aTf. johnson. Edltar and Manager Frida*,'jNpv.8 1311 1 TAR DROPS. , ?_ ?Next Monday is first Monday. ' ?The Girl from Rector's will play in * llenderaon on Saturday night. 1 ( " ? B T. Bailey is moving his family to the Hquck residence across Fox t Swamp. ? Rev. W. B. Morton is moving his i house-bold goods in his residence on east Nash, street. t ?The attention of our readers is call- r to the advertisement of W. H. Allen in another column. ?The Tuesday Club of Franklintion J will meet with Mrs. A. R. Winston j Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. t ?The attention of our readers is call- ^ ed to the averages made ht the River- a side Warehouso which will be found in ii another column. J ?The public school teachers will ho'd , their third meeting on Saturday, No- i vember 4th. The attendance hereto- 1 fore has been very gratifying. ?The Young Woman's Missionary Society of Franklinton wilt meet at the .Methodist Church Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock. A full attendance is desjjed. . , ?We are requested to state that the ( freight department of the Seaboard ^ depot at Louisburg 'will be closed at 5 o'clock in the evening from now through the winter months. ?For the benefit of our readers who ? do-not take a daily paper, we will pub- j lish the protest of the Attorneys-Gen- j _ eral to the America r^-Tobacco Confpa- ? ny's plans in our next issue. "**" ?We have been requested to call the j attention of the Superintendent of 1 electric lights to the lamps at the 1 comer 01 Spring and Cross streets, j The trouble seems to be that it fails to 1 give light. ?In the case of Person vs. Person, 1 which completed the past term of 1 Franklin Superior Court,and which was s not decided until after supper on Sat- 5 unlay night, the jury returned a ver- f diet in favor of the defendant. / 1 _____ ' J Rough Road Items* . Miss Jimmie Harris visited Miss Sal- T lie Joyner Sunday. ( Miss Willie Poythress, of Rocky | M unt, who has visiting her cousin, f Miss Salbe Joyner, has returned home, c There was a large crowd attended the prayer meeting at T. H. Joyner's Sunday night and was much enjoyed by alh " ' Pocomoke Items ' W Miss Nellie Perry died at her home near Pocomoke, the 16th of October. She was about 18 years. old and had been in feeble health.- for several I months. Rev. W. W. Rose held the ? funeral service, and she was tenderly v laid. to rest in the cemetei y at Pope's. 1 Her grave was left decorated with ' beautiful flowers. The life she lived ? makes us beleive that she is resting in t the home of Jesus. a W. J. Jones attended the fair at J Oxford. n H. P. Howell and wife from Louis- | burg, spent several days in this com- j m unity last week. Miss Lucie Jones spent Saturday and Sundav with her people at Pocomoke. ? . _ _ . .1 1 itoy jen res, Misses Maggie oook ana Corrinnt* Holmes were visitors here last week. The death of John Conyers a few weeks ago cast a gloom over our com- t munity. He was *about 12 years old, t and was greatly beloved by those who J knew him. We extend our sympathy j( to the bereaved. Drusk Harris. , c *? ? ??? r Mile Rook Items. jj As you haven't heard from us in some n time we will* send in a few lines of e news to let you know we are still among f the living. The farmers around here are all feel- ing verv glad because they are alniosf through picking cotton. Mrs. J. |R. Wheeler and daughter t. spent Sunday at Mrs. Rufie Wheeler. J Miss Irene Holmes, of near Old Mile ' Rock, spent Sunday with Mrs. Ed t Layton. On Thursday night September 21, J 1911, about seven o'clock, the death t angel came at the home _ of " Mr. Charlie Lambreth and claimed for his own, his wife, Elnore. She was\>7 years of age and was a nu mber of Plat Rock Baptist " church. She lived a faithful christian life and was loved by all who knew her for she always carried a sweet smile on her face every where slje went. Mrs. G?Lambreth haves a devoted hut I and and her farther and mother, four sisters, Mrs. Jack Haywood. Mrs. Ed Williams, Mrs T. J Holmes and Miss Mattie Cooke, and five brothers,C. M., J. D., T. W., and P. G. Cooke ar.d a hoat of friends and relatives. Her remains wete tenderly laid to rest In the old family burying ground. Best wishes to the Trass and its readers. / | ' r Brown Eyes. ! * ? . i . ? Reflations or a Bachelor All a man twmi to need to do a foolish thing is to know better. There's a world ot hopes; there's a miverse of disappointments. Some men are so unlucky all the time that they can't set hold of any noney, even in a dream. It takes only talent for a woman to < jet a man in love with her;it lakes v 1 (enius to keep him there. When a girl hates to be kissed, it's < a sign it isn't the right man. I Expense meets you at the start; you ' nay catch income at the fiuish. ' Beingjwise in business dosen't mean l man can't be a fool in everything else. What makes a man so excited in an irgument is he resolved at the start lot to be. t A Father's Vengeance rould have fallen on any one who at- | _ acked the son of Peter Bondy, of South ; * lockwood, Mich , but he was powerless lefore attacks of Kidnat trouble. "Docors could not help him/' he Wrote, 'so . .t last we gave him Elecnac Bitters 1 nd he improved wo/derfullyjf rom tak- i? ng six bottles.\ lm the best Kidney ?, nedicine I eversajg." Backache, Tired 1 eeling. Nervousness, Loss of Apretite, r rarn of Kidneyyu-onble that may end n dropsy, diaoeces oiNllrigbt's disease. Jeware: Take ElcctricNBitters and be afe. Every hpttle guaranteed. 50c at tycock Drug Co. \ s (Jood Saies. The following sales of totjicco show- f ng such Mgh \vcrages wne made at he Riverside Independent Warehouse i lie past week: \ J V. B. Collinsl 1 bafrn tips, 1040 >ounds 9319.28. \ J 1 W. K Massenb Arg, 151 pounds, 22Jc; ; i2 pounds, 184c; *Ly pounds, 19c; 114 \ lounds, 18c; 30 pauses, 134c; 80 p mnds I 8c; 32 pounds, 14c. Total pounds, 1 183, $125.55. /\ A. M. Gardner, /l4 bounds, 174c; 164 s >ounds, 20c; 195 33c; 60 pounds ugv., w puunaB, *zc; liu pounds, 20c; '60 pounds, Mi; 54 pounds, lljc; 60 ' lounda, 12Jc. Total pounds 1137, $263.- i K. J. BunJtt, '18 poinds, 12c; 120 | rounds, 18m; 128 pounds, 12JC; 73 rounds, 37c; fO pounds, 27c\ 61 poundt i 6c; 61 pounds, 20c; 28 poinds, 17 Jc; j 7 pounds J 20c; 81 pounA, 15Jc ; 2( rounds, 2at; 22 pounds, 38c\7 pounds J 3}c; 192 rounds, 10c. Total pt^nds 898, 1 "I do not belimse there is any other j nedlcine so good/lta- whooping cough as 1 lhamberlain's dou^h Remedy," writes 1 irs. Francis TKirpi\ Junction City, Ire. This remedy is \lso unsurpassed . or colds and croup. For sale by all ! lealers. Some people could figure out it was 1 fun to shallow tacks if common folk i ladn't the means to. Much that passes for real wisdom is ' rothing but nonesense. Saved Many From Death. I W. L. JJock, of Mock, Ark., believes 1 le has saved many lives/in his 26 years j if experience in the /drug business. ( 'What I always like to do," he j yrites, "is to recommend Dr. King's ^ lew Discovery for weak, sora/lungs, j lard colds, h, jroaifeeness, obstinate ? oughs, la grippe\eroup, astlma or t ther bronchial affedcion, for I feel sure ( hat a number of mrneighbors are alive ,nd well todav because they took my r dvice to use it. J/honestly believe It's ? he best throat andlung medicine that's J aade," Easy to prove he ft right. Get trijd bottle free, or regular 50c or 1.00 bpttle. Guarante-d by Aycock " >rugGa___ i FOKfALE 0 pounds goose ^feathers, 40e per round. Apply to.f\ ' jno. neai. For LSale. One tract of goqd land, consisting of wenty acres, will make a bale of coton per acre, belonging to J. H. Deblam and adjoining the lands of J. G. lurphy, S. S. Debnair and J. N. Davi. It is loibted cioae to White Level liurch and acailmny,/ with good feed * oom and stablesX Arlso one nice mule I nd harness, andNfnicc milch cow, 8 Iso a nice store hfhee and stock of literchandise and hopseHjoltl and kitch- , ii insmuic, ? iijl oi ^rraing tools. 1 'or further infomration apply to a 7 J. b. Debkam, a R. F. D. I, Louisburg, N. C. Having this day qimlitted as adminis- I ratrix of the estatA of Mre. ltettie ? loore, deceased,'latuAf; Franklin couny, this^ to noti'ys?l*>ersons holding v laims-against ssiaveAqie to present 8 he same to the undersignetk^m or he- t ore the 31st day of (7&obeET>i912, or his notice will lie plead iK bar oNMieir ecovery. All petsons owing said ehr ate will please come forward anm nake immediate settlement. t This, the 31st day of October, 1912. | Miss Florence Moors, Administratrix. ' rm BAKING P Absolute, The only ilaklng from Royal Crape NO ALUM, NO LI V Ffljr ^gtir Rent A fix t*^wtory dwelling on Main streeaCn souwi aide of Tar river. Apply to vr, H. I'lXASM^TS Jr. Cabbage Plapti. For good Early JetwfWakefle'd cat* sage plants at^l.O^Hr 1,000 or special jricee for l?ra*r Quantities, see the >ld reliabler, Joe Strickland or Andrew frasier, Katesville, N. C. lost "toeblack hound dog with ring around lis ueck and hasiwhite'legs. Also one vhite and yellow nound. Finder will' )e rewarded by/returning them to -n \/'. W H Allci, N, Louisburg, N. C. Public Ekarrftination. The last exaidinatVnr for the teachers rill be held Tlfursdaytf November 9th, icginning at 10:30 a. A, R\B. Whit*, J Count* SPperitendeet. 7 Loft. V October 24-11 between Xouisburg, 1. C . and O. Wilder's store one ;old band ring abut 5-10 of an indh i^'ule with 18k stamped on the inside, 'he linder will be lpewtily rewarded if eturned to the Times office at once. Notice. 1 have opened ny shop again and have i man who can i latter all kinds of work ihd an extra hoi 3e-feiu>er and also have i shoeing stock to slhHjvariqus teams ind will thank < ach cnir^all Tor. their mtronage. W. H. Moseley. PHOTOGRAPH fcALLERY AT 0 FRANK LINTON Bayard Woolen, North Caiolila'a National Gaapd Photographer. ?rill open up busiriesi aVFranklinton. der portraits, lana scap^sand other vork won first premium At State Fair asi week. Call at/her gallery lor the >est pictures. * ?ALE OF VALUABLE TpWN LOTS. By viture of the power of sale contained n a deed of trust made and executed >n the 2nd- day of May, 1910 by Anthony T. Neal and wife SalHe Ann Neal to Ben T. Holden, Trustee, which is of record in Franklin County Registry Book 162 at page 49} default hayingbeen made in }be payment of the note thereby secured, I Will sell at public suction to the highest bidder for cash it the courthouse djborin Lonisbug, N. C. on the 4}h dayrof December 1911 at about the hpkir of nopn the following described real estate and towrr>4otB. Viz: 1st tract toituited in the town of Louisburg and btunJeri as follows On the north and earn ay the lot of Griffin fcBeaeley on thoWest by Main street leading over they bridge and on the joutja by tar riydr, 16 feet front running pack 20 feotiind being the lot on the east side of Maui stre- tupon which is erected a brjfck\ building or store house, 2nd tradt beginning at a rocx, corner of WileWMay's on Franklintern road, thence n xM.wt3 poles 8 links to May's corner ui PhL Williams Jine thence s 31 nwfl2 polls 16 links to Hilliard Yarboro'j Austin Green and Daniel Hazolwoocjs corner, thence along laid road n a e 12 poles 10 links to the beginning, containing one acre more or lesg and conmrising the two lots occupied by bothla. T. Neal and vife and HJA. Toole aim wife. 3rd tract That portion of land lyng on th? northern bank of Tar river >n the eaft side of Main Street extendng to the lot upon whicliis located A. T. Neal shop and extending back 50 eet tee the Griffin & Beasley stables ind extending thence inYa 'ine with he western end of said stables to the iver* A'so all right title cVim interest and demand of whatsoever kind and >ature ?he said A. T. Nealand wife Saliie Ann Neal have in any and all >ther lands. This Nov 2nd., 1911 BEN. T. HOLDEN, Trustee. TO BEEF USERS This is\o infirm you that I have ought outSjhe teef business of J. D. dill on NasnV^reet and will continue ame at the [sane place. Further you vill take notice tlwit on and after Nov. at., I wiil ulact^ny business on a . strictly casl basis\ This means tha't .11 beef leaving my hoarket must be aid for on Ailivery. lNshall have no iets but male all pay clteh. By this neans 1 can/sell cheaper \nd furnish! letter service at the sarr.e\ime save nyself frim losing interest on in-1 estment of the entire bill. Will be lad to hait your trade but will haye orequire yl>u to pay cash. I Ti G. HILL yP. S. I want to buy your hides, will iay highest market price for same. raT >OWDER 1y Pure I Powder made _ Cream of Tartar ME PH08PHATE y 'a * _ . ^ ' ^-y" NATION i Rdtwf I MONEY IN TRE) i ^CopyugLl 1/09, by C.-E. Z.inhicrmaa Cv.--7.?. 17 CO g = P- - _ . -. --/ f riDCT M atjA M isj i inaa i iy Capital $25,000 Surplus S12.C X /?Officers A / Nfresident, Wm H. RUFFffi f /Directo: ( F. B. McKinne Wm. Hi Ruffin F. H. Allen K. P. Hill IJ. XNVH TVMOL I To C I Friends and, We have some bills to pay NovAst., X by paying your accounts on ov beSfori be small, but we have hundreds of\t X don't want to oppress anyone, but t collections. Your account As due and X come in and pay it by Nojr. 1st. II I I Beasley-Alstoi f, X UBjfiO j| I Ch^ppinjj; wotaflmay n X (XBu ! butU is certain that tl a ( fin 'it maV be rufrde less by X IWrHj, L. that isVnage right. T X IMm lworth every j|' /'DIAMOND X .Hatchets; Hammers, Csqss Cut /. Drills, Bracei Lnh.mnm.nm \ ' t0\\ High flyers don't ? ^ /get far, it is those jpE*-i ^ who stay close to X jseg&j( J the earth and plod r al?ng, putting a lit- ^ tie in the bank each 2 M^-'V week, that really co ? v get ahead. So don't I * fl/Atrp fly high, but .put > -fl.Jjm.YV* some money in the' q PKbank- ?^ , w NAL BANK t >00 \ Deposit $110,000.00 T V -'"X Cashier, F.\b. "cKINNE. 'i rs X J^T. Terrell W. H. Allen T. D. Tyack BvlS^Kinne ^ LVN 1SS1A Kir ^ I / Customers I and appeal to you to help us J e that day. Your account may & hem and they count up. We ? meet our bills we must make A I \ ?: ?? i o^ain we Kinaiy asK you to ^ ====== | i Drug Co. | jj ' 4AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ot be a pleasure,^ _ ? hard work of * X ' the use of an ax X ry a "Diamond X cent it X EDGE" ' * Saws, Hand Saws, Files, X 3, Etc. IICKS, I N ? ?

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