueut relief you must therefore tone up and strengthen these organs and restore thorn to healthier no tlvity v' We want yem to try Itexall Orderlies on our recor:!or:ulat! ja. They are ex ceedingly ; 'eaAut to take, being eat en like candy, lml'arc ideal for chil dron. delicate pkrsor.-. an